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Interview Success

Effective Interview Techniques

Program Overview
         What Recruiters Look For Preparing for the Interview Modes of Interviewing Types of Interviews Interview Process Overview Typical Interview Format Sample Questions Second Interviews Making the Right Decision

What Recruiters Look For

y Recruiters are looking for demonstrated examples of Critical Behaviors:
Leadership Analytical Skills Problem Solving Skills Teamwork Communication Skills Creativity Passion/Interest in Industry

y You can draw from RPI, professional, undergraduate & extracurricular activities to showcase your abilities y You need to show how your past successes & experiences will allow you to be successful at their organization

Preparing for the Interview

Step 1: The Self-Interview
 Know your strengths & weaknesses  Determine your employment interests; what do you want to do and why  Reflect on your values; what s most important to you  Be prepared to cite several examples of experiences, accomplishments, successes

Preparing for the Interview

y Step 2: Research
 Review employer website/literature  Develop targeted questions concerning employer and job  Attend Informational Meetings  Be sure you know what the company stands for, its culture, and why you want to work for them!

Preparing for the Interview

y Step 3: Practice!!
       Review common questions Schedule mock interview Prepare list of questions Be alert to body language & eye contact SMILE Speak clearly; listen carefully Match your skills/experiences with jobs

Modes of Interviewing
     On-campus Interviews Telephone Screening Video Interviews Interviews Over a Meal The Site Visit/Second Interview

Types of Interviews
      Self-Analytic Interviews Fact Finding Interviews What If Interviews Problem Solving/Case Interviews Critical Behavior Interviews Role Playing Interviews

Interview Process Overview

Typically consists of 2 3 rounds of interviews Interviews last between 30 45 minutes Mix of general, behavioral, situation/case questions

Typical Interview Format

        Introductions/Ice Breakers Discussion of Positions/Opportunities Candidate Assessment (Sell Yourself!) Pose Questions Make Them Good! Conclusion/Find Out Next Steps Assess Your Performance Send Thank-You Note Follow-up!

General Interview Tips

       Arrive 10 minutes early Dress professionally wear a business suit Focus & relax Be Yourself! Develop a firm handshake Be confident, enthusiastic, truthful Allow interviewer to lead Expect the unexpected!

Post Interview Assessment

Was it evident that you have a clear understanding of your self? Did you prove that you researched the company and the job? Did you show the match between the job, your technical skills and experience? What can you do to improve for the next interview?

Post Interview Assessment

Did you successfully discuss your education and extracurricular activities? Were you composed, honest, confident? Did you look and act professional? Were you energetic, enthusiastic and positive?

Sample Questions
    Tell me about yourself. Walk me through your resume. What are your strengths/weaknesses? Give me an example of a situation that tested your leadership ability.  Tell me about a time that you had to do something you didn t enjoy.  Describe your greatest accomplishment.  How would you define success?

When the Offers Come In

Choosing the Right Job The Art of Salary Negotiation What About Fringe Benefits Your Word is Your Honor Notify Employers/CDC of Your Decision

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