Course Format Eastward Enlargement of The Eu

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ERASMUS credit course Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania Political Science Department Lecturer: Assoc. Prof.

Vladislav B. Sotirovic

Eastward Enlargement of The European Union 1


of instruction:
Eastward Enlargement of The European Union

English Academic cyrcle: Bachelor degree studies Local credits: 4 ECTS credits: 6 Semester: One


activities and teaching methods: 1. Lectures 2. Seminars 3. Individual consultations Topics are composed by the East European national/state case studies
Eastward Enlargement of The European Union 3


methods and
Eastward Enlargement of The European Union

criteria: Seminar participation 20% One seminar presentation 40% Exam (written) 40% Contact hours per week: 4 Lecture 90 min. Seminar 90 min.

Assoc Prof. Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic Faculty of Politics and Management Political Science Department Office I-57, phone: (+3705) 2740 611
Eastward Enlargement of The European Union 5

Eastward Enlargement of The European Union

E N J O Y!

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