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Chapter 2:

Cell The Basic Unit of Life

What is a cell?
A cell is the basic unit of all living things. The cell structures can be observed by using a microscope.

The structure of a microscope.

a. k. j. i. h.

b. Body tube
c. d. e. f. g.

Eye piece Objective lens Body tube Coarse focus knob Fine focus knob Arm and base Clip Stage Diaphragm Mirror Condenser

To magnify the image of the specimen To magnify the specimen To hold the eye piece at a fixed distance away from the objective lens To raise or lower the body tube quickly for focusing To raise or lower the body tube gently for sharp focusing For holding and supporting the microscope To hold the slide on the stage in position To put the slide on To control the amount of light entering the lens To direct reflected light towards the diaphragm To concentrate light from the mirror onto the specimen

Plant cell and animal cell

Structures found in a plant cell and an animal cell and their functions

Structures found in a plant cell and an animal cell and their functions

Similarities between plant cell and animal cell:

(a) has a cell membrane (b) has cytoplasm (c) has a nucleus

Differences between plant cell and animal cell

Unicellular Organisms
An unicellular organism consists of only one cell. Examples of unicellular organisms are Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena and zooplankton. Unicellular organisms (single cell organisms) can carry out all the life processes such as movement, response, respiration, digestion, excretion, reproduction and growth. Microorganisms are very fine organisms. They can only be seen under a microscope. Majority of microorganisms are unicellular. Examples include protozoa, bacteria and viruses.

Multicellular organisms

A multicellular organism consists of many cells. Examples of multicellular organisms are butterfly, ant, Hydra and Spirogyra. Multicellur organisms have specialized cell with different functions.


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