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*Balance in nature is a condition in which all the naturally occurring processes are in balance with one another * a balanced condition also exists in interactions between organisms and organism and their environment. * naturally occurring cycles that maintain the balance in nature include : 1.the nitrogen cycle 2.the carbon cycle 3. The water cycle THE NITROGEN CYCLE -nitrogen content in natrure can be maintained through ______________ - nitrogen in atmosphere is converted into _______________ that can be used by living organism

1. * carbon dioxide gas in atmosphere is absorbed by green plants for the

-Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and lightning fix nitrogen in the atmosphere while denitrifying bacteria,returns nitrogen into atmosphere. THE CARBON CYCLE Maintain ____________________content in the atmosphere. Carbon element in atmosphere is removed ,transferred through organism and finally returned to the ________________ _________________process. * Carbon element is converted into carbon compounds (organic compound)in plant tissues such as carbohydrate ,protein and fat.

2. * when organic compound are eaten,the carbon elements is converted

into _________________

Science Form5 || Miss Erina

3. carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when plants and

animals carry out _____________________process.

2. * water vapour in the atmosphere gathers to form ___________

* clouds condense and eventually they falls as __________or snow

4. * when plants and animals die,plant residue and animals carcasses are
decomposed into ________through _________________process by decomposers such as bacteria and fungi (microorganisms). * carbon dioxide that is released returns to the atmosphere. 5.Plants and animals that are buried underground trasnsform into fuel such as charcoal,_________,_________,and natural gas over million of years. Fuel combustion brings carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. Carbon + oxygen -------------- carbon dioxide

3. * water from rivers and underground streams flow back into the sea.
* plants use water to survive.

WATER CYCLE 1. water is needed by oil organisms for their survival. 2.the balanced of water in nature is maintained through ___________________

1. * water is released into the atmosphere through:

(a) evaporation (formation of water vapour) (b)transpiration (occurs in green plants) * apart from that, water is also released into the atmosphere through combustion and ______________ processes in living things

Science Form5 || Miss Erina


1. energy is transferred from one organism to another organism through _______________ 2. several food chains can be combined to form _____________ 3. in a food web, organism interact with one another to obtain food and a flow of energy occurs from the _____________to the ___________ 4. in a food web, green plants absorb solar energy to make food. 5. consumers that eat producers and consumers that eat another consumers allow energy to flow through a food web 6. when producers or consumers die, _______________such as bacteria and fungi will decompose complex substances into simple substances that can be reused by green plants to make food. The flow of energy starts all overe again. 7. in a natural environment ,energy flow ina food web is balanced. All living organism need energy to undergo living processes.

Examples : (a)_________________ (d)________________ (b)_________________(e)________________ (c)_________________(f)_________________ -natural disasters threaten the balance in nature when it takes the lives or organism ,change the Earth s physical condition (damages living habitats), and threatens the cycle of nature. - when an ecosystem is destroyed or damaged by natural disaster, it will gradually develop to reach a ________________. A new ecosystem is built. There is not one living species which can take over the whole ecosystem. - in a way,natural disasters help to control the number or organisms or population in an ecosystem.


Environmental pollution= degradation of the quality of the environment due to the increase of substances that threaten the balance of nature and the health of living things. Source of pollution include : (a) uncontrolled use of fossil fuel such as ___________, ______________ and _________


NATURALA DISASTER = natural phenomenon that brings destruction to the environment.

Science Form5 || Miss Erina

(b) disposal of waste materials such as by-products of industries,toxic materials, radioactive material,smoke and heat from factories. (c) uncontrolled use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides in agriculture. (d) garbage disposal such as plastic, food residue,solid materials and sewage disposal. (e) noise,smoke and poisonous gas emitted by vehicles andn machines (f) the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) such as in aerosols, air conditioners and refrigerators. - generally, environmental pollution has a negative effect on the environment . it : (a) threatens human health (b) destroys ______________ (c) causes the _______________ of species (d) causes loss of economic resources (e) damages the beauty of nature.

massive deforestation increases the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere and eventually forms a ______________________ in the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide layer prevents the heat close to the Earth s surface from escaping into space. This effect is known as the _______________________ Heat that is trapped on the Earth causes the _____________________ to increase. This phenomenon is known as ____________________. An increase in global warming has resulted in the __________of the polar ice caps,leading to ___________________ Living habitats along the shores and in lowlands all over the world will soon become submerged in water.


Ozone layer is a layer of ozone gas that lays in the stratosphere of the Earth s atmosphere. The ozone layer __________ the earth from the dangerous __________________ of the Sun The use of ______________________(CFC) in ___________,_________________,and ______________ has lead to the thinning (depletion) of the ozone layer. The disposal of these materials has also lead to large amounts of ______________________(CFC) being releases into the atmosphere. Cholofluorocarbons (CFC) that are released into the atmosphere decompose ozone molecules into oxygen molecules. This phenomenon is called the _______________________________________________ Science Form5 || Miss Erina


The hole in the ozone layer allows ultraviolet rays to _______________and reach the Earth.


y y Exposure to ________________due to the thinning of the ozone layer bring adverse effects to all living things on Earth. Can cause : (a) skin cancer (b)cataracts in which the eye lens become opaque (c) reduce crop production (d)lower the body s immune system against diseases (e) destroys aquatic organisms such as plankton,the main producer in food chains and the main supplier of oxygen.

Science Form5 || Miss Erina

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