English Test

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Neuroniozinhos - GAAPP

English Test (8 ano) Food A- Read the following text attentively: Fast food or slow food? It is OK to eat fast food occasionally but fast food is high in fat and calories. So, if you often eat a hamburger and chips you can easily become obese. You must eat home made food because it is healthier. Everybody knows that fast food is cheap and quick. However fast food is not tasty as home made food. Young people prefer to eat pizzas, hamburgers and French fries but they should eat soup instead. Fast food companies spend lots of money to make people believe that fast food is cool. The average American eats three hamburgers with French fries a week. Is it surprising that 14% of American teenagers are obese? Health care is devoted to create new eating habits so that we can have a healthier generation. Obesity can lead to other diseases such as diabetes and hear strokes. This is why America is now starting to fight back against the fast food companies. They are stopping serving fast food in school cafeterias and restaurants serving traditional food are opening everywhere.

B- Find evidence in the text for the following sentences: 1-There s no problem if you eat fast food now and then. 2-Fast food is not expensive. 3-Advertisements convince people to eat fast food. 4-About a quarter of American teenagers are very fat. 5-Schools and other places are banishing fast food.

C-Answer the following question on the text: 1- What are the consequences of eating too much fast food? 2- What are the differences between fast and home made food? 3-Why is health care devoted to create new eating habits? E- Complete the following sentences with these conjunctions: As and or when although but because 1-I like salad with dressing __ I like salad without it. 2- Don t eat so much fast food __you will get fat. 3-I like coffee __ I don t like Irish coffee. 4- I must close the door __it is very cold. 5- __ she doesn t exaggerate, she is getting fat. 6- __i went to the supermarket I bought a pile of chocolates. 7-__ he was getting fat, he went on a diet. G- Add a question tag to each statement: 1-She eats fruit to get fit, __? 2-He doesn t like ice cream, __? 3- I m too fat, __? 4- They will have problems,__? 5- He didn t go to MacDonald s, __?

D-Find out the odd word and circle it: 1- Yoghurt-milk-butter-veal-cheese 2- Pork-beef-cow-veal-chicken 3- Tomatoes-lettuce-carrot-cucumber-dressing 4- Cow-chicken-ox-pig-steak 5- Apple-orange-ice cream-strawberry-plum

F- Rewrite the following sentences as suggested: 1- He ate a sandwich an hour ago. a)Interrogative b)negative 2-They go to a restaurant for their wedding anniversary. a) simple past b)future 3-She eats too much fast food. a) Future affirmative b) future negative

H- Choose one of the following topics and write about 50 words on it: a) Fast food or home food, which is your favourite food? b) My best holidays ever.

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