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 What is computer?

 History  Types of Computer  Advantages  Disadvantages  Conclusion

Definition: is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data/information, and provides output in a useful format.

 8,500BC - Bone carved with prime numbers found 1000BC to 500BC - Abacus invented

1500 - Leonardo DaVinci worlds first mechanical calculator

1822 - Charles Babbage (Father of Computing) drafted Babbage Difference Engine, England

1843 - Ada Byron Lovelace computer program to calculate Bernoulli numbers, England

1943 - Turing COLOSSUS the first programmable computer, England 1946 - ENIAC first electronic computer, U.S.A. 1969 - ARPANET Department of Defense lays groundwork for Internet, U.S.A. 1991 - World Wide Web consumer Internet access, CERN,Tim Berners-Lee Switzerland/France Current Technologies include word processing, games, email, maps, and streaming

Personal computer (PC)









Wearable computer

 Massive increase in productivity (E-Commerce)  Make work done effective, fast and much easier  Gain knowledge  Storage of vast amounts of information  Instant communication all over the world  Works as an entertainment tools

 Bring impact on labour force  Violation of copyrights  Children could get exposure of website that not meant for viewing  Made student become lazy in their study  Addiction to computer affect health risk  Identity theft and virus threat

Computers obviously have both good and bad points Important to the young generation People ought to know how to use new technology keeping safeness and not abusing it

The End
Thank You For Listening
Presented by: Siva Poh Chin Teik Koon Ivan Tan Li Huan Li Lian

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