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IN CONSIDERATION of my receiving a revocable permission to enter the premises for non-motorized recreational purposes the undersigned, on behalf of the undersigned and on behalf of all minors for which the undersigned is authorized to sign, agrees to all of the terms and conditions of this document. IN THIS AGREEMENT, the term event/season preparation activities or activities shall include, but not be limited to: walking/hiking the property, entrance to buildings, huts and/or barns which are marked as being available to the undersigned to enter during normal daytime operating hours, inspection or use of resort machinery and equipment, grooming and activity preparation, providing a service whether voluntarily or contractually paid, for pleasure as an invited guest or business, or conducting any other form of activity or service. The premises to which the permission to enter is being granted are owned by Kate Wickstrom, aka Sugar Loaf Ski Resort and are leased from the owner by Sugar Loaf Mountain Club. The premises do not include any RESTRICTED AREAS (defined as any area requiring special authorization, credentials, or permission to enter or any area to which admission by the general public is restricted or prohibited).In recognition of the possible dangers (including death) to which I may voluntarily subject myself or the minors with respect to whom I have authority to act in participating in any of the event/season preparation activities. I, the undersigned, _______________________________, being over the age of eighteen (18) years, HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. I acknowledge, agree, and represent that I have read and agree to follow the regulations associated with this agreement and understand that my privileges may be revoked at anytime, including, without limitation, in the event there is a violation of regulations or this agreement. 2. I knowingly, freely and voluntarily assume any and all risks of injury to myself or any minor on whose behalf I am signing, including death, and loss or damage to property whether the activities are inherent to the activities or not, while present at or around the premises or property, or while participating in the activities or any activity incidental to the activities on or around the premises or property. I further acknowledge, agree and represent that immediately upon entering the premises, if at any time, I feel that anything is unsafe, I will immediately advise the Sugar Loaf Mountain Club of such and if necessary, will leave the area and refuse to participate further in the above describe event. 3. It is my intention by signing this document to give up my (and any minors) right to sue and I knowingly, freely and voluntarily, for myself (and for any minor), my or the minors estate, my or the minors heirs, personal representatives and assigns, waive and release any and all claims, demands, causes of action, suits in law and in equity of whatever kind or nature, arising as a result of my participation in any activities, on or around the premises or property, from which any liability may or could accrue to any of the following persons or entities: Kathleen Wickstrom, her heirs or agents, mortgage holders, Sugar Loaf Resort, BellaSam Corp, the Sugar Loaf Mountain Club, or others associated with the property or any family members, representatives, officers, directors, employees and/or agents of any of them (herein known as the Releasees). I RELEASE ALL LIABILITY AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE FOR ANY AND ALL LOSS OR DAMAGES, AND ANY CLAIM OR DEMANDS THEREFOR ON ACCOUNT OF INJURY TO THE PERSON OR PROPERTY OR RESULTING IN DEATH OF THE UNDERSIGNED A MINOR FOR WHOM I HAVE SIGNED ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE EVENT(S), WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE. 4. I hereby agree, for myself and my estate, my heirs, personal representatives and assigns (and for all minors for whom I have authority to sign), from the date of this Agreement, and forever hereafter, to indemnify, hold harmless and to not hold the Releasees responsible for any injury or death occasioned by participation in any activities on or around the premises or property, or my or a minors presence on or around the premises or property, whether or not such injury results from participation in the activities or otherwise, and whether or not such injury results from the negligence of any party, including the Releasees, whether passive or active. I agree to hold the Releasees harmless and blameless for any such injury or death. Should I, my estate, my heirs, personal representatives or assigns, (or any person on whose behalf I am acting) institute any action against any of the Releasees arising out of any injury (including death) or property, as a result of participation in the activities on or around the property, or as a result of my presence on or around the property, then and in that event, I for myself and my estate, my heirs, legal representatives and assigns, hereby agree to pay all costs of such action, including actual

reasonable attorney fees incurred by the Releasees. 5. I intend for this to be, and understand that this is, a legally binding Agreement and that but for the Agreement, the Releasees would not permit me to be on or around the Property or any real property, premises, facilities, land, water or other property owned or controlled by any of the Releasees. I further agree that this Agreement extends to all acts of negligence by the Releasees, including negligent rescue operations and is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of Michigan. 6. I agree, that in the event I use any of the equipment associated with the property, that I am licensed/certified/qualified and competent to operate such equipment and I take full responsibility for any events associated with the equipment, including, without limitation: damage as a result of my neglect, accident or even death. I agree that no cameras will be allowed unless permitted by owner. Any pictures will be for the promotion of the resort and its events, and not for malicious distribution. I agree that any damage to the premises or property committed by me or those under my authority, will be restored at my expense and if such can not be restored, I will reimburse the owner for damages. I agree that each and every vendor and their team under my supervision or control, will sign this same release and all releases will be delivered to the Sugar Loaf Mountain Club. I will also keep Owner and the Sugar Loaf Mountain Club appraised prior to entry of the property, who will be escorting me. I agree to assist at all times, asking unauthorized individuals to leave the property, and to also protect at all times, the property including the out buildings, lodge, barns, huts, etc., from unlawful entry and/or vandalism. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, COVENANT NOT TO SUE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS. I UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND HAVE SIGNED IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT, ASSURANCE OR GUARANTEE BEING MADE TO ME AND INTEND MY SIGNATURE TO BE COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY TO THE GREATEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO this _____ day of ______________________, 20____. _____________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________ Printed Name _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Signature - Owner or Agent

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