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Akshit Raj Ankit Mehta Anisha Harsh Ashish Anand

1. Cost Oriented Pricing 2. Market Oriented Pricing 3. Pioneer Pricing 4. Psychological Pricing 5. Promotional Pricing

1.Cost Oriented Pricing

Mark-up Pricing ii. Target ROI Pricing iii. Early cash recovery Pricing

Mark up Pricing  In this method a standard mark-up is added to the fixed and variable cost of the product. ii ) Target ROI Pricing  In this method the ROI is criteria for fixing the price. iii ) Early cash recovery pricing  In this method companies want to recover the investment they have made

2.Market Oriented Pricing

i ) Perceived value pricing In this method the customer s perception about the product is the primary consideration to fix the price. ii ) Going Rate pricing In this method competitor s price is the benchmark for price setting.

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