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Matam of Imam Alhuseyn a.

s Is Allowed and Sunnah by Quran and Sunni


1. The Prophet(pbuh) said; whoever on the day of Aashura weeps for my son
Husein a.s,Allah will please that person at the day of Judgment.
#Isba,Vol 1,P226 by ibn Hajar#

2. Ibn Abbas lost his eye sight due to weeping over Ali(a.s),Hasan(a.s) and
#Muruj al Dahab by Masoodi,Vol1,P392#

3. When Hasan al Basri heard the Imam Huseyn's Martydoom,he cried biterly.
#Ya Nabi al Mavadah,P329#

4. Imam Abi Bakar al Haythami Narates,I heard the Jins Mourning for Husein
ibn Ali a.s.
#Maima al Zawaid,V9,P199#

5. The sky Started weeping for Imam Husein a.s.

By wahabi Molvi Nawab Sideeq Hassan Khan Bhopali in Tafseer fatah ul

6. Sara beat her face after the death of Abraham.

#Al Quran,51:29#

7. Narated Ali ibn Abi Talib,on the death of Prophet Mohamad pbuh,Ali striking
his thigh with hands.
#Sahi al Bukhari,V9,B92,P446#

#Sunan al Nasai,V3,P305#
#Sahi al Muslim,V1,P29#

8. Fatima Zehra s.a beat her head on Prophet Muhamad's death.

#Madarijul Nubuwah,V2,P163#

9. Hazrat Bilal beat his head on Prophet's death.

#Al Nubuwah,V2,P441#

10. Allah don't like the Mourning voices but for one who's Mazloom.
#Sura Nisa,148#
#Tafser ibn Kaser,V2,P20#

11. The Mourning of Adam for his wife eve leads such a deep weakness such
that he seemed like a skelton.
#Miraj ul Nubuwah,chapter 1,P248#

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