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Sassan Caspiani AP Statistics Period 2 The 2012 Elections Under Coverage Bias According to the article, the poll

was taken in the states Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Throughout the article, the author is related the results to all of America by stating Americans would likely prefer to fast-forward to the end of the campaign than watch it unfold. This is an Under Coverage Bias because only 12 states out of the current 50 are being represented in this poll. This makes it inaccurate to relate this poll to Americans. Describing Distributions with Numbers The results of the poll about the 2012 Elections were separated into 3 different categories: Political Affiliation, Gender, and Age Groups. With these different categories it is shown what the population in the 12 states believes about the election. Between 16-33 percent of the population want the elections to begin, and 65-80 percent of the population wants the elections to end. The distributions between each category and within each category are roughly the same. These shows as whole, the 12 states, would more favor that the elections in 2012 for the presidency to end rather than begin.

This is most likely due to the state of the economy. As of now, both Democrats and Republicans are stalling until the end of the presidential election for economic reforms. As a result, the economy will remain stable and the people of the United States of America are not benefitting due to the battle between republicans and democrats. Once Barrack Obama becomes reelected or a republican candidate becomes elected, new reforms can be set down for review and hopefully passed to aid American out of this devastating recession.

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