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Sample 1

Ali is twelve years old. He is studying at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Jana. He lives at Kampung Seri Jana. His hobby is reading. He is a helpful and hardworking boy. Last Monday, Ali was walking to his tuition class. The tuition class was held at his teachers house. He was taking English Language tuition class. On his way, ali saw a strange man was trying to open the neighbours house gate. The man was wearing a pair of sunglasses with long straight hair. Without further delay, Ali ran quickly to the nearest telephone booth. He tried to call the police station. He told the policeman that he saw a strange man tried to get in the neighbours house. At the same time, the man was successed to open the gate. He asked the policeman to come as soon as possible to catch the robber. After a few minutes, the policemen arrived at the place. They hurriedly went to the victims house and managed to catch the robber. The robber was unable to escape. The policemen will bring the robber to the police station for further action. Then, they thanked and praised Ali for his bravery and quick action. Ali felt happy because he can cooperate with the policemen to prevent the robber from robbering the neighbours house. Next, he continued to his tuition class. There, he told his teacher and friends about the incident. They were proud with him. He was happy for doing the good deed.

SAMPLE 2 Zamri is eleven years old. He lives at Kampung Banggol Jas. He is studying at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Murni. His hobby is playing football. He is a kind-hearted and caring boy. Last Thursday,Zamri was walking back home from school. On his way, he saw a little boy. The boy was crying loudly at the roadside. The boy had lost his parents. Zamri felt pity with the poor boy. After a while, Zamri was taking the little boy to the nearest police station. There, they told the policeman what had happened. The policeman listened to them attentively. Then, the policeman called the little boys parents. After sometimes, the parents arrived at the police station. They saw their son was crying there. They quickly ran to their son and hugged him happily. Mr. Ali, the boys father thanked Zamri and offered him some money. However, he refused to take the money. Next, Zamri continued back home. He was proud of himself for helping the little boy. It was an unforgettable memory for Zamri.

Ahmad and Abu are twelve years old. They are studying at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Murni. They live at Kampung Sentosa. Their hobby is cleaning the house. They are hardworking, helpful and lovely boys. Last Friday, Ahmad and Abu went to school early. They went there by a big yellow school bus. They arrived school at 7.15a.m. after a while, their class teacher came to their class. All the pupils were gathered in the class. Mr. Said, the class teacher told them that they had to clean up their classroom. Then, Mr.Said divided the pupils into a few groups. Ahmad and Abu were in the first group. Next, the pupils started to clean up their class. Ahmad and Abu wiped the window panes. They used the rags to clean the dust. Their girl friends were sweeping the floor. They used the long brooms. They put the rubbish into the dustbin. The other groups decorated te board with colourful and beautiful ribbons. Before that, they cleaned the board with the soap and water. They wiped the board until dried. They also put some flowers around the board. After sometimes, Ahmad, Abu and their friends had finished cleaned the classroom. Their class looked clean, tidy and wonderful. They were tired but felt happy with their new looked class. After a few minutes, Mr. Said invited them to the canteen. He treated the pupils with ice creams. They were very excited. The teacher thanked them and was proud of them. It was great memory for Ahmad and Abu.

SAMPLE 4 Mr. Rahim is thirty nine years old. He is working at the workshop. He lives at Taman Jaya. His hobby is reading newspapers. He is a responsible and caring man. Last holiday,Mr. Rahim and his family planned to go for a picnic. After that, they decided to go to the beautiful beach. His wife. Mrs. Salmah cooked some food. They brought a mat, some food and a big colourful umbrella. Then, his children took the things and put them into the car boot. Mr. Rahim drove the car carefully. The road was busy with the vehicles. Suddenly, the tyre was punctured. Mr. Rahim stopped the car immedietly at the roadside. Mr. Rahim quickly got out of the car. He wanted to check and see the tyre. Later, he started to think what he need to do. After sometimes, he opened the car boot. He took out the tool box. It was a hot sunny day. Therefore, he took out the big umbrella too. After that, he replaced the punctured tyre with the new one. He used the wheel spanner. His body was sweating. After an hour, he finished changed it. Mr. Rahim kept the tools back in the boot. He felt very tired. Then, he walked into the car. Then, he drove the car slowly. He continued the journey. A few minutes later, they reached the destination. Mr. Rahim and his children took out the mat and other materials. They sat freely on the nice mat under the shady tree. They also ate the food greedily because they were very hungry. They enjoyed their holiday at the beautiful beach. It was an unforgettble incident to Mr. Rahim.

SAMPLE 5 Mei mei is eight years old. She is studying at sekolah kebangsaan seri selama. She lives at taman menteri. Her hobby is reading. She is a helpful and lovely girl. Last school holiday, mei meis family had a plan. They decided to go to langkawi. Her mother started to pack the bags. Mei mei and her brother, ah seng were very excited.

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