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Constructing Sexualities Reading HUGS Uh Se ty, Fae aoe Suzanne Lafont Library of Congress Cataloging Pucation Dot CConeerscting sceunlities readings in. vexwalley ences and culture / edived by Suzanne LaFont reading 3 cn. Tnuludes bitiographical references and inde ISBN 0-13-000661-X (pbk) Wigexroke. 2 Sexdifferences. 3 Sex customs (cate) 4. Gender id L LaFont, Suzanne, GNA TB.65. 0256 2008 3—dedl a 2002074861 _AVP/Publisher: Nancy Roberts “alitorial Assistant: Lee Peverson Editorial /production supervision and interior design: Mary ‘Araneo Senior Marketing Manager: Amy Speckman Prepressand Mansfacturing Buyer: Ben Smiih “Cover Art Director. Jayne Comte Cover Designer: Brace Kenielaar Cover art: Jose Orega/’Stock Mustration Sure, Inc. ‘This book was set in 10/11 New Baskerville by TSI Graphics and was printed and bound by Hamilton Printing. The cover was printed by Phoenix Color Corp. © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Sadille River, New jersey 07458 All rights reserved. No part of this book m: is be _Feproduced, in any form or by any a without permission in writing from the publisher. - Printed in the United States of America Woares asad | .../Cybersex/no _gender/ no_sexuality /no_body.html Andy Miah University of Paistey, Scotland, andyiniah@hotmail.com -ei think of kissing you and [> my eyes> you are> above you,> <.no words are enough> words» ime saying it> were reading it> read iLon me straight away - with mine= ‘owhere are you letting me to be> chold me closer

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