Clock Synchronization Solution of Mercury's Perihelion

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Nahhas' Clock synchronization solution of Mercury's perihelion

Abstract Clock synchronization is few centuries old error that modern and Nobel physicists and astronomers use that led to silly thought of Einstein's

Real time first physicist Joe Nahhas and Wrong space - time physicist Einstein Clock synchronization error is a shift from an Earth 24 hour of Te = 86165.1 seconds to Earth's standard 24 hours Ts = 24 hours = 24 x 60 x 60 = 86400 seconds Frequency f = 1/T And f = [(1/ Te) - (1/ Ts)] = [(1/86165.1) - (1/86400)]

And in one century t = 1 x 36526 x 24 x 3600 The rate shift is t f = 36526 x 24 x 3600 [(1/86165.1) - (1/86400)]

And time synchronization error in a complete orbit in 1 century in arc second: Is (2 /15) t f = (2 /15) 36526 x 24 x 3600 [(1/86165.1) - (1/86400)]

= 43 arc second per century for planet Mercury And f = [(1/ Te) - (1/ Ts)] = [(1/86165.1) - (1/86400)]

Light velocity C = 299792458 meters per second And C f = C [(1/ Te) - (1/ Ts)] = (299792458) [(1/86165.1) - (1/86400)] f/ ) = {(299792458) [(1/86165.1) - (1/86400)]/ ] = 19.3 meters

For an orbit (C;; All rights reserved

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