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Project Plan

Hypothesis of the Training Need Most adults need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days per week to be healthy and to remain fit. However, our demanding life tends to make us more passive and we start leading a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, the busy schedule also makes us mentally fatigued by the end of the day. It is very important to unwind and meditation and yoga is said to be the best healers of all forms of illnesses and ailments. Target Group Age group 15 45 (about 15 20 people. We have spoken to few people from across schools in TISS and have got a favourable response. The training session will also be open to any faculty member or any other staff of TISS if interested. Intended Training Process 1. Training Manual will be provided to the participants. The manual will consist of two things: a. A description of each Asan which will be taught during the session along with its positive effects (A diagram showing the position in which it needs to be performed) b. A diet plan: i. A fat loss diet ii. A plateau diet iii. A normal healthy diet 2. Introduction to Yoga and its effects approx. 15 mins 3. Yoga session: 5 simple asans will be taught in the session that can be practiced regulalrly. Then the entire Surya Namaskar will be taught. The Power Yoga Surya Namaskar may also be taught. (Around 2 2.5 hours.) 4. Diet Plan: Explaining the diet and its effects - all three diet plans.- 20 mins to 25 mins 5. Q&A session / Takeaway from the session: 15 mins Overall Training Time: 3.5 hours Timelines and Deliverables We have identified the following steps in the project process

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Step Description
Need Analysis Training Awareness Training Design and Content Submission Training Date Training Report Submission



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