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Risk Factors: Advancing age Megacolon Cystic fibrosis Chronic constipation Congenital malformations Gender Pregnancy

Progressive bowel distention proximal to the twisted colon

Over time, peristalsis can force stool and gas into the closed loop

As this closed loop distends, luminal pressure can increase beyond diastolic venous pressure

Venous congestion, coupled with diminished arterial flow from mesenteric torsion, can lead to ischemia, gangrene, and perforation of the colon

Symptoms Abdominal distention Abdominal fullness, gas Abdominal pain and cramping Breath odor Constipation Diarrhea Vomiting

Treatment/Management - Surgery

If left untreated, it can lead to these Complications: Electrolyte imbalances Infection Jaundice Perforation (hole) in the intestine Infection and gangrene. In the newborn, paralytic ileus that is associated with destruction of the bowel wall (necrotizing enterocolitis)


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