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and General Notes

1. There are 31 Solo events and 10 Group events i.e. a total of 39 events to help you realize your interest and potential. 2. Participants are free to participate in any of the SIX events only.


3. Participants need to fill and deposit separate forms for each group event and single form for more than one solo event. 4. Exact date, time and venue of the events of Round-l, Round-ll and Round lll will be declared later. 5. Only participants will be responsible for the safety & safe handling of their makeup bag or costumes or any other luggage and electronic device which they will bring to the venue of the event 6. Participants are required to report on the venue of event at least 30 min. in advance along with their Identity card / students` passbook in order to avoid all sorts of inconvenience in their participation. NOTE: - In case of group events, the I- card/students passbook of the Group leader is not enough. Each participant must bring his / her I-card / students passbook with him / her. 7. One must not Register himself/herself in more than SIX events otherwise all the extra numbers of entries will be cancelled without any prior information to the candidate. NOTE: - Entries of such students will be cancelled preferably in those events in which therell be already higher number of entries. 8. In case of Group events, only the allowed no. of Group members should be included otherwise all the extra inclusions will be cancelled and those participants will not be allowed to participate. 9. One must read carefully the guiding rules and evaluation parameters of the events in which he/she is participating, to help himself to get better prepared for the competition. 10. In case of any doubt one can contact to the members or send an e-mail to 11. There is no provision for any Award/Certificate for the accompanists. 12. Use of any explosive, fire, and harmful substances are strictly prohibited. 13. Overacting, Vulgarity and any kind of misconduct are not permissible at any cost, participant observed to be involved in such conduct will be disqualified and strict action will be taken against him/her.

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