Ae361 2007 hw1

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Given: 10 October 2007 Due: 17 October 2007 until 17:00

1. For the simply supported beam shown in the figure below, determine the bending stress at points D and E. The cross section is a 0.15 x 0.15 x 0.02 m angle. (thickness=0.02 m)

y z C

2. A cross section in the shape of an unbalanced I-beam is shown in the figure below. Derive the following formula for the distance e from the centerline of the web to the shear center S:

Also, check the formula for the special cases in which b1= 0 and b2 = b (channel section) and b1 = b2 = b/2 doubly symmetric I-beam). y

Prepare your homeworks considering the remarks below:

1. Read the problem carefully, and make sure that you understand what is asked.

2. Always draw a proper Free Body Diagram (FBD) in the beginning of the solution. In the FBD there should not be any supports, or cables; only the forces. Also, do not forget to show the orientation and directions of the vectors properly.

3. When writing an equilibrium equation, or calculating the moment of a force do not forget to show the direction that you assumed to be positive.

5. How you obtain the results is as important as obtaining them. Hence, please explain your solution and assumptions, and show all calculation steps clearly. Be careful when rounding off the numbers.

6. Submit your homeworks on a standard A4 paper. Do not use a pen (especially in RED color). Please write your name, ID number and section on the first page. Do not prepare a cover page, and you may use back sides of the pages. Also, use stapler if you are to submit multiple pages.

7. The work you delivered should truly reflect your personal efforts and knowledge in the areas of questions. Neither your peer consultations nor any help you got from others in any form should not go beyond discussions on the solution methods used and/or cross-checking your findings. Duplicate work will be discarded.

8. Late homework will not be accepted.

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