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Maya Rotman Hilal World History 11/30/11

Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources Adams, Margaret. Dolls, Teddy Bears and Accessories of the Twenties and Thirties from Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalogs. New York: Dover, 1986. Print. This is an actual catalog made by Sears, Roebuck. This will be a vital primary source as it not only demonstrates a couple products and slogans, but also the true experience of reading the type of catalog that was available to people in America. This will assist me to better understand the importance and affect of these documents. Fabric/ Sears Roebuck Catalog. Advertisement. "Make It Yourself" The Winterthur Library: Printed Book and Periodical Collection. Web. 27 Nov. 2011. This is an image of a page of the Sears Roebuck catalog from this library and Gutenberg online library. This Is a true primary source picture of an actual page of the catalog. This will be useful to illustrate the types of products offered by the catalog. Herndon, Booton. Satisfaction Guaranteed: an Unconventional Report to Today's Consumers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972. Print. This is a primary document book written in the time of the creation of the catalog about the commercialism of the country. This will be useful as it gives me a personal and upfront version of the actual commercial attitude of the time. In addition, the details in this book will be more realistic, as the author lived through them, rather than just read about them. Montgomery Ward. Advertisement. Seduced By History. Anna Kathryn Lanier. Web. 27 Nov. 2011. This image is the cover of one of the first catalogs, the Montgomery Ward 1895 spring and summer catalog. This issue symbolises the dawning of a new age in both commercialism and advertising and it is important to have it. I will make sure to keep this image prominent as it truly embodies the focus of my writing and will be almost a symbol for my work. Shotguns/ Montgomery Ward. Advertisement. MONTGOMERY WARD CATALOGS. Cornell Publications LLC. Web. 27 Nov. 2011. This is an image of a page of the Montgomery Ward catalog from their own catalog. This is not only a example of the products offered bu this company but also the page where Montgomery states that all shipping and mailing costs are free, and the only cost is that of the product. This will be beneficial when discussing the benefits of the catalog and how these catalogs spread throughout the country. Secondary Sources "1930s-Part_2." Kingston Architecture, Ontario Cemeteries, Dollhouses and Antiques Home Page. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. <>.

This a a photograph of a page of the Sears dolls catalog, that was created in the 1930s. This image shows the new-found diversity of products that was one of the many advancements of catalogs. Thus, by showing how products were more diverse, you can see the affect of the catalog. Beck, Evelyn. "Catalogs." Handbook of American Popular Culture. Ed. M. Thomas Inge. 2nd Rev. ed. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1989. 157-167. Questia. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. The focus of this section of the book, by Evelyn Beck, is on catalogs. A majority talks about the history of catalogs, but there is also a section were different criticisms of catalogs from the industrial revolution era were examined. These sections show the background of the catalog, which highlights what has changed as catalogs change. Blum, Stella. Everyday Fashions of the Thirties as Pictured in Sears Catalogs. New York: Dover Publications, 1986. Print. This book is a compilation of different fashions from the thirties as featured in the Sears catalog. These are styles that everyday women would wear and buy. By examining these pictures, and images from earlier catalogs, we can see the difference that change the product the average person can receive from these catalogs. Cronon, William. Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West. New York: W.W. Norton, 1991. Print This book, by William Cronon describes the effect of the city of Chicago on millions of people during a time of immense growth in America. He focuses on the impact of different advances in this age to show the society in Chicago and the rest of the country. The detailed section on the impact and history of catalogs will be very useful. Hill, Daniel Delis. As Seen in Vogue: A Century of American Fashion in Advertising. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2004. Questia. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. This book talks about the fashion industry and the part that advertising and catalogs have on the industry. This is beneficial, as this book shows how the public and the media work together so that the people receive the products they want and the companies sell the wares they have.This is a nice example of how society and catalogs interact to improve life and create trends. "History of the Sears Catalog." Sears Archives Home Page. 27 Sept. 2004. Web. 27 Nov. 2011. <>. This is a sub page of the Sears' achieves on the creation of the Sears roebuck big book catalog. This page gives a background of the history of the catalog and quotes from Mr. Sears himself. These I can use to round out the information i already have about the history of catalogs. Lienhard, John H. "No. 1755: A Consumer Report." University of Houston. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. <>. This image is of the cover of a Sears Roebuck catalog from the fall of 1900. This cover is a sybol of the Sears company and its work through the catalog industry. Since

Sears is one of the most prevalent catalogs, the image will be needed to display the company. Mierau, Christina. Accept No Substitutes! The History of American Advertising. Minneapolis: Lerner, 2000. Questia. Web. 27 Nov. 2011. Christina wrote this book on the history of advertising and its affect on the culture of America. In one chapter of this book it specifically describes the creation of catalogs and their affect on the average people many of whom did not live in areas close to the large cities. This will assist me by showing the affect of catalogs specifically on people. Mokyr, Joel, and John V.C. Nye. "Distributional Coalitions, the Industrial Revolution and the Origins of Economic Growth in Britain." Southern Economic Journal 74.1 (2007): 50+. Questia. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. This article has a lot of the economic information about the Industrial Revolution in England. This information will give me the basics I need to examine the economic effect of the catalog and the revolution in general. This also is a reflection of the revolution in America, and shows the monetary differences in both. Norris, James D. Advertising and the Transformation of American Society, 1865-1920. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990. Questia. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. This book talks about advertising in general and its affect on society in America. This source offers insight on the affect of catalogs on the consumer experience compared with other advertising methods of the time. Aldo, the book separates the affect of these advertisements into separate groups to allow for more accurate data. Savan, Leslie. "Page Slaves: Who Doesn't Love to Let Their Fingers Do the Walking through Glossy Catalogs?." Artforum International Apr. 2009: 52. Questia. Web. 27 Nov. 2011. This is a magazine article on the nature of consumerism. This article shows some of the more negative affects of advertisement and their translation to the people. This will aid me by not only providing some interesting details on the affects, but also the results of catalogs. Venkatesh, Alladi. The Catalog and the WebpageAn Existential Tension. Stephen Brown and John Sherry (Eds.),Time,Space, and the Market: Ecumenical Essays on the Rise of Retroscapes. This is an essay on the relationship of catalogs and the Internet. This essay offers an in depth look on the rise and format of the catalog and its affect on peoples lives. This will assist me to better understand how the format and philosophy of these documents changed America.

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