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Name: _____________________

Date: __________________
Period: _______________
Vocabulary 4

Words and Definitions – copy these words and definitions into your math journal.

1. Rational number – a number that can be written as a fraction (or the quotient a/b of
two integers a and b where b ≠ 0).
2. Integer – A positive or negative whole number or zero (from -∞ to ∞)
3. Whole number – A number that does not contain a fraction (from 0 to ∞).
4. Natural number – Whole, counting numbers that start from 1 (from 1 to ∞).
5. Percent – A ratio whose denominator is 100. Symbol: %.

Application Practice

1. Convert the percents into fractions:

a. 56%
b. 22%
c. 15.5%
d. 99.99%
2. Place the following numbers into each of the categories it belongs to.
• 8
• ½
• 7
• 0
• 0.98
• -3
• -¼
• -2
• 7.444

Rational Numbers


Whole Numbers

Natural Numbers

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