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Joint Session

23 September 2011
LDP Room MVP 217-218

Attendance/People in the Meeting: -Absent :Late

Drew Copuyoc AJ Elicaño

Gio Alejo Jiggy Villamin
Ian Agatep Felix Mintu
Steph Gumaru Mari Mantaring
Harvey Parafina
Claudia Vega Betty Caronoñgan
Fra Supetran
Alwyn Chua Ana Raymundo
Bene Go Bryan Chua
Alvin Yllana Jerome Zapata
Mich Dionaldo Lysa Nuqui
Joben Odulio Moses Albiento
Ina Roa Toni Potenciano
Ryan Yu Kyla Javellana
Alex Tangjangco Dan Remo
Guio Martinez
Alyssa Gaisano Polo Martinez
Carlos Arellano
Cheth Mundin Ken Abante
Abi Sulit Justin Tan
Charm Chan
Tata Babaran
Cate Sison Gerald Chua
Tin Andujare Tin Andujare
Philippe Bitong-Proxy: Gaisano
Hannah Chua Misha Solano
Jove Sinco
Lance Viado - Billie Dumaliang
Chris Reyes Reg Guevara
Nicole Reyes Mikki Roa
Jenica Dizon

Video Recording? No
*Audio Recording? No
Time Start: 6:12 pm
Time End: 9:21 pm

1) Approval of CB_091611 minutes 5 mins
2) OP and DIA Project Proposal c/o Drew 10 mins
3) STRAW Progress Report
4) FOI Resolution c/o Dan Remo 15 mins
5) CB Evals Phase 1 c/o President 60 mins
6) Summer and 1st Sem Recap c/o President 30 mins


Prayer was led by Tin Andujare followed by the National Anthem led by Liang

Motion to approve agenda by Odulio seconded by Chan. There were no objections

from the Central Board.

1) Approval of CB_090911 minutes 5 mins

Motion to approve minutes by Chua seconded by Sison. There were no objections from
the Central Board.

2) OP and DIA Project Proposal c/o Drew 10 mins

a. Blockreps Team Building Activity
 Build Relationships
- Group Dynamics
 Clarify Job Descriptions
- For those reps who question their job description
 Set Expectations
- To know what they should expect from each other
- To resolve any issues of expectations from each other
- Agreement from both sides
b. Expected Participants
 50% (minimum) of freshmen and sophomore block reps
- SOH: 10
- SOSS: 20
- SOSE: 20
- SOM: 30
 Everyone from Sanggu is invited
 Crucial Participants
- Top 4
- Freshmen CB/EO
- Sophomore CB/EO
- School Chairs
 Total: +/- 120
c. Q&A
 Chan: Isn’t this what plenary and plansems are for?
- Project Heads: Directed towards to what is really to be
done in the sems. This is more of what to do as blockrep.
Clarification of job description as well.
 Chan: Isn’t it included in the plansems? Team building. They
really don’t need to know who the others are.
- Project Heads: We would like Sanggu to be a family
thing. It might be extra budget, but it’s going to be worth
it. Let’s try to establish something with the freshmen and
sophomores. Malapit na ang elections, so we can start
something and the future reps may look something
forward to.
 Elicaño: It is a big and nice event for the better of Sanggu, but
completely misses the fact that it is a personal thing, as this
actually implies a failure in the current reps (higher reps, at
least), we have our reps to be like that without us (referring to
SOH reps), I do not think this event will work (at least in my/our
- Project Heads: Everyone makes the effort, we would just
like to put it in a structure, para lahat tayo naroon, para
may time na focus natin ito, there may be some reps that
aren’t given any attention.
 Reyes: It’s purpose of a team building kind of contradicts the
width of its scope. It’s everyone, and for a team building to
work, there should be interaction, it is going to be difficult for
the Top 55 with all the reps for this to work. I do not see how
this is going to go into the essence of team building. What
happens if it doesn’t happen?
- Project Heads: If this does not happen, we will try to find
another way to do this, it was proposed because this
replaced the leadership seminar (with project
management). First thing, really, is to build 1st yr and 2nd yr
relationships. Sanggu is not a mere chore, they are
having more fun with people here.
 Gaisano: Do you have a follow up through plan? Sana it’s a
part of a series of something. It might be useless too.
- Project Heads: This is the first of many, it’s going to be a
long-term thing, after this, there would be many more
 Zapata: I think they’re just creating an avenue to strengthen
the relationship, not actually saying of the complete failure.
 Potenciano: Why just block reps? Not course reps too?
- Project Heads: These are for the freshmen and
sophomores, because, for one, the seniors are
graduating, the juniors are babad na sa nangyayari, and
we would like to start with the youngest, we can still work
with them, we will as well see their potential/efforts.
 Potenciano: It’s a good point, but that’s assuming there would
be no change of reps.
- Project Heads: Truth is every year we lose reps, with
potential at that, because they find no purpose in it, so
this is to be closer to us so we won’t lose these people.
 Potenciano: What’s the problem with having new reps?
- Project Heads: There were people with so much potential
last year, but they weren’t satisfied with Sanggu, there
would be new people to invest in our reps now, they’d
be formed to be the best people they’d be because
they’d like the way it is in Sanggu.
 Potenciano: Keep investing in the new people? What does
that say about Sanggu? If we’re saying we want to build
relationships with people here, it seems a little close minded.
 Dionaldo: This is good, it would’ve been better if other reps
from other schools meet others not from their school. This
would be an opportunity to mingle and bond with other reps
and to share their different perspectives.
 Sinco: When I was a rep, there weren’t any job descriptions –
only info dissemination. The relationships are just a bonus, it
may primarily be for the job descriptions. I’m a senior and I’m
still willing to go, kahit separate na. Why can’t we push this
further to have a training specially for the reps? Fits the job
description and the requirements/performance of the reps in
the near future.
 Zapata: And it’s not really being elitist, kung sino nariyan, sila
na itrain mo. They will go up higher. All of us will go up, it’s all
about other avenues, not really elitism.
 Remo: Build relationships with who? Build relationships with
them, not each other.
- Project Heads: Avenue to bond with the reps, para hindi
puro work, to make us feel comfortable with each other.
On the other hand, the reps can bond with each other,
they have to have another motivation to be in Sanggu.
Take for example orgs, it’s for fun, not just all work.
 Copuyoc: It’s different per EO and CB to their block reps, the
challenge is to look at an institutional point of view, some are
close, some aren’t, don’t just see your point of view, Sanggu
isn’t attacking us, or will attack us.
- Project Heads: To the matatanggal na sa Sanggu, this
block rep issue, how long has it been an issue? The issue
of the ‘malabo’ ‘yung relationship,’ yung expectation
and description. Is it an issue first?
 Viado: Definitely an issue. Bumabalik tayo sa perspective na
students sa Sanggu, in the first place, we see the problem
there, the reps aren’t in touch with their constituents. The issue
is reps being effective in relationship to their role in their
- Project Heads: It has been a problem for a long time,
how long? Long na, diba? It may look like group
dynamics and team building only, but we see this as a
first step for Sanggu already. We want to project that
image, a Sanggu that is ready to reach out to their reps –
that they really are important. Bawasan ang Block-Rep-
lang-ako image. Let us give them the image that they
are part of Sanggu – of what Sanggu is doing.
Motion to divide the house by Moses Albiento, seconded by Gio Alejo.

YES-16 NO-3
Gio Alejo Alwyn Chua
Ian Agatep Alvin Yllana
Steph Gumaru Joben Odulio
Cate Sison Ryan Yu
Philippe Bitong Cheth Mundin
Ken Abante Charm Chan
Moses Albiento
Dan Remo
Polo Martinez
Nicole Reyes
AJ Elicaño
Harvey Parafina Justin Tan

Project has not been approved.

Motion to caucus for three minutes by Gio Alejo, seconded by Dan Remo.

3) STRAW Progress Report

 Albiento:
- We’re having a hard time with the senators to take the
bill into account – since they are busy with other things.
- The coalition is getting bigger.
- Invited San Beda.
- There will be a press release and press conference on
Sept. 29, 2011 regarding the STRAW in UP Diliman.
- Why is this an issue for us?
 Private schools aren’t supposed to allow schools
to have exams if they can’t pay.
- Anti-planking, not necessarily the plank itself – rather the
code of student conduct.
- Drew said he can give points on how to give points on
the STRAW from the students in the Ateneo.
- It’s also our role in this meeting to discuss the Magna
- Should it be Magna Carta or STRAW?
 MC has everything – literally.
 I’m not sure if the MC has been discussed to the
students – even to the reps.
 They may have their own interpretation of the MC.
 INTACT should’ve been a good way to discuss the
 The INTACT this coming sem will discuss the MC.
 Ateneo STRAW Coalition started last, last week.
 By next sem, full blast – from forums to talks, we’re
trying to invite speakers (high end, possibly).
 Alejo: When is the conference?
 Albiento: Most probably next sem, not a priority.
 Alejo: STRAW task force, how many?
 Albiento: Around 20+.

4) FOI Resolution c/o Dan Remo 15 mins

a. Proposal
 Support for the external organizations and for the FOI Bill
 Remo: I will then file the work so we can be part of a coalition.
 Remo: The STRAW has been with us for already ten (10) years,
generations above us gratifying that we should support it.
- Until this bill has been passed, we will be an institution
that supports it.
- Don’t know how many people have voted for FOI and
against it.
b. Q&A
 Yu: Recently, point raised by Reg, the FOI Bill tries to address
the lack of information – if there is information, are we sure
that this information is indeed true?
 Remo: We cannot respond to those questions because this is
an external commitment, if we choose to enter this coalition,
we will be put up in a position to actually point out those flaws
and to further strengthen this bill. This bill does have flaws, but
we do not have any power to revise/better it.
 Nuqui: Do we have to give suggestions?
 Remo: There were already suggestions, we need to make sure
we are in a position to amend and strengthen this bill by
joining this coalition.
 Elicaño: Which organizations are to be tackled?
 Remo: Looking at the resolution, any organization,
independent, credited, unaccredited, we opened up the
opportunity to get involved in this political issue.
 Elicaño: Do you have anyone in mind?
 Remo: DEA has already tapped Assembly. As of now, the FOI
Task Force, CRUSADA, ENTA, other organization, definitely
committed to it. The task force is operating because of these
organizational supports.
c. Institutional Support for FOI Bill
 Information awareness campaign
 Task force (c/o Reg) to determine what do students really feel
about the FOI
 Sessions that encourage to pass the FOI
d. Passage of the bill to congress

Motion to approve the support by AJ Elicaño, seconded by Nicole Reyes.

Project has been approved.

5) CB Evals Phase 1 c/o President 60 mins

a. Introspection Activity
b. Small Group Sharing
 Kumustahan (10 mins)
 Sharing as Student Leaders (15 – 20 mins)
 Sharing as Top Officers (20 mins)
 1st and 2nd yr EO
 1st and 2nd yr CB
 3rd and 4th yr EO
 3rd and 4th yr CB
 SB Chairs and Sec-Treasurers
 Dept. Chairs and Sectors
6) Summer and 1st Sem Recap c/o President 30 mins
a. Sharing
 Manila Paper (Successes/Triumphs of your batch officers, unit-
SB/SB/Dept., Sanggu as a whole)
 Basic Services
 Community Formation
 Student Engagement
 Internals
 Externals
 Membership Formation
 Finances
 Project Management
 Myself
 Sanggu
b. Message
 Copuyoc: The point earlier, the first point was to start sharing.
It’s important to share our experiences, lessons, frustrations.
Who do we share this with but the people who undergo the
same thing? If we share it with people who experience as
what you do, then maybe you guys can learn something from
each other. Just because you guys aren’t that close, why
should you not help each other? We’re one institution, one
Sanggu – you bring everything with you, the hardships, the
triumphs, the failures. Papansinin niyo, same talaga kayo ng
pinagdadaanan, eh. Stressed kayo, but happy. People
always say that you guys aren’t doing enough. The student
government standards are different, double standards, even.
As student leaders and a student government, we have
responsibilities to serve and represent them with unlimited
potential/power. One team, nagututulungan. When it comes
to reality, how people perceive us, we’re just one entity, we’re
supposed to embrace it – we’re always connected. Hindi lang
ako ang dapat maging proud ditto, eh, kayo rin, lahat kayo.
One team. Students will never be content, wag kayo
pumayag ng ganito lang, if you know you can do more, if you
more potential, then stride to do more. These different aspects
of Sanggu – all these are important on how we connect to the
students, your challenge is to really find out the negative issues
that we have to work on, and the positive things, we have to
share with our fellow Sanggu people. These are things we
have to work on. Who has to work for these? Tayo, lahat tayo,
your reps too. We have this great opportunity to have others
shine – to make them shine. Never see you as one that is
limited, you are part of a bigger institution, you may be part of
different things, but you are one Sanggu, at the end of the
day, people in Sanggu are here to help you out. It is up to us
to fix it, do not think you can do it alone. Be proud of these
things that other Sanggu officers are doing. Challenge yourself,
these things are too shallow, what more of these? During
EvSem, find things that you can work on so we can improve
on as an institution. So these services we give to the students
may be better. Remember election time. Remember your
intention. If your intention is for yourself, you will not last, you
ran for your constituents.

Motion to adjourn by Moses Albiento, seconded by Alvin Yllana

Meeting was adjourned at 9:21 pm.

Prepared By: Endorsed By:

Mark Policarpio Francis Ian L. Agatep

Office of the Secretary-General Secretary-General
Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga
Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila

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