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25 soal Bahasa Inggris VOCABULARY

1. He remained modest despite his success. The word

modest here means : A. able B. humble C. capable D. fashionable E. quite

2. The police have never discovered who the murderer is.

A. announced B. found out C. public D. comfortable E. particular

3. Are you invited to the party? Yes here is the card

A. invited B. invitation C. inviting D. invite E. invitational

4. This machine works automatically, it does not require

an operator. The underlined words means :. A. B. C. D. E. need claim employ supply obtain 5. Not until new technologies can be used in the developing countries. We may conclude that not all new technologies are in the developing countries. transformable solvable manageable

A. B.

D. E. A. B. C. D. E.

capable applicable 6. We need person to manage our school canteen an experienced who is experiencing she is experienced an experiencing that is experienced
7. On my way to the campus, I a friend whom I had not

A. B. C. D. E. A. B. C. D. E. A. B. C. D. E.

ran ran ran ran ran

met for years off out down over into

8. If you have a sore throat, it is very difficult to breathe digest chew bite leave of 9. The bird couldnt fly because its wings were destroyed hurt damaged spoiled injured 10. The companys new product was advertised on TV nation national nationally nationalize nationalization

A. B. C. D. E.

A. B. C. D. E.

11. When you visit foreign countries, youll the differences in culture expose watch express notice expand 12. As he does not speak Indonesian, the French anthropologist hired. When he went to the eastern part of Indonesia to do research A. a surveyor B. an assistant C. a researcher D. an interpreter E. a reporter
13. I have to save money every month, otherwise I wont

A. B.

D. E.

be able to take a vacation to Lombok I certainly will be able If I dont wont be able Therefore, I will be able But I will not be able Besides I will be able
14. He was never interested in mathematics until he got a

A. B. C. D. E.

very good teacher. We may conclude that at present he likes mathematics hes trying to make mathematics interesting he hates mathematics he finds mathematics boring he avoids doing mathematics 15. The original manuscript of the play is on the display in the museum A. written by hand B. writing hand C. hand written D. that is hand-written E. that is hand- writing

16. Brownie is a Chinese breed it is small, fluffy and cute.

The antonym of the underline word is A. rough B. soft C. hard D. thick E. awkward
17. She was careful not to spend too much money. The

A. B. C. D. E.

phrase not to spend too much money has the synonym with the word economical economics greedy economize have much money
18. are all striving to give up protectionism. The

A. B. C. D. E.

underlined phrase means harm halt obtain reduce require

19. solar cells are needed to convert the sunlight

directly into electricity. The underlined words means A. change B. influence C. improve D. obtain E. require
20. .so I rolled up to the pay window has the underlined

A. B.

sentence closest meaning with. revolve spin

C. D. E.

rotate sway more 21. The colonial government exited him to boven Digul and later to Banda Neira. The word Later here has the same meaning as from soon than then although 22. A team of Indonesian and foreign expert tried to rebuild the temple. Experts means persons with special knowledge in special science who know a lot of knowledge who get a small amount of knowledge with the different status 23. After a two week ceasefire, the battle broke again. ceasefire means a period of time to stop fighting to begin fighting to start attacking to stop debating to begin speaking
24. In big cities, we see many kinds of transportation.

A. B. C. D. E.

A. B. C. D. E.

A. B. C. D. E.

Several kinds use engine, the rest use human energy. The underlined words means A. B. C. D. E. any most of some the other both

A. B. C. D. E.

25. Indonesia has a tropical climate and has only two seasons, the wet and the dry seasons. The words climate here means weather conditions average rainfall high temperature extreme heat low temperature

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