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Class Name : 5 ANGGERIK Teacher Name : EN.MOHD MUNIR BIN HJ. BAHAROM Instructions

Grade________/Possible Points

You will have 5 MINUTES to complete this test. It is worth 5% of your final grade. Read and answer each question carefully.

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C.

Animals that vegetarian called? Omnivores Carnivores Herbivores How did human adapt to cold region? wrap up warm, eat warm food and drink hot drinks drinks lots of cold water Do lots of outside activity

3. Below are the characteristics of polar bear that able its to survive in cold region except ? A. Thick warm, white fur coat B. Small Paws C. Little eyes 4. A. B. C. Why do animals need to adapt to its nature? To survive To find food To Breathe

5. Below are the characteristics of camels that able its to survive in dry region except ? A. Long eyelashes B. Big, flat feet C. Short Legs D. Humps

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