Science Form 1 Yearly Plan Theme Learning Area and Learning Objectives Vol/Page Week

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Learning Area: 1.0 Introduction to Science 1. Understanding that science is part of everyday life 1 1. Understanding the steps in scientific investigation 2 1. Knowing physical quantities and their units. 3 1. Understanding the use of measuring tools. 4 1. Understanding the concept of mass. 5 1. Realising the importance of standard units in everyday life. 6 Learning Area: 2.0 Cell as a Unit of Life 2. Understanding cells. 1 2. Understanding unicellular organism and multicellular organism. 2 2. Understanding that cells form tissues, organs and systems in the 3 human body. 2. Realising that humans are complex organisms. 4 Learning Area: 3.0 Matter 3. Understanding that matter has mass and occupies space. 1 3. Understanding the three states of matter. 2 3. Understanding the concept of density. 3 3. Appreciating the use of properties of matter in everyday life. 4 Learning Area: 4.0 The Variety of Resources on Earth 4. Knowing the different resources on earth. 1 4. Understanding elements, compounds and mixtures. 2 4. Appreciating the importance of the variety of earths resources to man. VOL/PAGE WEEK



3 Learning Area: 5.0 The Air Around Us 5. Understanding what air is made up of. 1 5. Understanding the properties of oxygen and carbon dioxide. 2 5. Understanding that oxygen is needed in respiration. 3 5. Understanding that oxygen is needed for combustion (burning). 4 5. Analysing the effects of air pollution. 5 5. Realising the importance of keeping the air clean. 6


LEARNING AREA AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learning Area: 6.0 Sources of Energy 6. Understanding various forms and sources of energy. 1 6. Understanding renewable and non-renewable energy. 2 6. Realising the importance of conserving energy sources. 3 Learning Area: 7.0 Heat 7. Understanding heat as a form of energy. 1 7. Understanding heat flow and its effect. 2 7. Analysing the effect of heat on matter. 3 7. Applying the principle of expansion and contraction of matter. 4 7. Understanding that dark, dull objects absorb and give out heat better. 5 7. Appreciating the benefits of heat flow. 6



THEME 1: INTRODUCING SCIENCE Learning Area: 1.0 Introduction to Science WEEK LEARNING OBJECTIVE S 1.1 Understandi ng that science is part of everyday life. SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES Describe examples of natural phenomena that students see around them: Growth of human from a baby to an adult, Fall of a ball to the ground, Melting of ice. Discuss the uses and benefits of science in everyday life. SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES The students are able to; List what he sees around him that is related to science, Explain the importance of science in everyday life, Name some careers in science such as: Science teachers Doctors Engineers Environmental SPS Observing Communicati ng CCTS Relating Making conclusions Making inferences Attributing SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Being thankful to God Being responsible about the safety of one self, others and the environment Being cooperative NO OF PERIOD S 5 REMARKS

scientists Attend talks on careers in science. 1.2 Understandi ng the steps in scientific investigatio n. Carry out a scientific investigation/experime nt, e.g. To find out what affects the number of times a pendulum swings back and forth in a given time (oscillations). Student will be: Determining what they want to find out (identifying the problem), Making a smart guess (forming a hypothesis), Planning how to test the hypothesis (planning the experiment) Identifying the variables, Determining the apparatus and materials required, Determining the procedure to carry out the experiment, method to collect and analyse data. Carrying out the experiment, Writing down what has been observed (collecting data), Finding a meaning for what has been observed (analysing and interpreting data), The students are able to; State the steps in a scientific investigation/experim ent, Carry out a scientific investigation. Observing Communicati ng Defining operationally Interpreting data Predicting Generating ideas Analysing Relating Making inferences Predicting Making conclusions Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data Being responsible about the safety of one self, others and the environment Being cooperative Being systematic 5

Deciding whether the hypothesis is true (making conclusions), Writing a report on the investigation (reporting). Students can be asked to report WEEK LEARNING OBJECTIVE S SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES their investigations to the class. They should emphasise the steps they have taken; what they have changed; what they have kept the same and what they have measured. Identify physical quantities (length, mass, time, temperature and electric current), their values and units found on product descriptions. Find words with the prefixes used in measurements such as kilo-, centi-, and milli- . Find the symbols used for these units of measurement. Find the values of these prefixes. 1.4 Measure the lengths of SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES SPS CCTS SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES NO OF PERIOD S REMARKS

1.3 Knowing physical quantities and their units.

The students are able to; State the physical quantities length, mass, time, temperature and electric current, State the S.I. units and the corresponding symbols for these physical quantities, State the symbols and values of prefixes for unit of length and mass: milli-, centi-, and kilo-, Identify and use appropriate prefixes in the measurement of length and mass. The students are able to;

Observing Communicati ng Interpreting data

Attributing Sequencing Making conclusions

Being diligent and persevering Being thankful to God Daring to try



Being systematic

Understandi ng the use of measuring tools.

straight lines, curves and the diameters of objects using rulers, threads and callipers. Estimate the areas of regular and irregular shapes using graph paper. Measure the volume of liquids using measuring cylinders, pipettes and burettes. Determine the volume of regular and irregular solids using the water displacement method. Measure the body temperature and the temperature of water. Discuss the right choice of tools in making measurements. Apply the above measuring skills in the context of experiments. Find the weights of different objects using a spring balance. Discuss weight as the pull of the earth (gravitational force) on and object.

Choose the right tool and measure length, Estimate the area of regular and irregular shapes using graph paper, Choose the right tool and measure the volume of liquid, Choose the right tool to measure the body temperature and the temperature of a liquid, Determine the volume of solid using the water displacement method.

Communicati ng Interpreting data

inferences Making hypotheses Attributing Predicting Generating ideas Analysing Making conclusions

Daring to try Being fair and just Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data Being cooperative Having critical and analytical thinking Appreciating the contribution of science and technology Thankful to God

1.5 Understandi ng the concept of mass.

The students are able to; Determine the weight of an object, Explain the concept of weight, Explain the concept of mass, Determine the mass of an object, LEARNING OUTCOMES

Observing Communicati ng Making inferences Interpreting data Predicting Experimentin g

Making inferences Relating Attributing Comparing and contrasting Evaluating Making

Being diligent and persevering Being systematic Being objective Being cooperative Being fair and just








Discuss mass as quantity of matter. Find the mass of different objects using beam balance or lever balance. Discuss the difference between mass and weight. Apply the skills of using spring balance and beam/lever balance in the context of an experiment. Discuss the various units of measurements, e.g. units for length (foot, yard, chain, mile, meter, and kilometre), units for weight (pound, ounce, kati, tahil, gram, and kilogram). Act out a scene to show the problems caused by not using standard units e.g. buying things at the market. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using different units of measurement.

Explain the difference between mass and weight, Apply the use of spring and beam/lever balance in the context of an experiment.

1.6 Realising the importance of standard units in everyday life.

The students are able to; Give examples of problems that may arise if standard units are not used.

Observing Communicati ng Making inferences Interpreting data Classifying

Attributing Classifying Comparing and contrasting Analysing Relating Predicting Making decision Making generalisatio n

Being diligent and persevering Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and the environment Having critical and analytical thinking Being flexible and open-minded

THEME 2: MAN AND THE VARIETY OF LIVING THINGS Learning Area: 2.0 Cell as a Unit of Life WEEK LEARNING OBJECTIVE S 2.1 Understandi SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES Gather information on living organisms and SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES The students are able to; Identify that cell is the SPS Observing Communicati CCTS Relating Attributing SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Being diligent and persevering NO OF PERIOD S 5 REMARKS

ng cells.

identify the smallest living unit that makes up the organism. Prepare slides of cheek cells and onion cells. Study the general structure of cheek cells and onion cells under a microscope using the correct procedure. Draw and label the different structures of an animal cell and a

basic unit of living things, Prepare slides following the proper procedure, Use a microscope properly, Identify the general structures of animal cells and plant cells, Draw the general structure of an animal cell and a plant cell, Label the general structure of an animal cell and a plant cell, State the function of each cell structure, State the similarities and

ng Defining operationally Interpreting data Making hypotheses Controlling variables Experimentin g Making inferences

Making conclusions Making hypotheses Making inferences

Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and the environment Having critical and analytical thinking Being flexible and open-minded



SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES plant cell. Compare an animal cell to a plant cell. Gather information on cell structures and discuss their functions. Gather information about unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms. Provide students with picture cards, name cards, cards with the labels unicellular and multicellular. Students match the three cards for each organism. Observe examples of

SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES differences between an animal cell and a plant cell. SPS CCTS




2.2 Understandi ng unicellular organism and multicellula r organism.

The students are able to; State the meaning of unicellular organism and multicellular organism, Give examples of unicellular organism and multicellular organism.

Making hypotheses Experimentin g Controlling variables Communicati ng Interpreting data

Making hypotheses Relating Making inferences Making analogies Making conclusions

Being diligent and persevering Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and the environment Having critical and analytical thinking Being flexible and open-minded Daring to try

unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms under a microscope.

2.3 Understandi ng that cells form tissues, organs and systems in the human body.

Gather information and discuss the following: Types of human cells, Functions of different types of human cells. Use a graphic organiser (e.g. ladder of hierarchy) to show the hierarchy of cell organisation: cell tissue organ system organism

The students are able to; Name the different types of human cells, State the function of different types of human cells, Arrange sequentially cell organisation from simple to complex using the terms cell, tissue, organ, system and organism.

Making hypotheses Communicati ng Interpreting data

Comparing and contrasting Analysing Making decision Prioritising Generating ideas Visualising Conceptualisi ng

Realising that science is a means to understand nature Appreciating and practising clean and healthy living Having critical and analytical thinking Being flexible and open-minded Being kind-heated and caring Thinking rationally

2.4 Realising that humans are complex organisms.

Discuss why human beings are complex organisms.

The students are able to; Explain why human beings are complex organisms.

Observing Classifying Communicati ng Defining

Grouping and classifying Evaluating Relating Making conclusions

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment Appreciating the balance of nature Having critical and analytical thinking Being flexible and open-minded Being systematic


Learning Area: 3.0 Matter WEEK LEARNING OBJECTIVE S 3.1 Understandi ng that matter has mass and occupies space. SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES Through activities, show that things such as book, air, water, soil and living things have mass and occupy space. Discuss what matter is. List examples of matter. SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES The students are able to; State that things have mass and occupy space, Explain what matter is, Relate things and matter, Carry out activities to show that air, water, soil and living things have mass and occupy space. SPS Observing Communicati ng Interpreting data CCTS Attributing Analysing Making conclusions SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Appreciating the balance of nature Being systematic Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and the environment Having critical and analytical thinking Thinking rationally Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Appreciating the balance of nature Being systematic Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and the environment Having critical and analytical thinking Thinking rationally NO OF PERIOD S 5 REMARKS

3.2 Understandi ng the three states of matter.

Gather information and discuss What matter is made up of, What the three states of matter are. Compare the three states of matter in terms of: The arrangement of particles, The movement of particles. Simulate the arrangement and movement of particles in the three states of matter.

The students are able to; State that matter is made up of particles, State the three states of matter, State the arrangement of particles in the three states of matter, State the differences in the movement of particles in the three states of matter.

Observing Communicati ng Interpreting data

Attributing Analysing Making conclusions

3.3 Understandi ng the

Recall the definition of density. Through activities, find

The students are able to; Define density,

Observing Making inferences

Relating Predicting Problem

Having interest and curiosity towards the environment


concept of density.

the densities of: Objects with regular shape and objects with irregular shape, Different liquids. Discuss why some objects and liquids float by relating to density.

Explain why some objects and liquids float, Solve simple problems related to density, Carry out activities to explore the densities of objects and liquids.

Interpreting data Communicati ng


3.4 Appreciatin g the use of properties of matter in LEARNING OBJECTIVE S everyday life.

Gather information and discuss how: Man uses his knowledge of different states of matter to SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES store and transport gases and liquids, Man uses the concept of density in making rafts, floats etc. Carry out an activity to explore the applications of the concept of floating and sinking related to density.

The students are able to; Describe how man uses the different states of matter, Describe how man applies the

Observing Making hypotheses Interpreting data

Comparing and contrasting Attributing Analysing

Realising that science is a means to understand nature Being diligent and persevering Having critical and analytical thinking Appreciating the contribution of science and technology Being systematic Daring to try Thinking rationally Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Being diligent and

SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES concept of density, Carry out an activity to explore the applications of the concept of floating and sinking related to density. SPS Communicati ng Comparing and contrasting Experimentin g Controlling variables Making conclusions CCTS Relating Making inferences Generating ideas Making conclusions


SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES persevering Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Being systematic Being confident and independent Thinking rationally





4.1 Knowing the different resources on earth.

Gather information about the resources on earth, i.e. water, air, soil, minerals, fossil fuels and living things.

The students are able to; List the resources on earth needed to sustain life, List the resources on earth used in everyday life.

Controlling variables Experimentin g Communicati ng Making inferences Interpreting data

Making hypotheses Making inferences Sequencing Relating Making conclusions

4.2 Understandi ng elements, compounds and mixtures.

Gather information and discuss What elements, compounds and mixtures are, What metals and nonmetals are, Examples of elements, compounds, mixtures, metals and non-metals. Compare and contrast the properties of elements, compounds and mixtures. Carry out activities to compare the properties of metals and nonmetals in terms of appearance, hardness, conductivity of heat and conductivity of electricity. Carry out activities to separate the components of mixtures e.g.

The students are able to; State what elements, compounds and mixtures are, Give examples of elements, compounds and mixtures, State the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures, Carry out activities to compare and contrast the properties of different metals and nonmetals, Classify elements as metals and nonmetals based on their characteristics, Give examples of metals and non-metals,

Observing Measuring and using number Communicati ng Making inferences Defining operationally Interpreting data

Relating Attributing Making inferences Making conclusions

Being diligent and persevering Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Being systematic Being confident and independent Thinking rationally Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data Daring to try Being confident and independent Thinking rationally











4.3 Appreciatin g the importance of the variety of earths resources to man.

LEARNING ACTIVITIES Mixture of iron filings and sulphur powder, Mixture of sand and salt. Discuss the importance of earths resources (water, air, soil, minerals, fossil fuels and living things) to man. Draw a concept map to show the relationship between these resources to the basic needs of life. Gather information on the preservation and conservation of resources on earth. Discuss the importance of the preservation and conservation of resources on earth (e.g. recycling of paper reduces the cutting down of trees; conserving clean water prevents water shortage). Carry out a project, campaign or competition on reducing the use, reusing and recycling of materials e.g. using old unfinished exercise books as note books and collecting old newspapers.





The students are able to; Explain the importance of variety of earths resources to man, State the meaning of the preservation and conservation of resources on earth, State the importance of the preservation and conservation of resources on earth, Practise reducing the use, reusing and recycling of materials.

Observing Measuring and using number Communicati ng Making inferences Defining operationally Interpreting data

Relating Attributing Making inferences Making conclusions

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data Daring to try Being confident and independent Thinking rationally


THEME 3: MATTER IN NATURE Learning Area: 5.0 The Air Around Us. WEEK LEARNING OBJECTIVE S 5.1 Understandi ng what air is made up of. SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES Gather information on: The composition of air, The percentage of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide in air. Carry out activities to show: The percentage of oxygen in air, That air contains water vapour, microorganisms and dust. LEARNING OBJECTIVE S 5.2 Understandi ng the properties of oxygen and carbon dioxide. SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES Gather information on the properties of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Carry out activities to show the properties of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the following aspects: Solubility in water, Reaction with sodium hydroxide, The effect on: glowing and burning wooden SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES The students are able to; State what air is made up of, Explain why air is a mixture, State the percentage of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide in air, Carry out activities to show: The percentage of oxygen in air, That air contains water vapour, microorganisms and dust. SPS Controlling variables Experimentin g Communicati ng Making inferences Interpreting data CCTS Making hypotheses Making inferences Sequencing Relating Making conclusions SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Being diligent and persevering Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Being systematic Being confident and independent Thinking rationally NO OF PERIOD S 5 REMARKS

SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES The students are able to; List the properties of oxygen and carbon dioxide, Identify oxygen and carbon dioxide based on their properties, Choose a suitable test for oxygen and carbon dioxide. SPS Observing Making hypotheses Interpreting data Communicati ng Comparing and contrasting Experimentin g Controlling variables Making conclusions CCTS Comparing and contrasting Attributing Analysing Relating Making inferences Generating ideas Making conclusions


SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Being diligent and persevering Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Being systematic Being confident and independent




5.3 Understandi ng that oxygen is needed in respiration.

splinter, litmus paper, lime water, bicarbonate indicator. Gather information and discuss respiration. Carry out an experiment to show that during respiration, living things Use oxygen, Give out carbon dioxide.

Thinking rationally

5.4 Understandi ng that oxygen is needed for combustion (burning).

Gather information and discuss combustion. Carry out experiments to: Show that oxygen is needed for combustion, Investigate the effect of the size of a container on the length of time a candle burns. Carry out activity to test for the products of combustion of charcoal and candle.

The students are able to; State that energy, carbon dioxide and water vapour are the products of respiration, Relate that living things use oxygen and give out carbon dioxide during respiration, Compare and contrast the content of oxygen in inhaled and exhaled air in humans, State that oxygen is needed for respiration, Carry out an experiment to show that living things use oxygen and give out carbon dioxide during respiration. The students are able to; State what combustion is, State that oxygen is needed for combustion, List the products of combustion, Carry out experiments to investigate combustion.

Observing Communicati ng Interpreting data Making inferences Measuring and using number Experimentin g

Generating ideas Comparing and contrasting Relating Analysing Making generations Grouping and classifying Attributing Evaluation Making conclusions

Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Being diligent and persevering Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Being systematic Being confident and independent Appreciating the contribution of science and technology Thinking rationally

Observing Communicati ng Interpreting data

Relating Analysing Comparing and contrasting Predicting

Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Having critical and analytical thinking Appreciating the contribution of science and technology Being systematic Being confident and independent Thinking rationally


5.5 Analysing the effects of air pollution.

Gather information and discuss: What air pollution is, Examples of air pollutants, The sources of air pollutants, The effects of air pollution on man and the environment, The steps needed to control SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES air pollution. Carry out a project to study: Air pollution in an area around the school, The effects of air pollution.

The students are able to; Explain what air pollution is, List examples of air pollutants, List the sources of air pollutants, Describe the effects of air pollution,

Observing Communicati ng Making inferences Interpreting data

Interpreting data Making inferences Making conclusions Relating Generating ideas Analysing

Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Having critical and analytical thinking



SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES Explain the steps needed to prevent and control air pollution. SPS CCTS

5.6 Realising the importance of keeping the air clean.

Gather information and discuss: How life would be without clean air, Ways to keep the air clean, Habits that keep the air clean. Carry out an activity to show the pollutants in cigarette smoke.

The students are able to; Describe how life would be without clean air, Suggest ways to keep the air clean, Practise habits that keep the air clean.

Observing Communicati ng Making inferences Interpreting data

Analysing Interpreting data Predicting Making conclusions Relating

SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Realising that science is a means to understand nature Appreciating the contribution of science and technology Being systematic Thinking rationally Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Having critical and analytical thinking Appreciating the contribution of science and technology Being systematic Thinking rationally



THEME 4: ENERGY Learning Area: 6.0 Sources of Energy



LEARNING OBJECTIVE S 6.1 Understandi ng various forms and sources of energy.

SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES Gather information about the various forms and sources of energy, and energy changes. Discuss the Sun as the primary source of energy. Carry out activity to see the change of energy change From potential to kinetic energy, e.g. a ball rolling down a slope. From kinetic to potential energy, e.g. the winding of the spring in a toy car. Gather information and discuss the meaning of renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. Carry out a project on: Renewable and nonrenewable energy sources, SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES The uses of solar energy, The ways to increase efficient use of energy.

SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES The students are able to; List the various forms of energy, List the various sources of energy, Identify energy changes, Identify the sun as the primary source of energy, Carry out an activity to investigate the change of energy from potential to kinetic energy and vice versa. SPS Observing Interpreting data Communicati ng Experimentin g Making inferences Making conclusions CCTS Visualising Analysing Attributing Relating Predicting Making conclusions

SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Being diligent and persevering Having critical and analytical thinking Appreciating the contribution of science and technology Being systematic Daring to try Thinking rationally



6.2 Understandi ng renewable and nonrenewable energy.

The students are able to; Define renewable and non-renewable sources of energy, Group the various sources of energy into renewable and non-renewable, Explain why we need to LEARNING OUTCOMES conserve energy, Suggest ways to use energy efficiently.

Observing Making inferences Interpreting data Communicati ng

Relating Predicting Problem solving

Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Being diligent and persevering




SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Having critical and analytical thinking Appreciating the contribution of science and technology Being systematic




Daring to try Thinking rationally

6.3 Realising the importance of conserving energy sources.

Discuss the importance of conserving energy sources. Discuss the use and management of energy sources.

The students are able to; Describe the importance of conserving energy sources, Explain the use and management of energy sources.

Observation Communicati ng Making inferences Interpreting data Comparing and contrasting Measuring and using numbers

Attributing Generating ideas Visualising Analysing Relating Making conclusions

Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Realising that science is a means to understand nature Being diligent and persevering Having critical and analytical thinking Appreciating the contribution of science and technology Being systematic Daring to try Thinking rationally

THEME 4: ENERGY Learning Area: 7.0 Heat WEEK LEARNING OBJECTIVE S 7.1 Understandi ng heat as a form of energy. SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES Carry out activities to show: The sun gives out heat, Ways to produce heat, Heat and temperature are not the same e.g. ask students to predict and observe how the temperatures change when hot and cold water is SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES The students are able to; State that the sun gives out heat, State other sources of heat, State that heat is a form of energy, Give examples of the uses of heat, State the meaning of SPS Making hypotheses Controlling variables Interpreting data Experimentin g Communicati ng CCTS Making hypotheses Sequencing Relating Generating ideas Attributing Analysing Making conclusions SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data Being diligent and persevering Realising that science is a means to understand nature Appreciating the contribution of NO OF PERIOD S 5 REMARKS



temperature, State the difference between heat and temperature.

Discuss: That heat is a form of energy, The uses of heat in our daily life, What temperature is, The difference between temperature and heat.

science and technology Having critical and analytical thinking Appreciating the balance of nature Being systematic Daring to try Thinking rationally


LEARNING OBJECTIVE S 7.2 Understandi ng heat flow and its effect.

SUGGESTERED LEARNING ACTIVITIES Carry out activities to show that heat causes solids, liquids and gases to expand and contract. (ball and ring, mercury in thermometer and air in round-bottomed flask) Carry out activities to show how heat flows by conduction, convection and radiation. Carry out group activities to discuss: Natural phenomena such as land breeze, sea breeze and the warming of the earth by the sun, How buildings can be kept cool, What a heat conductor is,

SCIENCE SKILLS LEARNING OUTCOMES The students are able to; State that heat causes solids, liquids and gases to expand and contract, State that heat flows in three different ways (conduction, convection and radiation), State that heat flows from hot to cold, Give examples of heat flow in natural phenomena, State what a heat conductor is, State what a heat insulator is, List uses of heat conductors and heat insulators in daily life, Carry out an experiment to investigate the use of different materials as SPS Communicati ng Measuring and using numbers Interpreting data CCTS Analysing Making conclusions

SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND NOBLE VALUES Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data Being diligent and persevering Having critical and analytical thinking Appreciating the balance of nature Being systematic Thinking rationally




What a heat insulator is, The uses of heat conductors and heat insulators in daily life. Carry out an experiment to investigate the use of different materials as heat insulators. Carry out activities to show the change in state of matter in physical processes. Discuss: The effects of heat on the state of matter, Examples of daily observations which show a change in state of matter. Discuss the use of expansion and contraction of matter in the following: Mercury in a thermometer, Bimetallic strip in a fire alarm, Gaps in railway tracks, Rollers in steel bridges. Discuss the use of the principle of expansion and contraction of matter to solve simple problems.

heat insulators.

7.3 Analysing the effect of heat on matter.

7.4 Applying the principle of expansion and contraction of matter.

The students are able to; State the change in state of matter in physical processes, Explain that change in state of matter involves the absorption and release of heat, Give examples of daily observations which show a change in state of matter. The students are able to; Explain with examples the use of expansion and contraction of matter in daily life, Apply the principle of expansion and contraction of matter in solving simple problems.

Communicati ng Measuring and using numbers Interpreting data

Making conclusions

Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Realising that science is a means to understand the nature Having critical and analytical thinking Thinking rationally

Observing Interpreting data Communicati ng

Attributing Comparing and contrasting Analysing Relating Making conclusions

Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data Being diligent and persevering Realising that science is a means to understand nature Appreciating the balance of nature Having critical and analytical thinking Being thankful to God Being systematic Being objective Thinking rationally SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES AND









S 7.5 Understandi ng that dark, dull objects absorb and give out heat better.

ACTIVITIES Carry out experiments to show that: Dark, dull objects absorb heat better than white, shiny objects, Dark, dull objects give out heat better than white, shiny objects.

The students are able to; State that dark, dull objects absorb heat better than white, shiny objects, State that dark, dull objects give out heat better than white, shiny objects, Carry out experiments to investigate heat absorption and heat release.

Observing Interpreting data Communicati ng Making inferences

Generating ideas Making inferences Making conclusions

7.6 Appreciatin g the benefits of heat flow.

Discuss and put into practice activities such as the opening of windows in the classroom or laboratory to improve air circulation.

The students are able to; Put into practice the principle of heat flow to provide comfortable living.

Observing Communicati ng Making inferences Predicting Interpreting data Controlling variables Experimentin g Making hypotheses

Making hypotheses Relating Analysing Attributing Predicting Making conclusions

NOBLE VALUES Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data Realising that science is a means to understand nature Appreciating the balance of nature Having critical and analytical thinking Being thankful to God Being systematic Thinking rationally Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data Being diligent and persevering Realising that science is a means to understand nature Appreciating the contribution of science and technology Having critical and analytical thinking Being objective Being systematic Thinking rationally Being confident an independent

S 5



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