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How to reach your target Audience Directly

IIPM, Ahmedabad

Public Relation
Prepared By Parthesh Jani Gunjan Nagori Nayantara Yadav Jainik Shah Pratik Mehta Rahul Sinha

What is Public Relation?

It involves the cultivation of favorable relations for organizations and products with its key public through the use of a variety of communication channels and tools.  It is the practice of managing the flow of information between an organization and its public.

IIPM, Ahmedabad

Objectives of PR

Creating Interest Providing Information Stimulating Demand Reinforcing the Brand

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Role of Public Relation


Building Awareness And a Favorable Image Closely Monitoring Public Comment about a Company and its Products Managing Crises Building Goodwill by Philanthropic and Special Programs and Events


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History of Public Relation

In 50 B.C. Julius Caesar wrote the first campaign biography, Caesars Gallic Public relations became a profession in 1903

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Warren Buffet of Salomon Brothers: "If you lose money for the company, I will be understanding. If you lose one shred of the companys reputation, I will be ruthless.

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Why PR is in thing?
Raise awareness of your business among local target customers  Promote the organization and achievements to a wider audience  Create direct sales leads  Enhance credibility and authority  Reinforce the effectiveness of sales promotion and advertising

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Why PR is in thing?
Motivate your staff  Build customer loyalty  Improve your image  Boost your reputation  Increase understanding of an organizations problems

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Handle with Care PR

Usage of same Medium as Advertising Misinterpretation of Message Uncertainty of Message being Communicated

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Tools of PR
Media Relations  Media Tours  Newsletters  Special Events  Speaking Engagements  Sponsorships  Employee Relations  Community Relations and Philanthropy

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New Technology in PR

Videoconferencing Satellite Media Tours Video News Releases (VNR)

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Online Public Relation

Web casting  Web sites  Email  Electronic press kits (e-kit)  Electronic press centers: includes photos, audio, and video

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Thank You

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