It'S All Boxes & Arrows?: Bron Mcdonald 23 June 2009

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Its all Boxes & Arrows?

Bron McDonald 23rd June 2009

Whats involved Benefits Challenges Building capability Utilisation challenges

Whats involved its more than boxes & arrows

Clear definition of the situation needs & opportunities Clarity about the different role of beneficiaries & stakeholders A rich picture of what success looks like A logical theory (tools) broken down into a flow of consequences with, preferably, no large leaps of faith Deliberatively seeking evidence through all stages of a programme / project & being explicit where there is no evidence Managing performance Evaluating to seek explanation & understanding Cyclical review & learning

Benefits why bother

Outcome-focused Approaches:
Provide compelling rationale to the people who have powers of veto Critical reflection to improve action Facilitates evaluative thinking


3 Achilles heels of outcome-focused approaches 1. Unintended consequences 2. Tends to highlight averages 3. Does not usually include consideration of context

Its a team sport

Targets & indicators

The search for the silver bullet Reporting with supporting data & narrative Consequences

Building Capacity

7 Principles of Building Capacity

Think big but start small Work supply & demand Work top down & bottom up & in the middle Develop a change theory Common framework & tools Build knowledge Walk the talk

Its a balancing act between being prescriptive and not providing enough support.

An executive perspective on capacity building

It takes a long time. You need a long term vision Executives need to both nurture & insist on outcome-focused approaches Getting rid of fear is paramount - capability building is about learning Clients need to be open-minded, capability builders flexible Needs to be guided by principles & not driven by prescription Collaborate rather than compete

4 Challenges

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