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HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING IN SAHARA INDIA MASS COMMUNICATION A Report Submitted to Ishan Institute of Management and Technology, Greater

Noida, as a partial fulfillment of Full time Post Graduate in Management (Human Resource) (2010-2012)

SUBMITTED TO: Dr. D.K Garg IIMT, Gr. Noida

SUBMITTED BY: Devika Sarkar HRR4016 Batch-2010-2012

Ishan Institute of Management and Technology 2, KNOWLEDGE Park I,Greater Noida,Distt.G.B. Nagar (U.P.) WEBSITE:,Email: www.student


During the past three decades the personnel function has witnessed dramatic changes. The widespread usage of the term human resource management in place of personnel function is itself symbolic of this change. The personnel function has acquired a unique status and reputation in almost all services sectors including banking, fianc, insurance, software, and telecom. Human is the resource for an organization and therefore, should be managed effectively: a good human resource forms an asset for an organization and so it is with the SAHARA INDIA PARIWAR, whose success story began, starting on a modest scale with the capital of only Rs.2, 000/- to the present 32,000/crore, empire is a matter of great pride for any Indian entrepreneur. SAHARA INDIA PARIWAR is not just a business organization, but an emotionally family, (family of over 6.9 lacs workers). As said by the chairman, Shri Subrata Roy Sahara:

In business we must study HUMAN MANAGEMENT and if there is spare time business management may also be studied.


It is great feeling to acknowledge all those very important people with out whom this project would not have been completed. At the very outset, I take the opportunity to express my gratitude and hearty thanks for those people who have directly or indirectly helped me in completion of this project. I would elaborate my gratitude towards my project guide Mr. Akhil Kirti for his appreciative guidance; cooperation and valuable advise which helped me very much in completing my project. Lastly, this research project has been inevitably a productive exposure and given me tremendous experience, which had imbibed me a lot of sophistication and knowledge, which is expedient and exact from every aspect.


DECLARATION I do hereby declare that the summer training project on HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING IN SAHARA INDIA MASS COMMUNICATION under the guidance of Mr. Akhil Kirti is the original 3

work done by me. This is the property of the Institute and use of this report without prior permission of the Institute will be considered illegal and actionable.


Signature: Devika Sarkar ENR. NO.-HRR4016


Human resource management is the management of employees skill, knowledge abilities, talent, aptitude, creativity, ability etc. different terms are used for denoting Human Resource Management. They are labor management, labor administration, labour management relationship, employee employer relationship, industrial relationship, human capital management, human assent management etc. Though these terms can be used differently widely, the basic nature of distinction lies in the scope or coverage and evolutionary stage. In simple, human resource management means employing people, developing 4

their resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirements. HR policies ensure that everyone is treated fairly and consistently and that their contributions to the success of the Company are appropriately recognized and rewarded. All employees shall be fully aware of what the Company expects of them and what they, in return, should expect from the Company. HR Policies summarize the Company's responsibility to individuals and their responsibility to the Company. The work is a pure applied part of my 2 months Summer Training as a part of curriculum designed for management graduates. It has been a purely practical exposure to the corporate sector. I must say that there is a difference between a students bookish world and managers corporate world. Being a PGDM (HR) student, aspiring to become a successful HR manager, I was quite familiar with the business environment theory and different concepts, principles and practices of Human Resource. Superficially, my Summer Training has enabled me to get in-depth knowledge of the reality show of the corporate sector. Recruitment Selection and manpower planning are one of the most important part of the human resource department.



TOPICS INTRODUCTION COMPANY PROFILE Name of company Company profile Organizational hierarchy Different type of staff and job profile 5


Human resource recruitment and planning in SIMC Training and development in SIMC Performance appraisal Promotion policy Staff welfare facilities

Miscellaneous Retirement benefits Travelling allowance Fringe benefits Grievance handling and disciplinary procedure Findings and limitations Conclusion suggestion

The objective of this project is to critically study & analyse the MANPOWER PLANNING IN SAHARA INDIA MASS COMMUNICATION The main purpose behind choosing this topic is that practical knowledge about the major functions of HRM like Recruitment, Selection,& Manpower Planning can be acquired. Practical exposures of the following activities would help to understand them in a much better way. All such major activities are required in the working life of a worker-from the time of his/her entry into an organization until he/she leaves-come under the preview of HRM. In order to be a successful HR Manager one must have the in depth knowledge of such important functions. So I have chosen this topic. This study would also help me to give my own suggestions, changes if required related to such topics. Recruitment & Selection is considered as a necessary asset of a company. In fact, recruitment and selection gives a home ground to the organization acumen that is needed for proper functioning of the organization. Its a methodology in which the particular organization works and how a new candidate could be recruited in such a way that he/she would be fitted for the right kind of career. It is said if right person is appointed at right place the half work has been done. 98% of organizational success depends upon the selection process. In this project I have tried to cover all the important point that should be kept in mind for recruitment and selection process and tried to find out which methods, sources are adopted and various other information related to recruitment and selection and tried to come to a conclusion. 7

SIMC has a well-articulated equal opportunity policy, which lays strong emphasis on hiring of individuals irrespective of age, race, caste or gender. As the best practice in recruitment. Executive are the most valuable assets of an organization. The manager is the dynamic life giving element of an organization. The success and growth of an organization largely depends upon the caliber and performance of its executives. Therefore every organization must improve the quality of its managers through the process of training and development. In simple terms, development is defined as an unfolding long term educational process that utilizes a systematic and organized procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose. Training and development is a systematic process of learning and growth by which managerial personnel gain and apply knowledge, skills, attitudes and insights to manage the work in their organizations effectively and efficiently. Training and development consists of all the means by which employees learn to improve their behaviour and performance. It is designed to improve the effectiveness of managers in their present jobs and prepare them for higher jobs in the future. For proper recruitment and selection proper manpower planning should be done which means identifying right number of people on the right job at the right time. Job analysis plays crucial role before recruitment and selection which involve job description and job specification


INTRODUCTION Organization have to recruit people with requisite skills, qualification & experience if they have to survive & flourish in a highly competitive environment, while doing so they have to be sensitive to economic, social, political & legal factors within a country. To be effective, they need to tap all available sources of supply. Manpower Planning is the corner stone of the whole private personnel structure. Unless Human Resource policy is sound be conceived there can be little hope of building a healthy Organization.

It has said that: No any planning is as important in any organization more than the human resource planning because they only make the work get completed in a fixed time .

The need for a sound recruitment and selection policy was first realized by china countries ago and Prussia was the first country in modern time to have evolved a sound recruitment system. principle has been in existence since 1853. In India, the merit



"Saharasri" - Subrata Roy Sahara Subrata Roy Sahara was born on 10th June 1948 at Araria 40 km. north to Purnia, Bihar, he is the Managing Worker and Chairman of the Sahara Group of companies based in India. Sahara is based upon Subrata Roy Saharas belief in the ethos of a family (the reason why the group is called a Pariwar - family in Hindi) and was termed by the Time magazine as the second largest employer in India after the Indian Railways. From an asset base of USD 43 in 1978 when it was founded, the group has today exponentially grown to become a major business conglomerate in India. He is the Richest Bengali Person in India after Amar Bose, founder of Bose Corporation, USA Subrata Roy received his Bachelor of Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, in 1996 at National Institute of Technology Durgapur and MS, Computer Engineering from San Jose State University, USA, in 2007. Subrata Roy married to Swapna in 1974 and they have two sons. He possesses a huge private property at Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh called Sahara City. He is well known for his flashy lifestyle. His rise is also associated with his close proximity with Amar Singh, a business man and political leader of Samajwadi Party and its President and founder, Mulayam Singh Yadav.


The Man and His Vision:

He has talked about problems and proposed the solutions on 5 social issues namely Population, Education, Political (Election) system, Media & Religion, besides interacting on various aspects of life and professional life. According to him if these five issues are taken care of properly, our beloved country shall be the best in the world.

Saharasri Idealogy
From the pen of our Chief Guardian

In business profit earnings and overall growth of business get the highest priority and are certainly creditable, but ultimate credibility of business enterprise, particularly of larger ones is in the utilization of profit be it for best possible enlistment of its workforce and for espousing Social, National Development causes, or for rendering services to mankind as a whole. Fulfilling the qualitative aspect of utilization of profit, the worlds largest family Sahara India Pariwar is proud to have reached today new horizons of growth and development. On the threshold of a new leap forward, now we once again dedicate to you those values and ideals which have shown us the way to this journey to our present proud position-Emotion before Economics, Principles before Profit, Values before Wealth, Man before Money, Country before Religion, Quality before Quantity, Conscience before Corporation, Family before Fortune. On the basis of our philosophy of collective materialism we have always given importance to the fact that profit earning is the Quantitative aspect whereas the proper utilization of profit is the Qualitative aspect. Ironically we only 12

recognize and get recognized by the Quantitative aspect. I, therefore earnestly appeal to one and all in Politics, Media, Business etc. that every action, reaction, selection, appreciation or criticism should be oriented strictly towards the Qualitative aspect. I appeal to anybody and everybody to accord top priority to Qualitative aspect in anything and everything for peaceful, prosperous and progressive co-existence of mankind anywhere and everywhere. Today, I feel proud of the fact that I am the Guardian of the World's largest family. Perhaps, I am the world's only person whose family is so vast, so disciplined, so dedicated and so committed. Such a vast family as Sahara India Pariwar has a grand and infinite future and I am sure that we will sustain our duty, consciousness, discipline and dutifulness with a sense of dedication, as we have always done in the past, so that together we could build an India full of energy and radiance.

SUBRATA ROY SAHARA Managing Worker & Chairman Sahara India Pariwar


CHAPTER II Companys Profile

SAHARA INDIA PARIWAR Worlds largest single family


Sahara India Pariwar is not just a business organization, but an emotionally integrated family. Sahara India Pariwar success story began with the capital of Rs.2,000 in the year 1978 in Gorakhpur with one small room, two chairs and a table. The company has transverse, a long way to become a front runner in the India entrepreurship.

Today Sahara India Pariwar is a major entity on the corporate scene having an asset base of over Rs.20,000 crore and diversified interest includes: Housing Parabanking Consumer Products Sahara India Mass Communication Commodity Sales with Services and Retail Chain Manufacturing Information Technology

Mission of Sahara India Pariwar 15

We not only believe but practice NO DISCRIMINATION, JUSTICE & HIGH QUALITY means enthusiastic, productive performance of duty KARTAVYA towards the consumers workers survive satisfaction. Objectives of Sahara India Pariwar: To insure optimum use of resources for manufacturing of the better product & services. To generate sufficient resources for meeting the needs of expansion and growth for servicing the investors. To ensure customer satisfaction competitiveness through quality, delivery and cost. To constantly upgrade the technology and build market oriented Research & Development in product development process development and cost reduction. To minimize the net foreign exchange outflow without any conflicts with other objectives. To generate and exploid the export potential for telecom equipment services.


In any human relationship, it becomes imperative to take into consideration the materialistic aspect of life - we do so but by giving it second priority. The first priority is given to emotional aspect and with perfect blending of materialism with emotionalism, results in continuous collective growth for collective sharing and caring, that gives an impetus to our philosophy "COLLECTIVE MATERIALISM".



There is a religion higher than religion itself it is the INDIAN NATIONALITY. The swirl of the Tricolour never fails to move a Sahara Worker. For they believe, it is the great creed Bharat feeling and Parva that sects. is transcends all castes,

Celebrated on every 26th of January and 15th of August with a spirit and gaiety rarely seen.It comes from our heart.

Progress is progress only, When it is continuous Niranta. -SaharaSri



The story of sahara india pariwar is remarkable by any standard-a corporate fairy talel; Subrata Roy began his journey in 1978, when he founded Sahara in 1978 with three workers in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh as a small deposits parabanking business. In 1978, subrata roy, a man from a humble family with 15 dependants, founded a savings institution in gorakpur, a poor area in northern India. He had assets of Rs.2000, and a single office. 1978: Alok Sharma started Air Sahara on a shoestring budget in 1978. Then, it was called Sahara India Pariwar. Today, the airline connects to 29 destinations including 5 international destinations: Colombo, Kathmandu, Singapore and Male. Follow these steps to ...Alok Sharma started Air Sahara on a shoestring budget in 1978. Then, it was called Sahara India Pariwar. Today, the airline connects to 29 destinations including 5 international destinations, operating a dozen Boeing 737 airliners and seven regional jets. It also operates four helicopters on charter flights between Delhi and Mumbai (Bombay). The carrier was allowed to begin flying to neighboring countries in the spring of 2003.

Aug 1991: The Company was incorporated as LIVEWELL HOME FINANCE LIMITED on 19th August and obtained certificate of commencement of business on 25th October. The Company has been originally promoted by Mr. E.V.P.S. Krishna and Associates. The Company has concentrated in establishing the Housing loan portfolio in and around Hyderabad and as such 100% of the total loan sanctioned are to various Government and Semi Government employees placed in Hyderabad. The company has at present concentrating on loans up to Rs.1, 50,000/-.

Dec 3, 1993: net. Air Sahara (S2) began operations on December 3, 1993. It is part of the Sahara India Pariwar conglomerate which has interests in finance, media and entertainment, housing and infrastructure, tourism, consumer products and information technology. Its fleet ... Air Sahara (S2) began 18

operations on December 3, 1993. It is part of the Sahara India Pariwar conglomerate which has interests in finance, media and entertainment, housing and infrastructure, tourism, consumer products and information technology. Its fleet includes B737-700s, 737-800s and 737-400s as well as a fleet of seven Canadair regional jets. Offering 123 daily flights across India, the airline is undergoing a complete overhaul and restructuring. Sahara began a charter service with four new helicopters in 1999. The late 1990s were characterized by fare wars as Sahara struggled to lift its market share and build its fleet. In April 1999, the airline cut fares again by 10 to 20 percent. Parvez Damania, who had founded Damania Airways and sold it to NEPC Group in 1995, became director of Sahara Airlines in February 1999. Chief Controller Uttam Kumar Bose, who had been with Sahara Airlines since it was founded, left the airline in August 2000 and joined start-up Crown Express. He was soon backing with Sahara, however, in the position of chief executive officer.

Aug 95: Sahara Mutual Fund is sponsored by the Sahara India Financial Corporation Limited (SIFCL), the flagship company of Sahara India Group. Incorporated in 1987, SIFCL is the First Residuary Non-Banking Company (RNBC) in India that has been granted certificate of registration by RBI and is a leading public deposit mobilization company in the Private sector. Sahara Asset Management Company Private Limited, the AMC of Sahara Mutual Fund, was incorporated on August 31, 1995.

Feb 20, 1997: Sahara Arts & Management Academy (SAMA) was established on 20 February 1997 by Hon'ble SAHARASRI Subrata Roy Sahara, Managing Worker and Chairman, Sahara India Pariwar at Lucknow with the aim of providing high quality education of International ...Sahara Arts & Management Academy (SAMA) was established on 20 February 1997 by Hon'ble SAHARASRI Subrata Roy Sahara, Managing Worker and Chairman, Sahara India Pariwar at Lucknow with the aim of providing high quality educations. 19

2000: Sahara TV was launched in 2000 as a 24-hour Hindi entertainment channel but in April 2003 Sahara TV was renamed as Sahara Manoranjan. On 10th October

2003: The worlds largest family 'Sahara India Pariwar' launched a 24 hour national Hindi Channel, Sahara Samay, in 2003. It is the first ever city centric satellite news channel covering 31 cities in India with their own city news bulletins. Sahara Samay has a ...The worlds largest family 'Sahara India Pariwar' launched a 24 hour national Hindi Channel, Sahara Samay, in 2003. It is the first ever city centric satellite news channel covering 31 cities in India with their own city news bulletins. Mar 28, 2003 - The Sahara India Parivar on Thursday launched a 24-hour national Hindi news channel, Sahara Samay, on 28 March 2003, along with 31 city-centric regional Hindi news channels in phases. Arup Ghosh heads the Sahara Samay national news channel. A team led ...These are the broad tenets guiding Sahara group's foray into broadcasting. The Sahara India Pariwar on Thursday launched a 24-hour national Hindi news channel, Sahara Samay, on 28 March 2003, along with 31 city-centric regional Hindi news channels in phases. Arup Ghosh heads the Sahara Samay national news channel. Jan 15, 2005 - This is the fourth news channel from the Sahara Samay bouquet on the lines of the ones for UP and Uttranchal, MP & Chattisgarh and Mumbai. Feb 4, 2008 - As Channel Head of Sahara Samay Rashtriya, Ghosh launched the national channel and provided the blueprint and support base for the launch of four other regional news channels by the Sahara group. Sep 5, 2010 - The 24X7 national Hindi News Channel, Samay, has earn 21.9 million viewership with a GRP of 12.5 percent in the latest week Jul 15, 2003: According to an official release of the company, Sahara India Pariwar had signed a contract on July 15, 2003, to be a sponsor for Indian national hockey team (men) for eight years with Indian Hockey Federation. Feb 2004: A recent entrant in the field of life insurance. Its insurance company - Sahara India Life Insurance Company Ltd. was granted license by the insurance regulator - the IRDA, on 6 February 2004. With this approval, 20

Sahara Life Insurance becomes the first wholly Indian-owned company in the Indian life insurance market without any collaboration with the organizations abroad. The paid up capital of the insurance company at the time of its commencement was Rs 157 Crore. The Chairman of Sahara Pariwar, Subrata Roy Sahara, is also the chairperson of Sahara Life Insurance Company limited. 2004: Aamby valley project and thereon an entrant in the infrastructure and housing facilities. 2004: The Channel became SaharaOne with the launch of The First Indian Sangeet Awards held at the Royal Albert Hall, London.

Jan 1, 2006: Air Sahara has been confirmed to have signed a four-year, $70 million deal that will come into effect January 1, 2006. This deal is set to raise the BCCI's net worth to $550 million once all the tenders, advertising and sponsorship deals are finalised. The ...Air Sahara has been confirmed to have signed a four-year, $70 million deal that will come into effect January 1, 2006. This deal is set to raise the BCCI's net worth to $550 million once all the tenders, advertising and sponsorship deals are finalized. The previous sponsorship deal with BCCI had been struck by Sahara India Pariwar for $52 million.

2007: Company name has been changed from Livewell Home Finance Ltd to Sahara Housingfina Corporation Ltd. SaharaOne Television provides a strong mix of engrossing fiction & nonfiction entertainment and is popular for its star-studded mega events, dramas, mythological series, reality shows, kids programming, thrillers, feature films, film-based programmes, and much more. Even as it provides variety of shows across all the above genres, SaharaOne Television also focuses on providing entertaining and engrossing portrayal of strong, independent thinking Indian women in its soaps and serials. SaharaOne Television is part of the umbrella brand SaharaOne Media and Entertainment Ltd, whose other businesses includes SaharaOne Motion 21

Pictures - Indias biggest motion pictures production company, FILMY A 24 hour digitally encrypted movie channel and FIRANGI Indias first world television channel in hindi. Under its Motion Pictures business, Sahara is engaged in business of producing, marketing and distribution of motion pictures in Hindi and other regional Indian languages. Its successes include Bewafaa, Page 3, Sarkar, No Entry, Wanted. In September 2010, the company was in talks to acquire MGM Studios, but the deal collapsed. Sahara is willing to try again to take over MGM. However Sahara India Pariwar is creating a Film City to provide filmmakers with everything they need to make films, television software and commercials. The existing infrastructure of the Film City will be renovated and equipped with the most modern and latest technology. Nov 2007: Some 140 workers of Sahara Airlines moved an industrial disputes court against the Sahara India Pariwar in November 2007, alleging irregularities in the manner in which they were redeployed within the group.

Sahara takes Jet Airways to court Sahara India Commercial Corp (SICCL) has moved the Bombay High Court against Jet Airways, charging it with not paying instalments for buying the erstwhile Sahara Airlines (now JetLite) in April 2007, Jet said Tuesday. In a regulatory statement, Jet Airways - India's largest private carrier - said there was a disagreement between the two companies on income tax-related issues, adding that the income tax department had raised certain issues on Sahara Airlines for the period prior to the takeover. According to it, these issues were unrelated to the activities of JetLite. Jet Airways bought Sahara Airlines for Rs.1,450 crore in 2007 paying Rs.900 crore upfront, and had agreed to pay Rs.137 crore as yearly instalments over the next four years, the private air-carrier said. 'SICCL has not accepted this position and has therefore moved the high court for appropriate relief,' the regulatory statement said.


'Since the matter is sub-judice, we have been advised not to make any comment on the merits of the matter,' it added.

Oct 2009: The Lucknow-based business family also named eight other promising juniors archers who would be receiving the same awards for the year 2009-10. Sahara India Parivar official Abhijit Sarkar said the idea of this awards was to motivate the young archers to excel ...The Lucknow-based business family also named eight other promising juniors archers who would be receiving the same awards for the year 2009-10. Sahara India Pariwar official Abhijit Sarkar said the idea of these awards was to motivate the young archers to excel in various international meets. He said a total Rs 30 lakh would be given to 24 archers this time and the share amount would vary according to their performance in the various national and international competitions

2010: Launched On Date 11/10/2010 Associated with Top Indian BrandShow more Sahara India offers a range of consumer products and is developing one of the largest retail chains in India under the brand name Sahara Unique. Its product range include: Fashion & Lifestyle Products, Fitness & Leisure Products, Clothing, Jewellery etc. 31 December 2010: Sahara India Pariwar, the conglomerate run by Indian billionaire Subrata Roy, is the latest Indian company to buy a landmark business in Britain by acquiring the historic Grosvenor House Hotel that was once home to the Duke of Westminster and frequented by royalty, celebrities and business leaders since its re-opening in 1929. After having failed to buy debt-ridden Hollywood studio Metro-GoldwynMayer Inc (MGM) in September 2010, Sahara has acquired the iconic London hotel from Royal Bank of Scotland (RBC) for, what some say, a throwaway price of 470 million (Rs3,275 crore)."The valuation of the hotel, three years back was more than 1 billion. The valuation, even today is quite high but due to highly satisfactory due diligence by the RBS who owned the property and after long and strict negotiations, we have purchased it for 470 million," said Sahara Group chairman Roy. 23

2011: Sahara India Pariwar, the conglomerate run by Indian billionaire Subrata Roy, is the latest Indian company to buy a landmark business in Britain by acquiring the historic Grosvenor House Hotel that was once home to the Duke of Westminster and frequented by royalty, celebrities and business leaders since its re-opening in 1929. Sahara group acquired the Pune IPL team (Sahara Pune Warriors) on 21 March 2010 for Rs. 1702 crores. Sahara India Parivar has sponsorship rights of Indian Cricket Team since 2001. In the last bid Sahara had bagged the sponsorship for the Indian cricket team for Rs. 400 crore for a four-year period ending December 2009, and had agreed to continue for six more months as Board for Cricket Control in India could not find any sponsors. The group on Monday, 31 May 2010 re-secured the sponsorship rights for the Indian men's cricket team till December 31, 2013. Sahara outbid Bharti Airtel for the right to sponsor Team India. Sahara bagged the rights for Rs 3.3 crores per match.Sahara and Airtel had submitted the eligibility documents and security deposits on Saturday and the bid was submitted on Monday and thereafter, BCCI's marketing committee decided the new sponsor of Team of India Today 28 years later, sahara india pariwar is indias largest privately owned company, with 32 subsidaries. It employess 910,000 people - more than any other Indian company apart from the state owned Indian railways - he has assets of 300 crores and 1707 offices. Roy has succeeded in etching his place within the mentions of Indian corporate history. SAHARA IN 1978 Started from Gorakhpur with 3 workers 15 dependants livelihood 42 esteemed depositors Assets Rs.2000 only 1 establishment No trade union No Malik 24

SAHARA IN 2005 All India presence With over 6.9 lacs workers Over 34.5 lacs dependents Over 5.1 crore esteemed depositors 1 out of Indians Assets over Rs.32, 000/- crore 1707 establishments No trade union No Malik

We chase quality Quality chases us SAHARA INDIA PARIWAR STANDS FOR

1) Emotion before economics 2) Principles before profit 3) Values before wealth 4) Man before money 5) Quality before quantity 6) Conscience before corporation 7) Family before fortune 8) Country before Religion


KARTAVYA COUNCIL YOUR RIGHTS ARE OUR DUTY WHAT A commitment of Sahara India Pariwar to the genuine needs and rights of anybody & everybody be it to a depositor, newspaper reader, consumer file. All business associates and Sahara India Family Members. NEED India needs effective consumer protection and protection of workers genuine rights. There are various agencies, promising protection & action. But no external body can provide justice unless the company becomes Quality Conscious with strictly no discrimination policy and justice consciousness as its very dominating nature. MOTTO We not only believe but proactive NO DISCRIMINATION, JUSTICE & HIGH QUALITY means enthusiastic, productive performance of duty Kartavya towards the consumers, workers genuine satisfaction. AIM To provide justice-Be it a matter of tiniest imperfection of injustice in our COMMITMENT products or services, direct or indirect, short term or long term. WHERE Kindly rush your grievances / suggestions or any queries related to Sahara India Pariwar to the nearest Sahara establishment.


CORE COMMITMENT OUR STRENGTH EMOTION Emotion is in Performance of genuine duties towards the loved ones primarily in their benefit, from their point of view, Emotions is the key that generates the required energy and enthusiasm for desired quality performance. DISCIPLINE The enthusiastic obedience of laws and orders, which are given by the rightful authority. DUTY The enthusiastic obedience of laws and orders, which are given by our conscience. NO DISCRIMINATION Never should we discriminate in any of our actions, reactions, attitudes, decisions, conclusions, in an of our expressions while caring for the six healths of other human being, namely physical, material, mental, emotional, social professional health. QUALITY Results from honoring rules, regulations, commitments values fairness, performance of duties by honestly balancing ones own and others reasonable point of view in the matters of material & emotional aspect.



To definitely make others feel important and respected by giving sincere regard to others feelings, reasonable wished & thoughts with an open & receptive mind and warmth. SELF-RESPECT To develop a sense of respect for oneself in others mind, i.e. to generate genuine & warm feelings for oneself among others on a continues basis.

TRUTH Means total transparency in action, reaction attitude and all other expressions and the conviction to follow right the course. COLLECTIVE MATERIALISM Means to progress and prosper together for collective sharing and caring and not individually or for a select group. RELIGION There is a religion higher than religion itself it is NATIONALITY. We may practice our religions in the confirms of our homes, but outside, we should be Indians and only Indians, Bhartiya or Nationalism thus becomes our supreme religion.

1978 28 2006

Started from Gorakhpur with 3 workers

All India presence with over 9.10 lac (0.91 million) workers

15 dependants' livelihood

Over 45.50 (4.55 million) dependants' livelihood

Serving 42 esteemed Depositors

Serving over 6.10 crore (61 million) esteemed Depositors (1 out of every 17 Indians)

Assets - Rs. 2000 only (USD 43)

Assets - Over Rs. 50,000 crore (USD 10.87 billion)

1 establishment

1707 establishments

No Trade Union

No Trade Union

No Owner*

No Owner*

* All Promoter Shareholders, Directors and Partners are from the workers' rank and have taken an oath through notary affidavit in the court of law that neither they nor their family members can ever share the profit or assets of the company.

Asset Base Fast Growing towards Rs. 1,00,000 crore (USD 21.74 billion)

Market share & position of the company in the industry:


Sahara Group as an incubator of companies is made up of a collection of independent companies with operations spanning various segments of the energy sector. These companies are nurtured from inception to maturity under the Group after which they are exited as full stand alone affiliates. Although the companies function under a Group umbrella, each of these companies is setup as an independent limited liability company comprising of their own Boards, Managing Directors and Management Team responsible for all aspects of its operations. Human Resources, Legal, Finance and Administration departmental functions are centralized at Group level. Below is a list of Sahara companies and affiliates: Sahara Energy Resource Nigeria Limited Sahara Energy Field Limited Sahara Trade West Africa Limited Sahara Bulk Storage Facilities Limited Aviation Air and Land Services Limited Casablanca Ventures Limited 30

Sahara Sea Support Services Limited So Energy Limited P-Lyne Energy Limited Sahara Power Resource Limited Sahara Gas Limited Sahara LNG Limited Sahara Farms Limited Real Estate Under the flagship real estate project Sahara City Homes chain of townships is proposed to be across 217 cities in India. Recently Sahara has launched its Sahara Grace brand of residential complex at Kochi. After Sahara Grace at Gurgaon and Lucknow the Kochi project is the third under this brand which is positioned to provide a product mix of apartments and penthouses to its residents. Other ventures of Sahara real estate business are Sahara States Lucknow, Gorakhpur, Hyderabad and Bhopal, Brand malls Sahara Ganj, Lucknow and Sahara Mall, Gurgaon.

Sahara Mall Sahara Ganj Sahara City Sahara Sahar Sahara Grace

Infrastructure Sahara is consisting residential city called AMBY VALLEY in Maharashtara near Mumbai Pune expressway. The city is spread over 10000 acres of land. The city is being made eco friendly with the help of Japan. The city consists of airport, international school, water treatment plant. The project envisages development of a self-contained City with facilities for living, leisure and entertainment, sports and adventure, knowledge and education, hospitality and fine dining, advanced healthcare, meetings and conferences . The Hill City has 31

plans for creating an ensemble of approx. 13,000 Villas, Chalets and other residential properties in distinctive architectural styles. Media & Entertainment Sahara is also active in Media & Entertainment businesses. It owns a National Hindi News Channel Samay, consisting of 36 cities specific regional news channels Sahara Samay, Sahara One, general entertainment channel and a Hindi movie channel Filmy. Sahara Samay received the "Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award" in 2008 for its network newsroom technology. Sahara has recently launched FIRANGI channel which is positioned as World Television in Hindi. Sahara One Sahara Filmy Sahara Firangi Sahara Samay Aalmi Sahara Sahara Samay NCR Sahara Mumbai Sahara Samay M.P/Chattisgarh Sahara Samay Bihar/Jarkhand Sahara Samay U.P/Uttaranchal

Print Media Sahara has also forayed into the print medium. In print industry Sahara has one national weekly magazine in English, 7 editions of Hindi Daily Newspaper Rashtriya Sahara, nine editions of Urdu Daily Newspaper Roznama Rashtriya Sahara and one International Urdu Weekly. Rashtriya Sahara Sahara Time Roznama Rashtriya Sahara 32

Aalmi Sahara Bazm-e-Sahara

Film Production Under its Motion Pictures business, Sahara is engaged in business of producing, marketing and distribution of motion pictures in Hindi and other regional Indian languages. Its successes include Bewafaa, Page 3, Sarkar, No Entry, Wanted. In take over MGM. Sahara Film City Sahara India Pariwar is creating a Film City to provide filmmakers with everything they need to make films, television software and commercials. The existing infrastructure of the Film City will be renovated and equipped with the most modern and latest technology. September 2010, the company was in talks to acquire MGM Studios, but the deal collapsed. Sahara is willing to try again to

Tourism Under its tourism business Sahara has launched Sahara Global - an integrated travel and tourism service provider for domestic and international services.

Sports Sahara Group acquired the Pune IPL team (Sahara Pune Warriors) on 21 March 2010 for Rs. 1702 crores. Sahara India Parivar has sponsorship rights of Indian Cricket Team since 2001. In the last bid Sahara had bagged the sponsorship for the Indian cricket team for Rs. 400 crore for a four-year period ending December 2009, and had agreed to continue for six more months as Board for Cricket Control in India could not find any sponsors. The group on Monday, 31 May 2010 re-secured the sponsorship rights for the Indian men's cricket team till December 31, 2013. Sahara outbid Bharti Airtel for the right to sponsor Team India. Sahara 33

bagged the rights for Rs 3.3 crores per match. Sahara and Airtel had submitted the eligibility documents and security deposits on Saturday and the bid was submitted on Monday and thereafter, BCCI's marketing committee decided the new sponsor of Team of India.

Health care Sahara group owns a hospital in Lucknow. The hospital was opened in 2009. This hospital got operational in February 2009 and is currently operating with approximately 350 beds, including 120 bed Critical Care Infrastructure and expandable to 554 beds. It is spread on 31 acres and contains a centre for preventive and alternative medicines like Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy and Yoga for Holistic approach.

Hospitality Sahara group owns a hotel called "Sahara Star" in Mumbai. A 5-Star Hotel spread over 7.42 acres and located adjacent to the Mumbai domestic airport. Currently it has 210 guest rooms, 13 suites and 9 restaurants. It contains World's largest pillarless clear-to-sky dome of its kind, World's first Hemisphere-shaped Glass Elevators, Marine Aquarium, Lagoon area, Inward and Outward facing rooms, Glass Roof rooms, Parking and shall have amenities like Sahara Health and Wellness Centre, Multi-cuisine restaurants and Preview theatre. Sahara Star - Mumbai. Grosvenor House - London (UK).

Handicrafts Aria Jute Project Is engaged in creating diversified jute products e.g. Blankets, Carpets, Floor covering, Handicrafts, Jute Chappals etc. Kasturi Handicrafts


Retail Store Chain offering apparel for Women, Home Furnishings, Silk Carpets and Rugs, Fashion Accessories, Jewellery of Gold & Silver, Precious Stones and Artificial Jewellery, Chandeliers, Marble, Wooden, Stone and Art Metalware and Leather Products .

Sahara Airlines The airlines were established on 20 September 1991 and began operations on 3 December 1993 with two Boeing 737-200 aircraft as Sahara Airlines. Initially services were primarily concentrated in the northern sectors of India, keeping Delhi as its base, and then operations were extended to cover all the country. Sahara Airlines was rebranded as Air Sahara on 2 October 2000, although Sahara Airlines remains the carrier's registered name. On 22 March 2004 it became an international carrier with the start of flights from Chennai to Colombo. It is part of the major Sahara India Pariwar business conglomerate. The uncertainty over the airline's fate has caused its share of the domestic Indian air transport market go down from approximately 11% in January 2006 to a reported 8.5% in April.The Airline was sold to Jet Airways for 1450 crore rupees in March 2006.

Awards/Achievements for Subrata Roy

The ITA TV ICON (2007) Mother Teresa Millennium Award for Renowned Industrialist (2005) Global Leadership Award (2204) Businessman of the year Award (2002) Best Industrialist (2002) National Citizen Award (2001) Karmaveer Samman (1995) Udyamshree (1994) Baba-E-Rozgar (1992) Noble Citizen Award (1986)


Subrata Roy Sahara has also written two books 'Shanti, Sukh & Santushti and Maan, Samman, Atmasamman on the philosophy of life.

Shanti, Sukh: Santushti

Through this book it is absolutely convincing that the most dominating need of every human is strong security feeling of life, health, material, respect and love and then more material, more respect and more love. 24 hours - 365 days all your actions, reactions, planning and all expressions revolve around the above needs and continuous achievement of all these depends on you and you need not depend on others.

Maan-Samman, Atmasamman
Emotions are of two kinds - love and respect. Love is an inferior emotion which has been given by God to fulfill your reasonable, unreasonable needs. But in human society since we have the thinking power, respect for others and sense of self-respect are the most superior emotions.



INTERNAL Cadres Managing Worker Dy. Managing Worker Director Worker Executive Director Worker Addl. / Joint Director / Worker DY. DIRECTOR Worker Asst. Director Worker Chief General Manager Worker Gen. Manager Worker Dy. Gen. Manager Worker Asst. Gen. Manager Worker Chief Manager Workers Dy. Chief Manager Worker Asst. Chief Manager Worker Sr. Manager Worker Dy. Sr. Manager Worker Asst. Sr. Manager Worker Manager Worker Asst. Manager Worker Sr. Executive Worker Executive Worker Junior executive worker

External designation Managing Director Dy. Managing Director Sr. President President Chief Vice President Sr. Vice President Vice President Asst. Vice President General Manager Dy. General Manager Asst. Manager Chief Manager Dy. Chief Manager Asst. Chief Manager Sr. Manager Dy. Sr. Manager Asst. Sr. Manager Manager Dy. Manager Asst. Manager Sr. Executive Jr. Executive


Sr. Office Worker Office Worker Asst. Jr. Worker I Asst. Jr. Worker II Sub Jr. WorkerI/SJW-Tech Sub Jr. Worker II Sub Jr. Worker III

Sr. Office r Officer Officer Asst.-I Officer Asst. II Sub I/SJW-Tech Sub-II Sub Jr. Worker-III



Commodity TV Print Media (Rashtriva Communication Manufacturing Information India Mass Consumer Para Sahara Sahara sales with Banking technology Products Channel Sahara) services & retail Housing chain

Newspaper Hindi Daily

English Monthly Magazine

Urdu Weekly Magazine

Urdu Daily Newspaper






Dehradun Kanpur


Activities of Sahara India Pariwar Para banking

Stringent Expense Control with the Cost of Fund including Interest Cost within 10.5% per annum. No Speculative Investment with Investment in Equity at 0.46% only, of the Total Investment. High-class Quality Investment, which restricts the Non-performing Asset Ratio to 1% only. Capital Adequacy Ratio of 23.60% when the statutory requirements is 12% only.


Infrastructure and Housing

Aamby Valley City is planned as an exclusive City nestled across 10,600 acres of the majestic Sahayadris in the pristine Western Ghats. The project envisages development of a premium, self-contained City with a well laid out world class infrastructure and facilities for premium living, leisure and entertainment, sports and adventure, knowledge and education, hospitality and fine dining, advanced healthcare, meetings and conferences etc. in a highly secured environment. Aamby Valley City's accomplishments include some exclusive lifestyle products, like a CAT III ILS equipped All-Weather Airport, a PGA approved 18 Whole day-and-night Championship Golf course and an International School (IB & IGCSE).

The first fully integrated Hill City with well-laid infrastructure and captive utilities has plans for creating an ensemble of approx. 13,000 exquisite highend Villas, Chalets and other residential properties in distinctive architectural styles.

Mega Quality Township


SAHARA CITY HOMES SAHARA CITY HOMES: The world's largest chain of integrated townships ranging from approx. 80-300 acres offering amenities superbly matched to international standards being developed in number of Tier-I, Tier-II & Tier-III cities across India.

Air-conditioned Township in Tier-I cities A centrally air-conditioned School imparting a thoughtful combination of academic curriculum, personality development & extra curricular activities A Hospital providing multi-speciality high-end secondary care with state-of-theart medicine facility centre A Mall-cum-Multiplex with an ideal combination of lavish showrooms, designer outlets and convenience stores

A Hotel having state-of-the-art international class facilities with dedicated executive clubs Multi Level Security with State-of-the-art centralized control station and Centralized electronic control room with high boundary wall & high grill fencing on top

Play Field equipped with floodlights (hence playable day & night) - a mega venue with sprawling greenery to provide space and ambience in the heart of the township

A large swimming pool, skating rink, wave pool, food joints and change rooms having conveniences and shower nearby Club and Community Centre having the facilities of indoor and outdoor games, swimming pool and a well-equipped fitness centre for aerobics, gymnasium, sauna and jacuzzi

Restaurant and Banquet hall with facilities for organizing grand functions, 42

marriages, socio-cultural gatherings, parties, shows, conferences & meetings Retirement Home keeping in view the customized facilities, special services and the expert medical care which are indispensable for the well being of the aged Sahara Care House designed to help the Indian fraternity abroad to take care of their families & friends in India Wireless connectivity for broadband internet access inside & outside the houses at strategic points ensuring high speed data connectivity and mobility Waste Management Systems: Water re-cycling, Sewage Treatment Plant (treated water will be used for irrigation) and Garbage treatment using composting & scientific techniques Convenience stores and Beauty saloon Banking, Postal services, Taxi Services and Electrical repair services Plumbing and Masonry services

Sahara Grace The premium residential complexes typically designed on 10-30 acres, comprising solely of residential units like apartments, villas and penthouses. AFFORDABLE HOUSING: We shall make affordable houses for the lower rung of the society in over 500 cities at 1400 locations with 20 lakh houses (approx.). Each project shall be constructed in 18 acres of land with upto 65% green and open area. The price of these houses will range approximately from ` 4.25 lakh to ` 9 lakh. There will be three categories of houses in each project - Studio, 1BHK &2BHK. The facilities like Convenience Store, Primary School & Vocational Training Center, Dispensary for Primary Health care, Playground and/or Central Park, Security, Community Hall / Indoor Club & Swimming Pool, Purified Water and 50% Power Back-up, Transportation and Bank / ATM / Post Office shall be provided in the townships.


SAHARA STAR, MUMBAI A world-class 5-Star Hotel spread over 7.42 acres and located adjacent to the Mumbai domestic airport, it is the flagship hotel project of Sahara India Pariwar. Currently, it has 210 guest rooms, 13 suites and 9 restaurants which is expandable to 412 rooms and 13 restaurants. It contains some of the best modern features like World's largest pillarless clear-to-sky dome of its kind, World's first Hemisphere-shaped Glass Elevators, Marine Aquarium, Lagoon area, Inward and Outward facing rooms, Glass Roof rooms, Spacious Parking and shall have amenities like Sahara Health and Wellness Centre, Multicuisine restaurants and Preview theatre.

GROSVENOR HOUSE, LONDON: Frequented by royalty,celebrities and business leaders leaders since its opening in 1929, the historic and iconic hotel, Grosvenor House was acquired by Sahara India Pariwar in December 2010. The plans are to make Grosvenor House a most sought after destination of London with its time-honoured tradition of exceptional style, service and facilities.


SAHARA HOSPITAL, LUCKNOW A state-of-the-art, multi-speciality, tertiary care hospital providing world class facilities with more than 50 super specialities and latest generation equipments under one roof. This hospital got operational in February 2009 and is currently operating with approximately 350 beds, including 120 bed Critical Care Infrastructure and expandable to 554 beds. It is spread on 31 acres and contains ultra-modern centre for preventive and alternative medicines like Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy and Yoga for Holistic approach.

Media & Entertainment


Entertainment Channel SAHARA ONE : 24 hours digitally encrypted Entertainment Channel spread globally.

Movie Channel FILMY : 24 hours digitally encrypted Movie Channel.

Cinema Production SAHARA ONE MOTION PICTURES : Has always provided a platform for unique and quality cinema and continues its quest to entertain all kind of audience. It has released over 35 films and won 5 National Awards


Special Effects Studio Geon Studios: Designs, develops and delivers cutting - edge digital visual effects for domestic and international feature film and television projects.

Cinema Halls Developing Largest Chain of Multiplexes in India. Around 230 x 3 screens throughout the country Film City Developing world-class film city on around 100 acres of land with an investment of 180 crores (USD 38.37 million) approximately and with an Academy.

National News channel SAMAY: Round-the-clock free-to-air National Hindi news channel.


Urdu News Channel AALAMI SAHARA : India's first private National Urdu news channel.

Regional News Channel SAHARA SAMAY SAHARA SAMAY: Round-the-clock 36 city specific Regional news channels.

RASHTRIYA SAHARA 38 Editions of Hindi Daily Newspaper with 6 Printing Centers.

English Weekly SAHARA TIME 1 National Edition 72 pages English Weekly with Pan India News Network.


Urdu Daily ROZNAMA RASHTRIYA SAHARA 15 Editions of Urdu Daily Newspaper with 9 Printing Centers.

Urdu Weekly AALMI SAHARA AALMI SAHARA: 28 pages International Urdu Weekly.

Urdu Monthly BAZM-E-SAHARA: 100 Pages Monthly Magazine.

News Section 50 Bureaus, 1000 Correspondents across the globe & over 1600 V-SATs for news collection.



ARARIA JUTE PROJECT : Is engaged in creating self- employment to bring forth socio-economic development of the people of Araria, through its training-cum-R&D centre and produces ecofriendly, biodegradable top export quality diversified jute products e.g. Blankets, Carpets, Floor covering, Handicrafts, Jute Chappals etc. and successfully creating high demands both in Domestic and International Market.

Top of the line International Retail Store Chain offering luxury lifestyle products, handmade by master crafters to perfection. Catering to high end customers, the product line includes apparel for Women, Home Furnishings, Silk Carpets and Rugs, Fashion Accessories, Jewellery of Gold & Silver, Precious Stones and Artificial Jewellery, Chandeliers, Marble, Wooden, Stone and Art Metalware Masterpieces and Leather Products and much more. Stores to come up in London, New York, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Dubai, Mumbai and Delhi.

Commodity Sales With Services And


Retail Chain



Offering a range of Consumer Products under three categories Sahara Select, Sahara Care & Sahara Sports. At present our product division offers a range of products of everyday use as well as objects of desire through a chain of showrooms called 'Unique' in various locations of India. The number of these showrooms is proposed to be increased to 6000. The products offered come under three categories 1. Sahara Select - Fashion & Lifestyle Products 52

2. Sahara Care - Daily Need Products and 3. Sahara Sports - Fitness & Leisure Products

SAHARA SELECT Personal & Beauty Care, Home Care, Clothing Jewellery & Watches Accessories Home Dcor Houseware Home Furnishings Kids Products Furniture SAHARA CARE Personal & Beauty Care Home Care Food items SAHARA SPORTS Sports Wear Sports Accessories


Shall also become one of the largest News Gathering agencies with start-up points of hundreds of locations across the nation providing text-audio news through portal.

SAHARA NEXT: Providing IT Services, Outsourcing, Web Media and Mobile Interactivity & Application Solutions



RASHTRIYA SAHARA (Hindi Daily) SIMCL (Sahara India Mass Communication Ltd.) has various print publications in its portfolio. Heavy on content, these publications have 25 55

exclusive columnists, 50 bureaus and 1000 representatives across the globe, and go a long way in shaping people's opinion about the present state of affairs in the country. The products in the SIMCL print stable include 41 editions of Hindi Daily Newspaper with 6 printing centers. One of the publications is the Hindi Daily Rashtriya Sahara.

Some features of Rashtriya Sahara The first successful multi-edition, Hindi daily newspaper published after Independence . Editions from Delhi , Lucknow , Gorakhpur, Patna, Kanpur and Varanasi .

Rashtriya Sahara would soon undergo an image makeover with an International size, improved quality of printing and richer content.


Emotional Commitment Towards Society

Sahara Welfare Foundation, the social development unit of Sahara India Pariwar, is engaged in social welfare projects, alleviating people's sufferings and bringing to them new rays of hope and a brighter tomorrow. The projects 56

of Sahara Welfare Foundation focus on women and disabled who are socially and economically deprived and hence marginalised. It aims to initiate and facilitate such processes and initiatives where socially & economically marginalised and deprived people and communities irrespective of age, caste, class, gender or race are able to participate actively in the process of their development so that they may lead a life of dignity and respect. Major programmes undertaken by the unit include:

Mega Rehabilitation Project: Sahara Gram

The village, Bhimasar-Chakasar, taluka Anjar district Kutch is about 15 km. from Gandhidham and is spread over 9457.31 acres. It is home to 3153 persons of which 19 died and 135 were injured due to the earthquake. Of the total families, houses of 801 were destroyed owing to the earthquake. The village was emotionally adopted by Sahara India Pariwar for relocation. Members of the Pariwar were there within 48 hours for providing relief services to the survivors and from then onwards the task of rehabilitating the earthquake affected persons by reconstructing 839 houses with basic community facilities is accomplished.

Rehabilitation of survivors of Latur: Sahara Wadi

Kilari - one of the villages affected by the earthquake that occurred in Latur district of Maharashtra was adopted by Sahara India Pariwar for relocation and rehabilitation. Earthquake resistant houses were constructed and handed over to the residents of the village by Nobel Laureate and Bharat Ratna Reverend Mother Teresa. Several basic amenities were also provided for in the village as per the needs of the villagers.

Adoption of families of Kargil Martyrs

Sahara India Pariwar has adopted the families of Kargil Martyrs and has committed itself to provide emotional and economic support to all such families by allocating 50 crore (USD 10.65 million ) approx. under seven schemes for this purpose. In addition to providing monthly assistance, help is also extended for specific activities such as marriages, purchasing academic books for the children who are studying and attempts are also made to develop emotional bonds with them. 57

Financial Assistance to the families of Mumbai Martyrs

We believe in taking care of those who take care of our nation's security. As another expression of this belief, we provide monthly financial assistance- 5 times their existing salaries for 10 yrs duration - to the 18 families of the Mumbai martyrs.

Financial Assistance to the victims of Dhantewadha Naxal Attack

Sahara also provided financial assistance to the 5 martyr families hailing from Gorakhpur with 2.5 lacs for each family as support.

Programmes for Handicapped (Sahyog)

To address the nationwide problems of our physically challenged brethren, Sahara India Pariwar has established the Center for Handicapped. It aims at identifying the types of problems faced by the disabled persons, providing early identification guidelines, assessing disability, providing management & guidance for guardians of disabled. Facilities like physical & audio-metric tests, speech therapy, I.Q tests, repairing of co-appliances, providing essential aids & appliances on short-term basis is being provided through experienced specialists in the relevant fields.

Sakshar Bharat (Literacy Programme)

The objective of this programme is to help children and adults residing in slums of cities develop their overall personality and a functional understanding of aspects that affect their day-to-day lives. People of different age groups have benefited from this programme since its inception.

Janswasthya Project (Health Programme)

The objective of this project is to provide assistance through various modes to help people, especially the deprived and marginalised develop their mental and physical health, making them aware regarding several health aspects in socioeconomic backward parts of the country. Through a team of experts and mobile vans it has benefited lacs (millions) of people. The Janswasthya project is also partnering with the Govt. of India Health Programmes. The Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme and School Health Programme & Blindness Control have delivered benefits to the society. 58

Pulse Polio Programme

Since 1997 Sahara Welfare Foundation has been participating in Pulse Polio immunization programme in coordination with the National Programme of Polio Immunization. More than 2 lac (0.2 million) children have been vaccinated.

Blood Donation & Hepatitis B Immunisation Camps and Awareness Workshops

On several occasions, the Kartavyayogi workers of Sahara India Pariwar voluntarily donated blood for the welfare of the downtrodden sect, which has served the dual purpose of encouraging the genuine donors while at the same time discouraging the professional ones. From time to time, Sahara India Pariwar has also conducted various socio-welfare programmes for Hepatitis-B Immunization, Eye Donation Awareness Workshops and Early Identification of Disability Workshops etc.

Vocational Training Programme

We at Sahara Welfare Foundation are of the firm belief that education and skill development should take place in a manner which contributes to enhancement of functional knowledge of the socio-economic backward community. This intervention not only helps in confidence building of the person but also enhances their inherent skills. It is through this that the existing livelihood portfolio of the family improves and in turn reduces their vulnerability, thereby equipping them to deal with shocks and stresses. It is with this in view that Vocational Training Programme was initiated.

Rehabilitation of Challenged People

In order to fulfill our social commitment, we have a dedicated Sahara Sankalp Rehabilitation Centre for the Challenged People. The Rehabilitation Centre manufactures and distributes aids and appliances to physically challenged people from Lucknow and Gorakhpur and surrounding districts. Equipped 59

with latest equipments and a small workshop, a team of well experienced and qualified doctors is also in place at the centres. Hundreds of physically challenged people have been able to stand on their feet and have become independent by the services provided through the centre.

Civic Development Project

With the increasing number of population & vehicles, basic civic amenities and infrastructure also need to be developed so as to cater to the increasing demand and pressure. This project undertakes activities like construction of public utilities and hand pumps, Sankalp Udyan (Town Hall) & Sankalp Sthal at Gorakhpur, Jindpeer crossing at Hardoi, Sankalp Vatika & Prerna park developed and maintained at Lucknow and similar projects are being undertaken in other parts of the country.

Construction & Renovation of Cremation Grounds

In view of the poignancy of emotions attached with the last rites of a departed soul, Sahara India Pariwar has undertaken the construction & maintenance of cremation sites in Lucknow, Gorakhpur and Ayodhya. Similar endeavours are under construction at Patna, Bhagalpur and another at Lucknow.

Beautification Programmes
The main attractions of a beautiful town are well-planned crossings, greenery, preserved monuments and places of historical interest. Sahara India Pariwar continuously strives to contribute towards these causes via environmental protection measures ensuring lush greenery through tree plantations and a host of other beautification and sustenance modes/programmes. Some of the major beautification endeavours include Sankalp Vatika (Lucknow), Prerna Park (Lucknow), Sankalp Udyan and Sankalp Sthal (Gorakhpur), Sahara Crossing (Hardoi), Sankalp Chowk, Muzaffarpur and Sahara Gram (Gujarat) and other places. There were also various tree plantation drives at different places.

Concern for Pilgrims

Sahara is building a Guest House at Kedarnath the foundation stone of which has already been laid. 60

Behaviour Change Communication Project

To cater to social and mental problems of the children of the age group of 3-14 yrs suffering from Slow Learning, Learning Disability, Emotional Behavioural problems, Behaviour not in accordance with law & social norms, Temper tantrums, Bedwetting or Enuresis etc., is the main objective of this project.

Disaster Management
Sahara Welfare Foundation has, since its inception, been active in the area of extending relief services during natural disasters be it the super cyclone of Orissa, drought in Rajasthan, floods in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Bihar or Earthquake in Gujarat. Development Activities The urban slums are facing acute crises of drinking water, medical facility, electricity and proper drainage system. Sahara Welfare Foundation continuously aims at providing adequate & safe drinking water, proper drainage system, toilets and community centre, through its time bound programme, to lift the standards of living of people in the urban slums. Major developmental endeavours include Lavkush Nagar (Lucknow) & East Bengal Refugee Society (Lucknow) and other places.

NCC Scholarship
As a gesture of deep respect for NCC with which Mr. Subrata Roy Sahara was involved during his school and college days and commanded 1600 NCC cadets, a scheme has been constituted by Sahara India Pariwar to pay over 800 NCC cadets stipends and incentives amounting to over 1 crore annually.

Taking up Social Causes in Pune

Sahara has devised a scheme whereby poor but meritorious students will be given scholarships; financial assistance will be provided to the budding sporting talent; and 09 Mobile Healthcare Vans will provide primary healthcare to the needy in the district of Pune. Taking up Social Causes in Gorakhpur Sahara India Pariwar has proposed to allocate 10 crore to form a Medical Foundation to enable the local people belonging to poor sections to gain from 61

better medical facilities. A Medical College, a Modern Hospital and a Sports Academy . Sahara will also sponsor 1000 brilliant students every year for higher studies in eminent institutions.

Mobile Healthcare Units

In addition to the existing 09 medical vans in Pune, we are also operating 40 medical vans across the country, running 30 days a month, throughout the year, taking healthcare to the remotest rural areas where medical services do not exist.

Research & Publication

Sahara Welfare Foundation also aims to take up studies on issues related to social development. In addition to this, information dissemination and communication material has also been developed. Several reading and reference material has also been developed by Sahara Welfare Foundation.

Keeping Spirits High
Sporting activities are among the most spirited, healthy and energetic facets of our society. Sahara India Pariwar's strong commitment to this is reflected in its close association with different sports. In fact, it's the firm belief of Sahara India Pariwar that the role of sports goes beyond simply providing recreation or stimulation and in today's time, it has a critical role in ensuring peace and harmony in the world. Sports, in the words of Hon'ble Saharasri is not only an avenue for entertainment but also physical or mental exercise, but perhaps much more than that. According to him, if we see the history in the olden days, there used to be regular fights and wars all over the world. I strongly feel that human beings have a very strong competitive instinct in them and they all want to get satisfaction out of that particular instinct. Probably that was the reason why people used to fight, there used to be war heroes and in every area there used to be a war hero. I strongly feel and you shall all agree, that gradually sports took over, and have given solace and satisfaction to that competitive instinct. In my opinion, if you talk about the peaceful co-existence of human society, sports has played a huge role, but it has taken its own time.


In commitment to this belief, Sahara India Pariwar is currently serving its third consecutive term as the official sponsor of Indian Cricket Team a proud association that began in 2001. In 2010, Sahara bagged the much coveted Indian Premier League franchise and its team, Sahara Pune Warriors is now a part of this very prestigious cricket league. Sahara also officially sponsors the Indian Women's Cricket Team, Asia's oldest football league The Calcutta Football League, the Senior and Junior Indian Hockey Teams since the year 2003, and has patronized the annual 'Sheesh Mahal Tournament' which is one of the premier and the oldest summer cricket tournaments of India. It has also been the official partner to the Indian Contingent for the Athens Olympics 2004. Sahara India Pariwar has adopted 72 promising sportspersons from 4 Olympic disciplines, namely wrestling, boxing, shooting & archery till the 2012 London Olympics with a view to help India claim more medals in the international sporting arena. 35 of these sportspersons have won medals at the recently concluded Delhi Commonwealth Games 2010. Sahara India Pariwar supports the National Championships of Wrestling, Boxing, Shooting and Archery and the development of infrastructure at the well-known Bhiwani Boxing Club and Guru Hanuman Akhara of New Delhi. The Pariwar inaugurated India's biggest sports awards, Sahara India Sports Awards in 2009 to accord recognition and encouragement to India's finest sporting talent. The prestigious Queen's baton of the Delhi Commonwealth Games 2010 was received by Saharasri during its passage through Lucknow. Sahara India Pariwar owns the coveted IPL franchise - Pune Warriors India. Sahara India Pariwars sporting saga received yet another glitter to its lustre when, in a first of its kind move, the Maharashtra Cricket Associations ultramodern International Cricket Stadium was named as Subrata Roy Sahara Stadium. Designed by world renowned architects Hopkins from UK, the 63

stadiums construction was handed over to the Indias leading infrastructure company, Shapoorji Pallonji and company. The naming rights of the stadium will remain with Sahara in perpetuity. Sahara will equip the stadium with an ultra modern club with 40 rooms. The rights to sell membership for the club will be exercised by Sahara. The stadium will also serve as the home ground of Saharas IPL team, Pune Warriors India. Sahara India Pariwar has been sponsoring major International events the most prominent being Sahara Cup Cricket at Toronto, Canada in 1996, 1997 and 1998. In addition to this, Sahara India Gold Cup, Indira Gandhi Hockey (Delhi, 1995), World Junior Powerlifting (Delhi, 1995), Asia Cup Tennis (Delhi, 1997), Sahara Uttar Pradesh Sports (Lucknow, 1999), Akhil Bhartiya Table Tennis Tournament (2003), Women's Cricket Test Match Series (India Vs. England, 2003) Sahara Bucchi Babu Cricket Tournament (Chennai, 2002, 2003 & 2004), SAARC Inter Airline Cricket Tournament (Kathmandu, 2003), Under-19 One-day International Cricket Series (Nepal Vs. India, 2003), Golf Achievers Cup (2003), and Commonwealth Under-19 Cricket Tournament are some of the other major events organized under the auspices of Sahara India Pariwar.






1. UNIT HEAD: JOB PROFILE: To maintain coordination among the departments. To look after the functioning of different departments. To minimize the errors from different policies to increase the circulation of paper.

1. HUMAN RESOURCE HEAD: JOB PROFILE: Maintain discipline in the organization Policy formation Recruitment and selection Look after rules and regulation followed by employees directed by the top management Maintain leave records Circulate information given by top management and make sure it is implemented. Work as a medium between top management and employees. Look after the welfare of employees To maintain law and order in the organization it issues appraisal and warning letters to the employees. Make salaries of employees. 66

Keep records of performance of employees and inform it to the command office.

1. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT JOB PROFILE: Help coordination desk and other desk in emergency. Edit the news of first page and bureau page. In necessity help in editing the entire bureau page.

1. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT To keep record of the taxi chalan To look after the local center (bhelupur) and coordination with agents and hawkers. To courier the complimentary copies to various stations and offices till the next arrangements. Related to night dispatch: To look after the whole arrangement of taxi. To collect the local unsold and also to send the same to our printing press same day. To look after the collection of sonbhadra and mirzapur districts till further arrangement.

Circulation accounts related all functions To update the payment details of all the agents every month and to submit the outstanding report every month. To prepare the daily MIS report. 67

To look after the dispatch related work i.e. lable, chalan, print order To maintain all the records related to circulation accounts.

Make reports:
To prepare the daily sales report centre wise and to send the same to circulation head noida, circulation manager and to unit head and to maintain the record of local sale and unsold copies . To look after the full payment of local agent(seven centres) and to control the outstanding. To deposit the payment of city upcountry agents, unsold copies. To receive the all taxi bills to check the payment and to prepare the payment then send same to accounts department. To clear outstanding payment received from lucknow To complete the revision statement on daily basis and to receive the letter from agents for increases and decreased copies.

SALES AND MARKETING STAFF: JOB PROFILE: Looks after the target achieved by the team and the individual. Maintain records of the entitre business given to the team. Looks coordination between editorial and marketing in terms of space selling. Gives special importance to date value ads. Give feedback to the members of his team and national sales and marketing head. Help his subordinate to achieve the target. Maintain daily performance record of both individual and department. Motivate and give warnings to the subordinates. Give ad to scheduling department.

1. Scheduling staff:

Decides the size and location of ad in newspaper. Issues bill against the ad published. Collect the cheque/ cash against the bill and deposit it to the accounts department.

Maintainance staff:
1. Store division: Job profile: It provides stationery to different departments on time or in time of need. It keeps record of all tangible assets in the organization. Keeps record of all printing material at printing press. It foucused on future requirement of printing material and stationery so that work is not affected. 1. Service division: Job profile: It take cares of the maintainance of organization.(furniture, water cooler, air conditioner etc.) It take care of the snacks given to the employees. Arrangement of vehicles and food for the guests. Make tickets for travelling and receive or drop the employees for office work.



1. SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT: JOB PROFILE: Take care of all the systems of organization(software and hardware both). Take care of all the phones and fax and also internet. Look after the page layouting of the newspaper. Look after the entire networking of the system.

Reporting staff:
Different individuals are assigned particular task for beat/ area for which they are responsible to collect all relevant information in the form of news. They collect the complete information from their respective areas and give it to their HOD. HOD composes the news and recheck the authenticity of news drafted in such a manner so that it cant be claimed by anyone. Pass the news to the editing department to the sub-editor. After editing the HOD of reporting team passes the news to the concerned desk.

Management trainee:





Organization have to recruit people with requisite skills, qualification & experience if they have to survive & flourish in a highly competitive environment, while doing so they have to be sensitive to economic, social, political & legal factors within a country. To be effective, they need to tap all available sources of supply. Recruitment is the corner stone of the whole private personnel structure. Unless recruitment policy is sound be conceived there can be little hope of building a first rate staff.

It has said that: No any policy is as important in any organization more than the recruitment is limited to the specific step taken to attract suitable candidate to apply for examinations.


The need for a sound recruitment and selection policy was first realized by china countries ago and Prussia was the first country in modern time to have evolved a sound recruitment system. In India, the merit principle has been in existence since 1853.

The human resources are the most important asset of an organization. The success or failure of an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. In order to achieve the goals or the activities of an organization it needs to recruit people with requisite skills, qualification and experience.

RECRUITMENT:Recruitment can be understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. A formal definition of recruitment is It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected.

Human Resource Planning

Determine Recruitment and Selection Needs

Job Analysis

PURPOSE 7 IMPORTANCE OF RECRUITMENT: Recruitment is a linking function, joining together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs. Specifically, the purposes are to: 73

Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. Enhance the success rates of the selection process of by reducing the number of visibly under qualified or over qualified job applicants. Help in reducing the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.


External Forces: Supply & demand Unemployment rate Labour market Political social sons of soil image RECRUITMENT

Internal Forces: Recruitment Policy HRP Size of the Firm Cost Growth and expansion


The sources of recruitment may be broadly classified into two broad categories:74

1) 2)

Internal Sources External Sources

INTERNAL SOURCE :Persons who are already working in an organization constitute the internal sources. Internal sources include present employees, employee referrals, Whenever, any vacancy arises, former employees and former applicants.

someone, from within the organization is recruited through internal methods.



Promotion A transfer is a lateral movement within the same grade, from one job to another.


Job Posting : The organization publishes job openings on bulletin boards, electronic media and similar outlets. It offers a chance to highly qualified applicants working within the company to look for growth opportunities within the company. Without the company, without looking for greener pastures outside.


Employee Referrals :


It means using personnel contracts to locate job opportunities. It is a recommendation from a current employee regarding a job applicant.



External sources lie outside an organization. It provides organization with:-

Wide choice Injection of fresh blood External Methods of Recruitment

Colleges, Universities, Research laboratories, sports field and institute are fertile ground for recruiters. In some companies recruiter are bound to recruit a given number of candidates from these institute every year. 1) Advertisement : There constitute a popular method of seeking recruits as many recruiters prefer advertisement because of their wide reach. Advertisements must be An ineffective effectively drafted before publishing / releasing them. advertisement will meet the rate aptly described as following: Is your advertising getting results? It sure is Last week we advertised for a night watchman and the next night we were robbed. Experienced advertisers use a four-point guide called AIDA to construct their advertisement. AIDA stands for:A - Attention I - Interest D - Desire A - Action 2) Employment Exchange: 77

Employment exchanges act as a link between the employers and the prospective employees. The major function of the exchange are to increase the pool of possible applicants and to do preliminary screening.

3) Competitors: Rival firms can be source of recruitment. Popularly called poaching or raiding, this method involves identifying right people in rival companies, offering them better terms and living them away.

4) Gate Hiring & Contractors:Gate hiring means (where job seekers, generally blue collar employees, present themselves at the factory gate and offer them service on a daily basis, hiring through contractors is also in use. 5) Unsolicited Applicants / Walk-Ins: Companies generally receive unsolicited applications from job seekers a various point of time, the number of such application depends on economic conditions, the image of the company. Such application are generally kept in a data bank and whenever a suitable vacancy arises the company would intimate the candidate to the candidate to apply through a formal channel.



Selection is the process of picking individuals out of the pool of job applicants with requisite qualification and competences to fill jobs in the organization It can be defined as: it is the process of differentiating between applicant in order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likely hood of success in a job Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and encouraging prospective employees to apply for jobs, selection is concerned with picking the right candidates from a pool of applicants. Recruitment is said to be positive in its approach as it seeks to attract as many candidates as possible selection on the other hand, is negative in its applicants as possible in order to identify the right candidates. Role of Selection : The role of selection in organization effectiveness is crucial for at least for two reasons: 1) 2) Work performance depends on individual. Cost incurred in recruiting * hiring personnel speaks volumes about the role of selection.

Selection Procedure : Selection is done in a number of stages, which include: 1) Environmental Factors affecting selection :

Companys image, companys policy, HRP, and the cost of hiring constitute the internal environment and labour market condition, legal and political consideration from the external environment of the selection process. 2) Preliminary Interview :


The basic purpose of preliminary interview is, elimination of unqualified application scrutiny enables the HR specialist to eliminate unqualified job seekers based on the information supplied in their application form. 3) Application Blank : Application blank of form is one of the most common methods used to collect information on various aspects of the applicants academic, social demographic work related background and references. Contents of Application Blank: Following are the type of information required by the organization in the form of the application blank. Biographical data like name, place of birth & sex Education qualification & training Work experience, duties, responsibilities, salary and reasons for leaving previous employment. Personal achievement in sports and arts. Professional achievement and membership of professional bodies. Expectation of salary & perks. Individual goals & interest Assets, outstanding debts and criminal cases, if any References



Selection Tests: Tests are used to determine the applicants ability, aptitude & personality.

Types of Selection Test: a) Achievement Test: It assist determining how well as individual can perform tasks related to the job. b) Aptitude Test: It helps in determining a persons potential to learn in given area. c) Personality Test: They are given to measure a prospective employees

motivation to function in a particular working environment. d) Interest Test: They are used to measure an individuals activity preferences. e) Dexterity Test: In this test the capacity of a person to learn a particular mechanical type of work is checked. 1) 2) Employment Interview Interview is a formal, in depth conversation conducted to evaluate the applicants acceptability. It allows a two way exchange of information, the interviewers learn about the applicant and the applicant learns about the employer. The employment interview can be: 1) 2) 3) One to One:interviewee. Panel Interview: Consist of two or more interviewers Sequential Interview: It involves the series of the interview, usually utilizing the strength and knowledge base of each interviewer. 81 There are only two participants the interviewer & the

Objectives of Interviews: Interview has such objectives: a) Helps obtain additional information from the applicant b) Facilities giving general information to the applicant such as company policies, job products manufactured and the like c) Helps build the companys image among the applicants d) To get an opportunity to judge an applicants qualifications and characteristics, e) To ask question that are not covered in tests. TYPES OF INTERVIEW


TYPE OF QUESTION A predetermine d checklist of

USUAL APPLICATION S Useful for valid results, especially when dealing with large number of applicants.


questions, usually asked of all applicants Few, if any, planned questions are

Useful when the interviewer tries to proper personal details of the candidate to analyze why they are not right for the job. A realistic approach that

Unstructure d

made up during interview.


A combination 82

of structured and unstructured questions Questions limited to Hypothetical Behavioral situations.

yields comparable answers plus in depth insights. Useful to understand applicants reasoning and analytical aptitude under modest stress. Useful for stressful jobs, such as handling complaints

A series of harsh, rapid Stress fire questions intended to upset the applicant Reference & Background Checks:

Many employees request names, addresses and telephone numbers or reference for the purpose of varying information and perhaps gaining additional background information of an applicant. Organization normally seeks letter of reference or telephone reference the later is advantageous because of its accuracy and low cost. The telephone reference has also the advantage of soliciting immediate, relatively candid comments. Attitude can sometime be inferred from hesitation and infections in speech. In several case, reference are a formality and seldom verified by the employer. 1) Selection Decisions: After obtaining information through the preceding steps, selection decisionsthe most crucial of all the step-must be made. The other stages in the selection process are used to narrow the candidates. The final decision has to be made from the pool of the individual who passed the tests, interview and reference checks. 83

The view of the line manager is generally considered in the final selection because it is he/she who is responsible for the performance of the new employee. The HR manager plays a crucial role in the final selection. 2) Physical Examination: After the selection decision and before the job offers made, the candidate is required to undergo a physical fitness test. The result of the medical fitness test are recorded in a statement and are preserved in the personnel records. There are several objectives behind a physical test:a) To detect if the individual carries any infectious disease. b) Determining whether an applicant physically fit to perform the work. c) To determine if there are any physical capabilities which differentiate successful and less successful employees. Such an examination will protect the employer from workers compensation claims that are not valid because the injuries or illness were present when the employee was hired. 1) Job Offer: After the job offer has been made and the candidates accept the offer, certain documents need to be executed by the employer and the candidate. There is also a need for preparing a contract of employment. The basic information that should be ncluded in a written contract of employment will vary according to the level of the job. EVALUATION OF SELECTION PROGRAMME The broad test of the effectiveness of the selection process is the quality of the personnel hired. An organization must have competent and committed personnel. The selection process, if properly done, will ensure availability of 84

such employees. A periodic audit must be conducted by people who work independent of the HR department.

Barriers to Effective Selection The main objective of selection is to hire people having competence and commitment. This objective is often defeated because of certain barriers. The impediments which check effectiveness of selection are perception, fairness, validity, reliability and pressure. Perception: Our inability to understand others accurately is probably the most fundamental barrier to selecting the right candidate. Selection demands an individual a group or people to assess and compare the respective competencies of others, with the aim of choosing the right person for the jobs. But our views are highly personalized. We all perceive the world differently. Our limited perceptual ability is obviously a stumbling block to the objective and rational selection of people. Fairness: Fairness in selection requires that no individual should be

discriminated against on the basis of religion, region or gender. But the low members of women and other less-privileged sections of the society in middle and senior management positions and open discrimination on the basis of age in job advertisements and in the selection process would suggest that all the efforts to minimize inequity have not been very effective. Validity: Validity, as explained earlier, is a test that helps predict job

performance of an incumbent. A test that has been validated can differentiate between the employees who can perform well and those who will not. However, a validated test does not predict job success accurately. It can only increase possibility of success.


Reliability: A reliable method is one which will produce consistent results when repeated in similar situations. Like a validated test, a reliable test may fail to predict job performance with precision. Pressure: Pressure is brought on the selectors by politicians, bureaucrats, relatives, friends and peers to select particular candidates. Candidates selected because of compulsion are obviously not the right ones. Appointments to public sector undertaking generally take place under such pressure.


First Stage establishing selection policies

Second Stage identifying & choosing selection criteria

Third Stage gathering information about potential employees

Forth Stage evaluating information & arising applicant

Fifth Stage making decision to select or reject

Sixth Stage communicating decision


1) P 2) W 3) S 4) F 5) S

1) I d e n ti f y i n g c r it e r i a o f s u c c e s s f u l p e r f o r m a n c e 2) I d e n ti f y i n g p

1) Authoriz ed to hire 2) Initial contract with potential employe e 3) Prelimin ary intervie w 4) Biograp hical data 5) Testing 6) In depth intervie w 7) Verifyin g backgro und informat ion 8) Medical examina tion

1) Evaluati 1) Electronic ng assistance biograph ical inventor y 2) Evaluati ng test result 3) Assessin g Applica nt intervie w

1) Reje ction 2) Mak ing job offer 3) Acce ptan ce or rejec tion of other s


r e d i c t o r s s u c c e s s 3) D e t e r m i n i n g s e l e c ti o n c r it e r i a


RECRUITMENT PROGRAMME AT SAHARA INDIA MASS COMMUNICATION The following procedure is adopted for recruitment: Approval for Manpower budget is obtained from command office, Lucknow . Recruitment to be made only against sanctioned & vacant posts. Once a vacancy is identified, first it will have to be circulated internally giving job specification and job description. Only in the event of suitable candidates not being available from within, suitable candidates through consultants / advertisement will have to be located. Selection is done by a committee consisting of: a) A representing from concerned department, where the vacancy exists. b) A representing of Head of the units. c) Local HR heads. d) One or more seniors from corporate office at Noida and if required a specialist from outside depending upon specialization and level of post. The number of worker as surplus re being identified / to be identified for training / re-training so that they can be re-employed gainfully. No person is engaged. Without prior approval from the command office.


Approval for manpower budget to be obtained from Command office, Lucknow: The first and foremost thing in the recruitment process is that the personnel department should know that how much employees do they require for their work and how many are applying for that vacant post that how much employees do they require for their work and how many are applying for that vacant post that budget should necessarily be signed or gathered from the command office. Simultaneously its approval from the superior is also very important. Recruitment to be made only against sanctioned and vacant post: It is the phase which proceeds the selection process. The main objectives of recruitment process is to invite ideally the smallest number of candidates who appeared to be capable of performing the required job or developing the capabilities of performing the same job in stipulated period of time. Besides, personnel department has to make the recruitment process economical. By this process, the candidates are decided whether they are suitable for given jobs or not. Determining the vacancies: The organization structure has various position which are to be kept filled with the kind and number of personnel. If that position is kept vacant it could cause various losses in production so, it should be planned enough. Job:A job is defined as a collection or aggregation of tasks, duties and responsibilities which is a whole is regarded as regular assignment to individual employees, which is significantly differently from others. In other words, when total work to be done is divided and grouped into packages it is called a job. 90

3) Once a vacancy is identified, First it will have to be circulated internally giving job specification and job description:

Now the points comes of considering the sources:Preference to the Internal Source: Here the surplus of the employees or organization and also to those who were once on the pay roll of the company. Man power is used within the organization itself which is very economical and develops the moral of the employees Three include personnel already on the pay will of the The internal resource can also be filled through promotion & transfer. Job Description: It is a written records of the duties responsibilities and requirements of a particular job. It is concerned with the job itself and not with work. It is statement describing the job in such teams as its better location duties, and working conditions. In other words, it tell what is to be done, how it is to be done and why Job Specification: It is standard of the personnel and designates the qualities required for an acceptable performance. It is the statement of the minimum acceptable human necessary for the proper performance of a job. Conclusion: The above analysis explain the requirement process applied at Sahara India.



Vacancies informed to the concerned divisions personnel department by command office.

The employees are made aware of the vacancies through circulars issued by the personnel departments.

Employees apply by submitting required documents to the personnel department.

Personnel department sends the documents to the command office (HR department)

Selection Procedure (Interviews / Written Test)

If applicant found suitable he is issued a appointment letter.



METHODS OF INTERNAL RECRUITMENT AT SIMC Transfer:1) Transfer is an important aspect of HRM unplanned transfer not only disturb the normal daily routine but it has an adverse effect on the morale of the individual. 2) Proper planed transfers assist in providing proper motivation. environment, increase efficiently and reduce the avoidable expenses. 3) In SPM transfer are carried out under the following circumstances :a) b) To satisfy the need of the organization. To utilize the employees services optimally, i.e. to correct erroneous placement and place him where he/she is best suited. c) d) As a punishment for improvement or remedial action, ie. to penalize. Maintenance of the system, i.e. to avoid stagnancy and boredom. Work

TRANSFER TYPES AT SIMC; PROMOTIONAL AT SIMC: On getting promotion, a worker may be transferred to some place to take up new/additional responsibilities in a new environment. Administrative Transfer: These transfers are punitive in nature. The objectives behind such transfer is to bring about behavioral and performance related positive changes in the concerned worker (s) after a period of 6 months these aspects will be reviewed. Inter-divisional Transfer:- The criteria for transfer of person to different division would be his/her academic qualification, knowledge and relevant experience for that persons and only when he is found fit would he be finally transferred. The pay & allowances given to the person would be as per the immediate senior and division/zonal head. No transfer benefits would be payable. TRANSFER PROCEDURE AT SIMC: Transfers can be initiated by, either the immediate senior or it could be selfrequest by the person but they have to be sanctioned through the immediate



Permission of the zonal head/divisional head is also to be taken and

send to the personnel department for final approval. These transfers then approved are to be implemented by the zonal head/divisional head. Choice of the person could also be taken into account while taking the decision. By the immediate senior but would not be mandatory to transfer according to their choice. All administrative transfers not Punitive in nature: below the Deputy Manager and equivalent cadre which are required. In the interest of the organization can be carried out by the zonal chief/divisional head.


Type of Transfer Promotional Administrative Inter divisional Self request

Settling Advance A* A A NA** Available ** Not Available

Traveling Allowance A Na A Na

Packaging & Transportation A Na A Na

Establishment Allowance Na Na Na Na



Promotion signifies a vertical movement from the present cadre to a higher cadre i.e. assignment of a position of higher responsibility to an individual. The karmayogi workers are made to accomplish the following objectives: a) To utilize workers skill, knowledge at the appropriate level in the organizational hierarchy resulting in organizational effectiveness and personal satisfaction. b) c) d) e) To develop competitive spirit and to cultivate the zeal in the co-workers to acquire the skills, knowledge etc. required for higher level responsibilities. To develop competent internal source of co-workers. To promote a feeling of content and a sense of belongings. To boost morale and reward committed persons. FEATURES: a) The basis for promotion would be merit potential and seniority and the weight age given would be in the order as mentioned above. Merit and potential would be gauged through the performance appraisal ratings and promotion potential ratings along with the recommendation of competent authority. While taking seniority into account the co-workers when unauthorized leave. (L.W.P) (No work, No pay) / suspension period, this period would not be included in the service period. b) In case of more than one promotion recommended for an individual (for all cadres below junior executive) they would necessarily have to seek the approval of the Dy. Managing worker (F.W.) and would have to be justified by the recommending authority. c) In case of promotions of the cadre of junior executive and above they would be necessarily have to be approved by the central board.




The recruitment and selection procedure of Sahara India commercial Corporation Ltd., is as follows:1) Advertisement is finalized: The first and foremost step of recruitment and selection in SICCL in getting the advertisement finalized if required. If there is vacant post in the respective department, the advertisement for that post is given. 2) Sorting of Resume: After the finalization of advertisement, sorting of resume takes place. Firstly scrutiny of resume which is already present in the data bank takes place. If there is no such resume considering the standard set out by the organization, then more resume are invited for scrutiny. 3) Fixing of Resume & Issuing of Call Letter: The third step deals with finalizing the best suited resume according to the need of the organization. After this a call letter is issued and send to the particular applicant for the written test. The date of reporting, the examination etc are clearly mentioned in the letter. 4) Arrangement for Written Test: Proper sitting and invigilation Every applicant is

arrangement are made by the personnel department.

provided a roll number to avoid confusion. Results are declared accordingly. Special care is taken to provide the candidate the suitable environment for the test. 5) Preparation of Question Paper: A proper question paper is being prepared by the personnel department of SICCL. 6) Conduction written Test: In SICCL written test is conducted for getting the best of the candidate. A test for the vacant post in conducted. A review of research in this area shows that test of intellectual ability, special and mechanical ability, perceptual accuracy are moderately valid predictors for 96

many semi-skilled operative jobs in industrial organization. Managers have become that poor decisions of hiring are costly and that properly designed tests could reduce the likelihood of poor decisions occurring. Thus, in Sahara India even the written tests are conducted for getting the best of the candidates. 7) Verification of Copies: After the written test copies of the candidates are collected and arranged serially. The next step leads to the verification of the collected copies. 8) Punching of marks: Further of the candidate basically depends upon the marks to obtain in the test. So punching of marks takes place and matching it with correct answer sheet to avoid all sorts of confusion further. 9) Declaration of Results: Written test helps management to select the appropriate candidate. After punching of marks and matching it with the answer sheet the results are declared. This is the first step of selection process. 10) Issuing of call letter for Interview: The nest step which SICCL follows is the sending of call letters to the selected candidate (in written test). Management mentions the date and venue for the interview. conducted for screening out the best candidates. 11) Interview is conducted after finalization of board: Interview Panel: Should keep in mind the qualification of the candidate. a) b) Consist of person from personnel department. Should always be in odd number i.e. 3,5,7..etc. In SICCL interview are


Interview sheet is Finalized: After the interview, the results are made by the panel of judges who had interviewed the candidates. It is prepared with the final consent of all interviewers according to the performance of the candidate during interview. This is the last hurdle that which the candidate has to face before been selected in the Sahara India organization. With the finalization of the interview sheet the qualified an unqualified are differentiated. 97


Result are Declared:

The sequence following after the finalization of

interview sheet for selection in the Sahara India is that finally of declaration of results, that is the name of the successful candidates who crossed out all the hurdles and reached the final point. This is the last hurdle in the way of appointment. 3) Carrying out offer Letter / Appointment Letter: After finalizing and

declaration of results, officially the last formality which the personnel department performs is that of sending the offer letter of the letter of appointment of the successful candidates on the referred post. It is sent only to successful candidate and not the unsuccessful ones. This gave the information about the selection of the candidate and when to join and where, mentioning of the post on which selected, the terms of appointment, pay scale etc. 4) Handling Result to all Dealing Employees of Zones: This is the last stage of the selection and recruitment in SICCL. Here the personnel manager of SICCL comes to carry out an effective induction program.


Sr. No. 1 Advantage It is less costly. Disadvantage It perpetuates the old concept of doing


Candidates are 2 already oriented towards organization Organizations have better 3 knowledge about the internal candidates. Enhancement of 4 employee morale and motivation. Good 5 performance is rewarded.

things. It abets raiding.

Candidates current work may be affected.

Politics play greater role. Morale problem for those nor promoted.

Sr. No. Advantage Benefits of new skills, new 1 talents and new experience to organization Compliance with 2 reservation policy becomes easy. Scope for Chances of creeping Disadvantage Better morale and motivation associated with internal recruiting is denied to the organization. It is costly


resentment, jealousies and heartburn are avoided.

in false positive and false negative errors.

Adjustment of new 4 employees of the organizational culture takes longer time.

Once the person is selected, It is personnel departments duty to put him in the right job, to achieve the optimum output for any organization. It covers, the basic formalities after job: Appointment letter Place and time of reporting To whom he has to report Provision period

Right kind f placement is important for every organization according to their abilities and capabilities they should be appointed and capabilities they should be appointed which should reduce the employees, increase the productivity and builds up the moral.



The Human Resource Department deals with management of people within the organisation. There are a number of responsibilities that come with this title. First of all, the Department is responsible for hiring members of staff; this will involve attracting employees, keeping them in their positions and ensuring that they perform to expectation. Besides, the Human Resource Department also clarifies and sets day to day goals for the organisation. It is responsible for organisation of people in the entire Company and plans for future ventures and objectives involving people in the Company. The human aspect of resources within an organisation contributes approximately eighty percent of the organisations value. This implies that if people are not managed properly, the organisation faces a serious chance of falling apart. The Human Resource Departments main objective is to bring out the best in their employees and thus contribute to the success of the Company. These roles come with certain positive and negative aspects. However, the negative aspects can be minimised by improvements to their roles and functions. 101

OBJECTIVES OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT To help the organization attain its goals by providing well-trained and wellmotivated employees. To employ the skills and knowledge of employees efficiently and effectively, i.e., to utilize the human resource effectively. To enhance job satisfaction and self-actualization of employees by encouraging and assisting every employee to realize his/her full potential. To establish and maintain productive, self-respecting and internally satisfying working relationships among all the members of the organization. To bring about maximum individual development of members of the organization by providing opportunities for training and advancement. To secure the integration of all the individuals and groups with the organization by reconciling individual/group goals with those of an organization. To develop and maintain a quality of work life (QWL) which makes employment in the organization a desirable personal and social situation. To maintain high morale and good human relations within the organization. To help maintain ethical policies and behavior inside and outside the organization. To manage change to the mutual advantage of individuals, groups, the organization and the society. IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The significance of human resource management can be discussed at their levels-corporate, professional, social and national. Significance for an enterprise: Human resource management can help an enterprise in achieving its goals more efficiently and effectively in the following ways Attracting and retaining the required talent through effective human resource planning, recruitment, selection, placement, orientation, compensation and promotional policies.


Developing the necessary skills and right attitudes among the employees through training, development, performance appraisal etc. Securing willing co-operation of employees through motivation, participation, grievance handling etc. Utilizing effectively the available human resource Ensuring that the enterprise will have in future a team of competent and dedicated employees.

Professional Significance: Effective management of human resources helps to improve the quality of work life. It permits team work among employees by providing a healthy, working environment. It contributes to professional growth in the following ways Providing maximum opportunity for personal development of each employee. Maintaining healthy relationships between individuals and different work groups


FUNCTIONS OF HR DEPARTMENT 1) RECRUITMENT OF EMPLOYEES This is one of the most fundamental roles of the HR department. This is because this function ensures that the Company under consideration selects the most skilful and competent person from a sea of applicants at that time. This function involves evaluation of ability and competency of potential employees in relation to what the Company needs. This role falls under the Staffing role of management. If this function is performed well, then the organisation will increase value consequently being on the right pathway to achieve its organisational and departmental goals and objectives. Effective recruitment can be done through a number of ways. First of all the Company can conduct educational and psychological measurements. This task will involve assessment of abilities, skills and character evaluation of applicants. Through psychometric evaluation, the Company can ensure that employees have the right attitude necessary to fit into the organisation. Another method Companies use to recruit members of staff is through interviews. Here, the Human Resource Department can ask applicants questions that evaluate their decision making abilities and how they would deal with certain situations if presented with them. The Department can also employ the use of written interviews where applicants answer questions addressing key issues in the organisation. Through these channels, the Department contributes towards organisational performance.


IMPROVEMENT OF COMPENSATION PACKAGE One of the major functions of the HR department is to motivate employees. This can be done through rewards especially for those who have done well. The HR department needs to evaluate performance of employees and those who have exceeded expectations should be compensated for their actions. Research has shown that rewarding employees for good performance is the 104

number one incentive for keeping up this trend. These compensation packages can come in the following ways; Holiday offer end of year bonuses equities awards salary increment provision of flexible working hours Straight forward Promotion Schemes and Career Developments

If the HR department includes these incentives, then it will ensure that employees are satisfied with the Company. It will also contribute towards good staff retention rates. This is especially crucial in increasing stability within the organisation. It also makes employees identify with the firm and instils a sense of loyalty.


PLANNING IN THE ORGANIZATION The Human Resource Department is placed with the responsibility of ensuring that it plans adequately for all the organisations future engagements that will involve people. One important aspect of this is planning for employees in the organisation. It is important that the organisation ensures that all the employees under its wing are just enough to increase value to the organisation. The Department must ensure that staff members are not too many because if they exceed this amount, then the organisation stands too lose. It must plan adequately to ensure that staff members are not too few either, otherwise they will be overworking those who are already in place. Consequently, there will be poor motivation resulting from fatigue. The HR department is also bestowed with the responsibility of planning future organisational goal in relation to people or clarifying these same goals to staff members. This function of the department ensures that people in the organisation have a general direction which they are working towards. Organisations that have a clear direction are always more effective; those members of staff will be more result oriented rather than just working for the sake of it. The Department is also responsible for setting day to day objectives


necessary for streamlining activities within the organisation and thus ensuring that work is not just done haphazardly.


IMPROVING ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE The Human Resource Department can try to improve organisational culture through a three step procedure. The first step of the process is observation. In this step HR finds out what makes ups or what the companys culture is like. HR should also be very intense on the organisational needs. Here, HR should realise that personal fulfilment works better and therefore should try to ensure that the change is relevant to every staff member. In this stage, HR should try to explain to all staff members or stakeholder the advantage of transforming the culture in the organisation. This should be made clear so that all can see the advantages at the individual level and not simply at the organizational level. Then HR should try to eliminate all inhibitions in staff members minds. It is possible that some may claim that they tried one or two strategies before and it did not succeed. This are what are called cries of despair and HR should try its best to explain to staff members the need of changing the culture of the organisation. The next step is the analysis of various aspects. Here, there is collection of data needed in making certain that culture changes. This stage involves checking out the success features or the factors that can facilitate its success. There should be calibration of data collected. Staff members should be made to understand that there are no perfect situations for implementation of changes. The analysis should involve assessing whether the information is sensible or not. Whether data gathered will be helpful or not and if it is too little or too much. Staff members should be requested for data that will help change the culture. Of course when trying to bring in change HR Department should have perceived benefits, a deadline for execution and also the realised gains in relation to the change in culture. In this step, there should be reality checks 106

which should be done often. There should also be continuous integration. Through this scheme HR Department should be able to change the culture in the organisation and add value to it.

3) MANAGING STAFF TURNOVER In a human resources context, turnover or staff turnover or labour turnover is the rate at which an employer gains and loses employees. Simple ways to describe it are "how long employees tend to stay" or "the rate of traffic through the revolving door." Turnover is measured for individual companies and for their industry as a whole. If an employer is said to have a high turnover relative to its competitors, it means that employees of that company have a shorter average tenure than those of other companies in the same industry. High turnover may be harmful to a company's productivity if skilled workers are often leaving and the worker population contains a high percentage of novice workers.

HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING 1. Significance Human resource planning is important because it helps optimize the use of the available talent, respond quickly to competitive pressures, remain responsive to customer requirements and manage change more effectively. Management leadership and direction are key success factors. Human Resource PlanningHuman Resource is an important corporate asset and the overall performance of the companies depends upon the way it is put to use. In order to realize company objectives, it is essential to have a human resource plan. Human resource planning is essentially the process of getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time so that the organization 107

can meet its objectives. It is the system of matching the supply of people with opening the organizational expects over a given time of frame. Human resource planning is a forward looking function. It tries to assess human resource requirements in advance keeping the production schedules, market fluctuations, demand forecasts etc in the background. Human resource planning is the integral part of a overall corporate plan and reflects the broad thinking of management about the manpower needs within the organization.

OBJECTIVES: The basic purpose of having a human resource plan is to have an accurate estimate of the number of employees required, with matching skills requirement to meet the organizational objectives. It provides information about the manner in which existing personnel are employed, the kind of skills required for different categories of jobs and human resource requirements over a period of time in relation to organizational objectives. It would also give an induction of the lead time that is available to select and train the required number of additional manpower. The Human Resource Planning is required to meet the following objectives: Forecast personnel requirements:- Human Resource Planning is essential to determine the future manpower needs in an organization. In the absence of such a plan, it would be difficult to have the services of right kind of people at the right time. Cope with changes:- Human Resource Planning is required to cope with changes in market conditions, technology, products and government regulations in an effective way. These changes may often require the services of people with The requisite technical knowledge and training. In the absence of an HR

plan, may not be in position to enlist their services in time.


Use existing manpower productively:- By keeping an inventory of

existing personnel in an enterprise by skill, level, training, educational qualification, work expertise it may be possible to full utilize the existing resources more usefully in relation to the job requirement. This also helps in decreasing wages and salary cost in long run. Promote employees in a systematic manner:- Human Resource Planning provides useful information on the basis of which management decide on the promotion of the eligible personnel in the organization. In the absence of HRP it may be difficult to ensure regular promotions to competent on a justifiable


Human Resource Planning is a important and useful activity if used properly, it offers a number of benefits which are as follows: Reservoir of talent: The organization can have a reservoir of talent at any point of time. People with requisite skills are readily available to carry out the assigned tasks. Prepare people for future: People can be trained, motivated and developed in advance and this helps in meeting future need for highly qualified employees quite easily. Likewise, human resource shortage can handle challenging jobs easily.

Expand or contract: If the organization wants to expand its scale of operations, it can go ahead easily. Advance planning ensures a continuous supply of people with requisite skills who can handle challenging jobs easily. Cut Costs: Planning facilities the preparations of an appropriate HR budget for each department or division. This, in turn helps in controlling manpower costs by avoiding shortages/excesses in manpower supply. The physical 109

facilities such as canteen, quarters, schools, medical help etc., can also be planned in advance.

Succession Planning: Human resources planning, as pointed out previously, prepares people for future challenges. The stars can be picked up and kept ready for further promotions whenever they arise. All multinational companies for example have this policy of having a hot list of promising candidates prepared in advance, e.g. HUL, P&G, Godrej consumer products etc. such candidates are rolled over various jobs and assessed and assisted continuously . when the time comes such people switch hats quickly and replace their respective bosses without any problem. PROCESS OF HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING The process of Human Resource Planning usually followed in a large organization consists of the following steps:Forecasting the demand for human resources: Most firms estimate how many employees they require in future. The demand for human talent at various levels is primarily due to the following factors: External Challenges: These challenges arise from three important source

Economic Development: Liberalization, opening up of banking sector, capital market reforms, the online trading systems have created huge demand for finance professionals during 1990-1995 in India. The late 1990s saw the rise of manufacturing, FMCG, pharmaceuticals, auto components, healthcare and chemical industries in a steady manner, consequently the demand for engineering and management graduates, scientists and healthcare professionals has picked up in recent times Political, legal, social and technical changes: The demand for certain categories of employees and skills is also influenced by changes in political, legal and social structure in an economy. Likewise, firms employing latest technology in construction, power automobiles, software, etc., have greatly 110

enhanced the worth of technicians and engineers during the last couple of years. Technology, however is a double-edged weapon and hence, its impact on HR plans difficult to predict. For example, computerization programme in banks, railways, post and telegraph departments may reduce demand in one department (book keeping, for example) while increasing it in another (such a computer operations). High technology with all its attendant benefits may compel organizations to go lean and downsize workforce suddenly. Employment planning under such situations becomes complicated.

Competition: Companies operating in fields where a large number of players are bent upon cutting each others throat (with a view to enhance their market share ) often reduce their workforce. Competition is beneficial to customers but suicidal for companies operating on thin margins. Such companies have to necessarily go lean by reducing their workforce. On the other hand, companies that are doing well and progressing smoothly will always look for people with critical skills.

Organizational Decisions: The organizations strategic plans sales and production forecasts and new ventures must all be taken into account in employment planning. The long term HR plan must take this into consideration. Likewise if it tries to venture into other lucrative fields. The demand for people possessing requisite skills in those areas in the next couple of year should be looked into carefully.

Workforce Factors: Demand is modified by retirements, terminations, resignations, deaths and leaves of absence. Past experience however makes the rate of occurrence of these actions by employees fairly predictable.

Forecasting Techniques: The Human Resource Forecasting Techniques commonly employed by the organizations are given below:


Expert Forecasts: In this method, managers estimate future human resource requirements using their experiences and judgement to good effects. Trend analysis: HR needs can be estimated by examining past trends. Past rates of can be projected into the future or employment growth can be estimated by its relationship with a particular index. Other Methods: Several mathematical models with the aid of computers are also used to forecast HR needs example: Regression, optimization models, budget and planning analysis. To proceed systematically human resource professionals generally.follow three steps:Work Force Analysis: The average loss of human resource due to leave, retirement, death, transfers, discharge etc. during the last five years may be taken into account. Wholesome of the interchanges and external supply could be predicted (growth opportunities, promotions, transfers, retirements, etc.) others are not so easy to predict. Past experience and historical data may help bank managers in this regard. Workload analysis: The need for manpower is also determined on the basis of workload analysis. Where is the company tries to calculate the number of persons required for various jobs with reference to a planned output after giving weight age to factors such as absenteeism, idle time, etc. while determining manpower requirements through work load analysis, commercial banks may have to take the following factors into consideration. i. the number of transactions to be handled by an employee; ii. the amount of deposits and advances per employee; iii. special requirements in respect of managing extension counters, currency chests, mobile branches, etc.; 112

future expansion plans of the bank concerned . Managerial Judgments: a study of the past trends may serve as a useful guide in this regard. Statistical and econometric models also be pressed into services sometimes depending on the requirements. Job Analysis: Job analysis helps in finding out the abilities or skills required to do the jobs efficiently. A detailed study of jobs is usually made to identify the qualification and experience required for them. Job analysis includes two things: Job Description and Job Specification. Job Description is a factual statement of the duties and the responsibilities of a specific job. It gives an indication of what is to be done, how it is to be done and why it is to be done. Job specification provides information on the human attributes in term of education, skills, aptitudes and experience necessary to perform job effectively.

1. Preparing manpower inventory ( supply forecasting ) The basic purpose of preparing manpower inventory is to find out the size and quality of personnel available within the organization to mans various positions. Every organization will have to major supply of manpower. a. Internal labor supply: A profile of employees in terms of age, gender, education, training, experience, job level, past performance and future potential should be kept ready for use whenever required. Requirements in terms of growth / diversifications, internal movement of employees must also be processed in advance. The possibilities of absenteeism and turnover should be kept in mind while preparing the workforce analysis. Through replacement charts or succession plans, the organization can even find out the approximate date by which important positions may fall vacant. Some of the important Forecasting techniques are:113

Staffing table: It shows the number of employees in each job, it tries to classify employees on the basis of age, sex, position categories, experience, qualification, skills etc. Study of the table indicates whether current employees are properly utilized or not. Markov analysis: This technique uses historical rates of promotions, transfer and turn over to estimate future availabilities in the workforce. Based on the past probabilities, one can estimate he number of employees who will be in various positions with the organization in future. Skills inventory: A skill inventory is an assessment of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience and career aspirations of each of the current employees. The record should be updated at least every 2 years and should include changes such as new skills, additional qualifications, changed job, duties etc. such a record helps an organization to quickly match forthcoming job openings with employee background. Replacement chart: It shows the profile of job holders department-wise and offers a snapshot of who will replace whom if there is a job opening. External labor supply: When the organization grows rapidly, diversifies into newer areas of operations or when it is not able to find the people internally to fill the vacancies, it has to look into outside sources. To the extent an organization is able to anticipate its outside recruitment needs and looks into possible sources of supply keeping the market trends in mind, its problem in finding personnel with appropriate skills at the required time would become easier. Determining manpower gaps The existing to number of personnel and their skills are compared with the forecasted manpower needs to determine the quantitative and qualitative gaps in the workforce. A reconciliation of demand and supply forecasts will give us the number of people to be required and made redundant in the case may be. This forms the basis for preparing HR plan. 114

Determining man power gaps

Organizations operate in a changing environment. Changes in product mix, union agreements, and competitive actions are some of the important things that need special attention. Recrui

tment plan: will indicate the number and type of people required and when they are needed, special plans to recruit right people and how they are to be dealt with via the recruitment programme. employees for new jobs. Redun dancy plan: Will indicate who is redundant, when and where; the plans for retraining, where this is possible; and plans for golden handshake, retrenchment, lay-off, etc. Traini ng plan: Will indicate the number of trainees or apprentices required and the programme for recruiting or training them; existing staff requiring training or refraining; new coerces to be developed or changes to be effected in existing courses. employee productivity or reducing employee costs through Produc work tivity plan: Will indicate reasons for employee productivity or reducing simplification studies, mechanization, productivity bargaining, incentives and profit sharing schemes, job redesign etc. Retent ion plan: will indicate reasons for employee turnover and show strategies to avoid wastage through compensation policies; changes in work requirements and improvements in working conditions. Contro l points: The entire manpower plan is subjected to close monitoring from time to time. Control points are set to find out deficiencies, periodic updating of Redepl oyment plan: will indicate the programmes for transferring training existing


manpower inventory, in the light of changing circumstances, be undertaken to remove deficiencies and develop plans.

Responsibility for Human Resource Planning: Top level executives are responsible for Human Resource Planning as it is one of the important factors influencing the success of an organization. The plans are usually prepared by the human resource division in consultation with other corporate heads. The responsibility and accountability for manpower aspects of various divisions is on their respective heads. The responsibility and accountability for manpower aspects of various divisions is on their respective heads. They should undertake their own appraisals of future needs in such a way as top idea concrete basis for organization wide forecasting and planning. The human resource division must offer cones land advice to various divisional heads and coordinate the various manpower estimates from time to time. Human Resource Planning is thus: Assist counsel operating managers to plan and set objectives. Collect and summarize manpower data keeping long run objectives and broad organizational interest in mind. Monitored measure performance against the plan and keep top management informed about it. Provide proper research base for effective manpower and


Objectives:- The HR plan must fit in which the overall objectives of the organization, important aspects such as people working in the organization, 116

working conditions. Human relationships, etc., must be kept in mind while developing the plan. Top management Support:- The plan must meet the changing needs of the organization and should enjoy consistent support from top management. Employee skills inventory:- The organization must have an up to date employee skills inventory showing previous jobs held, tenure on current compensations, mobility factors. Human resource information system:- To manage employee skills inventories, organization should maintain computerized human resource information systems containing data on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Individual Demographics Career progressions Appraisal Skills Interests Training Target Positioning Performance Ratings Geographic Performances.


To develop a sustainable HR model that reinforces the emerging process centric culture, and a cost delivery model that appropriately balances personal services with effective service delivery, we needed to ensure that the HR organizational structure would adequately support such models. We therefore took into consideration an assessment of not only key processes, but also highlevel assessments of the HR functions, the HR organizational structure that


the function operate within, the leadership/ management capability within the organization. Process: Selection: In determining which process to select for examination and potential design, we consider the following criteria: Process impacts a large number of people, Process contains significant manual and/or duplicative efforts, Process has significant cost savings potential through the use of enabling automated systems, and Process has the potential of moving the organization towards both a processcentric and business-centric culture. Data Gathering: All HR and staff management employee survey to understand roles and responsibilities, time spent on current tasks, and recommendations for improvements. High-level introductory interviews with participants and functions managers. Managers / Supervisors functional survey to understand key services and their level of effectiveness and efficiency (e.g. Manual vs. Automated). Hiring Process Current State This process is about acquiring talent for the majority of the vacant positions. The process involves: oping selection criteria consistent with qualification Revie Devel standards and wing positions descriptions and classifying jobs according to federal standards.

requirements of the position and creating and posting job announcements. 118

ng Candidates and Process application materials. cting interviews and extending offers. the vacancy requisition and build the position in the database and minimal data about each applicant for the position.

Sourci Condu Initiate Retain

HRP IN SIMC: If there is a requirement of any manpower in any department or division than the same will be placed in front of HR department of that particular division. HR department monitors whether the present manpower is sufficient or not. If, there is a requirement of manpower than following steps are followed:

Vacancies informed to the concerned divisions personnel department by command office.

The employees are made aware of the vacancies through circulars issued by the personnel departments.

Employees apply by submitting required documents to the personnel department.

Personnel department sends the documents to the command office (HR department)

Selection Procedure If applicant found suitable heWritten Test) (Interviews Placed / is issued a appointment letter.






TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change takes place in structured format.


It is concerned with the structure and delivery of acquisition of knowledge to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of organization. It is concerned with improving the existing skills and exploring the potential skills of the individual i.e. upgrading the employees skills and extending their knowledge. Therefore, training is a key to optimizing utilization human intellectual technological and entrepreneurial skills Training and Development referred to as: Acquisition and sharpening of employees capabilities that is required to perform various obligations, tasks and functions. Developing the employees capabilities so that they may be able to discover their potential and exploit them to full their own and organizational development purpose. Developing an organizational culture where superior-subordinate

relationship, team work, and collaboration among different sub units are strong and contribute to organizational wealth, dynamism and pride to the employees.

Development defined It helps the individual handle future responsibilities, with less emphasis on present job duties. Introduction of training It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the 122

performance of employees. INPUTS IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT

Any training and development programme must contain inputs which enable the participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look into the distant future. Skills: Training is imparting skills to employees. A worker needs skills to operate machines, and use other equipments with least damage and scrap. This is a basic skill without which the operator will not be able to function. Employees, particularly supervisors and executives, need interpersonal skills. Education: The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts and develop a sense of reasoning and judgment. Development: It is less skill-oriented but stresses on knowledge. Knowledge about business environment, management principles and techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis is useful for better management of a company. Ethics: There is need for imparting greater ethical orientation to a training and development programme. Ethical attitude help managements make better decisions which are in the interests of the public, the employees and in the long term-the company itself. Attitudinal Changes: Attitude represents feelings and beliefs of individuals towards others. Attitude affects motivation, satisfaction and job commitment. Negative attitude need to be converting into positive attitude. Attitude must be changed so that employees feel committed to the organization, are motivated for better performance, and derive satisfaction from their jobs and the work environment. Decision making and problem solving skills: problems. It focus on methods and

techniques for making organization decision-making and solving work related


The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to that, there are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal. Individual objectives help employees in achieving their personal goals, which in turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization. Organizational Objectives assist the organization with its primary objective by bringing individual effectiveness. Functional Objectives maintain the departments contribution at a level suitable to the organizations needs. Societal Objectives ensure that an organization is ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society.


It helps to develop human intellect and an overall personality of the employees. Productivity Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal. Team spirit Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees. Organization Culture Training and Development helps to develop and improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the organization.


Organization Climate Training and Development helps building the positive perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers. Quality Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and work-life. Healthy work-environment Training and Development helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal. Health and Safety Training and Development helps in improving the health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence. Morale Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the workforce. Image Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image. Profitability Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation. Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and carrying out organizational policies Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display. Optimum Utilization of Human Resources Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals. Development of Human Resources Training and Development helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal growth. Development of skills of employees Training and Development helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to 125

expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employee MODELS OF TRAINING

Training is a sub-system of the organization because the departments such as, marketing & sales, HR, production, finance, etc depends on training for its survival. Training is a transforming process that requires some input and in turn it produces output in the form of knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs).

Training Techniques

1. LECTURE METHOD It is one of the oldest methods of training. This method is used to create understanding of a topic or to influence behavior, attitudes through lecture. A lecture can be in printed or oral form. Lecture is telling someone about something. Lecture is given to enhance the knowledge of listener or to give him the theoretical aspect of a topic. Training is basically incomplete without lecture. When the trainer begins the training session by telling the aim, goal, agenda, processes, or methods that will be used in training that means the trainer is using the lecture method. It is difficult to imagine training without lecture format. There are some variations in Lecture method. The variation here means that some forms of lectures are interactive while some are not.

Main Features of Lecture Method

some of the main features of lecture method are: Inability to identify and correct misunderstandings Less expensive Can be reached large number of people at once Knowledge building exercise 126

Less effective because lectures require long periods of trainee inactivity

2. DEMONSTRATION TRAINING METHOD This method is a visual display of how something works or how to do something. As an example, trainer shows the trainees how to perform or how to do the tasks of the job. In order to be more effective, demonstration method should be should be accompanied by the discussion or lecture method. To carry out an effective demonstration, a trainer first prepares the lesson plan by breaking the task to be performed into smaller modules, easily learned parts. Then, the trainer sequentially organizes those modules and prepares an explanation for why that part is required. While performing the demonstration, trainer:

3. COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT) With the worldwide expansion of companies and changing technologies, the demands for knowledge and skilled employees have increased more than ever, which in turn, is putting pressure on HR department to provide training at lower costs. Many organizations are now implementing CBT as an alternative to classroom based training to accomplish those goals.


According to a recent survey, about 75% of the organizations are providing training to employees through Intranet or Internet. Internet is not the method of training, but has become the technique of delivering training. The growth of electronic technology has created alternative training delivery systems. CBT does not require face to face interaction with a human trainer. This method is so varied in its applications that it is difficult to describe in concise terms

4. ROLE PLAY TRAINING METHOD Role play is a simulation in which each participant is given a role to play. Trainees are given with some information related to description of the role, concerns, objectives, responsibilities, emotions, etc. Then, a general description of the situation, and the problem that each one of them faces, is given. For instance, situation could be strike in factory, managing conflict, two parties in conflict, scheduling vacation days, etc. Once the participants read their role descriptions, they act out their roles by interacting with one another.

Role Plays helps in 128

Developing interpersonal skills and communication skills Conflict resolution Group decision making Developing insight into ones own behavior and its impact on others

6. MENTORING METHOD Mentoring is an ongoing relationship that is developed between a senior and junior employee. Mentoring provides guidance and clear understanding of how the organization goes to achieve its vision and mission to the junior employee. The meetings are not as structured and regular than in coaching. Executive mentoring is generally done by someone inside the company. The executive can learn a lot from mentoring. By dealing with diverse mentees, the executive is given the chance to grow professionally by developing management skills and learning how to work with people with diverse background, culture, and language and personality types. Some key points on Mentoring Mentoring focus on attitude development Conducted for management-level employees It is one-to-one interaction It helps in identifying weaknesses and focus on the area that needs improvement


This is training that an employee will receive when they first join an organization or begin a new role. This type of training is designed to provide the employee with the essential skills needed to perform their job. Induction training can also include an introduction to the company ethos, values and culture so that the employee is aware of the behaviors expected of them.


As the name suggests, on the job training, is training provided during the regular performance of duties. This can take a variety of forms including: The employee being guided through a task or process by a colleague or supervisor, so that the employee knows how to perform the task and to what standard. Shadowing, spending time with an expert so that the employee can observe how the expert performs their daily duties. Observations, the employee is observed whilst they perform their duties. At the end of the observation, the observer will provide the employee with feedback on their performance. Coaching, the employee will learn new skills (not knowledge) and have the opportunity to practice the skills with the coach before using the skills in the workplace. An effective coach will review the employees performance to ensure that the employee uses the newly learnt skills until they become habit. Mentoring, the employee is partnered with an experienced employee so that they can discuss performance. The experienced person is known as the mentor and the employee they are partnered with we will call the mentoree. The mentoree will discuss their performance and problems with the mentor.

9. OFF THE JOB TRAINING This is training provided away from the employees usual work environment and the employee will stop their usual duties/work during the training. Off the job training may be in the same building or off site. This training may be 130

provided by trainers working for the same employer as the employees being trained or an outside company hired by the employer.


The three model of training are: 1. System Model 2. Instructional System Development Model 3. Transitional model


The system model consists of five phases and should be repeated on a regular basis to make further improvements. The training should achieve the purpose of helping employee to perform their work to required standards. The steps involved in System Model of training are as follows: 1. ANALYZE and identify the training needs i.e. to analyze the department, job, employees requirement, who needs training, what do they need to learn, estimating training cost, etc The next step is to develop a performance measure on the basis of which actual performance would be evaluated. 2. DESIGN and provide training to meet identified needs. This step requires developing objectives of training, identifying the learning steps, sequencing and structuring the contents


3. DEVELOP- This phase requires listing the activities in the training program that will assist the participants to learn, selecting delivery method, examining the training material, validating information to be imparted to make sure it accomplishes all the goals & objectives. 4. IMPLEMENTING is the hardest part of the system because one wrong step can lead to the failure of whole training program. 5. EVALUATING each phase so as to make sure it has achieved its aim in terms of subsequent work performance. Making necessary amendments to any of the previous stage in order to remedy or improve failure practices TRANSITIONAL MODEL Transitional model focuses on the organization as a whole. The outer loop describes the vision, mission and values of the organization on the basis of which training model i.e. inner loop is executed. VISION focuses on the milestones that the organization would like to achieve after the defined point of time. A vision statement tells that where the organization sees itself few years down the line. A vision may include setting a role mode, or bringing some internal transformation, or may be promising to meet some other deadlines.


MISSION explain the reason of organizational existence. It identifies the position in the community. The reason of developing a mission statement is to motivate, inspire, and inform the employees regarding the organization.The mission statement tells about the identity that how the organization would like to be viewed by the customers, employees, and all other stakeholders. VALUES is the translation of vision and mission into communicable ideals. It reflects the deeply held values of the organization and is independent of current industry environment. For example, values may include social responsibility, excellent customer service, etc

The mission, vision, and values precede the objective in the inner loop. This model considers the organization as a whole. The objective is formulated keeping these three things in mind and then the training model is further implemented INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT (ISD) MODEL


Instructional System Development model was made to answer the training problems. This model is widely used now-a-days in the organization because it is concerned with the training need on the job performance. Training objectives are defined on the basis of job responsibilities and job description and on the basis of the defined objectives individual progress is measured. This model also helps in determining and developing the favorable strategies, sequencing the content, and delivering media for the types of training objectives to be achieved. The Instructional System Development model comprises of five stages: 1. ANALYSIS This phase consist of training need assessment, job analysis, and target audience analysis. 2. PLANNING This phase consist of setting goal of the learning outcome, instructional objectives that measures behavior of a participant after the training, types of training material, media selection, methods of evaluating the trainee, trainer and the training program, strategies to impart knowledge i.e. selection of content, sequencing of content, etc

3. DEVELOPMENT This phase translates design decisions into training material. It consists of developing course material for the trainer including


handouts, workbooks, visual aids, demonstration props, etc, course material for the trainee including handouts of summary. 4. EXECUTION This phase focuses on logistical arrangements, such as arranging speakers, equipments, benches, podium, food facilities, cooling, lighting, parking, and other training accessories. 5. EVALUATION The purpose of this phase is to make sure that the training program has achieved its aim in terms of subsequent work performance. This phase consists of identifying strengths and weaknesses and making necessary amendments to any of the previous stage in order to remedy or improve failure practices. The ISD model is a continuous process that lasts throughout the training program. It also highlights that feedback is an important phase throughout the entire training program. In this model, the output of one phase is an input to the next phase. PROCESS OF TRAINING









An analysis of training need is an essential requirement to the design of effective training. The purpose of training need analysis is to determine whether there is a gap between what is required for effective performance and present level of performance. Training Need arises at three levels: Organizational level Individual level Operational level Corporate need and training need are interdependent because the organization performance ultimately depends on the performance of its individual employee and its subgroup.


Organizational level Training need analysis at organizational level focuses on strategic planning, business need, and goals. It starts with the assessment of internal environment of the organization such as, procedures, structures, policies, strengths, and weaknesses and external environment such as opportunities and threats. After doing the SWOT analysis, weaknesses can be dealt with the training interventions, while strengths can further be strengthened with continued training. Threats can be reduced by identifying the areas where training is required. And, opportunities can be exploited by balancing it against costs. For this approach to be successful, the HR department of the company requires to be involved in strategic planning. In this planning, HR develops strategies to be sure that the employees in the organization have the required Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes (KSAs) based on the future KSAs requirements at each level. Individual level Training need analysis at individual level focuses on each and every individual in the organization. At this level, the organization checks whether an employee is performing at desired level or the performance is below expectation. If the difference between the expected performance and actual performance comes out to be positive, then certainly there is a need of training. However, individual competence can also be linked to individual need. The methods that are used to analyze the individual need are: Appraisal and performance review 137

Peer appraisal Competency assessments Subordinate appraisal Client feedback Customer feedback Self-assessment or self-appraisal Operational level Training Need analysis at operational level focuses on the work that is being assigned to the employees. The job analyst gathers the information on whether the job is clearly understood by an employee or not. He gathers this information through technical interview, observation, psychological test; questionnaires asking the closed ended as well as open ended questions, etc. Today, jobs are dynamic and keep changing over the time. Employees need to prepare for these changes. The job analyst also gathers information on the tasks needs to be done plus the tasks that will be required in the future. Based on the information collected, training Need analysis (TNA) is done. Benefits of need assessment

Training programs are designed to achieve specific goals that meet felt needs. There are many benefits of need assessment: 1. Trainers may be informed about the broader need of the trainees. 2. Trainers are able to pitch their course inputs closer to the specific needs of the trainees. 3. Assessment makes training department more accountable and more clearly linked to other human resource activities, which make the training programs easier to sell to line managers. TRAINING-DESIGN

The design of the training program can be undertaken only when a clear training objective has been produced. The training objective clears what goal has to be achieved by the end of training program i.e. what the trainees are 138

expected to be able to do at the end of their training. Training objectives assist trainers to design the training program. The trainer Before starting a training program, a trainer analyzes his technical, interpersonal, judgmental skills in order to deliver quality content to trainers. The trainees A good training design requires close scrutiny of the trainees and their profiles. Age, experience, needs and expectations of the trainees are some of the important factors that affect training design. Cost of training It is one of the most important considerations in designing a training programme. A training programme involves cost of different types. These may be in the form of direct expenses incurred in training, cost of training material to be provided, arrangement of physical facilities and refreshment, etc. Besides these expenses the organization has to bear indirect cost in the form of loss of production during training period. Ideally, a training programme must be able to generate more revenues than the cost involved. Training climate A good training climate comprises of ambience, tone, feelings, positive perception for training program, etc. Therefore, when the climate is favorable nothing goes wrong but when the climate is unfavorable, almost everything goes wrong.





Trainees learning style the learning style, age, experience, educational background of trainees must be kept in mind in order to get the right pitch to the design of the program. Training strategies Once the training objective has been identified, the trainer translates it into specific training areas and modules. The trainer prepares the priority list of about what must be included, what could be included. Training topics After formulating a strategy, trainer decides upon the content to be delivered. Trainers break the content into headings, topics, ad modules. These topics and modules are then classified into information, 142

knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Sequence the contents Contents are then sequenced in a following manner:

From simple to complex Topics are arranged in terms of their relative importance From known to unknown From specific to general Dependent relationship Training tactics Once the objectives and the strategy of the training program becomes clear, trainer comes in the position to select most appropriate tactics or methods or techniques. The method selection depends on the following factors:

Trainees background Time allocated Style preference of trainer Level of competence of trainer Availability of facilities and resources, etc Support facilities IT can be segregated into printed and audio visual. The various requirements in a training program are white boards, flip charts, markers, etc. Constraints The various constraints that lay in the trainers mind are: Time Accommodation, facilities and their availability Furnishings and equipments Budget Design of the training, etc TRAINING IMPLEMENTATION


To put training program into effect according to definite plan or procedure is called training implementation. Training implementation is the hardest part of the system because one wrong step can lead to the failure of whole training program. Even the best training program will fail due to one wrong action. Training implementation can be segregated into: Practical administrative arrangements Carrying out of the training Once the staff, course, content, equipments, topics are ready, the training is implemented. Completing training design does not mean that the work is done because implementation phase requires continual adjusting, redesigning, and refining. Preparation is the most important factor to taste the success. Therefore, following are the factors that are kept in mind while implementing training program: The trainer The trainer need to be prepared mentally before the delivery of content. Trainer prepares materials and activities well in advance. The trainer also set grounds before meeting with participants by making sure that he is comfortable with course content and is flexible in his approach. Physical set-up Good physical set up is pre-requisite for effective and successful training program because it makes the first impression on participants. Classrooms should not be very small or big but as nearly square as possible. This will bring people together both physically and psychologically. Also, right amount of space should be allocated to every participant. Establishing rapport with participants There are various ways by which a trainer can establish good rapport with trainees by: Greeting participants simple way to ease those initial tense moments Encouraging informal conversation Remembering their first name Pairing up the learners and have them familiarized with one another Listening carefully to trainees comments and opinions Telling the learners by what name the trainer wants to be addressed Getting to class before the arrival of learners 144

Starting the class promptly at the scheduled time Using familiar examples Varying his instructional techniques Using the alternate approach if one seems to bog down Reviewing the agenda At the beginning of the training program it is very important to review the program objective. The trainer must tell the participants the goal of the program, what is expected out of trainers to do at the end of the program, and how the program will run. The following information needs to be included: Kinds of training activities Schedule Setting group norms Housekeeping arrangements Flow of the program Handling problematic situations In general programme implementation involves action on the following lines: Deciding the location and organizing training and other facilities. Scheduling the training programme. Conducting the programme. Monitoring the progress of the trainees.


The process of examining a training program is called training evaluation. Training evaluation checks whether training has had the desired effect. Training evaluation ensures that whether candidates are able to implement their learning in their respective workplaces, or to the regular work routines. Purposes of Training Evaluation 145

The five main purposes of training evaluation are: Feedback: It helps in giving feedback to the candidates by defining the objectives and linking it to learning outcomes. Research: It helps in ascertaining the relationship between acquired knowledge, transfer of knowledge at the work place, and training

Control: It helps in controlling the training program because if the training is not effective, then it can be dealt with accordingly. Power games: At times, the top management (higher authoritative employee) uses the evaluative data to manipulate it for their own benefits. Intervention: It helps in determining that whether the actual outcomes are aligned with the expected outcomes. Functions of evaluation:

There are basically two functions of evaluation: 146

1. Qualitative evaluations is an assessment process how well did we do? 2. Quantitative evaluation is an assessment process that answers the question How much did we do?

Principles of Training Evaluation:

Training need should be identified and reviewed concurrently with the business and personal development plan process.

a) Evaluation must be continuous. b) Evaluation must be specific. c) Evaluation must be based on objective methods and standards. d) There should be correlation to the needs of the business and the individual. e) Organizational, group and individual level training need should be identified and evaluated. f) Techniques of evaluation should be appropriate. g) The evaluation function should be in place before the training takes place. h) The outcome of evaluation should be used to inform the business and training process. Need of evaluation of Training:

Training cost can be significant in any business. Most organizations are prepared to incur these cost because they expect that their business to benefit from employees development and progress. Whether business has benefited can be assessed by evaluation training. There are basically four parties involved in evaluating the result of any training. Trainer, Trainee, Training and Development department and Line Manager. The Trainee wants to confirm that the course has met personal expectations and satisfied any learning objectives set by the T & D department at the beginning of the programme. 147

The Trainer concern is to ensure that the training that has been provided is effective or not. Training and Development want to know whether the course has made the best use of the resources available. The Line manager will be seeking reassurance that the time hat trainee has spent in attending training results in to value and how deficiency in knowledge and skill redressed. The problem for many organizations is not so much why training should be evaluated but how. Most of the organizations overlook evaluation because financial benefits are difficult to describe in concrete terms. The process of evaluation is central to its effectiveness and helps to ensure that:

Whether training budget is well spent To judge the performance of employee as individual and team. To establish culture of continuous learning and improvement.


Before Training: The learners skills and knowledge are assessed before the training program. During the start of training, candidates generally perceive it as a waste of resources because at most of the times candidates are unaware of the objectives and learning outcomes of the program. Once aware, they are asked to give their opinions on the methods used and whether those methods confirm to the candidates preferences and learning style During Training: It is the phase at which instruction is started. This phase usually consist of short tests at regular intervals. After Training: It is the phase when learners skills and knowledge are assessed again to measure the effectiveness of the training. This phase is designed to determine whether training has had the desired effect at individual


department and organizational levels. There are various evaluation techniques for this phase. Techniques of evaluation

The various methods of training evaluation are: Observation Questionnaire Interview Self diaries Self recording of specific incidents WHAT TO EVALUATE/LEVEL OF EVALUATION Donald Kirkpatrick developed four level models to assess training effectiveness. According to him evaluation always begins with level first and should move through other levels in sequence.

Reaction Level: The purpose is to measure the individual reaction to the training activity. The benefit of Reaction level evaluation is to improve Training and Development activity efficiency and effectiveness.

Learning Level: The basic purpose is to measure the learning transfer achieved by the training and development activity. Another purpose is to determine to what extent the individual increased their knowledge, skills and changed their attitudes by applying quantitative or qualitative assessment methods 149

Behavior Level: The basic purpose is to measure changes in behavior of the individual as a result of the training and development activity and how well the enhancement of knowledge, skill, attitudes has prepared than for their role.

Result Level: The purpose is to measure the contribution of training and development to the achievement of the business/operational goals.




A performance management system includes the following actions: Develop clear job descriptions. Select appropriate people with an appropriate selection process. Negotiate requirements and accomplishment-based performance standards, outcomes, and measures. Provide effective orientation, education, and training. Provide on-going coaching and feedback. Conduct quarterly performance development discussions. Design effective compensation and recognition systems that reward people for their contributions. Provide promotional/career development opportunities for staff. Assist with exit interviews to understand WHY valued employees leave the organization.



Performance appraisal An organizations goals can be achieved only when people put in their best efforts. How to ascertain whether an employee has shown his or her best performance on a given job? This can be done through performance appraisal. In simple terms, performance appraisal may be understood as the assessment of an individuals performance in a systematic way, behaviors on jobs and his or her potential for future performance. Objectives of Performance appraisal: To review the performance of the employees over a given period of time. To judge the gap between the actual and the desired performance. To help the management in exercising organizational control. Helps to strengthen the relationship and communication between superior subordinates and management employees. To diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals so as to identify the training and development needs of the future. To provide feedback to the employees regarding their past performance. Provide information to assist in the other personal decisions in the organization. Provide clarity of the expectations and responsibilities of the functions to be performed by the employees.


To judge the effectiveness of the other human resource functions of the organization such as recruitment, selection, training and development.

To reduce the grievances of the employees. Whose performance should be appraised ?

It is obvious, that employees performance should be appraised. Here employees, is individuals or teams. Specifically, it includes individual, work group, division or organization.

Who is the appraiser? Appraiser can be immediate supervisors, specialists from the HR department subordinates, peers, committees, clients, self-appraisals or a combination of several. Immediate supervision is the fit candidate to appraise the performance of his or her subordinates because no one is more familiar with the subordinates performance then his or her superior. Subordinates can assess the performance of their superiors. The use of this choice may be useful in assessing an employees ability to communicate, delegate work, allocate resources, disseminate information, resolve intrapersonal conflict, and deal with employees on a fair basis. Peers are in better position to evaluate certain facts or job performance which the subordinates or supervision cannot do. Where superiors, peers, subordinates and clients, make appraisal it is called the 360-degree system of appraisal. In self-appraisal, the employee himself or herself evaluates his or her own performance.


What should be appraised ? One of the steps of an appraisal programme is to determine the evaluation criteria. It is obvious that the criteria should be related to the job. The criteria are :(a) Quality: The extent to which result of carrying out an activity approaches perfection. (b) Quantity: The amount produced expressed in monetary terms number of

units, or number of completed activity cycles (c) Timeliness: The degree to which an activity is completed or a result produced at the earliest desirable time. (d) Cost effectiveness: The degree to which the organizations resources is maximized in the sense of getting the highest gain or reduction in loss. (e) Need for Supervision: The degree to which a job performer may need or may not need supervisory for carry out a job function. (f) Interpersonal Impact: The degree to which a performer promoters feeling of self-esteem, goodwill and co-operation among Co-workers and subordinates.

Why Performance Appraisal? Performance Appraisal is a vehicle to (1) validates and refines organizational actions (e.g. Selection, training etc.) (2) Provide feedback to employees with an eye on improving future performance.


Tools of performance appraisal Performance Appraisal Techniques

Individual evaluation methods methods 1. Confidential report 2. Essay evaluation 3. Critical incidents 4. Checklists 5. Graphic rating scale 6. Forced choice method 7. MBO Individual evaluation methods

Multiple-person evaluation

Ranking Paired comparison


Confidential report: It is mostly used in government organizations. It is a descriptive report prepared, generally at the end of every year, by the employee's immediate superior. The report highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the subordinate. The report is not data based. The impressions of the superior about the subordinate are merely recorded there. It does not offer any feedback to the appraisee. Since the report is generally not made public and hence no feedback is available, the subjective analysis of the superior is likely to be hotly contested.


Essay evaluation: Under this method, the rater is asked to express the strong as well as weak points of the employee's behavior. This technique is normally used with a combination of the graphic rating scale because the rater can elaborately present the scale by substantiating an explanation for his rating. 155


Critical incident technique: Under this method, the manager prepares lists of statements of very effective and ineffective behavior of an employee. These critical incidents or events represent the outstanding or poor behavior of employees on the job. The manager maintains logs on each employee, whereby he periodically records critical incidents of the workers behavior.


Checklists and weighted checklists:

Another simple type of individual

evaluation method is the checklist. A checklist represents, in its simplest form, a set of objectives or descriptive statements about the employee and his behavior.


Graphic rating scale: Under this method, a printed form, as shown below, is used to evaluate the performance of an employee. A variety of traits may be used in these types of rating devices, the most common being the quantity and quality of work. The rating scales can also be adapted by including traits that the company considers important for effectiveness on the job. From the graphic rating scales, excerpts can be obtained about the performance standards of employees.


Forced choice method: This method was developed to eliminate bias and the preponderance of high ratings that might occur in some organizations. The primary purpose of the forced choice method is to correct the tendency of a rater to give consistently high or low ratings to all the employees.


Management by objectives (MBO): MBO represents a modern method of evaluating the performance of personnel. Thoughtful managers have become increasingly aware that the traditional performance evaluation systems are characterized by somewhat antagonistic judgments on the part of the rater. There is a growing feeling nowadays that it is better to make the superior work with subordinates in fixing goals. This would inevitably enable subordinates to exercise self-control over their performance behaviors. The concept of 156

management by objectives is actually the outcome of the pioneering works of Drucker, McGregor and Odiorne in management science.

Features MBO emphasizes anticipatively set goals that are tangible, verifiable and measurable.

MBO focuses attention on what must be accomplished (goals) rather than how it is to be accomplished (methods).

MBO by concentrating on key result areas translates the abstract philosophy of management into concrete phraseology. The technique can be put to general use (non-specialist technique). Further it is ''dynamic system which seeks to integrate the company's need to clarify and achieve its profit and growth targets with the manager's need to contribute and develop himself''.

MBO is a systematic and rational technique that allows management to attain

Maximum results from available resources by focusing on achievable goals. It allows the subordinate plenty of room to make creative decisions on his own.

Multiple-person evaluation techniques


Ranking method: This is a relatively easy method of performance evaluation. Under this method, the ranking of an employee in a work group is done against that of another employee. The relative position of each employee is tested in terms of his numerical rank. It may also be done by ranking a person on his job performance against another member of the competitive 157

group. The quintessence of this method is that employees are ranked according to their levels of performance. While using this method, the evaluator is asked to rate employees from highest to lowest on some overall criterion.

b. Paired comparison method: Ranking becomes more reliable and easier under the paired comparison method. Each worker is compared with all other employees in the group; for every trait the worker is compared with all other employees. For instance, when there are five employees to be compared, then A's performance is compared with that of B's and decision is arrived at as to whose is the better or worse. Next, B is also compared with all others. Since A is already compared with B, this time B is to be compared with only C, D and E. By this method when there are five employees, fifteen decisions are made (comparisons).

Appraisal interview and feedback The post appraisal interview is an essential part of the performance appraisal system. The employee gets useful feedback information about how effectively and efficiently he is able to discharge the assigned duties. It also gives the opportunity to employee to explain his views about the ratings, standards, rating methods, internal and external causes for low level of performance. The appraiser gets a chance to explain the employee his rating, the traits and behavior he has taken into account for appraisal, etc. He can utilize this opportunity to offer constructive suggestions help, guide and coach the employee for his advancement.

Performance management The performance management process begins with analysis and descriptions of the job. The performance manger identifies essential functions 158

in the job description and the strategic mission and goals of the department or organization unit. Standard of minimum acceptable performance are developed for the position with the employees. Additionally standards for performance that exceeds expectations may be set to encourage the employee to strive for even better results. Throughout the appraisal period (typically one year0 the performance manager observes and provides behavioral feedback on the performance of the employee focusing on helping the employee to achieve successful performance. At the end of the appraisal period, and in collaboration with the employee, the performance manager prepares, writes, delivers and then produces a final copy of the written performance appraisal. At any point in the process, the employee and performance manager may identify needs and creates a plan for employee education, training or development in job or career related areas. The issues related to performance management of teams and team member arise out of the variety of reporting relationships and degree of independent responsibility that teams exercise, as well as the creed to reinforce team value and efforts without undercutting individual responsibility. By following the steps outline in this guide to performance Management, you will find that the performance management process faster improve communication with your employees. You will also achieve better result for your organization unit or department.

Job description and essential functions strategic plan and annual goals

Standard of performance

Observation and feedback

Performance Appraisal

An important component of the performance management process is development of employees work related skills, knowledge and experience. The development process offers another opportunity for you and your employee to work collaboratively to improve performance and to contribute to organizational effectiveness.

Performance Development

Limitations of performance appraisal 1. Halo error: - The Halo Effect is a tendency to let the assessment of an individual one trait influence the evaluation of that person on other specific traits. The Halo Effect refers to the tendency to rate an individual consistently high or low or average on the various traits, depending upon whether the rate is overall impression of the individual is favorable or not. This means that the halo effect allows one characteristics, observation or occurrence (either good or bad) to influence the rating of all performance factor. This effect arises when traits are unfamiliar, ill-defined and involve personal relations.



Leniency or Constant Errors: - Every evaluation has his own value system, which acts as a standard against which he makes his appraisals. Relative to the true or actual performance an individual exhibits some supervisors have a tendency to be liberal in then ratings i.e. they consistently assign high value the their employees, while at other times they may have a tendency to assign consistently low ratings. The former tendency is known as Positive leniency error, while the later as negative leniency errors.


Central Tendency Problem: - It assigns average ratings to all the employees with a view to avoiding commitment or involvement, or when the rater is in doubt or has inadequate informations or lack of knowledge about the behavior of employee or when he has not much time at his disposal. Such tendency seriously distorts the evaluations making them most useless for promotion, salary or counseling purposes.


Similarity Error: - This type of error occurs when the evaluator rates other people in the same way he perceives himself. For example, the evaluation that perceives himself as aggressive many evaluate others by looking for aggressiveness. Those who show this characteristic may be benefited while others may suffer. This error also washes out if the same evaluator appraises all the people in the organization.


Hypercritical Effect: - It is the tendency of a superior to rate people lower than their performance justifies.


Reluctant to Play God: - Some managers are unwilling to Play God by judging others. Accepting the responsibility for being a judge for the future of another person causes severe anxiety in some people.



Performance appraisal in Sahara India Pariwar Our Pariwar is committed to cherished traditions of Indian Family where theres no malik, but a guardian, forever guiding and encouraging the family 162

members. This spirit of true Bharatiya values continues to inspire us to work towards our constructive and productive goals in a common emotional bond of caring and sharing-leading to nirantar Collective Growth. HR department of Sahara India Pariwar has to decide upon the content to be appraised before the programme is approved. Generally, the content to be appraised is determined on the basis of Job analysis. The content to be appraised may vary with the purpose of appraisal and type and level or employees.

Appraisal factor used in Sahara India Pariwar: There are various factor used for Appraisal in Sahara India Pariwar 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Ability to plan, delegate, control and coordinate. Knowledge of the job. Clarity about objectives. Ability to take decisions. Power of expression, written and verbal. Cooperation. Manner and general bearing. Initiative. Communication skill. Attitude to work Loyalty Sociability However the content to be appraised varies from higher-level employees to these of junior cadre employees. Such as work force, assistants. There are various factors to be appraised in junior cadre employees. They are 1) Knowledge of work. 163

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Ability to learn. Initiative Personality Hygiene Attendance Ability to communicate Loyalty. Appraiser is the person who has through knowledge about the job content. In Sahara India Pariwar, Appraisal is mainly done by HOD The immediate senior Employees appraise their own performance. (Self appraisal)

Appraisal process of Sahara India Pariwar: * SAHARA INDIA PARIWAR STANDS FOR Emotion before Economics 164

Principles before Profits Values before Wealth Man before Money Country before Religion Quality before Quantity Conscience before Corporation Family before Fortune First of all performance standard is established and the employees are rated on the basis of established standard. The appraisal for is being rated by employees him/ her-self, and by the immediate Superior and lastly by the HOD.






On the basis of this rate scales employees are either promoted or given any increment etc or even dismiss. The systematic appraisal is conducted on regular basis that is annually hereRating Process: Following rating process used to rate the employees Over All Rating: 1. 2. 3. 4. Outstanding Very Good Good Average (20-25) Below Average (19 or less) The potential of the employees is also appraised in this way:Do he/ she have potential to assume? Details of training undergone during the year. Indicate your training needs. Special remarks if any.



SAHARA INDIA MASS COMMUNICATION NAME...................................... CADRE..................................... DESIGNATION ......................................... CHANNEL/DEPARTMENT..................................................... SECTION................................. PLACE OF POSTING............................................................. JOINING............................... E.C .............................


1. Describe your position/job profile/job responsibilities (key result areas). .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .............................. 2. List and describe your most significant achievement in last one year. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ........................ 3. Describe your most important contribution for betterment of working of your department in last one year. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ........................ 4. Where did you experience difficulties or constraints which affected your performance and what changes will you suggest for improvement. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .................. 5. Have you performed any new tasks or additional duties outside the scope of your regular responsibilities in last one year? If yes, please describe. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ........................ 6. Are you being fully utilized in your current position? If not what additional responsibility would you like to take? 171

.......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ........................ 7. What kind of support and /or guidance would you like to see from your incharge? .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ....................... 8. In which specific area do you feel training is required for your dev elopement. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ........................ 9. Please mention the details of qualification(s) acquired after your joining the organisation (if any). .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ........................ 10. How would you rate your overall performance of last one year? (please tick) a. Exceptional b. Very good c. Satisfactory d. Fair

Various Scales are being used to rate the employees, Such as: a) b) c) d) Quality of work. Interpersonal relation. Confident. Tideness etc. Promotion is provided on the following basis: Pro-activity based. Discipline 172


Performance during last 2 or 3 years. Punctuality Complete the task within time frame. In house examination has to be organized for the promotion of the person working in the same cadre in a particular department


WELFARE includes anything that is done for the comfort & the improvement of employees & is provided over & above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale & motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The Welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind. Employee welfare includes monitoring of WORKING CONDITIONS, CREATION OF INDUSTRIAL HARMONY THROUGH INFRASTRUCTURE FOR HEALTH, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS & INSURANCE AGAINST ACCIDENT, UNEMPLOYMENT for the workers & their families. Labour welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities & services in addition to wages & salaries.

Labour welfare has the following objectives1. 2. TO PROVIDE BETTER LIFE & HEALTH TO THE WORKERS. TO MAKE WORKERS HAPPY & SATISFIED.




IMPROVE CULTURAL, INTELLECTUAL & MATERIAL CONDITIONS OF WORKERS. The basic features of labour welfare measures are as follows Labour welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities

provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status. Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic Labour welfare schemes are flexible and ever-changing. New welfare Welfare measures may be introduced by the employers, government, The purpose of labour welfare is to bring about the development of the benefits available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining. measures are added to the existing ones from time to time. employees or by any social or charitable agency. whole personality of the workers to make a better workforce.


The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied labour force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better and also to raise their standard of living. The important benefits of welfare measures can be summarized as follows: They provide better physical & mental health to workers & thus promote a healthy work environment. Facilities like housing schemes, medical benefits, and education and recreation facilities for workers families help in raising their standards of living. This makes workers to pay more attention towards work and thus increases their productivity. Employers get stable labour force by providing welfare facilities. Workers take active interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement and participation. Employee welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and promote healthy industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace. 174

The social evils prevalent among the labours such as substance abuse, etc are reduced to a greater extent by the welfare policies.

Welfare amenities have become an accepted part of good industrial organization. Consequently, welfare departments have been looked upon a positive contributing factor to increase the efficiency of the business. Welfare department should establish direct relationship with the business in the same way as, say, the publicity advertising or accounting departments. All organization will make an effort to keep accurate costs in order that a basis of comparison can be worked out. If a welfare department is to be efficient, it follows that adequate office accommodation must be provided. The welfare department should be located at a convenient central spot. It has to maintain broadly employment, welfare and medical records.


WELFARE SECTION is a broad term encompassing measures aimed at providing HOUSING, MEDICAL, SCHOOLING, SPORTS & GAMES, SOCIAL CULTURE & RECREATIONAL FACILITIES. Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz. STATUTORY & NON- STATUTORY WELFARE SCHEMES. The STATUTORY SCHEMES are those schemes that are compulsory to provide by an organization as compliance to the laws governing employee health and safety. These include provisions provided in industrial acts like


Factories Act 1948, Dock Workers Act (safety, health and welfare) 1986, Mines Act 1962. The NON STATUTORY SCHEMES differ from Organization to Organization and from Industry to Industry.


The statutory welfare schemes include the following provisions: Drinking Water: At all the working places safe hygienic drinking water Facilities for sitting: In every organization, especially factories, suitable First aid appliances: First aid appliances are to be provided and should

should be provided. seating arrangements are to be provided. be readily assessable so that in case of any minor accident initial medication can be provided to the needed employee. Toilets and Urinals: A sufficient number of latrines and urinals are to be provided in the office and factory premises and are also to be maintained in a neat and clean condition. Canteen facilities: Cafeteria or canteens are to be provided by the Lighting: Proper and sufficient lights are to be provided for employees Washing places: Adequate washing places such as bathrooms, wash employer so as to provide hygienic and nutritious food to the employees. so that they can work safely during the night shifts. basins with tap and tap on the stand pipe are provided in the port area in the vicinity of the work places. Rest rooms: Adequate numbers of restrooms are provided to the workers with provisions of water supply, wash basins, toilets, bathrooms, etc.


Many non statutory welfare schemes may include the following schemes: Personal Health Care (Regular medical check-ups): Some of the Flexi-time: The main objective of the flexitime policy is to provide

companies provide the facility for extensive health check-up opportunity to employees to work with flexible working schedules. 176

Medical-claim Insurance Scheme: This insurance scheme provides

adequate insurance coverage of employees for expenses related to hospitalization due to illness, disease or injury or pregnancy. Township administration Education Facilities Transportation Library Social Clubs






The process for the formulation and the performance of the welfare activities is as under: First of all an annual schedule of the welfare activities to be performed during the year is chalked out. The welfare officers of the social security cell are involved in the preparation of these programs. On the basis of this annual schedule a budget is prepared for all these programs to be conducted by the department. The budget hence prepared is sent for the approval of the C.E.O. On approval of the budget the welfare department then initiates steps towards various activities and put the plans into the action. The department also receives feedback on the performance of these activities to ensure that activities are performed in the prescribed manner and yield desired results. The feedback is received through Labour Office & and through direct interaction with employees.


Under Welfare Department Various Councils and Association have been formed for the upliftment of employrrs. These councils and associations are as follows:

1. Education Facilities 2. Hospital medical facilities and Nature Cure Center 3. Library 4. Sports Council 177

5. Mahila Shilp Kala Kendra( Ladies Club) 6. Township Administration 7. Manoranjanalaya ( Recreational Center) 8. Canteen Facilities 9. Ex Gratia 10. Gratuity 11. Leave Travel Assistance 12. Special Loans And Advances 13. Marriage Gift Scheme 14. Death Benefit Scheme 15. Own Your Vehicle Scheme 16. Mobile and Laptop Policy

The employees that have been hired trained and remunerated for need to be motivated for better performance The H.R. specialists must use several ways to motivate the employees.


This compensation and welfare / benefits for any employee comprises of:Basic salary Housing benefits Conveyance benefits Utilities Telephone Allowance for childrens education Membership in clubs Medical benefits Leave travel assistance Other allowances Electricity and water Leaves, leave encasement, leave travel assistance Vehicle under mills scheme Provided fund, Pension and Gratuity Long service, ex- gratia and superannuation coverage Transport expenses on retirement Holiday home Assistance at the time of daughters marriage Vocational training for widows and other female dependants of the deceased employee. Cultural and spiritual development programmes. 178

STAFF WELFARE FACILITIES IN SIMC:ESIC (EMPLOYEE STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION):- This is a corporation which has been introduced by the state government for the welfare of employees drawing salary 15,000 or less than 15000/ month. In this scheme any company employing 20 or more than 20 persons will be covered under ESI. It gives the facility of treatment to all the family members of covered employee. Employer deducts 1.75% of the gross salary of the employee/ worker and employer contributes 4.75% share on behalf of his employees. ESI authorities issue a photo I-card to all the covered employees and through this card all the family member of worker can take medical treatment. In case of any chronic disease / major operation ESI doctors can refer the case to any private hospital.

SWF (STAFF WELFARE FUND): Festival advance General loan for medical purpose, marriage of daughter and sister. Medical treatment of parents/ spouse. Provident fund loan for the purchase of land, flat, marriage purpose and medical treatment. Canteen facilities Payment of medical bill in emergency. Leave travelling allowanceTravelling entitlement and pocket money has been decides as per the cadre of the employees.




Some of the retirement benefits are: Pension Pension is the income received by an employee after his retirement. It is a periodical allowance, on account of past service, given by a former employer after the retirement of an employee. Periodical pension is called un-commuted pension. When a lump-sum payment is made in lieu of a periodical pension, it is termed as commuted pension. Pension of an employee is taxable under the head salary. Taxability of pension depends on whether it is periodic or lumpsum. Periodic payment (un-commuted pension) is fully taxable in case of both government and non-government employees. Lump-sum Payment (commuted pension) is tax-free in case of government employees. In case of other employees, if that employee is also receiving gratuity, then 1/3rd of the commuted pension would be exempt from tax. If gratuity is not received by an employee, half of the commuted pension will be exempt from tax. Gratuity Gratuity is a lump-sum payment made by an employer as a mark of gratitude for the services rendered by his employee. It is an important form of social security benefit. Gratuity is payable at the end of the employment (by way of retirement, death, termination or resignation). Every employer who has more than 10 salaried workers is allowed to grant gratuity to workers. The law which governs gratuity in India is the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. 181

To receive gratuity, the employee should at least have completed 5 years of service. The payment of gratuity is made to the employee based on the duration of his total service to that employer. The benefit is payable by taking the last drawn salary as the basis for calculation. For the purpose of Income Tax, gratuity received by an employee of the central government, state government or any local authority is completely exempt from tax. For other employees, the least of the following is exempt from tax . Rs. 10,00,000 (as per amendment from march 2010) Gratuity actually received, or Half month's average salary (average of last 10 months salary) for each completed year of service. Leave Encashment Leave encashment is the encashment of unused leave of an employee. The employee surrenders the leave at the time of retirement and is paid for the same. Taxability of leave encashment received at the time of retirement is as follows . In case of government employees, it is fully exempt from tax. In case of non-government employees, the least of the following is exempt .

Rs. 3,00,000/ 10 months average salary Leave encashment actually received Cash equivalent to the leaves surrendered Voluntary Retirement Compensation Many companies today provide its employee with the option of taking voluntary retirement under the Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS). This scheme is drawn to right-size the existing strength of employees within a company. The benefits derived by an employee by opting VRS can also be considered as retirement benefit. VRS is applicable to only those employees who have completed 10 years of service or are of the age of 40 years. Under VRS, the employees are offered a onetime lump-sum amount. For income tax 182

purposes, this compensation amount received is exempt up to Rs. 5,00,000/- if all the conditions under the scheme are fulfilled.

As per policy in Sahara India Mass Communication, there are following provisions applicable in Sahara India Group of Companies, (1) A worker can get Retirement after completion the age of 65 Years in Sahara Group of Companies but recently it has been changed into 60 Years from 65 Years. (2) The amount of Pension in depend on the last Basic Salary of the concerned worker. (3) If a worker expires before retirement or after retirement then his spouse gets the pension amount.

OTHER FRINGE BENEFITS :(1) Leave Travelling Allowance (2) Car / Motor Bike Maintenance Allowance (3) Medical Bills Reimbursement (4) Special Leave for Marriage (5) Benifits on Administrative Transfer (6) Vehicle Loan, General Loan, Marriage Loan and Non refundable P.F. Loan facility. In general, a pension is an arrangement to provide people with an income when they are no longer earning a regular income from employment.[1] Pensions should not be confused with severance pay; the former is paid in regular installments, while the latter is paid in one lump sum. The terms retirement plan or superannuation refer to a pension granted upon retirement.[2] Retirement plans may be set up by employers, insurance companies, the government or other institutions such as employer associations or trade unions. Called retirement plans in the United States, they are commonly known as pension schemes in the United Kingdom and Ireland and superannuation plans or super[3] in Australia and New Zealand. Retirement pensions are typically in the form of a guaranteed life annuity, thus insuring against the risk of longevity. A pension created by an employer for the benefit of an employee is commonly referred to as an occupational or employer pension. Labor unions, the 183

government, or other organizations may also fund pensions. Occupational pensions are a form of deferred compensation, usually advantageous to employee and employer for tax reasons. Many pensions also contain an additional insurance aspect, since they often will pay benefits to survivors or disabled beneficiaries. Other vehicles (certain lottery payouts, for example, or an annuity) may provide a similar stream of payments. The common use of the term pension is to describe the payments a person receives upon retirement, usually under pre-determined legal and/or contractual terms. A recipient of a retirement pension is known as a pensioner or retiree.

Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) is basically defined as the cost of travel granted to employees to travel anywhere in India, while on leave from work. The amount of exemption depends upon the mode of travel, and it is allowed only towards the travel fare, and not for boarding and lodging. It is allowed twice in a block of four calendar years. The current block is 2010-13. So, for the period 2010-13 one can claim this exemption for any two occasions. If in a particular block one is not able to claim LTA exemption for one or both journeys, then one journey can be carried forward and can be claimed in the first calendar year of the succeeding block. And thereafter, claim the remaining two journeys of that particular block of four years can also be claimed. For example, a person was not able to perform any travel in the previous block, i.e., during 2006-09. He can carry forward one journey to the current block, i.e., 2010-13 and claim it in 2010, the first calendar year of the block. and later on he can also claim the remaining two journeys of the block 201013. In a way, he will be able to avail three exemptions in the block 2010-13. It is not mandatory for the employee to submit travel bills to the employer to claim LTA. As per Supreme Court judgment in 2009 made it clear that the employers do not have a statutory obligation to collect travel bills from their employees to allow the LTA exemption. Though many employers still insist employees to submit bills even though it is no longer mandatory. If at all one fails to claim LTA and the employer deducts taxes on the amount paid, one can claim the same in the income tax return, and accordingly can get a refund of the tax that had previously been deducted. The travel exemption is available for only the following who can accompany the reciepient of LTA * Spouse and up to two children * Parents and brothers and sisters who are mainly dependent on you You must be traveling with your family on the journey to claim LTA, otherwise the journey will not be eligible for exemption. Please note that the entire holiday cost is not covered. Only the cost of to and fro travel is eligible. Expenses incurred towards boarding and lodging or on 184

local conveyance to and from the station/airport do not qualify for any exemption. The travel concession received by the employee is exempt up to the amount spent on travel or the following specified limits, whichever is less: * For air route Economy air fare on National Carrier by shortest route is provided. * For any other mode than air: i) Destination connected by rail: First AC rail fare by shortest route. ii) Destination not connected by rail: a) Where recognized public transport system exists: First class or deluxe class Rail fare b) Where recognized public transport system does not exists: First AC rail fare for equivalent distance Precisely, if one is traveling by air, then the economy fare on the national carrier on the shortest route is the amount to be exempted. If one is traveling by any other mode other than air, then if the destination is connected by rail, the first class AC fare by train on the shortest route is exempted. And for destinations not connected by rail, where recognized public transport exists the first class or deluxe class fare is exempt or where no recognized public transport exists AC first class rail fare is exempt for equivalent distance.

Contributory Provident Fund The Contributory Provident Fund Rules (India), ,1962 are applicable to every non-pensionable servant of the Government belonging to any of the services under the control of the President. A subscriber, at the time of joining the Fund is required to make a nomination in the prescribed Form conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the amount that may stand to his credit in the Fund in the event of his death, before that amount has become payable or having become payable has not been paid. A subscriber shall subscribe monthly to the Fund when on duty or Foreign Service but not during the period of suspension. Rates of subscription shall not be less than 10% of the emoluments and not more than his emoluments. The employers contribution at that percentage prescribed by the Government will be credited to the subscribers account and this is 10%. Rate of interest with effect from 1.4.2009 is 8% compounded annually. The Rules provide for drawal of advances/ withdrawals from the CPF for specific purposes. As in 185

GPF Rules, the CPF Rules also provide for Deposit Linked Insurance Revised Scheme.




Handling Grievance & Discipline Procedures

Handling a grievance When dealing with a grievance: Ensure you're familiar with the procedure and apply it correctly Hold any grievance hearing in private without interruptions Where a grievance relates to the person's line manager, ensure that the employee can raise the grievance with someone else Listen carefully to the person's explanation of the problem and consider whether there is a deeper issue which might be the root cause of the grievance Listen to any conflicting points of view Weigh up all evidence to see whether there is an issue you need to address Decide what action to take, trying to balance fairness to the person without compromising the business or other workers 187

Inform all concerned parties of your decision and the appeal process Ensure you resolve any problems relating to policies, procedures or conduct where the grievance procedure highlights these Keep the process as confidential as possible Deal with grievances sensitively, particularly where they concern other workers. You may wish to develop specific procedures for very sensitive matters involving unfair treatment eg, discrimination, bullying or harassment. . Consider also having a separate "whistleblowing" procedure, so that workers are encouraged to raise any complaints about wrongdoing eg fraud, internally rather than disclosing them outside the business. If a worker raises a separate grievance during a disciplinary hearing, it's good practice to adjourn the hearing until the grievance is dealt with. By dealing with problems in a fair and reasonable manner, you're much less likely to lose valued and skilled staff through resignation. It will also help you successfully defend a constructive dismissal claim.

GRIEVANCE HANDLING INCLUDE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES: Principles of procedural fairness include: A fair and impartial process The grievant should be informed of the process and the implications of making a formal/written complaint before proceeding The person against whom a complaint is made (the respondent) has the right to know details of the complaint against them The respondent has the right to put their side Before they respond, the respondent has a right to know the implications for them in terms of disciplinary action if the complaint is proven


The grievance handler should be fair, impartial and unbiased in their investigation. If there is a conflict of interest the matter should be referred to another grievance handler or internal unit. Principles of substantive fairness include:

The grievance handler should not assume guilt. They should determine that the complaint is substantiated only after hearing from both/all sides, checking other relevant evidence, and taking into account any mitigating circumstances. 2. Principles of confidentiality include:

A grievant should be able to raise a complaint and get advice in confidence A complaint should not be referred elsewhere, formally investigated, or discussed with others without the grievant's consent You cannot act on an anonymous grievance (except in relation to allegations of child abuse or corruption) Generally, procedural fairness requires that the respondent knows who has lodged the grievance You must ensure confidentiality of record. 3. Principles of timeliness include:

Delays at any stage of the grievance procedure can result in a denial of procedural fairness Delays determining the grievance can be critical in any appeal Delay in addressing issues in a complaint can lead to the exacerbation of the situation, a continuation of the problem, a worsening of the relationship between the parties involved, and increased distress for all parties

Delays can also result in more time being expended in dealing with a grievance once action is taken because the situation has escalated 4. Principles of record keeping include:

You must keep records to avoid relying on your memory about details of allegations, responses and actions Records can be used for statistical purposes to identify systemic problems Records can substantiate procedural fairness in the event of an appeal against process or outcome of grievance investigation 189

If the allegations are complex or serious, record the complaint, the response, the evidence of witnesses and ask the parties to sign 5. Principles of transparency are related to procedural fairness, and include:

Effective implementation of UTS policies and procedures Effective communication to all parties about relevant policies and procedures Effective communication to all parties of the outcome, of reasons for the outcome and, where appropriate, the evidence which was relied upon Principle of openness, honesty and fair dealing Fair and accurate reporting if the case is referred to internal units or more senior managers Fair and accurate reporting particularly where disciplinary action is likely to result


Procedure of enquiry: A- Enquiry officer from the company, one presiding officer and one management representative should be present in the enquiry. B- The employee in question should be present at the time of enquiry. C- Parties should be informed in writing about the place and time of conduct the enquiry. a) According to the chargesheet the employee will be asked about the charges labeled on him/her. The employee will reply point wise about the charges. The presiding officer will note down each and every discussion and answers given by the employee. b) On the basis of enquiry , the enquiry officer will submit the enquiry report to the higher authorities or to the management. c) If guilty has been proved, the punishment will be awarded. TYPES OF PUNISHMENT: Salary deduction (%age decided by the management.) 190

Suspension Termination (if misappropriation is done.)




All kartavyayogis wish each other by saying sahara pranam. Instead of private company , sahara act like a government company by not terminating employees for long time.

Deficiency of young and female employees in the organization. Not having regular formal dress but formals are compulsory on Saturday. Culture of company changes from department to department. Language are rough in print media sector.

Corporate HR, Sahara India Pariwar , time to time training is provided to all the kartavyayogis and it is continuous process.

Questionnaire is the most popular mean of evaluating the training program in Sahara India Pariwar.

On the basis of appraisal increment in salary is made of the employees. Emphasize mainly on internal recruitment or through reference.



Organization must go for external recruitment or contact BPOs for the competitive employee. Company should replace the old and lazy employees by young and active employees. Company should recruit young and female employees in the organization. Growth of employees in the organization is very slow but the tenure is long like a government company. Growth should be fast to attract competitive employees.

The management must commit itself to allocate major resources and adequate
time to training. Awards and recognitions should be given to motivate employees. Paper quality of newspaper should be improved to attract the customers. Format of performance appraisal should not be too long that make reporting or HOD to fill wrong information.



1. The study is limited to the Corporate HR, SAHARA INDIA PARIWAR LUCKNOW. So the study is subject to the limitation of area. 2. The time period of the study was only two six weeks which may provide a deceptive picture in comparison of the study based on long run.



Sahara India is a vast organization having diversifications in various fields. It is said for SAHARA that, It is not just a business organization but a complete integrated family with a bond of emotions and feelings. Recruitment and selection is considered to be an important aspect of any sound organization. Following are the factors attracting to the Karmayogi workers at SICCL, at the time of application of the job: A professionally managed organization Goodwill of the organization and bright future. Sahara Pariwwars culture, an emotionally integrated family. Reputation touching National / International heights. Companys diversification into various fields. Fulfilling social obligations. Democratic style of functioning. Leading sponsers for cricket. Leading aviation group and media.

1. 2. 195

3. 4. 5. Human Resource Management Resource & Personal Management : By V.S.P. Rao : By K. Aswathappa


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