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Rebecca M.

Important Quotes, Themes and techniques in Beka Lamb

Growing up:
From lying to telling the truth e.g.: grades find a way to atone she felt guilty Lying was one of the things about Beka that her parents detested the most Irresponsible to responsible - Sometimes, Bill Lamb would come home from work, the tensions of the day raging within him and Lilla, filled with the frustrations of her own day would sit down to tell him of Beka s insolence, her laziness, and her ingratitude winning prize

Rebecca M.

What are we going to do Beka? You are growing wild like that bougainvillea that s breaking down Miss Boysies fence. All flash and no substance. Sometimes I feel bruk down just like my own country, Sister. I start all right but then I can t seem to continue . Beka Lamb explains to Sister Gabriella

What kind of woman Beka is to become? Women if Creole nationality have pre Nuns in Beka s school consider pre marital sex and often raise children marital sex immoral and have the girls out of wedlock learn of the virgin Mary. Thus Toycie was removed from the school. No education: washing bowl Schooling promoted underneath the house bottom

Rebecca M.

Everything is broke down

Even broke down things can be turned into something new.

Beka must take the middle ground not Eve but not Mary. Not as traditional and stubborn and Miss Ivy but not colonized as her mother Lilla.

The watermelon had dissolved in her chest and she was so excited and happy that she felt like making all kinds of wild promises. P 79 Bill Lamb allows Beka to go back to school, she is maturing (BEKA) The old ways will poison the new p 66 lilla says to Granny Ivy (country)

Rebecca M.

The tidal wave crashed in Beka s brain and she was screaming and screaming there was no staunching Beka's grief Beka Learning Toycies death

Women half-crazy coolie woman Toycie draws into the fantasy world first thinking Emilio will still marry her: her spirits eroded erosion of Toycie s spirits and confidence her fingers were cold (foreshadow death) Toycie stood there, under Sister Virgil s steady scrutiny, as if every sensible thought had left her. Signs that Toycie is already giving up and going mad.

Rebecca M.

offered to marry Toycie after he graduates, but I dont think Toycie can understand anything much anymore Toycie is losing her senses p 125 -Toycie gone to that bridge over and over . How can you think she managed to fall down? 129 Miss Eila doubts whether or not Toycie fell. -She's becoming generally uncontrollable doctor says of Toycie

Toycie s conditions/negligence:
You'll wind up with a baby if you re not careful Toycie Qualo FORESHADOWING Beka is warning Toycie. Girl, I feel bad about your Granny Straker. But you re still luckier than me. You have Miss Lilla, your Daddy and Miss Ivy. Toycie says to Beka after Granny Straker dies

Rebecca M.

My own mother scarcely writes to me anymore. No mother, no father, no school. Toycie sick pet, sick! Had big vomiting this morning. I warn her time and again about eating green mango and salt Miss Eila is nave, doesn t believe Toycie could be pregnant In the town, gossip spread with the rapidity of a pine ridge fire with gale force winds behind it. Foreshadowing the fact that everyone will know about Toycie s pregnancy, comparison to a Hurricane. Hes got to marry me, Beka, because Im pregnant p 99 b Toycie tells Beka she is pregnant


Rebecca M.

His store is breaking down, not because he didnt try but because of devaluation. He cant import anything from America anymore, everything has to come from England P 81 Bill Lamb is trying to explain the economic difficulties the country is facing to Beka Creole shopkeepers did not consider trade or business dignified mestizo shopkeepers were not too high to humble themselves to customers p 82 We understand that Creole people are not as hard-working in general as Mestizos Mahogany tree: under the shade we flourish. p 8 symbol of nationalism

Social Issues:

Rebecca M.

When I grow up I am going to marry a Carib! The slap across her face came with such swiftness and strength that Beka staggered back against the stove. Bill lamb slaps Beka Political problems p 68 -Vomiting was never regarded lightly among the women of Belize. It was something to be observed with the utmost suspicion. P 86 About when Toycie vomits in the Chapel. Stop that crying Beka. Get tough. Be strong like London with all the bombs fallin. Our boys aren t crying over there, they re fighting so we can be free.

Rebecca M.

It would be the washing bowl underneath the house bottom for her then and no mistake Bill Lamb warned her if she didn t get a proper education p 21

Anecdote: polar bear Realistic language: dialect Symbols: Imagery:

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