JOURNAL 2 Instructions

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Instructions for writing reading journal 2: 1.

Go to the library circulation desk and ask for the UNIV 100 CD that is on reserve.
2. Click on Liberal Arts, and print out the article titled, Speeding is okay and cheating is cool. (Forum on "Honors and Academic Integrity")

3. Read the article. 4. Highlight all unknown vocabulary words and look up the definitions. You should include this list in your plastic folder. 5. You should write: y A summary of the article y how this article relates to the course content. y whether you agree or disagree with the article and WHY. y the personal benefits of this article. 6. Your paper should be 1 & pages typed, double spaced using a 12 point font. 7. Please include a cover sheet with your signature. 8. All work must be turned in a plastic folder. 9. Late submissions will be deducted by 25% Good luck!

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