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Hampton Roads Academy

Offense 2005

Basic Information
Hole Numbering
9 7 5 10 3 2 4 6 8

Plays to the right end with an even number, while plays to the left end with an odd number. Each hole corresponds to a gap or space. The only exceptions are for plays moving up the midline or centers butt. Left Gaps and Numbers: Center Cheek: 1 A Gap: 3 B Gap: 5 C Gap: 7 Wide: 9 Right Gaps and Numbers: Center Cheek: 0 A Gap: 2 B Gap: 4 C Gap: 6 Wide: 8

Back Numbering
5 3 1 4 6

2 Backs or ball carriers are numbered in the following manner:

Carriers to the Left: Left Receiver: 5 Left Slot: 3

Carriers in the Middle: Quarterback: 1 Fullback: 2

Carriers to the Right: Right Receiver: 6 Right Slot: 4

Play Calling
Plays will be called in the following order: Formation, Motion (If Any), Back #, Hole #, Blocking Scheme Example: Spread Rip 14 Veer, Spread 23 Trap, Split Rocket 98 8W6 As a general rule, the 4 back will carry the ball to the left and the 3 back will only the ball to the right. The option series will always begin with a 1, because the QB has the option to carry the ball. The 1 and 2 backs can carry the ball to the right or left.

Huddle Procedure
64 2 3 5 T GC G T 1

The center will set the huddle by shouting, HUDDLE! His heels will be at 6 yards facing the line of scrimmage. The play and cadence will either be send in with a runner or signaled in by the coach. After receiving the play, the 1 back will get the teams attention by saying, TEAM. Then call the play in the huddle twice. Following the 1st call, the 5 and 6 backs, receivers, will run to their positions on the line of scrimmage. The center will also leave the huddle at this time in the following manner: the 1 back will step to his right and let the center leave the huddle to his left. As the 1 back steps to his right, the center leaves the huddle to his right and runs to the line of scrimmage. The rest of the team must align on him, so he must set up quickly. After calling the play and cadence the second time, the 1 back will break the huddle by saying, READY BREAK! The remaining players in the huddle will say BREAK, clap and then sprint to the line of scrimmage.

Alignment and Formations

2.5' 3' C G T 1 9' 2 Along the line, the splits are 2 feet at the guards and 3 feet at the tackles. The OL place their heads approximately half way in between the centers shoulder and his hips. T G 2.5' 3'

The 2 backs heels are to be place 9 or 3 yards behind the football. Receivers, or 5 and 6, always align 9 yards outside of the tackle. Field position specifics are as follows: Spread, Slot and Trips Left Hash: 5: 4-5 yards from sideline 6: 5 yards inside right hash Middle: 5: 4 yards outside hash 6: 4 yards outside hash Right Hash: 5: 5 yards inside left hash 6: 4-5 yards from sideline

The OL and 2s position never changes. Formation changes will only affect the 3 and 4 backs. The formations are named Spread, Slot, and Trips The 3 and 4 backs line up in the following positions for each of the three base formations: They are always 1 yards off the heels of the tackle or 2 yards off the ball.


Left Hash: 3: 9 yards from the sideline 4: 9 yards inside right hash Middle: Left Hash: 3: 1 yard off tackle 4: 1 yard off tackle

3: On the Hash 4: On the Hash Right Hash Slot: Middle: 3: 1 yard off tackle 4: 1 yard off tackle Trips Right:

3: 9 yards inside left hash 4: 9 yards from the sideline

Right Hash: 3: 1 yard off tackle 4: 1 yard off tackle

Left Hash: 3: 9 yards inside right hash 4: 1 yard off tackle

Middle: 3: On right hash 4: 1 yard off tackle Trips Left:

Right Hash: 3: 9 yards from the sideline 4: 1 yard off tackle

Left Hash: 3: 1 yard off tackle 4: 9 yards from sideline

Middle: 3: 1 yard off tackle 4: on left hash

Right Hash: 3: 1 yard off tackle 4: 9 yards inside left hash

2005 Formations

5 3

1 2 4


5 3

1 2 4 6

5 3

1 2 4 6

5 3

Split 1
1 2

4 14

5 3

Split 1
1 2

4 6

5 3

Split 1
1 2

4 1 4

2005 Formations


Trips Right 14



Trips Right 14
3 6


Trips Right 14
3 6

9 4

5 4 3

Trips Left 1
1 2

5 4 3

Trips Left
6 1 2

5 4 3

Trips Left

1 2

There are three different lengths for motion in this offense. Unless called JET, the motion for the 3 or 4 back will aim for the heels of the 2 back. The point at which the ball will be snapped will be determined by the name of the motion. There are three motion lengths without the jet prefix. Short motion, snapped behind the backside guard, are named Rip and Liz. Medium motion, snapped behind the frontside guard, are named Ram and Lion. Long motion to be snapped outside the front side wide hole are Rocket and Launch. Jet motions will aim 2 behind the 1 backs heels. Backs will move on the following calls: 3 Back: Rip Ram Rocket 4 Back: Liz Lion Launch

Cadence and Audibles

Cadence will follow this pattern: Set, Color, Number, Color, Number, Ready, Go Example: Set, Red 42, Red 42, Ready Go On set, all players will be set, awaiting the audible, or play change, call that can come with the color and number. The ball may be snapped on first sound, SET, or GO. The number called in the huddle corresponds to the number of GOs called at the line of scrimmage. The color corresponds to the HOT color for the week that indicates that an audible, or play change will be made. For instance, if the HOT color is BLUE and the play being audibled to was 23 trap then the cadence would follow this pattern: Set, Blue 23, Blue 23, Ready, Go. The ball would be snapped on Go because all audibled plays are snapped on 1.

2005 Motions

5 3 1 2 4 6

5 3 1 2 4 6

5 3 1 2 4 6

5 3 1 2 4 6

5 3 1 2 4 6

5 3 1 2 4 6

2005 Jet Motions

Jet Rip
5 3 1 2 4 6

Jet Liz
5 3 1 2 4 6

Jet Ram
5 3 1 2 4 6

Jet Lion
5 3 1 2 4 6

Jet Rocket
5 3 1 2 4 6

Jet Launch
5 3 1 2 4 6

2005 Play Sheet

Running Plays
Option Series 10/11 13/14 Veer 18/19 Speed Seal Trap and Sweep Series 22/23 Trap 38/49 Toss Sweep

Passing Plays
Play Action Fake 13/14 22/23 Waggle 3 Step Quick Right Quick Left 5 Step Pass Right Pass Left Sprint Out Sprint Right Sprint Left

Spread Ram 10

C B E 5 3 T B N 1 2 B

C E 4 6

F C B 5 3 E B T 1 2 B

C E B 4 6

Spread Lion 11

C B E 5 3

C B N 1 2 B T E 4 6

F C B 5 3 B E

C B T 1 2 E B 4 6

Spread Rip 14 Veer



Check to 14 Falcon or 14 Loop

E T B N 1 2 B T E 4

F C B 5 3 E B T 1 2 B T

Spread Liz 15 Veer



Check to 15 Falcon or 15 Loop

E T B N 1 2 B T E 4


C B T 1 2 B T E B 4 6

Spread 18

C B E 5 3 T B N 1 2 B T

F C B 5 3 E B T 1 2 B T

C B 4 6

Spread 19


C T B N 1 2 B T E 4 6

F C B 5 3

C B T 1 2 B T E B 4 6

Spread 18 Seal

C B E 5 3 T B N 1 2

C T E 4 6

F C B 5 3 E B T 1 2 B T E

Spread 19 Seal


C E T B N 1 2 B T E 4 6


C E B T 1 2 B T E B 4 6

Spread Liz 22 Trap


C B E 5 3 T B N 1 2 B T E 4

F C B 5 3 E B T 1 B T E B 4 6 C

Spread Rip 23 Trap


C B E 5 3 T B N 1 2 B T E 4

F C B 5 3 E B T 1 2 B T E B 4 6 C

Spread Rip 38 Toss


Check to 38 Seal
C B E 5 3 T B N 1 2 B T E 4 6 C

F C B 5 3 E B T 1 2 B T E B 4 6 C

Spread Liz 49 Toss


Check to 49 Seal
C B E 5 3 T B N 1 2 B T E 4 6 C

F C B 5 3 E B T 1 B T E B 4 6 C

Spread Jet Rip 38 Sweep


Check to 23 Trap
C B E 5 3 T B N 1 2 B T E 4 6 C

F C B 5 3 E B T 1 2 B T E B 4 6 C

Spread Jet Liz 49 Sweep


Check to 22 Trap
C B E 5 3 T B N 1 2 B T E 4 6 C

F C B 5 3 E B T 1 B T E B 4 6 C

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