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Carly Knepper and Yetunde Odunlami Secondary Sources "Great Migration." Encyclopedia of Chicago. Web. 07 Dec. 2011.

<http://>. To get away from the discrimination within the South, African Americans migrated to the North where they would supposedly be welcomed by Chicago. The population in Chicago increased dramatically and while the economy was good, many white people wouldnt offer jobs to African Americans. This article describes the start of what would help create public housing in Chicago. "Black Belt." Encyclopedia of Chicago. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <http://>. The Black Belt was created by the poor African Americans within Chicago who grouped together into sections. It later became known as the slums of Chicago because no white people wanted to integrate with blacks. The need to make better housing later came into action. "Race Riots." Encyclopedia of Chicago. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <http://>. The 1919 Race Riots were created after an African American boy was drowned after being hit by a rock by a white person for swimming on a white beach. Following this action, violence broke out within Chicago between blacks and whites and many people were killed or injured. The need to integrate whites and blacks together became a big issue in Chicago. African Americans." Encyclopedia of Chicago. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <http://>. This article tells of African Americans migrating to Chicago to get away from the segregation within the South. It provides details about how black people were welcomed in Chicago, but were still discriminated by white people and couldnt integrate with them for jobs and housing. This is significant because it offers information about the lifestyles of blacks in Chicago. "Chicago Housing Authority." Encyclopedia of Chicago. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <http://>. This article talks about the CHA and gave details pertaining to the creation of public housing in Chicago. It explains when the CHA was created and the problems it tried to solve when whites wouldnt integrate with blacks. This is important because it gives useful information about how public housing came about.

"Timeline of Events in Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Life." LSU Libraries. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. <http://>. This website offered a timeline of events which gave details of Kings life and why he moved to Chicago. It also described Kings marches and the Chicago Freedom Movement that created controversy between blacks and whites. This is useful because it provided details about Martin

Luther King Jr. in Chicago.

Lamb, Charles M. Housing Segregation in Suburban America Since 1960. Web. 7 Dec. 2011. <>. This website gives a time line of how public housing progress and re progress. In 1971 the James v Valtierra occured because of the court case that was proof of how public housing integration was not taken seriously even though the Public Housing Act of 1986 was still in progress.
Philpott, Thomas L. The Slum ad The Ghetto: Neighborhood Deterioration and Middle - Class Reform, Chicago: Oxford UP, 1978. Print. Overall, the book is about the development of Chicago housing and the discrimination that black people went through in Chicago. Which effected them socially, economically and emotionally. Many black people were often turned down from a job or instantly fired. Also, problems in the black communities were often overlooked by people that were in charge of improving housing in Chicago.

Hirsch, Arnold R. Making the Second Ghetto. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1983. Print. Race played a big part in Chicago housing which caused a social and economical downfall for blacks. Black people were not accepted in white neighborhoods which caused the development of ghettos in Chicago.

Husock, Howard. "Public Housing and Rental Subsidies." June 2009. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <>. This articles tells about some Public Housing programs that were created by the Government to help minorities with low incomes to be able to afford a home. Unfortunately, programs that were to help people ended up hurting people socially and a successful improvement in housing did not happen.

Moyer, Bill. "Program of the Chicago Freedom Movement." Eyes On The Prize. 23 Aug. 2006. Web. 7 Dec. 2011. < PHPSESSID=af27a7f0d8f6fff23298a609bc333b67>.
This articles is about how Chicago Freedom Movement was created and how it progress. The Chicago Freedom Movement was created to restore peace in the community and help African Americans gain their rights. The Public Housing Movement came from Chicago Freedom Movement because many blacks lived in poor conditions and segregation in housing limited blacks choices of where they can move. "Segregation City: Chicago in the 60s |" Scholastic | Children's Books and Book Club | Web. 02 Jan. 2012. <

segregation-city-chicago-60s>. This article portrays the segregation that occurred in Chicago and examples of blacks who werent welcomed into white neighborhoods. It also provided knowledge about the conditions of housing blacks had to live in. This is important because it gives information on the lifestyles that blacks lived. "Fair Housing Act of 1968 " A&E Television Networks. Web. 3 Jan. 2012. <http://>. This article is about the Fair Housing Act of 1968. It provides information on the struggle of fair housing, the passage of it by the Senate and House and the impact of it. The Fair Housing Act was used to prevent discrimination in housing for any race. August, Late. "Chicago Campaign (1966)." King Institute Home. Web. 06 Jan. 2012. <>. This article illustrated the discrimination and segregation in Chicago public housing. It explained the conditions of the housing blacks lived in and how poorly blacks were treated if they lived in, or near a white neighborhood. This is important because it provides backround knowledge on public housing.

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