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ANISOMELES MALABARICA Filename: Anisomeles_malabarica_.

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Botanical name : Anisomeles malabarica (Linn.) R.Br

Family : Labiatae; Lamiaceae. SANSKRIT SYNONYMS Vaikundha, Mahadrona, Sprikka AYURVEDIC PROPERTIES Rasa : Katu, Tikta Guna : Lakhu, Rooksha Virya : Ushna PLANT NAME IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES English : Malabar Catmint Hindi : Chodhara Malayalam : Karimtumba, Karintumba, Distribution : Found throughout South India, in higher elevations. PLANT DESCRIPTION A small perennial shrub grows up to 1.5 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, very thick, aromatic, oblong-lanceolate, acute, pale above, white below, crenateserrate, softly woolly: flowers purple, in dense whorls of more or less interrupted spikes; fruits nutlets, bearing ellipsoid and compressed seeds. MEDICINAL PROPERTIES Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, epilepsy, hysteria, dementia, anorexia, dyspepsia, colic, flatulence, intestinal worms, fever arising from teething in children, intermittent fevers, arthritis, especially gout, swellings and diarrhea. Useful part : Whole plant. CHEMICAL CONTENTS The plant contains beta-sitosterol, letulinic acid, ovatodiolide and anisomelic acid. The essential oil from tops and flowers yield a terpene hydrocarbon, citral and geranic acid.

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