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Biology (101)

Dr. Nabeel Modallals summary

(Chapter 1)
Done by: Roaa Alaraby

www.facebook .com/groups/medhu2017

* How To Define Life

Life is the living things ( organisms ) . * organisms : living things.

** Organisms Properties : 1- They Are organized .

The levels of organization : 1.Begin with Atom which is the smallest unit of an element ( composed of electrons, protons & Neutrons ) 2.Atoms combine with other atom ( Of the Same Or different elements ) To Form Molecules. 3. Many Molecules form the Cell , which is the structural & functional unit of all living things. Many organisms are multicellular ( they contain more than one cell ) Some Cells, such as unicellular paramecia live independently . 4. A group of cells with a common structure and function makes A Tissue. 5. Organ : Composed of tissues functioning together for a specific task. 6. Organ System : Composed of several organs working together. 7. Organism : An individual. 8. Population : Organisms of the same species in a particular area. 9. Community : Interacting population in a particular area . 10. Ecosystem : A community + physical Environment. 11. Biosphere : All Earths Ecosystems.

Atom Organism

Molecule Cell Population

Tissue Community

Organ Organ System Ecosystem Biosphere.

** Emergent properties : The properties which are determined by the interactions between the individuals parts.

2-They need ( acquire ) energy &Materials.

Energy is the capacity to do as building blocks or for energy. The term Metabolism encompasses all the chemical reactions that occur in a cell. The ultimate source of energy on Earth is The Sun. Photosynthesis is a process that transforms solar energy into the chemical energy of organic nutrients molecules. ** Remaining Homeostatic : The ability of the organism to maintain a state of biological balance.

3- They Respond.
They have responses. They interact with the environment as well as other organisms. Behavior is the collective ( all ) of Organisms responses.

4.They Produce & develop

Cell Division : a. Meiosos b. Mitosis ** Reproduce : Making another organism like the first organism . The Genes : Contain specific information for how the organism is to be ordered, & they are made of long molecules of DNA.

5- They have adaptation.

Adaptions Are modifications that make organisms better able to function in a particular area ( more suited in an area) . ** Evolution : includes the changes that happen to the organisms to become more suited to their environments. ( Common descent with modification )

Evolution , the unifying concept of Biology

Biology : Life Science. Biodiversity : Total of all living Organisms . Taxonomy : Grouping organisms into categories according to certain rules.

Levels Of Classification :
( From Most inclusive to most inclusive ) Domain , Kingdom , Phylum , Class, Order, Family , Genus, Species.

* Domain ( r super kingdom ) a- Bacteria b- Archaea ( a & b : Unicellular & prokaryotic { have no nucleus } ) c-Eukarya : Multicellular ( have Nucleus ).

* Eukaya Domain is devised into : 1. Protista

2. Fungi 3. Plantai ( Kingdom Of Plants) 4. Animalia P.S : Eu Means Kaya ************************

The Process Of Science

The Scientific method is a standard series of steps used in gaining new knowledge.

The steps of the scientific method :

1. Observation : New observations are made and previous data are studied. 2. Hypothesis : its a possible explanation for a natural event. 3. Experiment / Observations : The Hypothesis is tested by experiment or further observations. Its always best for an experiment to include a Control group ( which goes through all the steps of the experiment but its not exposed to the factor being tested ). Experimental group Goes through all the steps of the experiment . The used Data should be observable & objective. 4. Conclusion : The results are analyzed and the hypothesis is supported or rejected. (if it is rejected then the scientists go back to number 2 and put another hypotheses ) 5. Scientific theory

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