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GROUND WATER: Ground water refers to water that occurs beneath the water table. 95% of ground water makes for drinking. SURFACE WATER: Water occurring in lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. in U.S. surface water is used for drinking purpose instead of ground water.


.61% if total water in world is ground water.

Ground water is a long term reservoir. OVER EXPLOITATION OF GROUND WATER: Leads to lowering the water table. Wells hugely depend on ground water, so it makes the wells deepened.

In Punjab, since 1997, the water table has been lowered by 10 meters. Leads to decreased rate of evaporation, so decreases the amount of rainfall.

Causes earthquakes and tremors.

SOLUTION: As a matter of fact, there were only 100000 wells used for irrigation in india by 1960, by now its crossing 12 million.

ground water recharge is the schema used to save ground water.

It can be done in two ways, either naturally and artificially. Artificial method is known as Anthropogenic process which is capturing the rain water and storing it.

OVER EXPLOITATION OF SURFACE WATER: There are 5 classes in surface water. Class 1- extra clean fresh water. Class 5- used only for navigation. Generally class 1 and class 2 are exploited.

The field of agriculture is largely affected. Draught occurs on the places around the surface water. It also leads to over-exploitation of Ground water. With growing population, nothing can be much done to reduce the surface water exploitation. Conservative approach is the only way to save this exploitation. EVIL EFFECTS: Number of deadliest earthquakes has increased by 8% in the last decade. The city of San Fransisco has dropped 13 feet due to overexploitation of ground water. Due to the reduced rate of evaporation, increase in global temperature.

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