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CRB Documents Summary The bulk of the CRB Documents are presentations by the Credit Committee to the Credit

Review Board ( CRB ), the Credit Committee s recommendation to the CRB to approve loan guarantees for each power company (Request for Loan Guarantee Approval), and attachments to each Request for Loan Guarantee Approval. The presentations are condensed versions of the Credit Committee s requests for loan guarantee approval. The Requests for Loan Guarantee Approval, in turn, consist mostly of financial details of each power company, followed by an internal risk rating explanation by the Credit Committee. These documents are thoroughly redacted under both the trade secrets exemption and the deliberative process exemption of FOIA. The attachments to each Request are almost entirely redacted. Unique among the CRB documents are two reports conducted by contractors outside DOE. The first of these is the Independent Engineer Report, performed by MPR Associates, Inc. This report contains a technical analysis of various aspects of Vogtle Units 3 & 4 from an engineer s standpoint. Notable in this report is a technical analysis of the AP1000 reactor design. The Engineer Report is largely redacted under FOIA s trade secrets exemption. The second report is a Market Expert Report conducted by NERA Economic Consulting. This document consists mostly of a detailed economic analysis of the regulatory environment surrounding nuclear power and a brief exposition of the market for power in the Southeastern United States.

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