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We will be completing a final project for our ID class.

Your assignment is to change the way we eat, buy, produce and prepare our food. Your ID Final will consist of several parts. Each part should be completed in order and turned in all together at the end of the semester. You may complete your final project in groups of 2.

PART 1: Your will need to change the way we eat, buy, produce or prepare our food. Start by identifying your problem. Explain what the problem is and write 3 sentences explaining WHY you think this is a problem. PART 2: Research your problem . Write 1 Paragraph about the HISTORY of the issue Write 1 Paragraph about any laws or policies Write 1 Paragraph about peoples Current Ideas (use a current news article or story to support your statement). Include at least 3 references. PART 3: Write a PROPOSAL for change. What specifically would you change? How would you implement the change? What problems do you think you will face and how will you solve these problems? PART 4: Explain the COST of implementing your plan. List everything you will need, how much it will cost and where you will get it form. PART 5: Create a online/digital presentation that includes all of your research and post it to your Weebly. Try Glogster or Prezi

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