Rituals: Secular and Religious: Definition

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If a symbol is a meaningful sign, a ritual is a meaningful action. They can be simple or elaborate. Simple:

Or Elaborate:

Rituals always communicate something and connect people to one another

Religious Rituals:
Are agreed on, formalized patterns of ceremonial movements and verbal expressions done in holy space. In Religion, ritual is more important than doctrine (belief) Ritual holds the essence of Religion There would be no Religion without rituals

Rituals appeal to the whole person, not just a part. They are dramatic

1. Religious rituals connected to life cycles:


Or Baptism this way:

Marriage: Think of all the agreed on, formal elements

all the planning

Date Location Audience Dress Order of events (entrance) Words said Order of events (exit) Next..

Death Rituals

What happens to the body? Wake (Viewing) Ceremony in church/at cemetery Special people to lead it Special things said What happens next

Military Funeral

21 Guns

Folding the Flag

1.Calendar or Seasonal Rituals

The Christian Year: focused around events in life of Jesus

Year begins with Advent

Preparation for birth of Jesus (Nativity/Christmas) 4 weeks before Christmas Readings from certain parts of New Testament (John the Baptists) Advent candles: light 3 purple ones; then a white one Empty manger


Midnight services Nativity scenes: baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, shepherds, sheep, angels, THE STAR, wise men, gold/incense/mhyrr


Getting ready for Easter Ash Wednesday Giving something up Penance fasting

Palm Sunday

Reading of the Passion Distribution of Palms

Good Friday

Reading of the Passion

Adoramus te, christe, et benedicimus tibi, quia per crucem tuam redemisti mundum. We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee, for by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world.

In Equador and the Phillipines

They ACT it out


Everything in white Spring images: butterfly

But the Most dramatic Christian Ritual is

The ritual recreation of the Lords Supper

For Christians: The Lords Supper

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