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3b Idenfitying Verbals
There lived {in Montmartre}, {on the third floor} {of No. 75 bis}, Rue d'Orchampt, an excellent man (PN) *named* Dutilleul, [ Adj to man who possessed the singular gift (DO) {of *being* able} *to walk* {through walls} {without *experiencing* any discomfort}.] | He wore pince-nez (DO) and a little black beard (DO), | and he was a third-grade clerk (PN) {in the Ministry} {of Registration}.| {In winter} he went {by bus} {to his office}, | and {in summer} he went {on foot}, {under his bowler hat}. | This strange attainment, [Adj to attainment which seemed to correspond to none {of his aspirations}], preyed slightly {on his mind},| and {on the following day}, a Saturday, he took advantage (DO) {of the weekend} *to call* {on a neighboring doctor} and put the case (DO) {to him}. | The doctor, {after *convincing* himself} {of the truth} {of his story}, discovered {upon examination} [DO that the cause {of the trouble} lay {in the helicoidal *hardening*} {of the strangulatory wall} {of the thyroid vesicle}]. | He prescribed a regime (DO) {of intensive exertion}, and, at the rate {of two tablets} a year, the absorption (DO) {into the system} {of

tetravalent reintegration powder}, a mixture {of rice flour and centaur's hormones}. |

List of Verbals
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. named being to walk experiencing to call convincing hardening

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