A Songwriter's Guild Magazine: Ront Ard Orship

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Front Yard Worship

A Songwriters Guild Magazine

Christian Musician Summit

Rick Cua
Termination Dust

Worship In The Silence

Michael Bahn

Kate White

Miles McKee
The New Covenant Shepherd

Jake Hillman

Indie Heaven
Dreamers Wanted


I N C.

January 2008 www.oikeomusic.com

The Editor pg3 The Guild pg4 Beyond Borders pg5 Michael Bahn pg6 Carried Away pg10 Indie Heaven pg14 Miles McKee pg16 Rick Cua pg18 Pastors Perspective pg21 Diary of an Indie Artist pg22
A Songwriters Guild Magazine January/February 2008 www.oikeomusic.com Subscription Inquiries info@oikeomusic.com Copyright 2008 Oikeo Music Inc

Dan Adler pg24 Breakthrough Conferences pg26 Keyboards pg29 Featured Book pg30 Grants pg32 Podcas pg34
2 Front Yard Worship

The Editor
third world country has been through the eyes, stories and pictures of other missionaries and their ministries. My heart is always deeply moved when I see the images of poor, hungry, homeless children who have lost their families to aids and war. Some of these children themselves have aids. I think most people feel overwhelmed at the task as I do. It is easier to walk away and comfort myself that someone else will take the initiative but, I cant. My heart comes back to the question over and over, Why am I here and what am I supposed to do with my talents that will make a difference? A few years ago I felt God tugging at my heart to make local ministry and community missions important. I need to touch, feel and know the people I am working with and for. It seems that I can accomplish this goal much easier and be satisfied when I can see what is happening with my own eyes and build relationships in my own neighborhood. So I started Oikeo Music Inc, a nonprofit organization for songwriters. That is where my story begins.
The only trip Ive taken to any

Most songwriters I know including me, have not had the privilege of sharing their music in a local church and most of us do not have an audience. Thats the bottom line. We have journals full of song ideas that have never been spoken out loud, much less sung to a group of people. Many of us have spent a considerable amount of money on CDs to find that our audience is pretty narrow. It tends to make the artist in us feel a little hopeless from time to time. Everyone wants to be heard and understood. Wouldnt it be great to get with some of these songwriters and build a team of people that could impact the community with their music? The community might not show up for a nameless face like me, but they will show up to raise funds and food for community causes. Bingo, thats it. That is when God began to bring certain nonprofit ministries across my path, Safe Harbor Inn, Love Inc, Beyond Borders, New Direction, Lily of the Waters, and a couple of nonprofits that are making a difference in the Filipines, Italy, Ireland, Canada and most of all Africa. Suddenly I realized how large and expanded
3 Front Yard Worship

this ministry could be. We can make an impact worldwide by a few changes here at home. I can organize concerts. I know people who will play at these concerts and I know ministries who need our help. This time I felt overwhelmed by something completely different. I am amazed at how God gives each of us the tools to bring purpose to ourselves and others. In 2006 we performed our first benefit concert using the gifts and talents of songwriters represented by our guild at Oikeo Music Inc. For the first time in my life I felt like what I do as a songwriter is important because my gift and talent has the power to impact someone else. Some people came to our concert simply to raise funds and food, but they went away pleasantly surprised by the quality of music our songwriters brought to the event. Im glad I now know that I will have a chance to make a difference in someones life locally and nationally. What a privilege. Melissa Saulnier

The Guild
As a worship leader, songwriter or musician, Oikeo Music Inc and our Guild of writers may be very important to you. If youre a songwriter, worship leader or musician and want your

Inspiring Action
puts your song(s) in the CCLI songpool for other worship leaders and pastors around the world to choose from. We love to offer services to our Guild members that help promote their music. These services include: Radio Play Magazine Promotion Publishing of your original songs Live Concerts and Touring Many songwriters wonder what types of songs qualify to be played on the Oikeo Music Guild radio or affiliate programs. The Oikeo Music Guild chooses Christian songs based on the heart of the lyrics and the quality of the music. If you are motivated, ambitious and have a passion for crafting your songs, yet you understand some of your songs may need to be polishedup or fine tuned, and you have a willingness to grow in your craft, the Oikeo Music Guild can help get your songs published and even played on the radio! Oikeo is located on the Web which means we can take your music virtually all over the world! Our radio show plays weekly on our local station KAFC 93.7FM which is now streaming online reaching a national audience.Based in Anchorage Alaska, we service clients in over 20 states, plus Israel , Canada and Italy through our magazine .

the radio, in concert or published, the Oikeo Music guild helps you take your songs to the people who want to hear them and purchase them. We work with a very specific group of songwriters and singing artists. Artists include: Worship leader artistsbringing your own songs to your home church & community Touring song-writer artists who perform for a broader regional or national audience New songwriter/artists who are looking for a place to grow & be supported as they develop their songs or music. Many songwriters do not know what the process is or how to be paid for original worship songs, choir music or hymns. This is accomplished by acquiring a Christian Copyright Licensing International number (CCLI#). If you arent sure what a CCLI# is we are looking for the opportunity to tell you more about your church and the licensing process for using music. All churches must pay licensing fees every month so that original music can be legally sung in congregations around the world. This means that every time your song is sung in one of these licensed churches, you receive a small, ongoing royalty. Oikeo Music Guild helps our members receive CCLI#s because we are an administrator for CCLI.We take your completed original songs and submit them to CCLI on your behalf. This 4 Front Yard Worship

music to be played on the radio, or LIVE in concerts, or published, the Oikeo Music Guild can help you! We connect you and your music with people in communities and churches, who want your music! Whether on

Beyond Borders
Beyond Borders is an Alaskan nonprofit. We partner with communities to help them to grow in their ability and confidence to meet their own needs. We work with rural leaders and natural helpers to equip and empower them to succeed as they serve and strengthen their communities. Through our leadership development program, Transforming Leaders, we provide support and training through a series of two-to-five day workshops. These trainings address the leaders motivation and character, teach effective management skills and help the leader address needs of those around them. Our goal is to help build servantled communities that have experienced healing and know how to reach out to others. This is the first time I have found there is a way of getting to a healthy place.Transforming Leaders participant Please visit our website at www.beyond-borders.com or contact us if you would like more information!

Transforming Leaders

This photo taken by: Chris Arend, used by permission

Front Yard Worship

Michael Bahn
Have you ever wondered how yourr worship would change if you couldnt sing? Recently, God brought me through that exact situation. My name is Michael Bahn. I am a singer, songwriter and have served as the worship pastor at River Valley Community Church in Grants Pass, Oregon for over 5 years. (www.rivervalleycc.org) I also am privileged to travel regionally with and without my band, Michael Bahn Band, to encourage the body of Christ through worship. (www.michaelbahn. com) In June of 2007, after completing the recording of my latest CD, I began experiencing intense muscular aching in my neck while singing. After doctor visits, extensive examinations and second opinions, my prescription was to spend the next two months in complete vocal silence. Those two months grew into almost 6 months without any singing. As you might expect, this was very difficult for me. During those months, I continued to oversee and serve on my churchs worship team. Surprising to me, I found it incredibly difficult to worship while playing guitar without being able to sing along. Sadness began to set into my heart as I felt completely awkward and unable to engage in corporate worship. Although I knew that worship was so much more than singing songs, I had never entirely lost my ability to sing before. This awkwardness in worship even began to permeate my own personal devotional times. As an artist and a person, I had lost my primary form of expressing my heart to God and others.

Worship In the Silence

I continued to serve in silence month after month, watching others lead in my place. Throughout this season, I would journal thoughts and reflections that God was revealing to my heart. This reflecting helped show the process God was

In an attempt to cope with my season of silence, I began mouthing the words to songs the band would play. As I tried this week after week, I still found myself feeling strange and disconnected to a world I previously navigated without a map. After a worship service one evening, a man from our church came up to me and expressed how blessed he was by seeing me worship my heart out in spite of the fact that I couldnt sing at all. To be honest, I was so frustrated by my situation that I felt like telling him, I dont want to be your inspiration right now, leave me alone! But God spoke to my heart that night and said, You asked me to teach you about worship, and make you an effective worship leader. That is what Im doing, but right now it is costing you your voice. All at once it hit me. In a fresh way, I understood that I had led this man in worship with my life, not just with my voice or musical skills. After that revelation, things began to change as 6 Front Yard Worship

taking me through. I would now like to share some personal realizations I had during this time. May they encourage you in your seasons of difficulty. Never take a week of worship leading, or any other type of serving, for granted. It can be taken away in a moment. If you are commended for handling your trials well, quickly pray

that God would receive the glory in the trial, not you. There is tremendous growth for us when we are willing to worship in ways that are different and potentially uncomfortable. It is good for an upfront leader to experience how it feels to serve on the worship team without leading the band. You will see and understand your ministry and team members like you never have before God can and does use others just as effectively as He uses us. As much as we love to do our ministries, they can survive and flourish without us. We must desire to grow and learn from God more than we desire to be comfortable. God prunes fruitful branches so that they can produce more. (John 15:1-4) Even though pruning hurts, there is no other way to be used in a greater capacity without being pruned for new growth. Pray that you can eventually be able to thank God for your trials. Thank Him that He would consider you and allow you to walk through the tough season. We need to have peace if God doesnt allow us to use our most cherished gifts and if He changes our career or direction. Polished professional worship leader words are not always as necessary and impacting as we think. Lay worship leaders also have great things to say, and we need to let them share. Ask that the Lord would use you, even in a broken state. Ask that He would use your hardship and allow it to bring Him glory, praise and acclaim.

We are sometimes not as strong as our giftedness can make us appear. It sometimes takes removing our strengths to help us see our weaknesses. Within trials, we must keep our eyes on the Lord. If we glance away, we get caught up and overwhelmed by our situations. If you desire to live in a pure way, your life might heat up to allow the impurities to rise to the top and be removed. Lead worship with your life, not just with your musical skills, talents and gifts. After almost six months, God has touched my voice so that I can now sing without pain. Praise God that I can use my voice to worship Him again. I am so grateful that the Lord is allowing me to continue serving Him as a worship leader. I am most grateful that God never stops teaching us about drawing close to Him. I realize it took me getting really quiet before I could hear Gods voice whispering that my calling as a worship leader is so much more than a call to music. It is a calling to lay down my life as a living sacrifice. That is my act of worship. One day my worship might be expressed through

singing, strumming or songwriting. Another day it might be through buying a homeless man lunch, reading my Bible in Taco Bell, showing tenderness to my wife and children, smiling at a stranger or praying for a friend. So how would your worship change if you couldnt sing? I discovered there is so much worship to give the Lord outside of using my voice. I hope God allows each of you reading this to discover the path of worship outside of your strengths. Remember, in our weakness, we see how very strong He is. 2007 Michael Bahn For more information about Michael Bahn please visit www.michaelbahn.com or www.myspace.com/ michaelbahn

Front Yard Worship



Carried Away

i want You
10 Front Yard Worship


I Want You
Since we last heard from Carried Away in 2005 with its critically acclaimed debut disc Closer To You, the Canadian trio has been on a whirlwind journey both professionally and personally. For starters, the Ontario-bred group comprised of sisters Colleen and Pam Walker, plus their cousin Christine Prankard, have been on a seemingly endless tour, ranging from several solo headlining dates, to opening slots for the illustrious likes of Casting Crowns and Avalon. Add in several Women of Faith sponsored events along the way, where the ladies not only reached out to thousands of adult women, but also teens and younger youth, and Carried Away truly has come of age with their music and ministry. And speaking of age, the threesome has also stepped out of their teenage skin and just tipped into their twenties, demonstrating additional artistic and spiritual growth, while simultaneously possessing an even more direct set of goals on this impressive sophomore album. Weve basically used our experience up to this point to encourage young people and really let them know how your life can change for the better with God in the center of it, explains Pam of the continually evolving songwriting process. We came up with the album title of I Want You to go along with the theme of the first album Closer To You, which basically encourages listeners to get an idea of what they want from this life. What are you putting into your life, and most importantly, do you want God in your life? Its a huge decision, but getting to know Him is our ultimate

Though Carried Away has plenty of guys in its fan base, Christine quickly echoes another thought relating to the girls of all ages the group seeks to reach. I think another angle is the fact that so many young people want to be loved and accepted all the time and theyll do almost anything to feel that way. But we want to remind them that God will love you no matter what the world says and no matter what you may have done. Hes there with open arms of forgiveness and can fill any of the holes in your life. Throughout the entire songwriting process for the album (which just for the record is taken up almost exclusively by the group members in both lyrical and instrumental contexts) the trio also explored ideas of holiness and purity. Sure, theyve always been mindful of the necessary limits and boundaries when it comes to living a life in Christ, though everyones wholeheartedly committed to never falling under the weight of worldly pressures. If you want Him to be your all and all, you have to make choices that ultimately result in Him being the first priority, adds Colleen. Over the last couple of years, God has been teaching us individually and as a group how much He desires holiness. Of course, its a struggle everyday to make Him number one- and not just with prayer when you need help with something- but to make Him wholeheartedly the most important part of your life.

for instance Wasting My Words, which applies those aforementioned concepts to romance, suggesting to put God before guys, otherwise its sure to result in heartache and frustration. Sweet One (Cant Break) extends upon that premise to again touch on relationships, but remind all God will never break a heart, which is an integral fact to remember, especially in the wake of a devastating disappointment. Mystery is also an amazingly powerful selection, talking about waiting our entire lifetime to meet the Lord in heaven, but also making it clear we can catch glimpses of Him throughout day to day situations. A lot of times people say our music is anointed, Colleen notices. They tell us the music and the songs are coming from an honest place and that through being ourselves, they are encouraged every time they go away from a show. We think thats the greatest and highest compliment, but God deserves all the glory. That idea can also be traced throughout a recent round of tour dates, which saw the group visiting a church in Tennessee last fall and then again this spring in anticipation of the album. The threesome recalls hearing about a young boy who was unable to walk and couldnt even stand up, but was moved in supernatural ways by the groups music.

The last time we were there, his mom came up to us and shared the most amazing news, exclaims Christine, choking back tears. She told us the only time her son stood The album is strewn with several song up was during our two concerts and examples tracing these newfound that she was forever grateful for our convictions throughout I Want You, ministry. To think that something which hits stores through Infinity as small as a song could do this for Music Distribution in August. Take someone is simply mind blowing and 11 Front Yard Worship

we cant explain it! Its just the power of music and fact that God can move through anything. Stories like that are so encouraging that they keep us doing what Hes called us to do. Aside from this highly emotional display, Carried Away also branched out with an additionally adventurous musical dichotomy that finds the group straddling the lines between pop, acoustic rock and worship. The tune Smile, written out of the pure joy to be alive, evokes praise leaders such as Aaron Shust and Chris Tomlin, while the stirring Feel It Inside and Just Believe take on the modern radio approach of Natasha Bedingfield or Michelle Branch. Yet this vast range of influences also includes the highly diverse likes of Natalie Grant, Avril Lavigne, Coldplay and The Fray. Though the group will soon debut this progressive blend of muses on the road, backed by Pams primary keyboard playing, Colleens guitar playing (and occasional assistance on keys), plus Christines guitar playing, yet another new angle recently developed within the girls inspiring story. Last July, the group hooked up with Compassion International, which is an outreach organization theyll be sharing about from the stage each and every evening. Were honestly so in love with Compassion and all the amazing means of helping others it can provide, verifies Christine. They go into local churches throughout different counties and meet the needs of the peoplestarting with Jesus and reaching out on so many other levels as well. 12

Colleen continues: After we went to Peru on a trip with Compassion, we wrote the song Beautiful Girl, which basically talks about whenever you sponsor a child, it gives them hope to face another day. We saw so many people crying when they met us because they were so thankful they were given the chance to know Jesus. It was such an eye opening experience, especially because they were so poor but all so happy and content. Though Carried Away has always had a large reach throughout North America, that trip and members subsequent involvement with Compassion have stirred up even greater global goals. Aside from those familiar areas, the trio hopes to continue writing material that appeals to the masses with a message grounded in the Gospel, while traveling beyond their comfort zones. Our heart and mission is to go out to all nations and teach people about Jesus, Pam sums up. We want to teach young girls and women in particular to obey His commandments and reach as many places as we can. Well go wherever God wants us to go- even if its Antarctica- and our goal is to go through every single door and be lights in darkness.

Front Yard Worship

Christina Paul

Indie Heaven
INDIEHEAVEN.COM ON LAUNCH OF TOP 20 INDIE ARTIST COMPILATIONS March 2008 Release Will Be First In Three Part Series (FRANKLIN, Tenn.) 11.27.07 -On March 4, 2008 Indelible Creative Group, in association with Indieheaven.com, will release Top 20 Indie 2008. The album will compile 20 of the most talented emerging artists from Indieheaven.coms stable of independent Christian artists on one CD. Artists and songs for the album were selected from members of Indieheaven.com by a panel of music industry experts from Indelible Creative Group and Indieheaven.com based on song quality, artist exposure and web traffic among other criteria. Weve been looking for the right partner to help our Indieheaven.com members accomplish their mission, comments Keith Mohr, Indieheaven.com president. Joining with Indelible Creative Group to bring independent artists to the world is a real God thing. We look forward to the future with Chris Thomason and

Dreamers Wanted
Disneys Night of Joy festival in Orlando, Fla. Later in the year Indelible Creative Group has plans for two more releases in the series including: Top 20 Indie Worship 2008 and Top 20 Indie Rock 2008. Each of those titles will feature the best of independent worship and rock and will be compiled in early 2008. Word Distribution will handle sales for the albums priced at $9.99 to the CBA market with WEA servicing digital outlets including iTunes in the general market. If you are an independent Christian artist and want to submit your song for consideration, JOIN INDIEHEAVEN TODAY and submit through their song submission process after joining. ALL songs placed on the compilations will be songs produced by Indieheaven members. ABOUT INDIEHEAVEN.COM Indieheaven.com is a Christian independent musicians resource alliance dedicated to the advancement of independent Christian musicians and the independent Christian music

his team at Indelible. Chris Thomason, Indelible Creative Group president and founder, developed the concept for the project. In the world of independent music there are very few places you can go to get real world information and practical advice to facilitate artistry and ministry, says Thomason. Indieheaven.com has proven to be that place, and we are excited to partner with them to create a product that brings greater awareness to independent artists. Artists and songs for Top 20 Indie 2008 are being finalized now and will be announced In January 2008 at www. top20indie.com, which will serve as the online home for the brand. The site will include features on each of the artists, audio samples and links back to their Indieheaven.com profiles. In addition to the artists culled from Indieheaven.com, the album will also feature new music from Crystal Stark, winner of the 2006 GMA in the Rockies talent competition. Inclusion on Indelibles independent artist series was part of her prize package that also included an appearance
14 Front Yard Worship

scene. Indieheaven.com partners with its members to help them increase the scope of their music missions, providing: tools, mentoring, community, and other services. Located in Franklin, Tenn., Indieheaven. com was launched in 2002, and its founder, Keith Mohr has provided services to independent artists since 1997. For more information, visit www. indieheaven.com ABOUT INDELIBLE Indelible Creative Group is a music and film company based in Nashville, Tenn. creating experiences through media products that are culturally and spiritually relevant. The company represents recording artists including Travis Cottrell, Phil Joel, Jeff Deyo and SPUR58 among others. Among its current DVD releases are Max Lucado 3:16 Stories of Hope, Crave short film series from bestselling author Erwin Raphael McManus and popular childrens entertainer Miss PattyCake. Word Distribution provides distribution services to CBA retail; with Lionsgate (film) and WEA (music) serving the general market. For more information, visit www.indelibleonline.com

Indie Heaven offers so much!


Front Yard Worship

Miles McKee
The New Covenant Shepherd
Anyone who has read the Bible will surely agree when I say the New Covenant is a better than the Old Covenant. If we are to take the writer of Hebrews seriously we have to come to that conclusion. He makes this point when he says categorically that Christ Jesus is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises (Heb 8:6). The New Covenant has also a better hope (Heb 7:19) and better sacrifices (Heb 9:23). The New Covenant is an all round better deal for those who believe. Which one of us, after all, wants to go back to animal sacrifices and personal obedience to the Law to get into Heaven? Yet in spite of this we have people today who insist that Jesus in a mere creation of God. He, they say, is only the Son of God and not God of very God. How interesting! They will, however, agree that Jesus is the New Covenant Shepherd. And why wouldnt they as Jesus claims this title for himself saying, I am the good shepherd (Jn.10: 10). And, as if they needed further proof, Hebrews 13:20 designates Him as that great shepherd of the sheep while Peter calls Him the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4). But according to Jehovah Witnesses and others, although they hold Jesus to be the Shepherd of the flock, they say He is not God. How curious! This then must mean that the people in the Old Covenant were better off than believers in the New. Why so?

The New Covenant Shepherd

are one and the same unless, that is, the believers advantages are greatly diminished under the New Covenant. Thou Shepherd of Israel and mine, The joy and desire of my heart, For closer communion I pine I long to reside where Thou art Tis Jesus the first and the last, Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home; Well praise Him for all that is past, And trust Him for all thats to come. Charles Wesley

Because according to David in Psalms 23, Jehovah (The LORD) was his shepherd. Knowing it was Jehovah who was his shepherd he could boldly say, I shall not want. In the very valley of death he informs us he would fear no evil. And indeed, why would he fear since Jehovah was taking care of him? The truth is, unless Jesus is Jehovah we who now live in New Testament times are at a considerable disadvantage for, after all, we have entrusted the keeping of our souls to one who, according to the J Ws, is at best a mere creation or, if you listen to some other groups, a mere man at worst. As sheep we need a shepherd who has the power to keep us safe from the wolves of life. We need a shepherd who has power and wisdom to guide, to lead and to feed us. If Christ is not Jehovah how can we have any assurance he is up to the task of bringing us safely to eternal life? And never mind eternal life, there are many times in this life when we need our souls restored. I want Jehovah to restore my soul not some one whos almost Jehovah or very close to Him. And no, its not asking too much for that to be the case since that was the case for David and the old Covenant believers So if Jesus is not Jehovah then this is, in fact, not a better covenant. It is not a better hope. Weve been cheated and short sold if Jesus isnt Jehovah. Since Davids shepherd was Jehovah that should inform any right thinking person that Jesus and Jehovah 16 Front Yard Worship

Miles McKee Miles McKee Ministries Box 541, Kingston Springs, TN, 37082 www.milesmckee.com Making Jesus Famous Permission is given by the author, Miles McKee, to copy this article if it is done in its entirety without any changes. Permission is also given post this article in its entirety on Internet WebPages

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Front Yard Worship

Rick Cua

All For The King

that told us if we were connecting or not. There were many things we could do to reconnect and if we were really in trouble we pulled out the big gun the drum solo! This was done as entertainment capturing ones attention for a purpose our purpose in those days was to connect to the soul man to win their hearts. Fast forwarding to Christian music and congregational worship, reading the signs involves more. Its about leaning on God and having hearts open to His leading.

Termination Dust and Other Signs from God

As a musician, Ive twice had the great privilege of playing Gods music at the Alaska State Fair. On our first visit I can remember sitting in a coffee shop in Palmer on a beautiful August morning with my wife Diana. As the waitress brought us our cappuccini and scones, she looked out the window and commented Termination Dust. Our curiosity must have been evident because we were quickly told that the termination of summer and summer jobs was annually signaled by the appearance of August snow on the mountain peaks. Similarly this analogy speaks to that unfortunate time we have all experienced when the connection between band and audience, worship leader and congregation is terminated. It could be for many reasonsdistractions, music that lacks relevance for a particular group of people, or a lack of knowing who you are playing for and what your ultimate purpose is. As worship leaders and musicians we should use our abilities, not just musical, but all of our senses to help people draw close to the Lord in worship. Jesus declared,A time is coming and has now come when true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. John 4:23 As a young musician I learned how to move an audience through an emotional or soulish experience. From the energetic highs of rock anthems to heart tugging moments of songs about love & love lost, we took people on a musical journey. We learned to read the audience and watch for signs 18 Front Yard Worship

A number of years ago, during one of our Rock The Boot tours in Italy, I was invited to minister at a small church in Naples. This was a congregation where the men sat on one side and the women, with head coverings, on the other. During the first song I realized we had a problem. I was playing one of my aggressive rock anthems as an opener and the shock waves pinned the conservative Neapolitans to the old wooden pews in terror. It was either going to be a real bad night or I had to think fast and make some changes. I remember well the process that began somewhere in the middle of the first chorus and was completed by the songs end. And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment Philippians 1:9. Wisdom is found on the lips of him who has understanding Proverbs 10:13 Watching the congregation

immediately after the bombastic trash can ending was like watching micro waved eggs that were blown up to 5 times their size quickly deflate upon the dinging of the Im ready bell. They were shell shocked yet relieved that the tension was finally over. By the look on their faces Im sure some seriously doubted my salvation. I took my bass off, put it on the stand and in the friendliest manner walked to the front of the pews and began telling them why I do what I do. I told them about my family - fortunately my wife Diana was with me and she looked a lot safer than I did - our kids and the years of ministry through music that we were involved in. I shared some testimonies and gradually watched them warm up to me because of my heart for Christ. As the evening progressed I mixed music with stories and the Word. The end result was a wonderful evening of ministry with a room full of new friends. There is a balance between doing what you are called to do with Godly confidence and conviction and being willing to discern the climate in order to immediately change direction when needed. Discerning the times relates to many things. For us, the musicians and worship leaders it means knowing who you are playing for and helping them find God. More recently I was playing bass on the worship team at our church when in-between services a team member, referencing the first service, asked How did you think it went? One of the front line musicians commented that he wasnt sure the people were totally engaged. I thought for a moment and realized that for me, in

the back by the drummer, it seemed to go great! I had my Shure E5s in, a solid mix from my Aviom mixer, a set list of some of my favorite songs to play and a band that was excellent! I was in my own world, playing, worshipping and feeling Gods pleasure playing my 64 P-bass. Being a band member and not the worship leader gave me license to do my part by playing well and worshipping God through it. However, when I lead worship I need to be much more dialed in to the congregation. I may be using a wedge instead of in-ears for monitors, of course I am worshipping but I am constantly trying to discern how the congregation is doing. Are they with us, engaging in worship or are we doing our own thing possibly leaving them behind. As a worship leader you need to be aware of the congregation and willing to do what it takes to help them enter in to a place of true, undistracted worship. If you look out at them and they have termination dust on their heads the moment has ended, assuming it began in the first place! Be prepared both prayerfully and in practical preparation song selection, charts, personal practice, team rehearsal, etc. Put your time in and give God your very best. Find the balance between entering into worship yourself and being aware of where the congregation is. Just as we listen to each other as musicians we need to listen in the Spirit to where the people are; if they are with us, goodif they are not, adjust however you must. My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you, so 19 Front Yard Worship

that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; Proverbs 2:1-6 Having done it all, worship hopefully people will follow. If they dont, or dont seem toshake off the termination dust and worship anyway!

Oikeo Music Inc and all its subscribers and songwriters want to thank Willies Trucking for the amazing support financially over the past year 2007. We look forward to an ongoing relationship and new good things in our future!

Willies Trucking

All For The King Music, through RickCua.com, periodically delivers FREE CONGREGATIONAL WORSHIP SONGS in MP3 format with Chord Charts and Lyric Text Files. Please join our Mailing list at www.rickcua.com Gods Very Best To You! Rick & Diana Cua


Front Yard Worship

Pastors Perspective
Plans In the realm of human endeavor, success almost always depends on adequate planning. Financial planners frequently quote the old adage No one plans to fail, they fail to plan. The beginning of a new year is a time when we evaluate our plans and take measures to revise them. At the same time, we often make New Years resolutions that we hope will correct some perceived deficiency in our lives. Church staffs will soon be meeting to finish their planning for the year. Some pastors will plan a whole year of sermons in advance. Some ministers, including pastors and worship leaders, will be reviewing their career plans targeting the various positions they desire to hold over the years. I believe in planning, and I can see the value in setting goals, but the Bible cautions the Christian against putting to much dependence in man-made plans. In the book of James we are admonished to preface all our plans with If God wills. Many of us, when we feel that God has called us to a particular work for His kingdom, have a dream about where that ministry may take us, and what we will be able to achieve. Some of that comes from an over-inflated ego, and sometimes God will give us a glimpse of what He has ordained for us to do. The question that presents itself is, How much planning must I do to bring about Gods will in my life? I believe the answer lies in the lives of two characters from the Bible that God called to high positions of leadership. Joseph, one of Jacobs youngest sons, had a couple of dreams that gave him a partial revelation of the plan God had for his life. It was his destiny to one day be in authority over his father, mother and all his brothers. What an ego-trip that must have been for a teenaged boy! While the dream was absolutely true, he was not given even a hint of what he would be required to endure before that day. Neither did he know that he would be given that authority to benefit his family, not himself. Along with his dreams, Joseph also had a deep commitment to the will of God. He had many temptations to abandon his integrity and take what would appear to be an easier, more pleasant road, but the real focus of Josephs life was not his dream, but remaining faithful to his God. For most of his life, before his elevation to power, he was a slave. He had no ability to plan or prepare himself for a position of power. However, God was executing His plan in Joseph, and even through Joseph was not aware of it, God was preparing him for his future role. It was only in remaining faithful that his God-ordained future became a reality. The apostle Paul is another example of one to whom God gave a vision of his future life of service. In Pauls case, it was not a revelation of future power and glory, but God showed him the things he would be required to suffer for His sake. God gave Paul a visiona mission he would pursue to the death. Although Paul was given a revelation of things he was to suffer, he made no plan to avoid those sufferings. In fact there were times when he deliberately went into danger because he knew it was Gods will. His only plan was to be completely obedient to God. By obedience, Paul maintained his 21 Front Yard Worship integrity. He remained faithful, and became, in most peoples eyes, the most influential minister of the gospel that ever lived. Joseph died in a palace; Paul died in a prison. Both saw the revelation God gave them come true. Both made daily obedience to God their primary goal. Both maintained their integrity. It was God who brought about their success. Their role was not one of conscious planning or preparation, but merely maintaining their integrity before God, and obeying Him faithfully. It is a great thing to have a Godgiven vision of future ministry accomplishments. It gives us something to hold on to when times of discouragement come. But such a vision is not essential to a successful life of ministry. Even if we are blessed with such a future vision, it should in no way change our approach to our walk with God. The only way to see Gods plan accomplished, whether we know what it is or not, is to commit ourselves to take up our cross daily and follow Him. We should neither rush toward, nor run away from, the vision. We take only the steps He shows us to take, when He reveals then to us. Even if we know of our final destination, it does not negate the necessity of following Him to that destination. It is in through faithful, daily, obedience that Gods plan is developed, and we are prepared for what is ahead. Remember the wisdom of Proverb 16:9 A mans heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Pastor Jack Aiken jack@kingswayministrycenter. org

Diary of An Indie Artist

found that initially, the music industryincluding the Christian Music Industrywas complicated and hard to break into and find my place. There are great resources and people out there who really want to help you be successful in your journey and then there are dead ends and opportunities that turn out to be a huge waste of time and money. I hope to be a resource to you and pass on what I know. I do not claim to be the end all Independent Artist! Ive come a long way and have learned a ton in the process but just like you, I have a long way to go. My goal is to create a feature where you can: 1) Catch an honest glimpse of my life each issue Ill give you a snapshot of where I am at right now as an artist and band and what Im struggling with and what Im excited about, 2) Share what spiritual theme God is dealing with me on and how thats affecting me and my music, 3) Touch on the practical and business side of things. I hope to bring you specific, useful ideas that make sense. Ill tell you what Im doing and whats worked for me. 4) Answer your questions! If you would e-mail me either at Oikeo music or info@katewhitemusic. com, I will gather your questions and try to answer those most commonly asked or what I think are really GOOD questions to be asking in the coming issues. As much as Id like to answer each one individually, time constraints 22 Front Yard Worship will make that impossible but more than that, I believe we can all benefit from your questions, so Id rather answer them in print! Okay, not much room left for parts 1-3 of this first issue so Im going to give you a brief history of my journey to give you a quick snapshot of where Ive come from and bring you up to date! Ive been doing music all my life and have been a part of worship teams and leading worship for a number of years. I started songwriting at 14, studied music and business in college, spent 10 years overseas with my husband and family in church planting and worship and by 1995 had recorded 3 different albums. We moved back to the states, and by 1999 I had a very strong sense from God that He wanted to use my music for more than stacking up on the piano. 1999-2002 A friend gave us $10,000 toward making another CD. I struggled with self-promotion so avoided Gods call to step out and do more with my music for another 3 years! 2002 I entered a Christian artist contest and made the top 5. I lead worship at our ministrys conference and was strongly challenged (again) to get my songs out and move forward. We moved to a larger church / they started using my songs in worship without my initiating it. First time I saw a congregation of 700 sing one of my songs. Humbling and tearful.

Kate White
Diary of An Independent Artist By Kate White Dear Readers, When Melissa approached me about doing a regular feature in Frontyard Worship, I got really excited about the possibility of doing something like a blog something casual, honest and a place where we could interact I am also a worship leader at my church and worship is a big part of my life and inspiration. But as we talked, I really felt led to write from the Independent Artist perspective. Partly because of the number of gigs I do in that vain, but also because I have a heart to mentor other independent artists in the journey and struggled myself to find answers when I was starting out. I dont know about you, but for me I

I got a mentor to help me learn to lead a band. I prayed about moving forward / just in songwriting or also in performing? Felt like I should do both. 2003 Put a band together and performed my first concert in Salem. Started my own band. Struggled with our level of play and ability. Practiced a lot, performed a little. Went through a lot of different band members. Felt discouraged but pressed on. Guitarist and mandolin player stuck with me. 2004 Band still fluctuating, but getting tighter. Played out more. Started investing in conferences so I could learn more. Went to one conference on songwriting. It was more of the basics. Went to GMA in The Rockies. Submitted some songs, none of them made the first cut. Felt sorry for myself why did God bring me here? He told me to stop whining and learn all I could. Humbled, I joined the songwriting track and learned more in one week than my whole lifetime on songwriting. Met Sue Smith, Dave Clark, Tony Wood from Brentwood/Benson Publishing. Heard about Sues writers conference for the fall. Met Jeff Nelson, a Nashville producer. Went to Write About Jesus (Sue Smith) learned a ton more about writing music, lyrics, publishing, copywriting, etc. Sold house and got remaining $ to do my 4th CD, Here. 2005 Recorded with Jeff Nelson in Nashville. 4th Project, First one radio airplay quality. Now I had a great CD and needed to play it out. Scrambled to have band learn all the songs in the

new way. Lost and gained players. Had first website designed, but couldnt update it. Started a business as Sole Proprietor (have to have a legitimate business to sell CDs) Curly Willow Music. Toured to CA solo. Used my tracks. Sold lots of CDs. Band played 4 gigs a month together. Song featured on SongDiscovery website. 2nd time to GMA in the Rockies competed in all 3 categories song/ vocal/instrumental. Got really sick but still placed in the finals for vocal and instrumental and song Quiet Place took 2nd place nationally in its genre. Signed 2 songs to an Independent Film WAJ again- able to join the master writers class (had to be published) Went to Christian Music Summit in

Seattle. Met Margaret Becker, Dawn Jones and Hazel Nieves. Discovered need for total marketing makeover. Worked hard and did the homework to understand my unique call and communicate it. Got a Myspace and a booking coach.

without band. Touring more both locally and in CA. Contacted by Centricity Records to come to their Independent Artist Retreat. AMAZING opportunity!! 15 artists / and or bands and 1520 industry professionals there to help us. Wow. Free studio time, co-writing sessions with industry writers, web and press kit review. KEY: I took copious notes and made EVERY change they suggested that I could do within my means. Updated website once more, still with Hazel Nieves, to be much more efficient. Hooked up with other Indies from the retreat and asked questions and got help on putting contracts together, setting up tours outside your area, etc. Developed decent contract. Developing greater confidence in asking for fees, doing the business side of the music ministry. Went through Tom Jacksons Performance Training (on DVD) Band showing more interest in our prison gigs / outreach Met Oikeo Music, set up tour to AK for January 07. Offered a Record Label Contract.

2007 Toured to AK with full band. Doing 6-15 dates a month. Toured to AK, CA, OR, WA. Prayed through and addressed legal aspects of Label Contract 2006 Developed a strong ministry to Developed a website with Hazel Nieves. Prisons. Have set up ministry One I could update myself and also sell relationships to streamline entry into merch on. prisons for concerts. Developed press kit, new photos, all to fit Continued from Kate White same look as website. Diary of An Indie Artist GMA Week in Nashville. Hazel was there and used my site as an example. Great Saw 60 prisoners pray to receive publicity for me. Christ Solid band and same players. Doing 4-8 Booking, writing, gigging. gigs a month / with and Kate Cont pg 25 23 Front Yard Worship

Leading The Way With Song

Have you ever thought about the powerful influence a song can have? Have you ever had a song really motivate you or emotionally move you to some sort of action or response? The truth is, music has an amazing ability to touch us emotionally. And music, married to the right lyrics, can be a powerful tool of motivation and change in the lives of individuals, churches and whole societies. Take a song like John Lennons Imagine. Its such a simple song musically. The keyboard part is something that any nonkeyboardist could learn to play in a very short time. The vocal cant be considered exactly beautiful or technical mostly stylistic. But the song has a very memorable and sing-able melody tied to simple words that contain a revolutionary message. Now, I really dont like that song because of what it has to say. In fact, its so well written and familiar that I hate to hear it, because the lyrics, imagine theres no heavenits easy if you tryno hell below us only earth and sky., get stuck in my head and I can find myself humming this very anti-Christian song. But think of how this simple song, with an atheistic answer to bringing peace on earth, has become the motivating anthem for countless people around the world! Its almost frightening how much power one song can have! Now think about the hip-hop culture. Here, you cant point to a single song as a primary influencer, but here is a whole musical form based heavily upon lyrics and rhythm. Sadly, the prime message coming out of hiphop is hedonism, anger and violence. But this music has had the power to both reflect and shape the values of a whole generation across racial lines. What a powerful tool music can be! So if youre a Christian songwriter, how are you using that power? I think that many times we find ourselves writing nice songs, but not necessarily influencing songs. As a songwriter and former Worship Pastor and now leader of a ministry, I feel a great call to pastor and influence those who both sing and listen to my songs. I want to not only write songs with content that the listener and singer can agree with and sing along with, but I want to write lyrics that will, hopefully, influence them to go to another place spiritually than where theyre already at. While I was a worship pastor at a mega-church for 11 years, I really had a sense of the general spiritual climate of our congregation. Hearing the pastor speak in several services each weekend and interacting with congregants throughout the week,


Dan & Sandy Adler

gave me a sense of where we were at as a congregation and what we should be singing about. There were times when we really needed songs of repentance. There were times when we needed songs that went beyond I praise you to I submit to Your word that says. The challenge in writing, was and is, to try to write those type of messages in a relevant, poetic and sing-able way with music that can be married well to the lyric. In that context I wrote about submission in songs like We choose to Bow acknowledging that worship is a choice we need to make in all circumstances. When we were in a series about sexual purity, I wrote a songs like Your Ways are Right and May I Follow You. And in my most popular song It is Good, I wrote a bridge that asks questions like why give Him praise? and Is it always easy so that those singing we be encouraged to press in to worship even when life is very difficult. For the past 11 years, as Ive led Heart of the City Ministries with the multi-racial Heart of the City Worship Band, one of our key purposes is to bring unity to the Church across racial lines. Lyrically, Ive tried to bring teaching on unity to the context of worship with songs that are prayers like For Your Church and Remind Us or songs of declaration like We Can Do Together and What We Really Need. But one of the ways


Front Yard Worship

that I lead the way in songs is to write in culturally eclectic styles. So even when Im using lyrical content that is strictly praise and worship oriented, Im using diverse styles that are stretching the listeners and singers to break down musical prejudices and sub-cultures and to become accustomed to and embrace other musical forms. In doing so, weve influenced thousands of people to listen to, worship with and embrace Black Gospel, Reggae, Latino, Native American and many other styles of music who had only worshipped with hymns or pop white worship music in the past. So in that context Im using the actual style of music to teach and influence as well. So as you write your next song, think about what music and lyrics your song will need to highly influence those who listen to and sing that song in the future. What does the Church need to hear? What does the Church need to sing? Imagine Christian worship music bringing about significant change in the lives of believers and the world around themits easy if you try.

Started a Retreat called Journey to Wholeness. Learned a lot about label and publishing contracts. Decided not to sign with label. Great folks, but lack of peace to move that direction. Kept a good relationship with label and still work with them. New record possibility opens up. Start pre-recording prep at studio. Feeling led to start a non-profit. Wrestle with this most of the fall. Get counsel and continue to seek God on non-profit. Decide to move forward with non-profit status. Head into studio with session players and record basic tracks. Kate White

Paul Wainamo


Join worship leader Paul Wainamo in this soothing instrumental full of grace. Experience Gods peace and tranquility.

Available at www.oikeomusic.com
25 Front Yard Worship

Matt Kees and Bruce Adolph are the brainstorm behind Christian Musician Summit a powerful yearly event. They have established a great set of core beliefs and values: Core Beliefs: * We believe in the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (one God in 3 distinct persons). (Isaiah 9:6, John 1:32-34, John 14:15-17,25-27) * We believe the Bible is Gods Word to us without error (2 Timothy 3:15-17) * We believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world; our only hope, and our only way. (1 Peter 3:-9, John 14:6) * We believe Gods grace is all we need! (Ephesians 2:8-9) * We believe there is work to be done to spread the Gospel and grow the Kingdom! (Matthew 28:19, Ephesians 2:10) Core Values: * We value Gods desire for His Church to be united (Romans 15:4-6) * We value the command to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24) * We value the command to sing to him a new song; [and] play

auditorium next to 3000 worship leaders and songwriters, singing our hearts out with Paul Baloche and other great leaders as they led us in worship. Some of the featured artists and performers were Brian Doerksen, Phil Keaggy, Lincoln Brewster, Tim Hughes, Tommy Walker, Paul Baloche, Doyle Dykes, Haley, Leann Albrecht, you get the picture. By the way, you wouldnt know at a glance that Carl Albrecht had a heart attack a few months back. What an amazing recovery. Im Im sure he wants continued prayer from the Body of Christ. This year 2007 included Keynote Speakers like Tom Kraeuter, Bob Kauflin & Zoro the Drummer. The CMS 2008 will offer over 120 workshops in the following tracks... > Lead Worshipers/Pastors > Vocals > Acoustic Guitar > Electric Guitar > Bass > Drums/Percussion > Keyboards > Winds/Strings

skillfully (Psalm 33:3) * We value the command to Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves (Philippians 2:3) The Christian Musician Summit (aka CMS) is a two-day conference for lead worshipers, musicians, technicians, pastors, songwriters & indie artists to improve their skill and inspire their talent CMS Is one of the most amazing experiences a songwriter or worship leader can encounter each year. So many talented and ministry oriented groups come together under one roof for practical training, equipping and resources. All this to improve skill and inspire talent. Melissa Saulnier, President of Oikeo Music Inc says, A group of us from Oikeo Music Inc met Matt Kees in 2005 as we were seeking out a conference to send our Alaskan guild writers and artists to. We found him to be a humble and personable guy. Since that time I have noticed tremendous growth and vision as I have been watching CMS. The first year we attended CMS 2006 at Overlake in Redmond Washington, I was overwhelmed at the learning and knowledge that anyone attending can come away with. I enjoyed every class I attended and came home with new friends and contacts that have changed my life and perspective on worship and leadership. Something that really impacted me was standing together in the main 26 Front Yard Worship


Matt and Bruce say that this church after that... has such a cool vibe. Its in a building Critiquing Sessions > Indie Artists called The Factory. > Post-Modern Worship Groups will go into Critiquing SesThe Factory has an indoor mall with sions. Participants will break up > Audio a bunch of cool stores... as well as into groups of around 20. the Church... its also the home of > Video The song that you send in will be Big Idea (Vegietales)... and the CMT > Software critiqued by a few clinicians. The Crossroads concerts...WOW! entire group will listen to each Sharing & presenting these workrecorded song, aftershops are over 50 ward, the clinicians Presenters reprewill give a construcsenting the best of tive critique. It is helpthe Christian Music ful for songwriters to industry. listen to the critiques Featured artists for of all the songs, as 2008 include Paul there is much informaBaloche, Kathryn tion to be gleaned. Scott, Lincoln Brewster, and many, many more... General Session & Special Performancees

In addition to workshops, the CMS offers registrants access to 90 Exhibit booths. Everything from musical instruments, to record labels, to audio gear, to software, to hardware, to installation professionals.

Registering for the 2-day Summit gains you access to the workshop sessions, the general HOW DOES THE BOOT CAMP WORK? sessions, the exhibition halls, and Show up in the morning... both evening concerts. to register, get a name badge and Also, registration badges have find out which group you are in... assigned seats for the evening concerts. General sessions and workshops are general admission. The main floor will again be for registrants only. Another important function of CMS is the Songwriters Bootcamp the day before CMS begins. WHEN & WHERE? Thursday, March 27, 2008 Ecclesia Church, Franklin, TN General Session The day will begin with a general session. After the general session, paticipants will move into various elective workshops... Elective Workshops These will include everything from writing great melodies, to copyright info, to the benefits of co-writing, to arranging, and much, much more... Then of course theres lunch and 27 Front Yard Worship

After the Critiquing Sessions, paticipants will gather again as a full group for a Q&A WHAT & WHY panel discussion, as well as give the registrants the opportunity to The Songwriter Boot Camp is an listen to the songs of some of the intensive day of workshops and clinics for serious songwriters as well clinicians. as folks who desire to improve their HOW TO SUBMIT A SONG craft by learning from the best in the Registrants will be asked to submit industry. one (1) song on a CD or an MP3 via email for review. Here are some things other people are saying about CMS.... This was my first CMS and along with the learning and knowledge everyone had to share, worshiping GOD with hundreds of people who are GOD called, and driven by their love for GOD That was amazing. I didnt know what to expect and I came away with more than I could have ever tried to expect CMS

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For more information please visit our NEW website www.MarkCondonMusicClub.com 28 Front Yard Worship

As a piano and/or keyboard player on a worship team, we have a unique opportunity to do what most other musicians cant; creating space instead of filling it. I mean, think about it; guitar players strum away, the bass has to keep up with the kick drum and fill in the low register, drummers are the rhythm (unless you have a specified percussionist), and, lets face it, lead guitar players dont really think enough is ever enough. Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against these musicians and believe that they all play an integral part in worship. We wouldnt have the awesome worship songs we sing without Christian rockers like Lincoln Brewster. However, with so much sound going on, how do we contribute to this hodgepodge of people and instruments that are trying to attempt to work together to lead Gods people in worship? First of all, the most important element in any band is listening. If there is one thing that you take away from this, I want it to be this: Take the time to stop and listen to your fellow band members before your fingers even touch those ivories. Unfortunately, this is the key element that most musicians forget to do. We get our lead sheets and off we go. We keep telling the sound man to turn us up in our monitor because we just cant hear ourselves above all of the other instruments. At the end of the practice, we feel that we have done well in keeping up with the other musicians and that the lead guitar was still too loud, but we overcame. We banged away at our piano on the fast songs and played some really

Jake Hillman
honor Christ, not us. OK, back to listening. Listening is a powerful tool that we can use to find those moments where we contribute to the worship by creating space and filling in the gaps. Sometimes its just reinforcing the rhythm on the piano that follows the base or rhythm guitar. Sometimes its finding the right sound on the keyboard that takes a moment of reflection to the next level. So, now that weve stopped to listen, what do we listen for? 1. Listen to the rhythm. Pay close attention to the rhythm guitar and try to follow. Listen to the percussionist or drummer and, again, follow suit. Most up-beat worship songs are guitar driven, which does not leave a whole lot of room for us. So, instead of pounding away on that piano, support the song by using string, pad or organ sounds on the keyboard. Remember, you do not have to be the driving force behind every song. The song will basically lead itself through an effective team. We just need to know how we contribute to that team. 2. Listen to the leads of other instruments. One of my biggest mistakes for many years was driving over the lead guitars or bass. As much as they may annoy us, lead guitars have their place. I know, some of us just hear a bunch of screeching noise from our lead guitarist, but believe me; they can be extremely integral, especially if we learn to effectively play with them, not against them. Instead of turning them down in your monitor, keep them in enough Continued on page 36

cool rifts on the slower songs that the congregation is just going to love. Now dont get me wrong, I am not writing this to accuse. I am writing this as someone who has actually been one of these non-listening keyboardists. Thankfully, I eventually came to realize the error of my ways. One exercise that I wish every musician had the chance to do is record with other musicians. Recording forces you stop and listen to what other people are playing. Instead

of galloping over what everyone else is doing, you have to look for the right place and listen for the right time in each song where you can contribute to the worship within each song. I mean, isnt that what we are called to do? Now, let me take some time to get off one soap box and sep-up onto another. If you think that playing on a worship team is your time to shine every weekend for the congregation, I would suggest that you take some time away from the spot light to really think about your intentions. Being on a worship team is not about us. It is about leading Gods people into worship that will glorify and 29 Front Yard Worship


Front Yard Worship

A Safe Place To Share

Chapter Two
Proverbs 27:6 Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. A Safe Place To Share One of our first goals as a guild was to choose a church that we knew offered its facilities to many local community events and groups for use. Why? Because it immediatly placed us on common ground in vision: Building community and relationships in a safe place. A bi-product of this action was that the church, in time, became and now functions as the covering for our ministry and song guild. While this may not be possible in your situation, we suggest strongly that in some way shape or form, you find a ministry or leader that you can be in submission to and that is willing to function as a covering for you. We are creatures of comfort. Here in Alaska, comfort is key! In the dead of winter at 20 degrees below zero when we expect people to come out to our meetings, it is very important that they feel comfortable with their surroundings. While you may never experience these kind of weather dynamics in your area, it is important that you consider your environment and what will best encourage an atmosphere of community and sharing. Circling the chairs around the piano and providing coffee gives our members a feeling of being cared for. Maybe your situation would respond well to couches and sofa chairs. Either way, your goal is to create a comfortable atmosphere that encourages conversation and interaction while providing the means to share music, songs and ideas.

Trust is the foundational building block that causes the group to become a cohesive and productive guild. Because we are listening The first rule of safety is group to intimate ideas from each purpose. songwriter, conversations can become delicate from time to time. If everyone is working toward the same goal of great song crafting Since we are all in different places emotionally, creatively, and and can be assured that the others spiritually, you can be guaranteed have the same goals, interests, and values, you have the beginning of of being given the opportunity a healthy climate for trust building. to learn how to deliver delicate messages with sensitivity and Used with permission by: Melissa discretion in your group. Always Saulnier and Paul Wainamo remember we are to encourage first before we evaluate. Buy this book at www.oikeomusic.com Education is key. By educating your guild or group, whether it be through books, DVD, seminars, monthly workshops, or private study, foster in them the tools they need for self-evaluation. Weve chosen to take the stance that if a guild member wants evaluation for a song, he or she will ask for it. None of our members offer too much input without first being asked. Although, there are exceptions to every rule, chances are, you will find those who ask for evaluation will more than likely be long term members of your group that have had time to establish trusted relationships When an individual knows they 31 Front Yard Worship

are loved and cared for and all intentions are for their best interest, they begin to trust the motives and purposes for the feedback. Most often, when delicate conversations and evaluations go awry, it is not because of content, but because others have believed that the sometimes painful input means that someone has milicious intent. The best way to keep this from happening is to continually foster a spirit of loving care in your group.

Christian Foundation Grants

Grant Seekers

they also make grants, CFG does not cover operating PFs. Private foundations are subject to a variety of excise taxes and restrictions on their activities that are not applicable to public charities. Additionally, contributions to nonoperating PFs are limited to 30% of adjusted gross income and 20% for capital gain property. For public charities like Christian community foundations, the deduction level is 50% of adjusted gross income and 30% of capital gain property. A PF may or may not have staff. The function of staff is to process, evaluate and fund grant application. If there is no staff, the applications are handled by a board, individual, or family. Many PFs also depend on the assistance of an attorney and accountant. PFs vary considerably in the amount of assets they control. Some PFs have only a few thousand dollars; others have billions. Click here for more details on Donor Advised Funds Private Foundations - How They Work Once a private foundation is established, it may begin receiving grant applications. Do not submit a grant application unless the foundation

Private Foundations - What They Are The vast majority of funds available to grantseekers exist in private foundations. A private foundation (PF) is a nonprofit organization that is usually established and supported by an individual or family. It is tax exempt upon receiving approval from the IRS, and may be funded with cash, securities, or other assets. Today, most financial planners recommend initially funding a PF with at least $5 million. Establishing a PF is costly ($15,000 to $25,000) and time-consuming (up to 6 months); administrative costs are high.

In 2003, PFs gave over $26 billion in grants, which represents nearly 11 percent of all charitable contributions in 2003. Corporations and corporate foundations (below) gave slightly more than half that amount. The majority of givingabout 75 percent-is by individuals. Religious, educational, and health organizations, in that order, receive the majority of these funds. A non-operating PF fulfills its exempt purposes by making grants to support charitable programs conducted by other organizations. An operating PF conducts its own programs, expending funds directly for charitable activities. Unless

Tips To Prepare Your Organization For A Grant

Belive that someone wants to give you the money. Project your organization into the future. Start with the end in mind. What are your strengths and priorities. Create a plan. Research prospective funders, starting locally. Target sources that have an interest in your organization


Front Yard Worship

indicates it receives grant applications. Some foundations ask that you follow specific instructions when writing and submitting a grant; others have no policy. Once an application is received there is typically some type of evaluation process involving a meeting with the foundation staff, board or source of funding. The written grant proposal and the actual project you propose are critical components of obtaining a grant. If the grant is accepted, funding eventually follows. Some foundations may require follow-up reports for accountability purposes. For more detail on how private foundations work, see the section entitled Applying for a Grant. Christian Community Foundations-What They Are A Christian community foundation is a tax exempt public charity. A Christian community foundation (CCF) has many features that are different from a PF. For instance, donors may receive a greater tax deduction when contributing most assets. Community foundations are supported by, and operated for the benefit of, a geographical (i.e., Denver) and/or religious (i.e., Christian, Jewish) community. The information provided here is equally applicable to all community foundations, of which CCFs are a significant part. In 2004, community foundations distributed over $2.6-billion. The largest CCF, National Christian Foundation, distributed nearly $170 million.

A Christian community foundation establishes donor advised funds (DAFs) for its clients. A DAF is a fund into which the donor places various types of assets. Upon transferring the assets, the donor relinquishes control to the foundation with the understanding that the foundation will follow the donors advice regarding the ultimate disposition of the funds. One advantage of a DAF is that a tax deduction may be taken immediately, even though the funds may not be directed to a specific charity for months or years to come. Christian Community Foundations - How they Work An individual, family, business, ministry or church may establish a donor advised fund. A DAF is generally established by: (1) making an initial asset contribution, which can range from $2,500 to $50,000 (most community foundations require between $10,000 and $25,000); and (2) completing a form document that can be downloaded from the internet. Legal assistance is not necessary.

A DAF may be opened with cash, securities, closely held stock, real estate, various business interests, collectibles, and other non cash assets. For a complete listing of funding assets, inquire at a nearby Christian community foundation. Giving through the fund can often be done online. The fund is administered by the Christian community foundation. This administration includes all appropriate reporting, receipting, and distributing. In exchange for this service, the CCF charges an annual fee of up to 1% of fund assets. Once the DAF is established, the donor may make grant recommendations to tax exempt 501(c)(3) organizations. Donors should realize that the CCF maintains ultimate control over the fund. However, it is very rare that a donors recommendation is not followed. CCFs may also provide other products and services, such as Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Remainder Trusts, disposition of assets, and management of assets.

33 Front Yard Worship


God Cares About Art

I want to challenge you to make better art. I want to challenge you to look to scripture for inspiration and application to your art. Im going to quote a few verses and I want you to think about them and try to capture them artistically this month. Genesis 1:2 And the earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep. and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. Now what does that sound like? I heard a song by Moby once that tried to capture it. But, honestly I think theres a better one out there waiting to come out. Is that loud, or is it a subtle sound? Is it a thunderclap of force, or a slow brooding tension? Does it cause rejoicing, or reverent fear? What does that sound like? Job 38:12 Have you ever in your life commanded the morning and caused the dawn to know its place? Man, what does that sound like? We read that verse that says God opposes the proud but gives grace to the

Rich Irwin
Hi my name is Rich Irwin. I am a ministry leader at Anchorage City Church, and these are encouraging words for artists. What does that sound like? This is a question that my friend Rose would ask me. I am grateful that he would ask the question so frequently. He would also say, This may be the last time we get to play music, so lets worship with everything we have. He is a wise man and a huge influence on many of us in the local scene. This may be biased towards music, but youre supposed to write about what you know. So visual artists, writers, dancers and the like, please, take the principle here and apply it to your own artistic discipline.
34 Front Yard Worship

humble and we say Oh yeah, thats right! while stumbling in our own areas. Here God confronts Job in a very real challenge with this direct question. What does it sound like to have your bluff called by the Almighty God? What does it sound like to command the morning and cause the dawn to know its place? Matthew 9:12-13 It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means. I desire compassion and not sacrifice, for I did not come to call the righteous, but the sinners.

they were commanded to love. On any given day I am both the sick and the Pharisee. What does the righteousness of God sound like when it is confronting my hypocritical heart? What does it sound like when my hypocritical heart discovers that He came for me? What does it sound like when His compassion is poured out through me and what would have been a sacrifice is now a pleasure? The question is What does He sound like? Thanks for reading this. To hear the podcast go to : www.oikeomusic.com

Cont From Page 33 Christian Community FoundationsPrivate Foundation Support Private foundations use Christian community foundations in a variety of ways, including: To Meet 5% Minimum Distribution Requirement-Private foundations must distribute 5% of their value each year. However, sometimes a PF has not met that requirement by the end of the year. This may occur for a variety of reasons; for instance, a ministry may have failed to meet the terms of a grant, thus forfeiting its funding. To meet the requirement, a PF may distribute funds to a DAF by December 31. The PF may then distribute (by recommendation) the funds at any time in the future. Anonymity-Private foundation tax returns are a matter of public record. Therefore, a PF may prefer to make grants through a DAF. Distributions through DAFs can be confidential or anonymous. Grant leverage-A PF may choose to distribute some of its grant monies through a DAF, and have the Christian community foundation solicit proposals from community ministries. This attracts attention to community initiatives but not the PF.

What does that sound like? Heres how you can reach me: Jesus is rebutting an attitude the Pharisees had toward those rich@accchurch.org


Front Yard Worship

Continued from page 29 range to hear (heres where that listening thing happens) what they are playing. If you hear a nice riff, or even think that theyre overplaying (I know, hard to imagine), stop, and work out some key places where you can pick out separate parts, parts that you can play together to support a specific line, or parts that you take turns playing on every other measure. Just like a good marriage, communication does wonders! Now, lets talk about the bass. As a musician, my left hand can be my greatest asset or my worst enemy, especially on those great up-beat Lincoln Brewster, Paul Baloche, Matt Redmond, Chris Tomlin songs, I know, it can be hard holding back when we just want to jump up, light the piano on fire and play like Jerry Lee Lewis. But, theres a reason why we have a bass guitar player and it is to well, play the lower register of each song. That doesnt leave a whole lot of room for our left hand. Which leads me into 3. Listen to the range that everyone is playing in. If you have a bass player, stay out of his or her range. If you have a lead guitar player, play in a different register, even if it is one octave, up or down. If you are supporting the rhythm guitar player, play in a similar range, but invert your chords into a little higher place. This supports the

separation of each instrument and allows them to effectively work together. 4. If you are a keyboard player, listen for the right sound. In a recent article in Worship Musician magazine, Brian Bergman, a worship leader and keyboard player for Charlie Hall, wrote a wonderful article about choosing keyboard sounds and how to use them effectively. Some tips that I can offer is to choose sounds that fit the song, not necessarily what you have heard everyone else play. Remember, less is more! Softer sounds, like strings or pads, can really add a nice element to an upbeat song, especially if you are having a hard time finding some space. Instead, create some space and support the song by adding elements, not more noise. Play in ranges that leave the song sounding full, not what in the world is that high pitched sound I keep hearing? If the song is a reflective song, play more piano sounds, or layer some strings or pads behind the piano sound if your keyboard has the capability. As a worship team and band member, some of my greatest learning experiences have been the humbling ones where the lead guitar player has stopped everything to find out what Im playing. Taking time to stop and listen to each element and picking out the parts

that I can contribute to have made my job easier as a worship leader. As the keyboardist in a band, our greatest moments are when the lead guitar player and I complement each others notes, riffs, ranges and sounds. Finally, remember that as a worship leader, your job is not to stand out above the rest and wait for your moments to shine. It is Christ that must shine through the gifts and talents He has given us. We give Him the glory, praise and honor that is due by using those wonderful gifts for His glory, not ours. About the author: Jake Hillman is a piano and keyboard player for River Valley Community Church in Grants Pass, Oregon. He has over 20 years of piano and keyboarding experience and has played on worship teams since he was 13 years old. Jake has been involved in leading and supporting worship, as well as recording with church worship teams and his current band, Michael Bahn Band. For more information, go to www.michaelbahn.com.

Oikeo Music Inc, is delighted to support our guild of songwriters by picking out one song per issue to display in our magazine. We feel this keeps the focus on one song and offers the songwriter more chances of having their song used. Oikeo Music Inc is an administrator with CCLI and we takesour writers seriously. If you are a worship leader using this song in your congregation, please enter the CCLI# and log this song each time you use it. This month we are revisiting a song that was in a previous issue before our subscription was so widespread. Now that our magazine is in 20 states plus Israel, Canada, and Italy, we feel it is timely to re-introduce you to the greatest theme we can have and that is surrender to our Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you enjoy this song.


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Happy New Year


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