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Example essay topics

1. The novel Im Not Scared shows how times of hardship expose peoples capacity for evil. Discuss with close reference to the text. 2. Papa is the bogeyman. Is Pino Amitrano an evil man? Discuss. 3. Im Not Scared is both the title of Niccolo Ammanitis novel and a phrase repeated throughout the text. What does Ammaniti show about the nature of fear? 4. Michele learns that loyalty and trust are far more valuable than money and objects. Discuss. 5. Im Not Scared tells a moral tale about greed and violence. It teaches the reader about the dangers of being seduced by money and power. Discuss this statement with close reference to the novel. 6. Im Not Scared shows that there is nothing wrong with being scared, its knowing whats right that is important. Do you agree? 7. I must pluck up the courage and look. Although Michele experiences fear, he never lets his fear override his moral convictions. Discuss with close reference to the text. 8. Weve got so many problems... Through the characters of Im Not Scared Ammaniti explores the effect of desperation on the morality of people. Explore with relation to the novel. 9. Micheles actions in Im Not Scared are not a reflection of strong moral conviction but simply typical of a 12 year old boy affected by curiosity and fear. Do you agree? 10. Michele actions to free Filipo are not driven by fear for Filipo, rather fear for himself and his family. Do you agree?

Example essay topics

1. The novel Im Not Scared shows how times of hardship expose peoples capacity for evil. Discuss with close reference to the text. 2. Papa is the bogeyman. Is Pino Amitrano an evil man? Discuss. 3. Im Not Scared is both the title of Niccolo Amminitis novel and a phrase repeated throughout the text. What does Ammaniti show about the nature of fear? 4. Michele learns that loyalty and trust are far more valuable than money and objects. Discuss. 5. Im Not Scared tells a moral tale about greed and violence. It teaches the reader about the dangers of being seduced by money and power. Discuss this statement with close reference to the novel. 6. Im Not Scared shows that there is nothing wrong with being scared, its knowing whats right that is important. Do you agree? 7. I must pluck up the courage and look. Although Michele experiences fear, he never lets his fear override his moral convictions. Discuss with close reference to the text. 8. Weve got so many problems... Through the characters of Im Not Scared Ammaniti explores the effect of desperation on the morality of people. Explore with relation to the novel. 9. Micheles actions in Im Not Scared are not a reflection of strong moral conviction but simply typical of a 12 year old boy affected by curiosity and fear. Do you agree? 10. Michele actions to free Filipo are not driven by fear for Filipo, rather fear for himself and his family. Do you agree?

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