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========================================================================= POKEMON MYSTERY DUNGEON: RED/BLUE RESCUE TEAM WONDER MAIL FAQ ========================================================================= Version: 2.

41 Created On: September 30, 2006. Last Updated: December 1, 2006. Created By: Michael Atiles E-mail: ========================================================================= ========================================================================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ========================================================================= 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Version History Introduction What is Wonder Mail? How to use this FAQ Exlusive Pokemon Wonder Mail Friend Area Wonder Mail Additional Dungeons Wonder Mail Statue Wonder Mail TM Wonder Mail Item Wonder Mail Gummi Wonder Mail A Rank Wonder Mail S Rank Wonder Mail * Rank Wonder Mail Credits Copyright Information Contact Me

========================================================================= ========================================================================= VERSION HISTORY ========================================================================= V.2.41 - 11/19/06 - More Wonder Mail added. Minor fixes. V.2.31 - 11/13/06 - More Wonder Mail added. Minor changes. V.2.21 - 10/31/06 - More Wonder Mail added. Friend Bow Wonder Mail added. (thanks to Leo & more) Joy Seed Wonder Mail added. (thanks to Lee) V.2.11 - 10/26/06 - More Wonder Mail added.

Tight Belt Wonder Mail added. (thanks to mastersord) Minor fixes. V.2.01 - 10/20/06 - More Wonder Mail added. Additional Dungeons Wonder Mail added. (thanks to Pikachu025) Minor Updates. V.1.91 - 10/16/06 - More Wonder Mail added. V.1.81 - 10/09/06 - More Wonder Mail added. V.1.71 - 10/08/06 - More Wonder Mail added. Minor changes. V.1.61 - 10/07/06 - More Wonder Mail added. Mime Jr. Statue Wonder Mail added. V.1.51 - 10/06/06 - More Wonder Mail added. Minor updates. V.1.41 - 10/04/06 - More Wonder Mail added. Statue Wonder Mail added. Weavile Statue Wonder Mail added. (thanks to Drayano) Minor Updates. V.1.31 - 10/03/06 - More Wonder Mail added. Removed invalid Wonder Mail. Minor changes. V.1.21 - 10/02/06 - More Wonder Mail added. V.1.11 - 10/02/06 - A few more Wonder Mails added. Organized Wonder Mails by Dungeon. V.1.10 - 10/01/06 - More Wonder Mails added. Version History added. Gummi Wonder Mail added. A Rank Wonder Mail added. Minor changes. V.1.00 - 09/30/06 - Initial Information. ========================================================================= ========================================================================= INTRODUCTION ========================================================================= Hello everyone, and welcome to my Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Wonder Mail FAQ. This is my very first FAQ so I'll try to make it look right. Seeing so many people asking for Wonder Mail in the Message Boards drove me to create this FAQ in hopes that they'll clear up a bit and so everyone can come here and use them. Do not ask me how to get the dungeons some of these missions are in, go check the Message Boards for that. Most of

the codes listed here where posted in the Message Boards, so credit goes to whoever did. Well, enjoy the FAQ! ========================================================================= ========================================================================= WHAT IS WONDER MAIL? ========================================================================= What is Wonder Mail you ask? Wonder Mail is a way for players to give missions or rescues to other players via password. Every rescue has a Wonder Mail password written at the bottom of its description. You simply imput the code of the mission before you start the game, at the bottom of the menu and you will have the mission added to your Job List. The code works on any and every Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game. You can't, though, use the same code twice on the same game. ========================================================================= ========================================================================= HOW TO USE THIS FAQ ========================================================================= The format of the Wonder Mail in this FAQ is the following: Client: Who asked you to do the mission. Objective: What you need to do to complete the mission Place: Where you have to go complete the mission. Difficulty: How hard the mission is. Reward: What you get for completing the mission. Wonder Mail: Wonder Mail Password Note that (M) means Male Sign and (F) means Female Sign. The (...) just means the three dots. Simple, right? ========================================================================= ========================================================================= EXCLUSIVE POKEMON WONDER MAIL ========================================================================= These Wonder Mail Passwords will unlock version exclusive Pokemon on the respective game. ******************************* Red Rescue Team Wonder Mail ******************************* ------------------------------Aipom

------------------------------Client: Aipom Objective: Deliver Radar Orb. Place: Silent Chasm B5F Difficulty: D Reward: 400 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? R C W (M) T ? ? 0 7 6 F M ? Y 2 4 ? 5 + N ? W ------------------------------Lapras ------------------------------Client: Lapras Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: E Reward: 200 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? J ? 6 9 0 ? 4 Q 6 C C ! ? ? 8 ? 6 6 8 Q ? (F) ------------------------------Magikarp ------------------------------Client: Magikarp Objective: Help Me. Place: Stormy Sea B12F Difficulty: B Reward: 400 Poke Wonder Mail: X ? ? S ? ? X ? 4 6 8 ? (F) + ? ? 9 7 5 6 S Y ? ? ------------------------------Minun ------------------------------Client: Minun Objective: Escort to Plusle. Place: Mt. Blaze 7F Difficulty: B Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: 4 ? M 9 F Q X ? 2 8 N 7 H R ? H P 5 ? 0 ! 4 ? W ------------------------------Porygon2 ------------------------------Client: Shiftry Objective: Find Porygon2. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: E Reward: 100 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F ? 5 N - Q F ? ? + 6 !

? H ? ? F ? 6 R 6 9 ? W ******************************* Blue Rescue Team Wonder Mail ******************************* ------------------------------Feebas ------------------------------Client: Feebas Objective: Help me. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: E Reward: 100 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 6 9 (F) J Y ? ? X 6 Q X J ? Q F 4 ? 6 Q ! ? X ------------------------------Mantine ------------------------------Client: Kirlia Objective: Escort to Mantine. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: D Reward: 200 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? ? N 2 2 (...) ? ? Q 6 J H 3 ? (M) 8 4 7 0 J N ? W ------------------------------Milotic ------------------------------Client: Quilava Objective: Escort to Milotic. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Dig + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N 9 X 3 + ? ? + 6 5 + ! ? Q + 4 7 0 S 0 ? W ------------------------------Plusle ------------------------------Client: Plusle Objective: Escort to Minun. Place: Thunderwave Cave B5F Difficulty: D Reward: 400 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? R P F ? (...) ? ? + 7 ? C T ? H 6 4 ? 0 R ? ? ? -------------------------------

Porygon ------------------------------Client: Mudkip Objective: Find Porygon. Place: Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: E Reward: 100 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 5 8 T 5 + ? 4 J 7 8 W S ? 7 F ? ? R N Q ? X ------------------------------Roselia ------------------------------Client: Roselia Objective: Help Me. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: E Reward: 100 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? 4 N + W T ? ? + 6 N F R ? J F ? 6 6 8 5 ? W ========================================================================= ========================================================================= FRIEND AREA WONDER MAIL ========================================================================= These Wonder Mail will open up new friend areas and new dungeons too. --------------------------------Boulder Cave --------------------------------Client: Oddish Objective: Help me. Place: Sinister Woods 8F Difficulty: D Reward: Friend Area Wonder Mail: P ? 2 Y J 1 T ? 4 H P C K 1 ? + 0 ? 5 6 6 4 ? W --------------------------------Dragon Cave --------------------------------Client: Phanpy Objective: Escort to Gligar. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Friend Area Wonder Mail: H ? 0 8 ? 9 S ? ? Q 6 4 ? P ? ! 8 4 S 0 + F ? !

--------------------------------Mt. Moonview --------------------------------Client: Voltorb Objective: Escort to Sunkern. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Friend Area Wonder Mail: 0 ? 0 N M 1 S ? ? 0 6 (F) N 2 ? Y F 4 + 0 N P ? W --------------------------------Sky Blue Plains --------------------------------Client: Baltoy Objective: Escort to Spearow. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Friend Area Wonder Mail: 2 ? 0 N 1 3 + ? ? 3 6 R M T ? R 8 4 2 0 M X ? W ========================================================================= ========================================================================= ADDITIONAL DUNGEONS WONDER MAIL ========================================================================= The following Wonder Mail passwords will open up four new dungeons for you to explore! --------------------------------Fantasy Strait --------------------------------Client: Jigglypuff Objective: Find Pikachu. Place: Fantasy Strait B1F Difficulty: B Reward: Red Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? M 1 C J Y ? 4 4 ? P H F ? 8 7 J 6 R (...) M ? 1 --------------------------------Marvelous Sea --------------------------------Client: Jigglypuff Objective: Find Pikachu. Place: Marvelous Sea B1F Difficulty: B Reward: Red Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? M H C J (...) ? 4 4 ? P

C F ? 8 7 J

R (...) M ? 1

--------------------------------Oddity Cave --------------------------------Client: Jigglypuff Objective: Find Pikachu. Place: Oddity Cave B1F Difficulty: B Reward: Red Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? M S C J (...) ? 4 4 ? P M F ? 8 7 J 6 R (...) M ? 1 --------------------------------Remains Island --------------------------------Client: Jigglypuff Objective: Find Pikachu. Place: Remains Island B1F Difficulty: B Reward: Red Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? M 4 C J Y ? 4 4 ? P C F ? 8 7 J 6 R (...) M ? 1 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= STATUE WONDER MAIL ========================================================================= Complete these missions to get rare, cool statues in front of your base! --------------------------------Weavile Figure --------------------------------Client: Poliwhirl Objective: Escort to Zubat. Place: Northern Range 24F Difficulty: S Reward: Weavile Fig + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N K (M) (M) F ? 4 S S 9 M F ? + C N N 0 J X ? W --------------------------------Mime Jr. Figure --------------------------------Client: Salamence Objective: Escort to Mr. Mime. Place: Pitfall Valley 19F Difficulty: S Reward: Mime Jr. Fig + ?

Wonder Mail: F ? C 4 F H T ? 4 4 0 P M - ? (M) 2 C N 0 J X ? + ========================================================================= ========================================================================= TM WONDER MAIL ========================================================================= Here are some missions that give some nice TMs as rewards. --------------------------------Aerial Ace --------------------------------Client: Vigoroth Objective: Escort to Fearow. Place: Lightning Field 15F Difficulty: A Reward: Aerial Ace Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 K 3 5 S ? 4 3 9 (...) 7 H ? R K H 7 0 M 2 ? 4 --------------------------------Attract --------------------------------Client: Hariyama Objective: Escort to Manectric. Place: Lapis Cave B10F Difficulty: B Reward: Attract + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 1 N 6 Q X ? ? M R Q (...) Q ? C (...) 6 7 0 H 8 ? W Client: Tangela Objective: Deliver Pecha Berry. Place: Frosty Forest 6F Difficulty: C Reward: Attract Wonder Mail: F ? M Y 2 ! (...) ? ? F N 6 ? 5 ? 3 F 6 7 5 H P ? W --------------------------------Brick Break --------------------------------Client: Sunkern Objective: Escort to Elekid. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Brick Break + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 1 6 W 8 S ? 4 + 6 C

P 7 ? 7 F 4 7 0 T + ? 6 Client: Cacnea Objective: Escort to Geodude. Place: Mt. Freeze 10F Difficulty: B Reward: Brick Break Wonder Mail: 4 ? M - M P F ? ? P R ! J J ? M 5 6 7 0 T + ? T Client: Raticate Objective: Find Poochyena. Place: Magma cavern B20F Difficulty: B Reward: Brick Break Wonder Mail: 1 ? M W + 2 (...) ? ? 8 + J W 4 ? 9 M 6 7 R T K ? W Client: Paras Objective: Escort to Geodude. Place: Sky Tower 13F Difficulty: A Reward: Brick Break Wonder Mail: ? ? M 9 K (F) T ? ? H 8 K K 4 ? M 7 M 7 0 T + ? W Client: Charizard Objective: Deliver an Place: Howling Forest Difficulty: B Reward: Brick Break + Wonder Mail: F ? C H N 4 Y ? ? F W 4 ? 6 + 8 7 5 T (F) Apple. 8F ? P ? ? X

Client: Nidorina Objective: Escort to Nidorino. Place: Howling Forest 8F Difficulty: A Reward: Brick Break Wonder Mail: F ? M J Y 8 (...) ? 0 1 P X P F ? F (...) 8 7 0 T 8 ? C --------------------------------Bullet Seed --------------------------------Client: Gligar Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Thunder 5F Difficulty: D Reward: Bullet Seed + ? Wonder Mail:

4 ? C - H R X ? ? Q 7 (...) 9 N ? ! H 4 7 6 7 1 ? 9 Client: Nidoran(F) Objective: Escort to Piloswine. Place: Sinister Woods 7F Difficulty: C Reward: Bullet Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C Y X ! T ? 4 Q N 9 1 4 ? Q (...) 4 7 0 7 J ? W Client: Golbat Objective: Escort to Heracross. Place: Mt. Freeze 13F Difficulty: B Reward: Bullet Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C K J ! S ? ? J 8 5 P 1 ? (F) (...) 5 7 0 7 ! ? W Client: Nidoking Objective: Escort to Nidoqueen. Place: Sky Tower 17F Difficulty: A Reward: Bullet Seed + ? Wonder Mail: F ? 1 9 5 (M) F ? 0 S F (...) (...) 1 ? 9 S M 7 0 7 6 ? W Client: Stantler Objective: Help me. Place: Uproar Forest B8F Difficulty: C Reward: Bullet Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C (...) 6 ! Y ? 4 X P (...) F 3 ? ? F R 7 6 7 Y ? W Client: Ninjask Objective: Find Green Gummi. Place: Near Howling Forest 12F Difficulty: B Reward: Bullet Seed Wonder Mail: F ? M H (M) 4 T ? 8 8 8 P 7 P ? Y S 8 7 T 7 1 ? ? Client: Jumpluff Objective: Help me. Place: Northern Range 19F Difficulty: A Reward: Bullet Seed Wonder Mail: 4 ? M K (M) ! (...) ? 4 T 0 9 (...) + ? Y C C 7 6 7 + ? W

--------------------------------Calm Mind --------------------------------Client: Tyrogue Objective: Escort to Meditite. Place: Mt. Steel 5F Difficulty: D Reward: Calm Mind + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N (...) 7 (F) T ? 4 7 7 P 5 P ? C 2 4 7 0 ? R ? W Client:Ledyba Objective: Escort to Pinsir. Place: Mt. Steel 7F Difficulty: D Reward: Calm Mind Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 (...) M ! T ! 4 ? N 7 9 ! ? W 0 4 7 D ? T ? W Client: Pineco Objective: Escort to Shuckle. Place: Silent Chasm B9F Difficulty: C Reward: Calm Mind + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N C M ! T ? 4 0 P 0 Y C ? (F) (...) 4 7 0 ? 6 ? W Client: Poliwrath Objective: Find Jumpluff. Place: Mt. Thunder 6F Difficulty: D Reward: Calm Mind Wonder Mail: F ? 7 K W P F ? ? 5 N K - F ? Y H ? 7 R ? S ? K Cient: Nidoran(F) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(M). Place: Great Canyon 11 F Difficulty: B Reward: Calm Mind Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 W X (M) + ? 2 ? R W (F) ? ? F M 4 7 0 ? F ? W Client: Tropius Objective: Help me. Place: Fiery Field 16F Difficulty: B Reward: Calm Mind + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N (...) ? 1 + ? 4 W F Y

R X ?

- P 7 6 ? - ? W

--------------------------------Dig --------------------------------Client: Quilava Objective: Escort to Milotic. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Dig + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N 9 X 3 + ? ? + 6 5 + ! ? Q + 4 7 0 S 0 ? W Client: Growlithe Objective: Help me. Place: Magma Cavern B14F Difficulty: B Reward: Dig Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 W Q (F) + ? ? 4 9 M (F) 4 ? X 7 6 7 6 S 4 ? W Client: Grimer Objective: Help me. Place: Uproar Forest B7F Difficulty: C Reward: Dig Wonder Mail: F ? 7 F S K 0 ? ? F N M N 6 ? - + J 7 6 S 9 ? C --------------------------------Earthquake --------------------------------Client: Machoke Objective: Help me. Place: Magma Cavern B12F Difficulty: B Reward: Earthquake Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 3 6 P (...) ? 4 P 8 J 2 2 ? 4 M 6 7 6 (...) K ? ? Client: Vibrava Objective: Find Psychic. Place: Near Howling Forest 8F Difficulty: B Reward: Earthquake Wonder Mail: F ? 7 K 5 ! + ? ? 8 P 5 - J ? 1 C 8 7 T (...) S ? W --------------------------------Facade ---------------------------------

Client: Breloom Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Thunder 6F Difficulty: D Reward: Facade Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 K (F) ! X ? 4 ! N 5 - 3 ? T (...) ? 7 6 C (F) ? W Client: Slaking Objective: Find Nincada. Place: Frosty Forest 7F Difficulty: C Reward: Facade + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N Y Q (M) (...) ? ? - N 8 P 3 ? X 4 5 7 R C (F) ? W Client: Wurmple Objective: Find Farfetch'd. Place: Magma Cavern B12F Difficulty: B Reward: Facade Wonder Mail: F ? 7 3 5 C + ? ? F 8 3 1 3 ? H S 6 7 R C 7 ? 8 Client: Vileplume Objective: Escort to Sandslash. Place: Sky Tower 19F Difficulty: A Reward: Facade + ? Wonder Mail: F ? F 9 - Q S ? 4 F 0 K 7 ? ? 9 H M 7 0 C 1 ? W Client: Heracross Objective: Escort to Roselia. Place: Uproar Forest B7F Difficulty: B Reward: Facade Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 (...) K C + ? 4 X N ! (M) N ? J F J 7 0 C K ? P Client: Chimecho Objective: Help me. Place: Northern Range 20F Difficulty: A Reward: Facade + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N J 6 4 F ? ? Y + W T - ? ? F N 7 6 C Q ? 6 --------------------------------Fire Blast

--------------------------------Client: Dusclops Objective: Escort to Whismur. Place: Great Canyon 12F Difficulty: B Reward: Fire Blast Wonder Mail: 1 ? N W ? Q + ? ? 8 8 0 + - ? Y M ? 7 0 5 (F) ? W Client: Mareep Objective: Escort to Venonat. Place: Frosty Forest 8F Difficulty: B Reward: Fire Blast Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 Y 2 J 0 ? 4 4 P 0 W 7 ? S (...) 6 7 0 5 T ? J --------------------------------Flamethrower --------------------------------Client: Flygon Objective: Find Trapinch. Place: Magma Cavern B17F Difficulty: B Reward: Flamethrower + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C (M) 5 J Y ? K X F K Y T ? 1 C 5 7 R Y T ? ? Client: Geodude Objective: Find Sunflora. Place: Howling Forest 8F Difficulty: B Reward: Flamethrower Wonder Mail: 4 ? M - R ? X ? ? 0 P 3 R 6 ? 4 M 8 7 R Y Y ? Client: Beedrill Objective: Help me. Place: Fiery Field 18F Difficulty: B Reward: Flamethrower + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C 0 9 4 (...) ? 4 P 0 F - 1 ? N X P 7 6 Y R ? 5 Client: Smeargle Objective: Help me. Place: Pitfall Valley B18F Difficulty: A Reward: Flamethrower Wonder Mail: 4 ? K 5 7 9 T ? ? 7 0 +

P P ? 6 0 N 7 6 Y 9 ? (F) Client: Camerupt Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B13F Difficulty: A Reward: Flamethrower + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C ? X P X ? ? - 8 N S R ? K (...) J 7 6 Y N ? 1 --------------------------------Focus Punch --------------------------------Client: Pidgeotto Objective: Escort to Swampert. Place: Sky Tower 25F Difficulty: A Reward: Focus Punch + ? Wonder Mail: F ? 1 9 F W Y ? 4 + S C X F ? 9 J M 6 0 (M) Y ? W Client: Electabuzz Objective: Find Zubat. Place: Howling Forest 8F Difficulty: B Reward: Focus Punch + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C K (M) ! X ? 4 4 P H 1 0 ? + M 8 6 R (M) ? ? W --------------------------------Frustation --------------------------------Client: Hitmontop Objective: Find Sudowoodo. Place: Howling Forest 12F Difficulty: B Reward: Frustation Wonder Mail: ? ? M J N ? Y ? ? 5 8 (...) 8 S ? X 0 8 7 R F Y ? S Client: Ledyba Objective: Find Beedrill. Place: Northern Range 16F Difficulty: A Reward: Frustration Wonder Mail: F ? M K M 2 0 ? 4 H F S 0 ! ? N N N 7 R F - ? W --------------------------------Giga Drain ---------------------------------

Client: Gligar Objective: Escort to Venomoth. Place: Howling Forest 12F Difficulty: A Reward: Giga Drain Wonder Mail: ? ? M J H C 0 ? ? 3 8 7 J (...) ? S M 8 7 0 9 8 ? (F) Client: Persian Objective: Help me. Place: Northern Range 16F Difficulty: A Reward: Giga Drain + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C K ! Q X ? 4 3 F Y ! F ? T - N 7 6 9 W ? W --------------------------------Hidden Power --------------------------------Client: Caterpie Objective: Find Jynx. Place: Mt. Blaze 7F Difficulty: C Reward: Hidden Power + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N P R ? + ? ? 3 N (M) ! ? ? W 5 5 7 R N + ? 9 Client: Salamence Objective: Help me. Place: Stormy Sea B24F Difficulty: A Reward: Hidden Power Wonder Mail: F ? 9 Y F (M) S ? 4 C S Q 4 X ? P C 7 7 6 N 4 ? W Client: Rhydon Objective: Find Oran Berry. Place: Near Northern Range 13F Difficulty: A Reward: Hidden Power + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N K 1 Q 0 ? ? 3 8 P K 6 ? 3 8 C 7 T N 6 ? W --------------------------------Ice Beam --------------------------------Client: Nidoran(F) Objective: Help me. Place: Silent Chasm B9F Difficulty: D Reward: Ice Beam

Wonder Mail: ? ? K C X (M) X ? 4 P P 9 ! F ? 9 P 4 7 6 P H ? W Client: Meditite Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Thunder 10F Difficulty: D Reward: Ice Beam + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C K 8 (M) T ? ? + R 2 H R ? C J ? 7 6 P N ? W Client: Ivysaur Objective: Find Venasaur. Place: Sky Tower 22F Difficulty: B Reward: Ice Beam Wonder Mail: 4 ? K 9 6 Q X ? ? P (...) 8 C 1 ? ? 7 7 7 R P R ? W Client: Magby Objective: Help me. Place: Uproar Forest B5F DiffiCulty: C Reards: Ice Beam + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C (...) P (F) F ? 4 X 7 4 (M) S ? 7 F J 7 6 P ! ? W Client: Sudowoodo Objective: Find Ditto. Place: Howling Forest 10F Difficulty: B Reward: Ice Beam + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C J 3 J Y ? 1 6 R Y (...) 7 ? 6 1 8 7 R P T ? 9 Client: Croconaw Objective: Help me. Place: Meteor Cave B12F Difficulty: A Reward: Ice Beam Wonder Mail: 4 ? M H Y P Y ? 4 0 8 3 8 ! ? 9 9 7 7 6 P J ? + Client: Zubat Objective: Help me. Place: Lightning Field 17F Difficulty: B Reward: Ice Beam + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 1 K H (M) 0 ? 4 ? F 5

P F ? + F

6 P (F) ? W

Client: Cacturne Objective: Help me. Place: Pitfall Valley B20F Difficulty: A Reward: Ice Beam + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C C M 1 X ? 4 - + C 2 T ? 2 Y N 7 6 P T ? W --------------------------------Light Screen --------------------------------Client: Ledyba Objective: Escort to Rattata. Place: Mt. Thunder 10F Difficulty: C Reward: Light Screen Wonder Mail: 1 ? 9 K M P F ? 4 3 R ? 9 ! ? P 5 ? 7 0 8 0 ? ! Client: Slowking Objective: Escort to Hitmonlee. Place: Frosty Forest 6F Difficulty: B RewardL Light Screen Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 Y N 1 T ? 4 F N 4 9 C ? ! J 6 7 0 8 W ? W Client: Chimecho Objective: Find Manectric. Place: Mt. Faraway 20F Difficulty: A Reward: Light Screen + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N C 6 Q X ? ? X + K K (M) ? C 9 9 7 R 8 R ? W --------------------------------Psychic --------------------------------Client: Grimer Objective: Escort to Nidorino. Place: Mt. Blaze 11F Difficulty: B Reward: Psychic + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C 9 S W T ? ? F R 3 6 0 ? F S 5 7 0 S X ? W Client: Beldum Objective: Help me. Place: Howling Forest 8F

Difficulty: B Reward: Psychic 4 ? M J 0 N 0 ? ? (F) P (F) W - ? P H 8 7 6 S + ? 8 --------------------------------Reflect --------------------------------Client: Plusle Objective: Escort to Minun. Place: Thunderwave Cave B5F Difficulty: D Reward: Reflect Wonder Mail: 4 ? M 9 F 3 X ? 0 7 7 2 ? T ? H 0 4 7 0 X + ? W Client: Jynx Objective: Escort to Slaking. Place: Silent Chasm B8F Difficulty: C Reward: Reflect + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 1 M (M) P F ? ? + P 5 3 5 ? X (F) ? 7 0 X K ? + Client: Weedle Objective: Find Tyrogue. Place: Mt. Blaze 12F Difficulty: C Reward: Reflect Wonder Mail: ? ? M 9 8 Q S ? 4 ! 8 P N F ? 6 (...) 6 7 R X P ? W Client: Nidorino Objective: Escort to Nidorina. Place: Northwind Field 15F Difficulty: A Reward: Reflect + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C Y 4 2 T ? 2 H 9 W W 4 ? 9 9 H 7 0 X Y ? W Client: Charmander Objective: Find Gulpin. Place: Northwind Field 16F Difficulty: B Reward: Reflect Wonder Mail: 1 ? M S 7 ? X ? ? X F + 9 F ? J 9 P 7 R X 1 ? ! --------------------------------Rest ---------------------------------

Client: Rhyhorn Objective: Escort to Minun. Place: Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: D Reward: Rest + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N 9 K (F) 0 ? 4 + 7 ? 7 0 ? H F ? 7 0 H 5 ? W Client: Beedrill Objective: Escort to Beldum. Place: Great Canyon 10F Difficulty: B Reward: Rest Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 W 9 - T ? 4 9 R X 8 4 ? P P ? 7 0 H S ? 7 Client: Duskull Objective: Find Apple. Place: Near Howling Forest 12F Difficulty: B Reward: Rest + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N J W R T ? 4 + 8 P 9 Q ? W + 8 7 T H P ? J --------------------------------Return --------------------------------Client: Hypno Objective: Deliver Brick Break. Place: Lapis Cave B7F Difficulty: C Reward: Return + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 1 ? 4 9 + ? 4 S N 0 C 0 ? 1 C 5 7 5 (...) N ? (F) Client: Omanyte Objective: Find Green Gummi. Place: Near Uproar Forest B6F Difficulty: C Reward: Return + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C F R 9 Y ? ? R N 9 4 M ? 7 S R 7 T (...) N ? 8 Client: Granbull Objective: Find Totter Seed. Place: Near Lightning Field 18F Difficulty: B Reward: Return + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C J J ? (...) ? 4 5 0 9 F (F) ? ! F P 7 T (...) R ? J

Client: Combusken Objective: Help me. Place: Pitfall Valley B13F Difficulty: A Reward: Return Wonder Mail: ? ? M C S Q T ? 4 7 8 (M) Y S ? 8 4 C 7 6 (...) 0 ? W --------------------------------Roar --------------------------------Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(F). Place: Mt. Thunder 5F Difficulty: C Reward: Roar Wonder Mail: 4 ? M J 4 P T ? 0 ? 7 Q H F ? 9 0 4 7 0 ? 5 ? K Client: Golbat Objective: Find Metang. Place: Mt. Freeze 9F Difficulty: C Reward: Roar Wonder Mail: 4 ? M K J ! S ? ? 9 P (F) J 1 ? P P 5 7 R ? 3 ? W Client: Fearow Objective: Deliver Racket Band. Place: Sky Tower 24F Difficulty: B Reward: Roar + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C 9 (...) 2 X ? ? H S M 9 4 ? R N 7 7 5 ? H ? W Client: Plusle Objective: Help me. Place: Uproar Forest B5F DiffiCulty: C Reward: ROar Wonder Mail: 1 ? M (...) F (M) S ? ? + 7 8 (...) R ? H F J 7 6 ? - ? W Client: Growlithe Objective: Find Poochyena. Place: Stormy Sea B38F Difficulty: A Reward: Roar + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C X Q H + ? F - C K

? 4 ? 9 9 7 7 R ? K ? T Client: Pidgeotto Objective: Deliver Totter Seed. Place: Mt. Faraway 29F Difficulty: A Reward: Roar Wonder Mail: F ? M C F Q Y ? 4 4 X J 6 F ? P F K 7 5 ? W ? W --------------------------------Safeguard --------------------------------Client: Shroomish Objective: Escort to Drowzee. Place: Lapis Cave B9F Difficulty: B Reward: Safeguard Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 6 (F) M (...) ? ? 1 P Q 0 P ? 1 S 5 7 0 F 1 ? 6 Client: Granbull Objective: Help me. Place: Sky Tower 15F Difficulty: B Reward: Safeguard Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 R J 9 + ? 4 T 9 6 (F) ? ! C M 7 6 F Y ? (F) Client: Tangela Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B15F Difficulty: A Reward: Safeguard + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N ? 2 7 X ? ? H 9 2 - 5 ? 3 0 J 7 6 F W ? 1 --------------------------------Secret Power --------------------------------Client: Slakoth Objective: Escort to Oddish. Place: Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: D Reward: Secret Power + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C P 3 J (...) ? ? ? 7 5 ! 3 ? + 0 ? 7 0 C W ? T Client: Spinarak Objective: Escort to Beldum. Place: Mt. Thunder 8F

Difficulty: C Reward: Secret Power + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C - C 5 Y ? 4 (F) P 7 T M ? P 4 ? 7 0 C 7 ? 2 Client: Baltoy Objective: Deliver Pecha Berry. Place: Frosty Forest 8F Difficulty: C Reward: Secret Power Wonder Mail: ? ? M S 1 4 0 ? ? + P K + R ? 3 F 6 7 5 C - ? (...) Client: Absol Objective: Help me. Place: Howling Forest 11F Difficulty: B Reward: Secret Power + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C K 6 Q + ? 4 K R 0 X (M) ? ? 8 - 7 6 C T ? W --------------------------------Shadow Ball --------------------------------Client: Slowpoke Objective: Escort to Raticate. Place: Sky Tower 21F Difficulty: A Reward: Shadow Ball + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N P 9 4 S ? 4 4 + 0 W 6 ? R 5 M 7 0 T R ? K Client: Wooper Objective: Help me. Place: Howling Forest 14F Difficulty: B Reward: Shadow Ball Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 K 6 C F ? ? J 9 1 + C ? 4 2 8 7 6 T 7 ? T Client: Spinda Objective: Find Teddiursa. Place: Fiery Field 18F Difficulty: B Reward: Shadow Ball Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 (...) 4 Q T ? F 0 0 4 9 T ? 3 2 P 7 R T - ? W --------------------------------Shock Wave

--------------------------------Client: Beautifly Objective: Find Wurmple. Place: Magma Cavern B13F Difficulty: B Reward: Shock Wave + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N W M W 0 ? 9 (M) 8 7 W H ? F C 5 7 R Y 0 ? W Client: Linoone Objective: Escort to Blastoise. Place: Northwind Field 16F Difficulty: A Reward: Shock Wave + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? F Y 4 W 0 ? 4 S F 5 (F) S ? 7 C P 7 0 Y R ? W Client: Baltoy Objective: Help me. Place: Murky cave B17F Difficulty: * Reward: Shock Wave + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N N 1 N T ? ? - F 6 (...) R ? 3 P J 7 6 Y (F) ? H --------------------------------Taunt --------------------------------Client: Sceptile Objective: Escort to Slaking. Place: Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: D Reward: Taunt Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 9 (...) 2 F ? 4 - 7 5 (...) H ? X F ? 7 0 P 7 ? W Client: Pidgeotto Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Freeze 14F Difficulty: C Reward: Taunt + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N - F ? Y ? 4 S 9 7 5 F ? P F 6 7 6 P 3 ? 4 Client: Paras Objective: Find Rawst Berry. Place: Near Fiery Field 17F Difficulty: B Reward: Taunt Wonder Mail: F ? 7 F K 4 F ? ? 3 F 0

M 4 ? (...) 9 H 7 T P Q ? 1 --------------------------------Thief --------------------------------Client: Voltorb Objective: Find Warp Orb. Place: Near Silent Chasm B9F Difficulty: D Reward: Thief Wonder Mail: F ? 9 C M (M) S ? ? ? P 3 T 6 ? 2 K 4 7 T J ? ? W Client: Weedle Objective: Help me. Place: Frosty Forest 5F Difficulty: C Reward: Thief Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 Y 9 8 F ? K 1 7 (...) P F ? N C 5 7 R J K ? T Client: Roselia Objective: Escort to Lunatone. Place: Magma Cavern B20F Difficulty: A Reward: Thief Wonder Mail: ? ? 9 W + (M) T ? ? 7 + R P J ? ! 5 6 7 0 J ! ? W Client: Pinsir Objective: Find Heracross. Place: Sky Tower 20F Difficulty: B Reward: Thief + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N 9 W ! 0 ? 1 Q + P R 2 ? (F) C 7 7 R J M ? W Client: Volbeat Objective: Escort to Illumise. Place: Uproar Forest B5F Difficulty: B Reward: Thief + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? F (...) 0 W 0 ? 0 (M) 7 (M) 4 Q ? H 8 J 7 0 J K ? W Client: Torkoal Objective: Escort to Ledyba. Place: Uproar Forest B7F Difficulty: B Reward: Thief + ? Wonder Mail:

? ? N (...) X 3 Y ? 4 6 N F K T ? 0 0 J 7 0 J H ? W Client: Misdreavus Objective: Find Sneak Place: Near Lightning Difficulty: A Reward: Thief + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N J P - (...) ? ? Y N ? M N H 7 T J Scarf. Field 27F

6 T 8 X ? 6

--------------------------------Thunderbolt --------------------------------Client: Pidgeot Objective: Escort to Seviper. Place: Mt. Thunder 8F Difficulty: C Reward: Thunderbolt Wonder Mail: 4 ? 9 K 0 W F ? ? 7 P H Q F ? ! C ? 7 0 + (M) ? W Client: Ampharos Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Blaze 10F Difficulty: C Reward: Thunderbolt Wonder Mail: F ? 7 9 ! (F) Y ? 4 T R (M) 7 + ? T C 6 7 6 + - ? W Client: Murkrow Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B17F Difficulty: A Reward: Thunderbolt Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 N N 6 + ? ? 0 F M M C ? 5 9 J 7 6 + 3 ? J --------------------------------Torment --------------------------------Client: Illumise Objective: Escort to Ariados. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Torment + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 1 9 0 6 F ? 4 0 6 Y 8 R ? + + 4 7 0 M (M) ? X Client: Starmie Objective: Escort to Shedinja.

Place: Great Canyon 12F Difficulty: B Reward: Torment Wonder Mail: ? ? M W 3 - Y ? 4 8 8 Q J 0 ? Y J ? 7 0 M F ? S Client: Vigoroth Objective: Find Ledyba. Place: Lapis Cave B10F Difficulty: C Reward: Torment + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C N 3 1 0 ? 4 Q R P S ? 0 H 6 7 R M 0 ? W Client: Dragonair Objective: Help me. Place: Lapis Cave B14F Difficulty: C Reward: Torment Wonder Mail: 4 ? M N + 8 X ? ? 0 9 0 N 7 ? R J 6 7 6 M C ? F Client: Sunflora Objective: Escort Place: Mt. Freeze Difficulty: B Reward: Torment Wonder Mail: 1 ? M J ? P T X N ? S (...) 5 7 to Venonat. 15F

? ? ? 9 2 0 M J ? 9

Client: Fearow Objective: Help me. Place: Stormy Sea B23F Difficulty: A Reward: Torment + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C Y (...) 3 X ? ? F (...) X ? 4 ? R C M 7 6 M 0 ? W Client: Poochyena Objective: Deliver Shock Wave. Place: Lightning Field 23F Difficulty: A Reward: Torment Wonder Mail: 4 ? M - Y 7 T ? ? ! (...) F W H ? 9 C H 7 5 M 4 ? ? ========================================================================= =========================================================================

ITEM WONDER MAIL ========================================================================= These missions will give some good items as rewards. ----------------------------------Heal Seed ----------------------------------Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(F). Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: 4 ? K N 4 Q T ? 0 3 6 8 Q F ? 9 8 4 ? 0 ! ? ? W Client: Poliwrath Objective: Find Poliwag. Place: Sinister Woods 7F Difficulty: D Reward: Heal Seed + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C Y W M X ? 9 ? N (...) X ? ? Y S 4 ? R ! (M) ? C Client: Pinsir Objective: Find Blue Gummi. Place: Near Silent Chasm B7F Difficulty: D Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: F ? M C W (M) 0 ? 4 ? N ? N 2 ? W (...) 4 ? T ! - ? W Client: Tentacool Objective: Deliver Max Elixir. Place: Mt. Thunder 7F Difficulty: D Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: F ? M K P K 0 ? ? H N ! (F) 6 ? M 0 4 ? 5 ! R ? 0 Client: Seviper Objective: Find Zangoose. Place: Lapis Cave B13F Difficulty: C Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: 4 ? K 7 H 5 F ? 1 ! 8 6 2 R ? ! (...) 5 ? R ! (M) ? T Client: Aipom Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Blaze 6F

Difficulty: C Reward: Heal Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C 9 W 2 F ? ? 0 N (F) 6 M ? Y 4 6 ? 6 ! N ? W Client: Pineco Objective: Help me. Place: Frosty Forest 8F Difficulty: C Reward: Heal Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C S M 6 + ? 4 0 P 7 2 (...) ? 2 (...) 6 ? 6 ! 5 ? K Client: Hitmonlee Objective: Help Me. Place: Mt. Freeze 10F Difficulty: C Reward: Heal Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C H J 9 X ? ? 3 R 0 2 5 ? ! M 6 ? 6 ! 1 ? N Client: Sandslash Objective: Find Aerodactyl. Place: Howling Forest 8F Difficulty: B Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? M J X R (...) ? ? 2 P ! M 4 ? N M 8 ? R ! (M) ? + Client: Stantler Objective: Find Porygon2. Place: Howling Forest 8F Difficulty: B Reward: Heal Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 1 K 6 (M) T ? 4 X P 7 W H ? ? F 8 ? R ! 0 ? W Client: Crawdaunt Objective: Find Oddish. Place: Stormy Sea B22F Difficulty: A Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? K Y K Q F ? 4 F (...) 2 - Q ? + 7 7 ? R ! X ? W Client: Tauros Objective: Help me. Place: Stormy Sea B25F Difficulty: A Reward: Heal Seed

Wonder Mail: 4 ? M Y ? H T ? ? 6 S P 7 ? ? (...) M ? 6 ! 8 ? H Client: Camerupt Objective: Find Hitmonlee. Place: Mt. Faraway 24F Difficulty: A Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: 1 ? M 5 X P Y ? ? ? S 4 0 J ? ! 0 9 ? R ! 3 ? 9 Client: Feraligatr Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B14F Difficulty: A Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: 4 ? M N 4 J X ? ? 2 9 P X 7 ? F H R ? 6 ! 4 ? M Client: Baltoy Objective: Help me. Place: Murky cave B19F Difficulty: Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? M 6 1 C T ? ? (M) 0 W R ? 3 (...) J ? 6 ! ? ? R -------------------------------Joy Seed -------------------------------Client: Bulbasaur Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 1F Difficulty: E Reward: Joy Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 F ? ? T ? 4 ? ? ? N F ? ? F 4 6 6 R ? ? ? Client: Bulbasaur Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 2F Difficulty: E Reward: Joy Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 F ? ? Y ? 4 ? 6 ? N F ? ? F ? 6 6 R ? ? ? Client: Bulbasaur Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 3F Difficulty: E

Reward: Joy Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 F ? ? 0 ? 4 ? 6 ? N F ? ? F 4 6 6 R ? ? ? Client: Bulbasaur Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 4F Difficulty: E Reward: Joy Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 F ? ? (...) ? 4 ? 7 ? P F ? ? F ? 6 6 R ? ? ? Client: Bulbasaur Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 5F Difficulty: E Reward: Joy Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 F ? ? T ? 4 ? 7 ? P F ? ? F 4 6 6 R ? ? ? Client: Bulbasaur Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 6F Difficulty: E Reward: Joy Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 F ? ? Y ? 4 ? N ? P F ? ? F ? 6 6 R ? ? ? Client: Bulbasaur Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 7F Difficulty: E Reward: Joy Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 F ? ? 0 ? 4 ? N ? P F ? ? F 4 6 6 R ? ? ? Client: Bulbasaur Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 8F Difficulty: E Reward: Joy Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 F ? ? (...) ? 4 ? P ? R F ? ? F ? 6 6 R ? ? ? ----------------------------------Max Elixir ----------------------------------Client: Sunkern Objective: Find Oran Berry. Place: Near Tiny Woods B2F

Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: 1 ? M N W ! S ? 4 Q 6 K Y ! ? Y 8 ? 6 T 8 M ? W Client: Aron Objective: Escort to HootHoot. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: D Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 1 N P ! 0 ? 4 0 6 R (...) Q ? F F ? 6 0 8 Y ? W Client: Skarmory Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: F ? K N (M) ! T ? ? Q 6 C (F) N ? W 8 ? 6 6 8 M ? W Client: Aron Objective: Find Geodude. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 1 7 P ? X ? 4 3 6 S ! J ? M 8 ? 6 R 8 9 ? H Client: Nidoran (M) Objective: Deliver Pecha Berry. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: F ? M N X C S ? 4 F 6 Y 1 F ? 9 F ? 6 5 8 (M) ? (F) Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Find Trapinch. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C 7 4 H S ? ? (M) 6 T ? F ? 1 8 4 6 R 8 ? ? K Client: Electabuzz Objective: Deliver Pecha Berry. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir + ?

Wonder Mail: ? ? C N (M) W + ? 4 F 6 T 4 0 ? W F 4 6 5 8 M ? W Client: Swalot Objective: Find Persian. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C N (...) 5 Y ? ? 3 6 M + T ? T 8 4 6 R 8 ! ? W Client: Yanma Objective: Help me. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: 1 ? M P ? 8 S ? 4 0 6 C (...) (...) ? 4 F 4 6 6 8 X ? ? Client: Plusle Objective: Escort to Minun. Place: Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: D Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C 9 F C (...) ? 0 7 7 M N T ? H 0 ? 6 0 8 S ? + Client: Dunsparce Objective: Help me. Place: Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: 4 ? M 9 C 8 S ? 4 J 7 ^ (F) ? 2 F ? 6 6 8 2 ? (...) Client: Beldum Objective: Find Cheri Berry. Place: Near Thunderwave Cave B5F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: F ? 1 9 0 (M) 0 ? ? Y 7 H 5 - ? P F 4 6 T 8 N ? W Client: Swellow Objective: Find Taillow. Place: Thunderwave Cave B5F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C 8 K N S ? 9 + 7 8

S S ? (...) + 4 6 R 8 Q ? K Client: Geodude Objective: Find Rattata. Place: Thunderwave Cave B5F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C 9 R M X ? ? F 7 S 8 2 ? P + 4 6 R 8 K ? W Client: Tentacruel Objective: Find Blastoise. Place: Thunderwave Cave B5F Difficulty: E Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: F ? M 9 P (F) F ? 4 3 7 6 8 0 ? 7 8 4 6 R 8 (...) ? W Client: Nidoking Objective: Escort to Nidoqueen. Place: Mt. Steel 8F Difficulty: D Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C F 5 C 0 ? 0 ? P 5 S 1 ? 9 2 ? 6 0 8 S ? T Client: Loudred Objective: Escort to Lickitung. Place: Sinister Woods 7F Difficulty: C Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C Y W (F) Y ? 4 3 N 4 T P ? (F) 8 4 6 0 8 T ? W Client: Beedrill Objective: Find Weedle. Place: Sinister Woods 12F Difficulty: D Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: ? ? M Y 9 ! F ? K ? 8 ? J F ? N 2 ? 6 R 8 N ? W Client: Sunflora Objective: Help me. Place: Silent Chasm B5F Difficulty: D Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C C ? N T ? ? T 7 + Y N ? 4 7 4 6 6 8 P ? X

Client: Geodude Objective: Find Arbok. Place: Silent Chasm B9F Difficulty: D Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: ? ? K C R W T ? ? ? P F 9 6 ? 8 K 4 6 R 8 P ? W Client: Drowzee Objective: Escort to Natu. Place: Great Canyon 6F Difficulty: B Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: F ? M W 4 3 S ? ? Q N J (M) 0 ? S + ? 6 0 8 N ? W Client: Beedrill Objective: Deliver Cheri Berry. Place: Great Canyon 9F Difficulty: C Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C W 9 (F) T ? 4 S P (M) 5 1 ? N F 4 6 5 8 (...) ? W Client: Pidgeot Objective: Help me. Place: Lapis Cave B12F Difficulty: C Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: F ? M ? 0 7 X ? ? ? 8 3 9 4 ? P M 6 6 6 8 R ? H Client: Plusle Objective: Help me. Place: Lapis Cave B14F Difficulty: C Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: 1 ? M 7 F 9 X ? ? + 9 P X R ? H F 6 6 6 8 T ? P Client: Seadra Objective: Escort to Vibrava. Place: Magma Cavern B15F Difficulty: A Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C 3 ! J T ? 4 - 9 H 4 5 ? 1 4 5 6 0 8 P ? 1 Client: Dragonite Objective: Help me.

Place: Sky Tower 22F Difficulty: B Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: F ? M P + ? 0 ? 4 T (...) (...) Q + ? R P 7 6 6 8 H ? J Client: Hypno Objective: Help me. Place: Uproar Forest B8F Difficulty: C Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C (...) 4 ! X ? 4 F P 8 3 0 ? 1 + R 6 6 8 5 ? W Client: Cacturne Objective: Deliver Grass Gummi. Place: Uproar Forest B8F Difficulty: C Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C (...) M W F ? 4 8 P 4 T T ? 2 (...) R 6 5 8 9 ? W Client: Pikachu Objective: Find Ninetales. Place: Lightning Field 20F Difficulty: A Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C K S ! X ? 4 P + S 0 4 ? 0 + P 6 R 8 + ? W Client: Golduck Objective: Find Porygon2. Place: Northwind Field 18F Difficulty: B Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: 1 ? K Y (F) (F) Y ? 4 M 0 4 4 ? ? 0 P 6 R 8 + ? W Client: Growlithe Objective: Help me. Place: Northwind Field 25F Difficulty: A Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C Y Q Q (...) ? ? H S F + 4 ? X 4 H 6 6 8 Y ? W Client: Heracross Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B17F Difficulty: A

Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C N K P F ? 4 Q F 6 X (F) ? (F) M J 6 6 8 R ? H ----------------------------------Reviver Seed ----------------------------------Client: Graveler Objective: Find Pecha Berry. Place: Near Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 N R 3 + ? 4 F 6 (M) T 2 ? M F ? ? T Q W ? W Client: Golduck Objective: Find Pecha Berry. Place: Near Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 6 (F) 7 (...) ? 4 F 6 0 3 1 ? T F ? ? T Q W ? R Client: Mr. Mime. Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N N Q 1 X ? ? 3 6 Q 2 5 ? (M) 8 ? ? 6 Q 1 ? W Client: Nuzleaf Objective: Escort to Tallow. Location: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: D Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: F ? N 6 J 8 F ? 4 + 6 7 6 S ? (...) F ? ? O Q ! ? 4 Client: Pidgeot Objective: Find Pidgey. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: F ? 9 N 0 ! 0 ? 9 F 6 (M) + ? ? P F ? ? R Q C ? W Client: Exeggcute Objective: Deliver Pecha Berry. Place: Tiny Woods B2F

Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N N C 2 T ? ? F 6 H M 5 ? 2 F ? ? 5 Q 6 ? W Client: Gligar Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: F ? F N H (F) F ? ? Q 6 P 7 N ? ! 8 ? ? 6 Q 8 ? W Client: Mawile Objective: Deliver Oran Berry. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? F N P 3 T ? ? (M) 6 1 Y R ? M 8 4 ? 5 Q 5 ? W Client: Exeggcute Objective: Find Farfetch'd. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: F ? 7 N C (F) X ? ? 3 6 ! R 2 ? H 8 4 ? R Q F ? W Client: Elekid Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 N P (F) + ? ? + 6 (F) H P ? 7 F 4 ? 6 Q ! ? W Client: Pinsir Objective: Help Me. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed + ? 1 ? N 6 W 8 (...) ? 4 3 6 8 S 2 ? W 8 4 ? 6 Q W ? 7 Client: Raichu Objective: Deliver Pecha Berry. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail:

4 ? 7 N T Q 0 ? ? F 6 N N 4 ? 8 F 4 ? 5 Q 4 ? W Client: Natu Objective: Find Dusclops. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 R 1 K (...) ? 4 (...) 6 H (M) 7 ? ? + 4 ? R Q 3 ? F Client: Sunkern Objective: Find Zigzagoon. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 P W 5 Y ? 4 - 6 3 3 7 ? F F 4 ? R Q Q ? + Client: Scyther Objective: Find Pecha Berry. Place: Near Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N 9 Q ! + ? 4 F 7 + 3 2 ? (M) F ? ? T Q W ? W Client: Claydol Objective: Fing Azurill. Place: Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? F 8 1 R Y ? 4 7 7 ! Q Q ? 4 0 ? ? R Q 2 ? F Client: Plusle Objective: Help me. Place: Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 9 F 7 X ? ? - 7 J T R ? H F ? ? 6 Q + ? ! Client: Cacnea Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 5F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 (...) M M 0 ? ? 7 X R ? 2 0 4 ? 6 Q (...) ? H

Client: Sentret Objective: Deliver Warp Orb. Place: Mt. Steel 5F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: F ? 7 F 4 6 X ? 4 6 7 R (F) + ? F K 4 ? 5 Q + ? 3 Client: Charmeleon Objective: Find Horsea. Place: Mt. Steel 6F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 (...) 7 (M) T ? 4 ? N 8 0 ? ? Q 0 ? ? R Q 8 ? W Client: Azumarill Objective: Find Ninetales. Place: Mt. Steel 7F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N (...) 3 (F) 0 ? ? ? N 7 M M ? 0 K 4 ? R Q P ? W Client: Ledyba Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 7F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N (...) M Q 0 ? 4 T N 9 6 + ? 0 F 4 ? 6 Q N ? W Client: Tyranitar Objective: Find Larvitar. Place: Mt. Steel 8F Difficulty: E Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N F F P X ? K 7 P ? W 3 ? N 2 ? ? R Q Q ? N Client: Flygon Objective: Find Place: Sinister Difficulty: D Reward: Reviver Wonder Mail: F ? N T 5 7 0 ? ! T ? 1 S 4 ? R Client: Togetic Trapinch. Woods 11F Seed + ? K 8 R K Q 4 ? 1

Objective: Find Place: Sinister Difficulty: D Reward: Reviver Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 Y 1 Q F ? 6 + ? R 0 4 ? R

Dragonite. Woods 11F Seed ? J R M Q T ? W

Client: Seviper Objective: Find Loudred. Place: Silent Chasm B8F Difficulty: D Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: F ? F C H 3 (...) ? 4 7 P 5 (F) Q ? Y (...) ? ? R Q ? ? W Client: Salamence Objective: Find Sentret. Place: Great Canyon 11F Difficulty: C Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: 4 ? 9 W F 3 T ? 4 R R Q J X ? F J 4 ? R Q + ? W Client: Numel Objective: Escort to Glalie. Place: Lapis Cave B7F Difficulty: B Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: F ? 7 N T ! T ? 4 K N N P J ? 6 4 5 ? 0 Q 7 ? W Client: Rattata Objective: Help me. Place: Lapis Cave B8F Difficulty: C Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? F 7 0 P (...) ? 4 F P W R 1 ? P + 6 ? 6 Q 2 ? 4 Client: Pinsir Objective: Escort to Wooper. Place: Frosty Forest 7F Difficulty: B Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: F ? 7 X W 6 F ? 4 2 N 6 5 ? 4 C 5 ? 0 Q K ? P Client: Pidgeot Objective: Find Treecko. Place: Magma Cavern B14F

Difficulty: B Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N W 0 (F) 0 ? ? + 9 1 K F ? R H 6 ? R Q 3 ? W Client: Golem Objective: Deliver Power Band. Place: Sky Tower 20F Difficulty: B Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: F ? 7 P 8 6 X ? ? S + M ? 6 ? C 7 7 ? 5 Q 1 ? T Client: Porygon Objective: Find Pidgeotto. Place: Howling Forest 13F Difficulty: B Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 J P 7 Y ? 4 S 8 9 F + ? P 0 - ? R Q R ? K Client: Glalie Objective: Help me. Place: Stormy Sea B22F Difficulty: A Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N Y N 3 (...) ? ? Y (...) M - - ? 6 7 7 ? 6 Q ? W Client: Makuhita Objective: Help me. Place: Meteor Cave B15F Difficulty: A Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 K ? 3 X ? 4 M 9 M (...) T ? 4 S M ? 6 Q (F) ? W Client: Oddish Objective: Help me. Place: Fiery Field 15F Difficulty: B Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N (...) J Q S ? 4 H 9 0 P 1 ? + C H ? 6 Q N ? W Client: Parasect Objective: Find Fire Blast. Place: Near Fiery Field 24F Difficulty: A Reward: Reviver Seed

Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 (...) K (F) T ? 4 F S 0 1 ? (...) H P ? T Q M ? W Client: Gastly Objective: Deliver Rest. Place: Pitfall Valley B22F Difficulty: A Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? F C X - (...) ? ? ? (...) Y ? 6 ? K J N ? 5 Q 7 ? ----------------------------------Trawl Orb ----------------------------------Client: Feebas Objective: Deliver Cheri Berry. Place: Grand Sea B9F Difficulty: B Reward: Trawl Orb Wonder Mail: X ? 7 P (F) ? + ? ? X P 6 R J ? Q F J C 5 ? W ? ? ----------------------------------Dodge Scarf ----------------------------------Client: Croconaw Objective: Escort to Baltoy. Place: Magma Cavern B17F Difficulty: A Reward: Dodge Scarf Wonder Mail: ? ? M W Y ! S ? 4 8 F 4 N 7 ? 3 M 5 ? 0 M P ? W Client: Electrike Objective: Escort to Azurill. Place: Sky Tower 16F Difficulty: A Reward: Dodge Scarf Wonder Mail: 1 ? M 9 9 (F) X ? ? 8 F 2 (M) Q ? 4 7 7 ? 0 M (M) ? W Client: Piloswine Objective: Escort to Pidgey. Place: Howling Forest 8F Difficulty: A Reward: Dodge Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C J (F) 7 0 ? ? 1 P 0 S N ? P 4 8 ? 0 M W ? W Client: Gloom

Objective: Help me. Place: Stormy Sea B20F Difficulty: A Reward: Dodge Scarf Wonder Mail: 1 ? M Y - M 0 ? ? P + 9 Q ? ? (...) J 7 ? 6 M 4 ? T Client: Xatu Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Faraway 26F Difficulty: A Reward: Dodge Scarf Wonder Mail: ? ? K C 2 Q F ? ? T T ? N M ? S F 9 ? 6 M 3 ? W Client: Nidorino Objective: Find Ninjask. Place: Northern Range 24F Difficulty: A Reward: Dodge Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C K 4 K Y ? 4 + S C T ? ? Y 7 N ? R M (F) ? 6 ----------------------------------Friend Bow ----------------------------------Client: Bulbasaur Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods B1F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 ? ? ? (...) ? 4 ? ? ? + F ? ? F 4 ? 6 K ? ? ? Client: Pidgey Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods 1F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow Wonder Mail: ? ? 9 ? F ? (...) ? ? ? ? ? C ? ? P F 4 ? 6 K ? ? ? Client: Charmander Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods 1F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow Wonder Mail: ? ? 9 ? 7 ? T ? ? ? ? ? (F) ? ? 6 F 4 N 6 5 ? ? ?

Client: Charizard Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods 1F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow Wonder Mail: ? ? 9 ? N ? S ? ? ? ? ? 7 4 ? 6 F 4 ? 6 K ? ? ? Client: Lapras Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods 1F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? F ? 6 ? + ? 4 6 ? 6 ? ! ? ? F 4 ? 6 K S ? ? Client: Skitty Objective: Find Wailord. Place: Tiny Woods 3F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 8 ? 7 ? F ? 4 7 6 6 H J ? - - F 4 ? R K R ? Client: Onix Objective: Bring me a Oran Berry Place: Tiny Woods 3F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow Wonder Mail: ? ? 9 ? Y ? (...) ? 4 3 6 ? W 2 ? K 8 4 ? 5 K ? ? ? Client: Walrein Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 1F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 F P ? 0 ? 4 N ? ? Y X ? 7 F 4 ? 6 K ? ? ? Client: Walrein Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 2F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 F P ? (...) ? 4 N 6 ? Y X ? 7 F ? ? 6 K ? ? ? Client: Walrein Objective: Help me.

Place: Mt. Steel 3F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 F P ? T ? 4 N 6 ? Y X ? 7 F 4 ? 6 K ? ? ? Client: Walrein Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 4F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 F P ? Y ? 4 N 7 ? 4 X ? 7 F ? ? 6 K ? ? ? Client: Walrein Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 5F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 F P ? 0 ? 4 N 7 ? 4 X ? 7 F 4 ? 6 K ? ? ? Client: Walrein Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 6F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 F P ? (...) ? 4 N N ? 4 X ? 7 F ? ? 6 K ? ? ? Client: Walrein Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 7F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 F P ? T ? 4 N N ? 4 X ? 7 F 4 ? 6 K ? ? ? Client: Walrein Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Steel 8F Difficulty: E Reward: Friend Bow + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 F P ? Y ? 4 N P ? 5 X ? 7 F ? ? 6 K ? ? ? Client: Treecko Objective: Escort to Geodude. Place: Sinister Woods 8F Difficulty: D

Reward: Friend Bow + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? F S + ? X ? 4 ? P ? + H ? M F ? ? 0 K ? ? ? Client: Nidoqueen Objective: Escort to Nidoking. Place: Fiery Field 21F Difficulty: S Reward: Friend Bow Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 (...) Y H (...) ? 2 F + 2 X 4 ? F J H ? 0 K ! ? ? ----------------------------------Heal Ribbon ----------------------------------Client: Nidorino Objective: Escort to Nidorina. Place: Frosty Forest 9F Difficulty: B Reward: Heal Ribbon + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N X 4 J X ? 2 P P C - 4 ? 9 M 5 ? 0 R - ? G Client: Solrock Objective: Find Lunatone. Place: Uproar Forest B6F Difficulty: C Reward: Heal Ribbon + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N (...) J (M) X ? 1 7 N M K J ? ! T R ? R R 2 ? W Client: Electrike Objective: Escort to Claydol. Place: Uproar Forest B7F Difficulty: B Reward: Heal Ribbon Wonder Mail: F ? 7 (...) 9 ! T ? ? 7 N R 7 T ? 3 0 J ? 0 R 1 ? W Client: Poliwhirl Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B16F Difficulty: A Reward: Heal Ribbon + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N N (M) R T ? 4 S F X W F ? Y 7 R ? 6 R S ? N ----------------------------------Pecha Scarf -----------------------------------

Client: Houndour Objective: Escort to Trapinch. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: D Reward: Pecha Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N N (M) (M) Y ? 4 + 6 ? P (...) ? 1 F ? ? 0 + 6 ? W Client: Baltoy Objective: Escort to Geodude. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Pecha Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N 8 1 6 S ? ? 3 6 W H J ? M 8 4 ? 0 + T ? ? Client: Muk Objective: Escort to Charmeleon. Place: Mt. Steel 5F Difficulty: D Reward: Pecha Scarf Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 + S P + ? 4 ? 7 J (M) 0 ? 6 K 4 ? 0 + (F) ? ! Client: Scyther Objective: Find Exeggutor. Place: Silent Chasm B5F Difficulty: D Reward: Pecha Scarf Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 C Q Q Y ? 4 3 7 1 T 2 ? 2 9 4 ? R + Y ? W Client: Ponyta Objective: Find Rattata. Place: Great Canyon 6F Difficulty: C Reward: Pecha Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N W 8 3 Y ? 4 F N 0 2 ? P C ? ? R + 8 ? W Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Help me. Place: Lapis Cave B12F Difficulty: C Reward: Pecha Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N 6 4 H T ? ? ? 8 2 1 ? ? F (...) 6 ? 6 + R ? 3 Client: Beedrill Objective: Find Oddish.

Place: Mt. Blaze 11F Difficulty: C Reward: Pecha Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N 9 9 2 T ? 4 H R 2 M 1 ? + (...) 5 ? R + 7 ? W Client: Piloswine Objective: Escort to Lairon. Place: Frosty Forest 8F Difficulty: B Reward: Pecha Scarf Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 Y (F) 1 + ? ? - P Q H C ? M S 6 ? 0 + Q ? W Client: Charmeleon Objective: Deliver Silver Gummi. Place: Frosty Forest 8F Difficulty: C Reward: Pecha Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? F T 7 5 (...) ? 4 1 P F J F ? 6 S 6 ? 5 + S ? 4 Client: Granbull Objective: Escort to Spheal. Place: Magma Cavern B12F Difficulty: A Reward: Pecha Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N W J W + ? 4 9 8 F C (F) ? 6 & 6 ? 0 + 1 ? W Client: Voltorb Objective: Help me. Place: Uproar Forest B5F Difficulty: C Reward: Pecha Scarf Wonder Mail: ? ? 9 (...) M Q (...) ? ? S 7 2 8 6 ? 2 F J ? 6 + X ? W Client: Shellder Objective: Deliver Water Stone. Place: Northwind Field 19F Difficulty: B Reward: Pecha Scarf Wonder Mail: ? ? 9 T T ? F ? R F 0 + W 5 ? - X H ? 5 + Y ? T ----------------------------------Persim Band ----------------------------------Client: Golbat

Objective: Help me. Place: Silent Chasm B9F Difficulty: D Reward: Persim Band Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 M J - X ? ? F P 7 4 4 ? + + 4 ? 6 0 N ? 8 Client: Yanma Objective: Escort to Phanpy. Place: Lapis Cave B11F Difficulty: B Reward: Persim Band Wonder Mail: F ? 7 N ? 5 + ? 4 + R (M) 1 N ? ? S 5 ? 0 0 1 ? K Client: Armaldo Objective: Help me. Place: Lapis Cave B11F Difficulty: C Reward: Persim Band Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 ? ! H X ? 4 8 R 4 S T ? Q J 5 ? 6 0 H ? 2 Client: Kabutops Objective: Find Torment. Place: Near Frosty Forest 7F Difficulty: C Reward: Persim Band Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 Y 8 6 S ? 4 J N K (F) + ? N H 5 ? T 0 S ? Client: Hoppip Objective: Help me. Place: Magma Cavern B22F Difficulty: B Reward: Persim Band Wonder Mail: F ? 7 W Q (M) F ? 4 6 (...) (...) ! ? X 5 6 ? 6 0 F ? W Client: Mr. Mime Objective: Help me. Place: Uproar Forest B5F Difficulty: C Reward: Persim Band + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N + Q 4 S ? ? 3 7 2 + 5 ? (M) 8 J ? 6 0 (M) ? W Client: Kirlia Objective: Help me. Place: Howling Forest 8F

Difficulty: B Reward: Persim Band Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 K 2 (F) X ? ? - P ? + H ? S H 8 ? 6 0 7 ? W Client: Farfetch'd Objective: Help me. Place: Stormy Sea B38F Difficulty: A Reward: Persim Band Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 Y 0 1 F ? 4 4 C S T 2 ? H R 7 ? 6 0 0 ? W Client: Gulpin Objective: Help me. Place: Northern Range Difficulty: A Reward: Persim Band + Wonder Mail: 4 ? N J + - F ? 4 ! 8 P T ? J - C ? 6 0 K ?

13F ? R H

----------------------------------Power Band ----------------------------------Client : Cacnea Objective : Escort to Elekid. Place : Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty : D Reward : Power Band Wonder Mail : ? ? K 9 M W X ? ? + 6 X (F) R ? 7 F 4 ? 0 0 R ? W Client: Sudowoodo Objective: Find Baltoy. Place: Sinister Woods 7F Difficulty: D Reward: Power Band Wonder Mail: ? ? M Y 3 W S ? 4 X N (M) 7 ? 3 F 4 ? R 0 1 ? W Client: Ursaring Objective: Help me. Place: Frosty Forest 8F Difficulty: C Reward: Power Band Wonder Mail: 1 ? M Y 2 H F ? ? 6 P Q 8 C ? 3 0 6 ? 6 0 7 ? 4 Client: Starmie Objective: Find Dugtrio.

Place: Magma Cavern B14F Difficulty: B Reward: Power Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C W 3 3 0 ? 4 F 9 Q 0 2 ? S H 6 ? R 0 5 ? W Client: Seadra Objective: Find Special Band. Place: Near Magma Cavern B23F Difficulty: B Reward: Power Band Wonder Mail: 1 ? M (M) ! - Y ? 4 P (...) ? 4 0 ? Q P 5 ? T 0 6 ? 9 Client: Charmeleon Objective: Help me. Place: Uproar Forest B6F Difficulty: C Reward: Power Band + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C (...) 7 K (...) ? 4 F N M W F ? 6 F R ? 6 0 S ? 6 Client: Rapidash Objective: Find Golbat. Place: Stormy Sea B24F Difficulty: A Reward: Power Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 1 Y 9 W + ? ? 3 S M 5 ? + (...) 7 ? R 0 5 ? W Client: Metang Objective: Find Tyrogue. Place: Northwind Field 16F Difficulty: B Reward: Power Band + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C T 0 K F ? 4 + F 1 P X ? 6 M P ? R 0 Y ? 2 Client: Dunsparce Objective: Find Octillery. Place: Northern Range 21F Difficulty: A Reward: Power Band + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 1 K C W (...) ? 4 6 + M F (...) ? (M) C C ? R 0 7 ? W ----------------------------------Special Band ----------------------------------Client: Spearow

Objective: Escort to Wooper. Place: Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: D Reward: Special Band Wonder Mail: ? ? M 8 + H Y ? 4 T 7 3 J 4 ? 4 F ? ? 0 4 Q ? 9 Client: Elekid Objective: Escort to Wurmple. Place: Sinister Woods 11F Difficulty: C Reward: Special Band + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C T P 5 F ? ? 7 R N X H ? F 0 4 ? 0 4 F ? W Client: Granbull Objective: Escort to Nidoqueen. Place: Lapis Cave B12F Difficulty: B Reward: Special Band Wonder Mail: 1 ? M 6 J 5 F ? 4 3 8 (M) X (F) ? 9 (...) 6 ? 0 4 P ? P Client: Pinsir Objective: Find Dratini. Place: Magma Cavern B19F Difficulty: B Reward: Special Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C (M) W J T ? 4 2 0 H 9 2 ? P C 5 ? R 4 (M) ? (...) Client: Salamence Objective: Escort to Oddish. Place: Sky Tower 23F Difficulty: A Reward: Special Band Wonder Mail: 1 ? M 9 F (F) 0 ? 4 P (...) 7 4 (M) ? + J M ? 0 4 ? ? W Client: Armaldo Objective: Help me. Place: Ptfall Valley B15F Difficulty: A Reward: Special Band Wonder Mail: ? ? M C ! 3 (...) ? 4 (M) 9 H P T ? Q C C ? 6 4 2 ? W ----------------------------------Tight Belt -----------------------------------

Client: Charmeleon Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods 1F Difficulty: E Reward: Tight Belt Wonder Mail: ? ? K ? 7 ? 0 ? 4 ? ? ? 3 F ? 6 F 4 ? 6 (...) ? ? ? Client: Arcanine Objective: Help me. Place: Tiny Woods 1F Difficulty: E Reward: Tight Belt + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? - - ? Q ? 0 ? 4 ? ? 4 1 ? X F 4 ? 6 (...) ? ? ? Client: Onix Objective: Deliver Oran Berry. Place: Tiny Woods 3F Difficulty: E Reward: Tight Belt Wonder Mail: ? ? K ? Y ? + ? 4 3 6 ? 5 2 ? K 8 4 ? 5 (...) ? ? ? Client: Pupitar Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Thunder 5F Difficulty: D Reward: Tight Belt + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 1 H F ? Y ? ? 7 7 6 R P ? P C 4 ? 6 (...) 6 ? ----------------------------------Weather Band ----------------------------------Client: Sandshrew Objective: Find Pink Gummi. Place: Near Frosty Forest 6F Difficulty: C Reward: Weather Band Wonder Mail: ? ? M X T P S ? 4 H N + 7 1 ? 8 (...) 6 ? T - 4 ? X Client: Hitmonlee Objective: Find Phampy. Place: Frosty Forest 7F Difficulty: C Reward: Weather Band Wonder Mail: 4 ? M Y J J F ? ? 7 N 4 4 6 ? ? 5 5 ? R - - ? R

Client: Furret Objective: Escort to Rattata. Place: Frosty Forest 9F Difficulty: B Reward: Weather Band Wonder Mail: 1 ? M T 5 5 Y ? ? ? P 5 S ! ? P C 5 ? 0 - H ? Y Client: Golbat Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Freeze 12F Difficulty: C Reward: Weather Band + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C K 6 (F) S ? ? F 8 Y S - ? + S 6 ? R - C ? W Client: Nidoking Objective: Escort to Nidoqueen. Place: Mt. Freeze 14F Difficulty: B Reward: Weather Band + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C H 5 H + ? 0 ? 9 8 M 1 ? 9 Q 6 ? 0 - (M) ? 6 Client: Aerodactyl Objective: Escort to Zigzagoon. Place: Magma Cavern B22F Difficulty: A Reward: Weather Band + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C Q 9 K 0 ? ? ! (...) 3 9 7 ? F M 6 ? 0 - T ? 7 Client: Croconaw Objective: Find Heracross. Place: Sky Tower 15F Difficulty: B Reward: Weather Band Wonder Mail: 1 ? M 9 Y ! (...) ? 4 2 9 0 0 ! ? (F) H M ? R - C ? W Client: Delibird Objective: Find Apple. Place: Near Uproar Forest B5F Difficulty: C Reward: Weather Band + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C (...) Q 1 0 ? ? 0 7 9 H C ? (M) + J ? T - (F) ? W Client: Vileplume

Objective: Find Oran Berry. Place: Near Uproar Forest B7F Difficulty: C Reward: Weather Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C (...) - 1 F ? 4 3 N J M F ? (...) 8 J ? T - W ? W Client: Minun Objective: Escort to Plusle. Place: Uproar Forest B7F Difficulty: B Reward: Weather Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C + F 9 + ? 2 7 N (M) ! R ? H 0 J ? 0 - 7 ? P Client: Nidorino Objective: Delvier Toxic. Place: Howling Forest 9F Difficulty: B Reward: Weather Band Wonder Mail: 1 ? M H 4 9 F ? 4 F P 8 X F ? F 4 - ? 5 - - ? 2 Client: Lunatone Objective: Find Whismur. Place: Mt. Faraway 20F Difficulty: A Reward: Weather Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 1 C J (F) + ? ? 7 + (M) 5 J ? Y F 9 ? R - 4 ? W Client: Togetic Objective: Find Wailmer. Place: Mt. Faraway 35F Difficulty: A Reward: Weather Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C 5 1 8 0 ? ? M 5 1 W + ? - F K ? R - N ? M -------------------------------Zinc Band -------------------------------Client: Onix Objective: Escort to Nosepass. Place: Lightning Field 16F Difficulty: A Reward: Zinc Band Wonder Mail: F ? 9 K Y ? S ? 4 7 F N Y 6 ? 5 2 P ? 0 5 K ? M

========================================================================= ========================================================================= GUMMI WONDER MAIL ========================================================================= The following missions will give gummis and possibly other items too as rewards. ------------------------------------Black Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Skarmory Objective: Find Slowpoke. Place: Silent Chasm B5F Difficulty: D Reward: Black Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? M 5 (M) R + ? ? ? 7 P S (F) ? C S 4 6 R M 2 ? (M) Client: Elekid Objective: Help me. Place: Silent Chasm B6F Difficulty: D Reward: Black Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? M 4 (M) C + ? K + N 2 1 6 ? 7 (...) ? 6 R M 9 ? K Client: Vulpix Objective: Help me. Place: Uproar Forest B7F Difficulty: C Reward: Black Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C 0 M M (...) ? 4 3 N N R F ? 0 8 J 6 6 M + ? 5 ------------------------------------Blue Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Ditto Objective: Find White Gummi. Place: Near Mt. Thunder 5F Difficulty: D Reward: Blue Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 K 7 P F ? 8 2 7 K + 7 ? 6 + 4 6 T S ! ? 8 Client: Ponyta Objective: Deliver Red Gummi. Place: Mt. Blaze 12F Difficulty: C

Reward: Blue Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N R 8 K Y ? - 3 8 S 0 ? C + 6 6 5 S P ? K Client: Hypno Objective: Find Magmar. Place: Magma Cavern B18F Difficulty: B Reward: Blue Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N W 4 W Y ? 4 1 0 P S 5 ? W 4 6 6 R S S ? W ------------------------------------Brown Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Pinsir Objective: Escort to Pinsir. Place: Sinister Woods 11F Difficulty: C Reward: Brown Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N S W 8 S ? 4 H R c C 2 ? W (...) 4 6 0 Y 6 ? M Client: Linoone Objective: Escort to Slakoth. Place: Silent Chasm B5F Difficulty: C Reward: Brown Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 C 4 ! F ? 4 7 7 ! 4 P ? X (...) 4 6 0 Y W ? W Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(F). Place: Silent Chasm B6F Difficulty: C Reward: Brown Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 C 4 (M) + ? 0 F N ? P F ? 9 S ? 6 0 Y C ? W Client: Mightyena Objective: Find Giga Drain. Place: Near Lapis Cave B10F Difficulty: C Reward: Brown Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 N Y Q F ? 4 (M) R X P 3 ? 9 5 6 6 T Y P ? W Client: Sandshrew Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Blaze 11F

Difficulty: C Reward: Brown Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? 7 9 T ! T ? 4 H R N P 1 ? 8 H 5 6 6 Y H ? W Client: Numel Objective: Find Orange Gummi. Place: Near Frosty Forest 5F Difficulty: C Reward: Brown Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? F Y T (F) (...) ? 4 M 7 C (F) Q ? - (...) 5 6 T Y 8 ? W Client: Breloom Objective: Help Me. Place: Northern Range Difficulty: A Reward: Brown Gummi + Wonder Mail: 4 ? N H (F) ? (...) ? 3 3 ? T 5 C 6 6

15F ? 4 M 9 N Y ? ? (...)

Client: Dragonair Objective: Find Ralts. Place: Northern Range 16F Difficulty: A Reward: Brown Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 K + (M) + ? ? ! F (M) X + ? S M N 6 R Y 2 ? w ------------------------------------Clear Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Whismur Objective:Escort to Zigzagoon. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: D Reward: Clear Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? M ? W - 0 ? ? (M) 6 W 6 P ? F 8 ? 6 0 T (...) ? W Client: Meditite Objective: Help me. Place: Sinister Woods Difficulty: D Reward: Clear Gummi + Wonder Mail: ? ? 1 S 8 P (...) N R ? C (...) ? 6 Client: Breloom Objective: Help me.

10F ? ? ? M R H 6 T (M) ? 5

Place: Mt. Thunder 8F Difficulty: D Reward: Clear Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C K (F) Q Y ? 4 M P F 9 3 ? T (...) ? 6 6 T C ? W Client: Hitmonchan Objective: Deliver Torment. Place: Frosty Forest 8F Difficulty: C Reward: Clear Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C Y J 2 F ? 4 H P 7 4 2 ? ! H 6 6 5 T 3 ? W Client: Relicanth Objective: Find Bagon. Place: Frosty Forest 9F Difficulty: C Reward: Clear Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C Y 8 W F ? 4 W P W (F) (M) ? N H 5 6 R T 0 ? W Client: Wobbuffet Objective: Help me. Place: Sky Tower 18F Difficulty: B Reward: Clear Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C 9 5 2 (...) ? 4 2 0 (...) S (F) ? 1 4 7 6 6 T C ? W Client: Wailmer Objective: Find Focus Punch. Place: Near Northern Range 20F Difficulty: A Reward: Clear Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? M K S 3 Y ? 4 - + F T T ? - Y N 6 T T W ? W Client: Corsola Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B15F Difficulty: A Reward: Clear Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C ? (F) P (...) ? 4 0 9 Y P (F) ? Q 7 J 6 6 T + ? 5 ------------------------------------Gold Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Wurmple

Objective: Escort to Tyrogue. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Gold Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N 7 5 M X ? ? (M) 6 S W S ? 6 8 4 6 0 4 1 ? X Client: Slowpoke Objective: Escort to Parasect. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Gold Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N N 9 (M) X ? 4 F 6 4 S 2 ? (...) F 4 6 0 4 (F) ? W Client: Mawile Objective: Escort to Tropius. Place: Mt. Steel 6F Difficulty: D Reward: Gold Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? 9 (...) P (F) F ? ? C N + 2 T ? ? (...) ? 6 0 4 0 ? W Client: Parasect Objective: Escort to Poliwrath. Place: Silent Chasm B6F Difficulty: C Reward: Gold Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N C K W S ? 4 4 N 6 ? 4 ? Y (...) ? 6 0 4 1 ? W Client: Metapod Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Freeze 12F Difficulty: C Reward: Gold Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 K R 1 X ? 4 3 8 ? N 1 ? 7 8 6 6 6 4 Y ? W Client: Swinub Objective: Help me. Place: Uproar Forest B6F Difficulty: C Reward: Gold Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? 7 (...) ! ! 0 ? 4 0 N P - (...) ? Q F R 6 6 4 8 ? W Client: Delibird Objective: Find Reflect. Place: Near Fiery Field 17F

Difficulty: B Reward: Gold Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N F Q 9 (...) ? ? J F R (...) C ? (M) C H 6 T 4 5 ? P Client: Beedrill Objective: Escort to Armaldo. Place: Fiery Field 17F Difficulty: A Reward: Gold Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 (...) 9 (F) T ? 4 + F T 0 F ? Q F H 6 0 4 7 ? W Client: Persian Objective: Help me. Place: Northwind Field 24F Difficulty: A Reward: Gold Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 X ! 4 S ? 4 F S 5 3 F ? T X P 6 6 4 2 ? Client: Diglett Objective: Help me. Place: Pitfall Valley B13F Difficulty: A Reward: Gold Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? 7 C 2 2 Y ? ? S 8 0 X 4 ? S F C 6 6 4 R ? W Client: Mawile Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B16F Difficulty: A Reward: Gold Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N N P K X ? ? + F 9 N R ? M 9 R 6 6 4 Y ? ? ------------------------------------Grass Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Nidoran(F) Objective: Deliver Luminous Orb. Place: Sinister Woods 12F Difficulty: D Reward: Grass Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C T X J (...) ? 4 4 8 H (M) F ? 9 K ? 6 5 S (...) ? 8 Client: Dusclops Objective: Escort to Cacturne.

Place: Mt. Thunder 9F Difficulty: C Reward: Grass Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? M K ? W X ? ? (M) P (M) 5 X ? 2 + 4 6 0 S 2 ? W Client: Ponyta Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Thunder 10F Difficulty: D Reward: Grass Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 1 K 8 1 + ? 4 4 R ? Q 0 ? C (...) ? 6 6 S 1 ? W Client: Nidorino Objective: Escort to Nidorina. Place: Mt. Freeze 10F Difficulty: B Reward: Grass Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C K 4 P T ? 2 1 R ? R 4 ? 9 (...) 6 6 0 S 1 ? H ------------------------------------Gray Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Chinchou Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Thunder 7F Difficulty: D Reward: Gray Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N H J ? T ? ? R N (M) 0 M ? + M 4 6 6 5 S ? P Client: Beedrill Objective: Find Nuzleaf. Place: Great Canyon 10F Difficulty: C Reward: Gray Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N W 9 Q S ? 4 X R C + 1 ? + (...) ? 6 R 5 0 ? W Client: Pidgey Objective: Help me. Place: Lapis Cave B11F Difficulty: C Reward: Gray Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 N F (F) T ? ? 4 R S (...) ? ? P 7 5 6 6 5 (...) ? W Client: Grimer

Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Freeze 11F Difficulty: C Reward: Gray Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 K S (M) X ? ? 1 R F 4 6 ? - (...) 5 6 6 5 0 ? W Client: Lairon Objective: Help me. Place: Howling Forest 14F Difficulty: B Reward: Gray Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N K R 5 X ? ? - 9 0 + J ? M 4 8 6 6 5 Y ? J Client: Nincada Objective: Find Wingull. Place: Northwind Field 19F Difficulty: B Reward: Gray Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? F X Q N S ? 4 (M) 0 N 5 3 ? (...) H H 6 R 5 6 ? F ------------------------------------Green Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Baltoy Objective: Escort to Nosepass. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Green Gummi +? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C N 1 3 0 ? ? (M) 6 F K R ? 5 8 4 6 0 4 4 ? W Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(F). Place: Sinister Woods 9F Difficulty: C Reward: Green Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C Y 4 ! T ? 0 F P 2 ! F ? 9 (F) 4 6 0 4 ? ? W Client: Sentret Objective: Escort to Yanma. Place: Sinister Woods 10F Difficulty: C Reward: Green Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C Y 4 (F) T ? 4 6 R J Y + ? 4 0 ? 6 0 4 K ? W

Client: Porygon Objective: Find White Gummi. Place: Near Sinister Woods 11F Difficulty: D Reward: Green Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? M S P R X ? - 2 R M 2 + ? 7 + 4 6 T 4 P ? 4 Client: Ariados Objective: Help Me. Place: Silent Chasm Difficulty: D Reward: Green Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? C M H 9 F ? ? 0 J 7 ? + 2 4 6 6 4 9

B7F + ? N 4 ? 4

Client: Nidoran(F) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(M). Place: Lapis Cave B14F Difficulty: B Reward: Green Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 1 N X 1 Y ? 2 ? 9 J N ? ? F M 6 6 0 4 N ? W Client: Electabuzz Objective: Find Spearow. Place: Mt. Blaze 9F Difficulty: C Reward: Green Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? M 9 (M) W + ? 4 P P 7 S 0 ? R J 5 6 R 4 Y ? W Client: Swellow Objective: Find Porygon. Place: Mt. Freeze 10F Difficulty: C Reward: Green Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C H K H (...) ? ? 6 R 9 0 S ? 7 S 6 6 R 4 (M) ? 8 ------------------------------------Orange Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Qwilfish Objective: Escort to Dunsparce. Place: Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: D Reward: Orange Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 9 - J (...) ? ? 0 7 S C (F) ? 2 + ? 6 0 X - ? 8

Client: Hoppip Objective: Find Skiploom. Place: Sinister Woods 9F Difficulty: D Reward: Orange Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 Y Q 1 Y ? 4 R P 7 6 7 ? Y (...) 4 6 R X (...) ? W Client: Larvitar Objective: Find Cheri Berry. Place: Near Silent Chasm B8F Difficulty: D Reward: Orange Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 C 9 W Y ? 4 X P (...) J 3 ? N F ? 6 T X Q ? W Client: Dewgong Objective: Find Shuppet. Place: Mt. Thunder 10F Difficulty: D Reward: Orange Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N K (...) W F ? 4 + R + 6 0 ? W F ? 6 R X 7 ? W Client: Raticate Objective: Find Return. Place: Near Mt. Blaze 8F Difficulty: C Reward: Orange Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N 9 + H 0 ? ? 3 P M N ? ? R M 6 6 T X 7 ? (...) Client: Nidorino Objective: Escort to Nidorina. Place: Frosty Forest 6F Difficulty: B Reward: Orange Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 T 4 5 X ? 2 ? N J F 4 ? 9 Q 6 6 0 X H ? (F) Client: Ninetales Objective: Help me. Place: Frosty Forest 6F Difficulty: C Reward: Orange Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? 7 Y C Q F ? ? F N 9 W 4 ? 0 + 6 6 6 X K ? W Client: Growlithe

Objective: Escort to Growlithe. Place: Magma Cavern B19F Difficulty: A Reward: Orange Gummi Wonder mail: F ? 7 W Q 3 T ? ? 1 0 R 4 ? X S 5 6 0 X 1 ? W Client: Electabuzz Objective: Find Zangoose. Place: Uproar Forest B5F Difficulty: C Reward: Orange Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? 7 (...) (M) K F ? 4 + 7 9 1 6 ? ! F J 6 R X F ? ! Client: Mawile Objective: Find Chestnut. Place: Near Uproar Forest B9F Difficulty: C Reward: Orange Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N 0 P 4 0 ? ? 7 P F 8 R ? M T J 6 T X ? ? (...) Client: Kangaskhan Objective: Help me. Place: Northwind Field 21F Difficulty: A Reward: Orange Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? F Y 2 C Y ? 4 H + T W 2 ? 3 C H 6 6 X M ? Q ------------------------------------Pink Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Nidorino Objective: Escort to Nidorina. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Pink Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C P 4 4 0 ? 2 3 6 (F) S 4 ? 9 8 4 6 0 X T ? 4 Client: Swinub Objective: Escort to Zangoose. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Pink Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 1 9 ! (M) Y ? 4 (M) 6 2 (M) N ? ! 8 4 6 0 X + ? W

Client: Magby Objective: Escort to Place: Mt. Steel 6F Difficulty: D Reward: Pink Gummi + Wonder Mail: 1 ? C (...) P 3 F ? - P ? 7 (F) ? 6 0

Sealeo. ? 4 (...) N W X 6 ? W

Client: Shroomish Objective: Escort to Sudowoodo. Place: Mt. Steel 7F Difficulty: D Reward: Pink Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? K (...) (F) ! 0 ? ? 2 N J J S ? X - 4 6 0 X 8 ? W Client: Zangoose Objective: Help me. Place: Great Canyon 11F Difficulty: C Reward: Pink Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C W H 1 (...) ? ? - R K R R ? ! 4 4 6 6 X 6 ? W Client: Sandshrew Objective: Find Brown Gummi. Place: Near Great Canyon 12F Difficulty: C Reward: Pink Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 1 W T W T ? - 1 8 Q R 1 ? 8 (...) ? 6 T X 1 ? W Client: Baltoy Objective: Escort to Blastoise. Place: Mt. Blaze 9F Difficulty: B Reward: Pink Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? M 9 1 Q (...) ? ? P P 9 R T ? 7 J 5 6 0 X Y ? W Client: Cacturne Objective: Deliver Brown Gummi. Place: Mt. Blaze 12F Difficulty: C Reward: Pink Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? M P M 6 0 ? 4 ! 8 9 0 T ? 2 (...) 6 6 5 X 2 ? (F) Client: Linoone Objective: Deliver Flamethrower.

Place: Magma Cavern B23F Difficulty: B Reward: Pink Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C (M) 4 K T ? 4 (M) (...) W K S ? F C 5 6 5 X Q ? P ------------------------------------Purple Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Elekid Objective: Escort to Ariados. Place: Mt. Steel 5F Difficulty: D Reward: Purple Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C 0 P K F ? ? J 7 ? H P ? + K 4 6 0 5 H ? H Client: Oddish Objective: Help Me. Place: Sinister Woods 7F Difficulty: D Reward: Purple Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C S J 9 S ? 4 4 N Y (...) 1 ? + K 4 6 6 5 + ? P Client: Slugma Objective: Find Poochyena. Place: Silent Chasm B5F Difficulty: D Reward: Purple Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 1 C 2 J F ? 4 - 7 P C ? 9 0 4 6 R 5 T ? (F) Client: Elekid Objective: Find Trapinch. Place: Silent Chasm B6F Difficulty: D Reward: Purple Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? M M P M T ? ? X N K 4 S ? 1 F ? 6 R 5 1 ? X Client: Pinsir Objective: Deliver Blast Seed. Place: Mt. Thunder 6F Difficulty: D Reward: Purple Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? K K W (F) 0 ? 4 ? N 1 - 2 ? W 0 ? 6 5 5 N ? W Client: Sandshrew

Objective: Escort to Pidgey. Place: Great Canyon 7F Difficulty: B Reward: Purple Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C W T 2 0 ? 4 1 N 0 J ? ? P H 4 6 0 5 N ? W Client: Nincada Objective: Deliver Link Box. Place: Mt. Freeze 12F Difficulty: C Reward: Purple Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C K Q 2 0 ? 4 7 8 T (F) 3 ? X Q 6 6 5 5 0 ? W Client: Persian Objective: Find Raichu. Place: Uproar Forest B5F Difficulty: C Reward: Purple Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? K (...) ! Q Y ? 4 F 7 ? 2 4 ? 8 + J 6 R 5 7 ? W Client: Hoothoot Objective: Help me. Place: Northwind Field 22F Difficulty: A Reward: Purple Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 1 Y 5 (M) T ? 4 Q (...) N ! ! ? F 9 P 6 6 5 6 ? W ------------------------------------Red Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Paras Objective: Escort to Combusken. Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Red Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? M N K ! 0 ? ? + 6 Q K F ? 8 F 4 6 0 (...) R ? W Client: Nidoran(F) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(M). Place: Thunderwave Cave B4F Difficulty: D Reward: Red Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C 9 X W S ? 2 S 7 8 2 ? ? F F ? 6 0 (...) K ? W

Client: Electrode Objective: Find Metagross. Place: Frosty Forest 9F Difficulty: C Reward: Red Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C Y M ! F ? 4 Y P W F 6 ? R F 5 6 R (...) 2 ? W ------------------------------------Royal Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Spearow Objective: Escort to Sudowoodo. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: D Reward: Royal Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N 7 + ? X ? 4 0 6 (...) 1 F ? Q F ? 6 0 M (F) ? (F) Client: Elekid Objective: Escort to Nidoran(F). Place: Tiny Woods B3F Difficulty :D Reward: Royal Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? 9 N P 3 F ? ? F 6 6 2 S ? 9 F 4 6 0 M 5 ? W Client: Aerodactyl Objective: Help me. Place: Silent Chasm 8F Difficulty: D Reward: Royal Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 M 9 9 (...) ? ? J P (F) (F) M ? N 0 ? 6 6 M Y ? W Client: Trapinch Objective: Find Trapinch. Place: Silent Chasm B9F Difficulty: D Reward: Royal Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N 5 4 8 F ? 4 7 P T S T ? 1 2 4 6 R M M ? 2 Client: Sudowoodo Objective: Find Gray Gummi. Place: Near Mt. Thunder 5F Difficulty: D Reward: Royal Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 J 3 8 S ? - 0 7 P (M) + ? X S 4 6 T M Y ? Y

Client: Dratini Objective: Find Yellow Gummi. Place: Near Mt. Thunder 7F Difficulty: D Reward: Royal Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 K 0 1 Y ? 4 0 N P 7 ! ? P (...) 4 6 T M S ? W Client: Abra Objective: Help me. Place: Great Canyon Difficulty: C Reward: Royal Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? F W W - + ? 4 P H 1 ? Y P 4 6 6 M !

7F + ? N P ? N

Client: Illumise Objective: Escort to Volbeat. Place: Lapis Cave B7F Difficulty: B Reward: Royal Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N ? 0 J + ? 2 8 N P 2 J ? H J 5 6 0 M 4 ? R Client: Dustox Objective: Deliver Red Gummi. Place: Mt. Blaze 10F Difficulty: C Reward: Royal Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N 8 C ? Y ? ? (M) R 4 S H ? 0 + 6 6 5 M ! ? N Client: Sunflora Objective: Find Baltoy. Place: Mt. Blaze 11F Difficulty: C Reward: Royal Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N 9 ? 3 S ? ? 7 R T N ? 3 J 5 6 R M R ? W Client: Magmar Objective: Escort to Loudred. Place: Mt. Freeze 13F Difficulty: B Reward: Royal Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N K W 1 S ? ? X 8 (...) - 2 ? Y S 5 6 0 M ! ? W Client: Voltorb

Objective: Help Me. Place: Mt. Freeze 15F Difficulty: C Reward: Royal Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? F K M W Y ? ? F 9 0 4 6 ? 2 + 5 6 6 M 7 ? W Client: Tauros Objective: Find Shroomish. Place: Stormy Sea B26F Difficulty: A Reward: Royal Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? 7 S ? 5 0 ? ? M T T 6 M ? T M 7 6 R M 4 ? 1 Client: Sunkern Objective: Find Shuppet. Place: Northwind Field 15F Difficulty: B Reward: Royal Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N Y W (F) T ? 4 - 9 J (F) + ? W N H 6 R M Y ? W Client: Tyranitar Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Faraway 22F Difficulty: A Reward: Royal Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N 4 F H Y ? 4 7 (...) Q F S ? P F 9 6 6 N P ? 8 ------------------------------------Silver Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Vigoroth Objective: Escort to Wurmple. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: D Reward: Silver Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N N 3 1 + ? 4 + 6 3 (...) H ? F F ? 6 0 C ? ? W Client: Minun Objective: Escort to Plusle. Place: Mt. Steel 8F Difficulty: D Reward: Silver Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N 0 F P Y ? 2 + P T F R ? H (F) ? 6 0 C S ? +

Client: Slakoth Objective: Help me. Place: Silent Chasm B5F Difficulty: D Reward: Silver Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? 9 C 3 3 + ? ? M 7 ! P ? X S 4 6 6 C 1 ? W Client: Hoothoot Objective: Find Baltoy. Place: Silent Chasm B7F Difficulty: D Reward: Silver Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N C 5 Q + ? 4 ! N K ? 7 ? 3 + 4 6 R C H ? W Client: Nidoking Objective: Escort to Nidoqueen. Place: Great Canyon 10F Difficulty: B Reward: Silver Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N W 5 9 T ? 0 P R 3 F 1 ? 9 J ? 6 0 C 9 ? ? Client: Metagross Objective: Deliver Blue Gummi. Place: Lapis Cave B7F Difficulty: C Reward: Silver Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N N + 3 + ? ? N N M R 8 ? R (...) 5 6 5 C 2 ? W Client: Dusclops Objective: Find Machoke. Place: Sky Tower 17F Difficulty: B Reward: Silver Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 9 ? ! + ? ? ? F R ! (M) ? 4 C M 6 R C 4 ? W Client: Jynx Objective: Deliver Clear Gummi. Place: Sky Tower 23F Difficulty: B Reward: Silver Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N 9 (M) 9 0 ? 8 S (...) Q 5 6 ? W (...) M 6 5 C 0 ? ? Client: Hoppip Objective: Find Marshtomp.

Place: Uproar Forest B9F Difficulty: C Reward: Silver Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N (...) Q ? Y ? 4 7 P W S 7 ? 9 T J 6 R C N ? N Client: Shroomish Objective: Find Seadra. Place: Northwind Field 18F Difficulty: B Reward: Silver Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N Y (F) (F) T ? ? ? 0 N 1 S ? Q K P 6 R C Q ? W Client: Kirlia Objective: Find Mightyena. Place: Mt. Faraway 24F Difficulty: A Reward: Silver Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 5 2 7 X ? ? X S 9 T 3 ? 9 F 9 6 R C 4 ? (...) Client: Kabuto Objective: Find Omastar. Place: Pitfall Valley B14F Difficulty: A Reward: Silver Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N C 8 3 X ? ? J 9 5 Y ! ? 7 H N 6 R C 4 ? W Client: Slowbro Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B15F Difficulty: A Reward: Silver Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N N F 2 F ? ? 4 9 8 P 6 ? H 5 J 6 6 C 2 ? W ------------------------------------Sky Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Salamence Objective: Find Bullet Seed. Place: Near Great Canyon 6F Difficulty: C Reward: Sky Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C W F ! 0 ? 4 K N 8 (F) X ? P 4 ? 6 T Y W ? W Client: Nidorino

Objective: Escort to Nidorina. Place: Mt. Blaze 8F Difficulty: B Reward: Sky Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? M P 4 ? X ? 2 ? P 8 (M) 4 ? 9 M 6 6 0 Y K ? 3 Client: Quilava Objective: Help me. Place: Frosty Forest 8F Difficulty: C Reward: Sky Gummy + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? C Y X (F) S ? ? 2 P F ? 7 ? 9 S 6 6 6 Y T ? W Client: Pidgeotto Objective: Find Rhyhorn. Place: Sky Tower 25F Difficulty: B Reward: Sky Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C 9 F (F) (...) ? 4 3 S X 5 1 ? (F) C M 6 R Y (M) ? W Client: Machop Objective: Find Oran Berry. Place: Near Uproar Forest B9F Difficulty: C Reward: Sky Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C (...) 6 - (...) ? ? 3 P P W 5 ? 4 8 J 6 T Y W ? ? Client: Rhydon Objective: Help me. Place: Meteor Cave B13F Difficulty: A Reward: Sky Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: F ? 1 H 1 ? X ? ? H 8 H 9 6 ? 3 8 M 6 6 Y N ? M ------------------------------------White Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Ledyba Objective: Escort to Magby. Place: Mt. Steel 6F Difficulty: D Reward: White Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N 0 M 9 S ? 4 - N P T + ? 7 0 ? 6 0 (...) 9 ? C

Client: Pidgeotto Objective: Deliver Apple. Place: Sinister Woods 8F Difficulty: D Reward: White Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N T F 4 (...) ? 4 F P 7 9 F ? P + ? 6 5 (...) (...) ? 4 Client: Cacturne Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Thunder 6F Difficulty: D Reward: White Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N K M Q F ? 4 M N S J T ? 2 (...) ? 6 6 (...) R ? W Client: Anorith Objective: Find Lileep. Place: Mt. Thunder 10F Difficulty: D Reward: White Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? 7 K ! Q Y ? F + R 5 (M) J ? 3 (...) ? 6 R (...) ! ? W Client: Raticate Objective: Help me. Place: Lapis Cave B8F Difficulty: C Reward: White Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? 9 6 + M X ? ? 1 P N S ? ? R (...) 6 6 6 (...) - ? P Client: Seadra Objective: Find Cleffa. Place: Magma Cavern B18F Difficulty: B Reward: White Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? 9 (M) ! H (...) ? 4 0 0 4 3 0 ? (...) S 6 6 R (...) M ? X Client: Granbull Objective: Find Seel. Place: Sky Tower 15F Difficulty: B Reward: White Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? N 9 J 1 F ? 4 F 9 R - C ? J 7 M 6 R (...) Q ? W Client: Aron Objective: Help me.

Place: Sky Tower 22F Difficulty: B Reward: White Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? 9 9 P (F) 0 ? 4 8 (...) ? (...) T ? M P 7 6 6 (...) 2 ? W Client: Lairon Objective: Find Green Gummi. Place: Near Uproar Forest B6F Difficulty: C Reward: White Gummi Wonder Mail: F ? 9 (...) R 3 T ? ? 8 N 9 8 J ? M S R 6 T (...) 8 ? W Client: Grovyle Objective: Help me. Place: Howling Forest 11F Difficulty: B Reward: White Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N K (...) 3 Y ? ? M R 3 4 H ? R (...) - 6 6 (...) ? ? W Client: Grovyle Objective: Help me. Place: Meteor Cave B12F Difficulty: A Reward: White Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 K (...) 5 T ? ? - 8 Y H H ? R S 7 6 6 (...) K ? (M) Client: Snorunt Objective: Help me. Place: Pitfall Valley B16F Difficulty: A Reward: White Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N C 7 (F) F ? 4 N F 5 K X ? 6 1 N 6 6 (...) (M) ? W ------------------------------------Yellow Gummi ------------------------------------Client: Pinsir Objective: Escort to Aron. Place: Tiny Woods B2F Difficulty: D Reward: Yellow Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? 7 N W Q Y ? 4 + 6 + 2 0 ? M F ? 6 0 T C ? W Client: Wingull

Objective: Escort to Exeggcute. Place: Thunderwave Cave B3F Difficulty: D Reward: Yellow Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N 9 K 2 (...) ? 4 H 6 X 8 H ? 2 F 4 6 0 T J ? W Client: Plusle Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Thunder 6F Difficulty: D Reward: Yellow Gummi Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 F C F ? ? 7 N + S R ? H (...) ? 6 6 T 9 ? H Client: Noctowl Objective: Find White Gummi. Place: Near Great Canyon 9F Difficulty: C Reward: Yellow Gummi Wonder Mail: 4 ? 9 W M 3 S ? 8 2 P (...) Y 7 ? 0 + 4 6 T T Q ? W Client: Beedrill Objective: Find Camerupt. Place: Mt. Blaze 9F Difficulty: C Reward: Yellow Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N 8 9 7 S ? 4 (M) P + 0 ? ? K M 5 6 R T ? ? W Client: Plusle Objective: Find Seadra. Place: Mt. Blaze 10F Difficulty: C Reward: Yellow Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 8 F 5 + ? ? H R R R T ? Q 4 6 6 R T T ? 2 Client: Nidoqueen Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Freeze 9F Difficulty: C Reward: Yellow Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N K Y 2 F ? 4 ? P 6 ? 1 ? 9 S 5 6 6 T Q ? W Client: Meganium Objective: Help me. Place: Meteor Cave B15F

Difficulty: A Reward: Yellow Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N - T M F ? ? 2 9 F 5 M ? 8 4 M 6 6 T 0 ? 4 Client: Aipom Objective: Find Sleep Seed. Place: Near Mt. Faraway 20F Difficulty: A Reward: Yellow Gummi Wonder Mail: ? ? 9 C W (M) 0 ? ? J + (...) P M ? Y F 9 6 T T (...) ? W ========================================================================= ========================================================================= A RANK WONDER MAIL ========================================================================= Here are A Rank missions for you to complete. These give from 150 to 200 rescue points. Client: Onix Objective: Escort to Vulpix. Place: Magma Cavern B12F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 ? 4 W Y 1 F ? 4 ? 8 5 8 0 ? 0 M 6 ? 0 ! 5 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Nidoqueen Objective: Escort to Nidoking. Place: Magma Cavern B15F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 5 W Y J + ? 2 H 9 (...) Q 4 ? F 4 5 ? 0 0 C ? 6 ------------------------------------Client: Ledian Objective: Escort to Tauros. Place: Magma Cavern B15F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? 4 3 C J (...) ? ? 5 9 6 C 7 ? ? H 5 6 0 (...) 4 ? H ------------------------------------Client: Nidoking Objective: Escort to Nidoqueen. Place: Magma Cavern B20F Difficulty: A

Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 6 3 5 K T ? 0 F + 6 Q 1 ? 9 4 6 7 0 F R ? 0 ------------------------------------Client: Armaldo Objective: Escort to Absol. Place: Magma Cavern B23F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? J W ! (M) (...) ? 4 K (...) 7 (...) Q ? ? S 5 ? 0 4 S ? W ------------------------------------Client: Starmie Objective: Escort to Wurmple. Place: Sky Tower 15F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? J 9 3 W 0 ? 4 + 9 N 5 ? F 7 M ? 0 ! 7 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Murkrow Objective: Escort to Rattata. Place: Sky Tower 16F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 ? ? P N 5 S ? ? F F M (M) (F) ? P 4 7 ? 0 0 R ? M ------------------------------------Client: Skiploom Objective: Escort to Slaking. Place: Howling Forest 8F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? R K (M) 2 S ? ? - P 0 C M ? X 8 8 ? 0 5 W ? W ------------------------------------Client: Kirlia Objective: Escort to Ledyba. Place: Howling Forest 9F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? R K 2 (M) F ? ? 0 P 9 T S ? 0 2 - ? 0 Q 0 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Girafarig Objective: Escort to Steelix. Place: Howling Forest 11F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail:

F ? J K M 1 S ? ? 6 R ! 9 (...) ? ! K - 6 0 5 (...) ? W ------------------------------------Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Deliver Cleanse Orb. Place: Stormy Sea B26F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F ? - Y 4 R Y ? ? P T Q R ? ? F 1 7 6 5 8 K ? ------------------------------------Client: Misdreavus Objective: Help me. Place: Stormy Sea B27F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? 4 Y P Q + ? ? 6 T ? Q N ? M 2 M 6 6 T S ? W ------------------------------------Client: Absol Objective: Deliver Black Gummi. Place: Stormy Sea B30F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? - Y 6 7 F ? - K Y P 6 (M) ? ? S 7 ? 5 M + ? 1 ------------------------------------Client: Tropius Objective: Find Heal Seed. Place: Near Stormy Sea B32F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 5 T ? 7 X ? 4 K 4 8 X X ? ? 8 7 7 T C 8 ? 4 ------------------------------------Client: Whismur Objective: Find Slugma. Place: Stormy Sea B33F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? 4 Y W (M) (...) ? ? R 4 M 5 3 ? 3 C M 6 R X R ? W ------------------------------------Client: Gastly Objective: Find Nidorina. Place: Stormy Sea B33F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 5 Y X 2 F ? ? ? 4 5 (M) 5 ? 9 K M 7 R T 0 ? W

------------------------------------Client: Steelix Objective: Find Totter Seed. Place: Near Stormy Sea B35F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 5 Y H Q 0 ? 4 5 5 9 Y (...) ? ! F M 7 T C ! ? W ------------------------------------Client: Arcanine Objective: Help me. Place: Stormy Sea B35F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? 4 T Q M Y ? 4 1 5 Y K 1 ? X M M 7 6 P 3 ? 3 ------------------------------------Client: Meowth Objective: Help me. Place: Meteor Cave B10F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 5 K ! 1 X ? ? 1 R 9 ? ? ? T (...) 7 6 6 4 ! ? W ------------------------------------Client: Hitmontop Objective: Help me. Place: Meteor Cave B17F Difficulty: A Reward: Special Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 1 K N P S ? ? + F M T H ? 6 (...) M ? 6 4 7 ? M ------------------------------------Client: Kabuto Objective: Help me. Place: Meteor Cave B17F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 H 8 7 X ? ? Q F S 5 7 ? N (...) M 7 6 P Y ? 3 ------------------------------------Client: Sandslash Objective: Help me. Place: Meteor Cave B19F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F ? 5 K X 2 F ? ? F 0 (F) K ? ? 9 6 M 6 6 T (...) ? W ------------------------------------Client: Kabutops

Objective: Escot to Tentacool. Place: Fiery Field 18F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 6 (...) 8 ! (...) ? 4 ? 0 Q 6 7 ? M C P ? 0 Q F ? W ------------------------------------Client: Nidoking Objective: Escort to Nidoqueen. Place: Fiery Field 19F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 0 5 - F ? 0 F 0 ? N 1 ? 9 H H 6 0 S X ? + ------------------------------------Client: Anorith Objective: Help me. Place: Fiery Field 24F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? ? F ! M 0 ? ? 8 S M H R ? Q J P 6 6 C ? ? 1 ------------------------------------Client: Electrode Objective: Help me. Place: Fiery Field 25F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F ? 6 + M K S ? 4 1 S 2 S 0 ? 2 H H ? 6 Q F ? 4 ------------------------------------Client: Electrode Objective: Find Gloom. Place: Fiery Field 26F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 ? J + M R + ? 4 F T K W 6 ? (...) 9 P 6 R 8 S ? ------------------------------------Client: Electabuzz Objective: Help me. Place: Fiery Field 26F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 ? 4 (...) (M) Q 0 ? 4 ? T P M 0 ? W F P ? 6 M 1 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Growlithe Objective: Find Fire Stone. Place: Near Fiery Field 27F

Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? ? (...) Q - + ? R P T P Y 4 ? X X H ? T R 7 ? T ------------------------------------Client: Yanma Objective: Escort to Houndoom. Place: Lightning Field 15F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? J H ? R 0 ? 4 5 9 ! C ? W C H ? 0 - T ? R ------------------------------------Client: Hitmontop Objective: Find Venonat. Place: Lightning Field 20F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 5 J N N S ? ? 4 + X 4 P ? S - P 7 R ? K ? Q ------------------------------------Client: Numel Objective: Help me. Place: Lightning Field 20F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 K T 7 + ? 4 7 + (M) W Q ? - C P ? 6 Q R ? (...) ------------------------------------Client: Sableye Objective: Help me. Place: Lightning Field 21F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? ? K N 1 0 ? 4 M + 7 (F) Q ? 5 M H 6 6 T J ? W ------------------------------------Client: Hitmontop Objective: Help me. Place: Lightning Field 27F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? ? K N W T ? ? (M) T N - H ? 6 K H ? 6 Q C ? W ------------------------------------Client: Omanyte Objective: Deliver Facade. Place: Lightning Field 28F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke + ?

Wonder Mail: 1 ? 8 K R (M) S ? ? 2 X ! K M ? 7 H P ? 5 + 5 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Teddiursa Objective: Find Breloom. Place: Lightning Field 28F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F ? 6 J 1 P 0 ? 4 8 X ? - (F) ? T 9 P 6 R X (M) ? M ------------------------------------Client: Dugtrio Objective: Help me. Place: Northwind Field 21F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 ? J T 2 4 0 ? 4 H + Y 8 1 ? S N H 6 6 T ! ? R ------------------------------------Client: Wartortle Objective: Help me. Place: Northwind Field 21F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 6 X P C F ? ? F + S (F) ? ? 7 M H ? 6 + 0 ? Y ------------------------------------Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Find Shroomish. Place: Northwind Field 21F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? 4 S 4 K Y ? ? M + N S 4 ? T M H 6 R 4 (M) ? 3 ------------------------------------Client: Nidorina Objective: Deliver Trawl Orb. Place: Northwind Field 21F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? ? Y Y 1 S ? ? ? + Q W 4 ? 9 1 H ? 5 0 P ? W ------------------------------------Client: Sandslash Objective: Help me. Place: Northwind Field 23F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 ? 4 Y X 8 (...) ? ? H (...) H

(M) ? ? 9 4 H 7 6 P Q ? 8 ------------------------------------Client: Sudowoodo Objective: Find Allure Seed. Place: Near Mt. Faraway 24F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? 4 5 3 H T ? 4 J S M + ? X 9 9 7 T 7 R ? 9 ------------------------------------Client: Girafarig Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Faraway 24F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 8 C M ! X ? ? 6 S K 6 N ? 2 0 9 6 6 C F ? W ------------------------------------Client: Piloswine Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Faraway 25F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 5 C (F) 2 + ? ? T S C 1 C ? Q F K ? 6 0 C ? W ------------------------------------Client: Jynx Objective: Find Whismur. Place: Northwind Field 25F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? J Y (M) Q + ? ? M S W J 5 ? Y 0 H 6 R T X ? W ------------------------------------Client: Plusle Objective: Find Hariyama. Place: Mt. Faraway 25F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? J C F ! T ? ? 7 S Y H J ? 4 F K 7 R C R ? W ------------------------------------Client: Zizagoon Objective: Find Blast Seed. Place: Near Mt. Faraway 28F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? J C 4 ! + ? ? 7 X 3 - P ? F 0 9 ? T - Y ? W -------------------------------------

Client: Swellow Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Faraway 31F Difficulty: A Reward: Gray Gummi + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? F C K ? T ? ? X Y 0 Q H ? (...) F K 6 6 5 (...) ? 2 ------------------------------------Client: Togetic Objective: Find Togepi. Place: Mt. Faraway 33F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 5 5 1 J Y ? 9 T 4 C (F) ! ? (...) 9 K 6 R M 5 ? ------------------------------------Client: Metagross Objective: Help me. Place: Mt. Faraway 35F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 6 M + 5 X ? ? Y 5 R R 8 ? R F K 6 6 X + ? X ------------------------------------Client: Hypno Objective: Find Pecha Scarf. Place: Near Northern Range 13F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F ? 5 K 4 1 0 ? 4 4 8 8 S 0 ? 1 7 C 6 T X ? ? W ------------------------------------Client: Glalie Objective: Find Graveler. Place: Northern Range 13F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 5 H N M 0 ? ? ? 8 2 1 (M) ? M Q C ? R - R ? 6 ------------------------------------Client: Seviper Objective: Help me. Place: Northern Range 14F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? J - H J Y ? 4 + 9 3 - T ? ! J N ? 6 M 2 ? (M) ------------------------------------Client: Mareep Objective: Find Psychic.

Place: Near Northern Range 24F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? R H 2 M F ? 4 R S T C ! ? S C N 7 T P 3 ? 2 ------------------------------------Client: Horsea Objective: Deliver Link Box. Place: Pitfall Valley B13F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? ? 4 ! - S ? ? ? 8 (F) ? 6 ? Q Q C 6 5 S Q ? ! ------------------------------------Client: Zangoose Objective: Find Sneasel. Place: Pitfall Valley B15F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? ? C H (F) + ? F 6 9 S C R ? 3 7 C 7 R 8 1 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Rhyhorn Objective: Find Switcher Orb. Place: Near Pitfall Valley 17F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? 4 C K W F ? 4 1 F 3 4 2 ? (F) - C ? T 4 S ? W ------------------------------------Client: Slowpoke Objective: Find Slakoth. Place: Pitfall Valley B21F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 ? 4 4 9 4 (...) ? 1 M + R N 6 ? X M C ? R ! 1 ? C ------------------------------------Client: Azumarill Objective: Find Focus Punch. Place: Near Pitfall Valley B23F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? ? 4 3 9 X ? ? J (...) ! 9 7 ? X Y C ? T Q X ? 0 ------------------------------------Client: Beedrill Objective: Help me. Place: Pitfall Valley B23F Difficulty: A

Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? R C 9 3 X ? 4 F (...) X 4 1 ? N 9 C 7 6 Y 4 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Tyrogue Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B12F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 N 7 P (...) ? 4 (M) 8 M J S ? 6 C R 7 6 N J ? M ------------------------------------Client: Gulpin Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B13F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? 4 7 + P (...) ? 4 - 8 ? H T ? J 0 J ? 6 M 3 ? S ------------------------------------Client: Wingull Objective: Help me. Place: Murky cave B15F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? 4 N K W F ? 4 7 9 Y 1 3 ? (...) S J ? 6 ! 4 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Bellsprout Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B15F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? J ? 7 8 T ? 4 ? 9 N R 0 ? 5 S J 6 6 S 0 ? 7 ------------------------------------Client: Shroomish Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B15F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 ? J 6 (F) 8 X ? ? + 9 N 9 H ? T H J 6 6 8 S ? W ------------------------------------Client: Wurmple Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B16F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail:

F ? 5 7 5 8 Y ? ? (M) F 9 S H ? F H R ? 6 4 R ? + ------------------------------------Client: Manectric Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B16F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? ? N 9 1 Y ? 4 7 F 6 9 Q ? C S R 7 6 P W ? W ------------------------------------Client: Blaziken Objective: Help me. Place: Murky Cave B18F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 5 N T 2 F ? ? - 0 7 T H ? 8 P R 6 6 X 3 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Dodrio Objective: Find Cleanse Orb. Place: Near Northern Range 19F Difficulty: A Reward: 1000 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? R J + 9 X ? 4 P 0 C R 0 ? J 1 C 6 T X M ? R ========================================================================= ========================================================================= S RANK WONDER MAIL ========================================================================= Some S Rank Wonder Mail for you to complete. These give from 300 to 500 rescue points. Client: Wynaut Objective: Escort to Poliwag. Place: Stormy Sea B23F Difficulty: S Reward: Link Box Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 Y 7 W S ? ? P (...) - 8 ? Y N M N 0 H T ? W ------------------------------------Client: Nidorina Objective: Escort to Nidorino. Place: Stormy Sea B25F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? 4 Y Y 3 (...) ? 0 P S T

3 F ? F M M 6 0 8 J ? W ------------------------------------Client: Plusle Objective: Escort to Minun. Place: Stormy Sea B26F Difficulty: S Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? M Y F H 0 ? 0 - T C R T ? H K 7 ? 0 ! + ? 3 ------------------------------------Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(F). Place: Stormy Sea B27F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 ? ? Y 4 1 F ? 0 H T C W F ? 9 8 M 6 0 R K ? W ------------------------------------Client: Linoone Objective: Escort to Masquerain. Place: Stormy Sea B27F Difficulty: S Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: F ? M Y 4 2 + ? 4 M T (F) 7 S ? T M M ? 0 ! H ? W ------------------------------------Client: Ninjask Objective: Escort to Aerodactyl. Place: Stormy Sea B27F Difficulty: S Reward: 1200 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 8 Y (M) 1 F ? ? R T J ! H ? N (...) M ? 0 Q P ? W ------------------------------------Client: Raticate Objective: Escort to Igglybuff. Place: Stormy Sea B27F Difficulty: S Reward: Flamethrower Wonder Mail: 4 ? M Y + N (...) ? ? R T (F) ! 4 ? (...) (...) M 7 0 Y S ? M ------------------------------------Client: Cacnea Objective: Escort to Shroomish. Place: Stormy Sea B28F Difficulty: S Reward: Shock Wave + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? F T M J S ? ? (M) X Y M J ? T (...) 7 7 0 Y 7 ? (M) -------------------------------------

Client: Marill Objective: Escort to Ariados. Place: Stormy Sea B28F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 Y (F) (M) F ? 4 Q X K 6 7 ? + + 7 ? 0 Y 5 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Vigoroth Objective: Escort to Claydol. Place: Stormy Sea B28F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? ? X 3 8 + ? 4 ! X F ? S ? 3 (...) 7 ? 0 0 (M) ? T ------------------------------------Client: Shelgon Objective: Escort to Onix. Place: Stormy Sea 31F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? ? Y F ! T ? ? 1 Y ? 9 (M) ? K C M ? 0 Q 2 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Loudred Objective: Escort to Phanpy. Place: Stormy Sea B33F Difficulty: S Reward: 1200 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? J Y W 2 S ? 4 7 4 X 0 P ? ? (...) M ? 0 ! Q ? W ------------------------------------Client: Sentret Objective: Escort to Breloom. Place: Stormy Sea B36F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? 4 Y 4 3 (...) ? 4 8 M M (F) ! ? T j 7 7 0 ? 1 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Seel Objective: Escort to Marshtomp. Place: Stormy Sea B38F Difficulty: S Reward: Hidden Power Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 X (...) P + ? ? ! C + P 6 ? 9 S 7 7 0 N C ? ? ------------------------------------Client: Relicanth Objective: Find Blue Gummi.

Place: Near Silver Trench B56F Difficulty: S Reward: Weather Band Wonder Mail: F ? K M 8 8 Y ? - N 3 M 3 X ? N (...) 7 ? T - M ? + ------------------------------------Client: Natu Objective: Find Trapburst Orb. Place: Near Silver Trench B56F Difficulty: S Reward: Special Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C 5 1 J X ? 4 5 3 5 Q + ? S 2 7 ? T 4 Y ? 2 ------------------------------------Client: Porygon Objective: Help me. Place: Silver Trench B57F Difficulty: S Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? K C P W Y ? 4 J 3 (...) 3 + ? 7 C M ? 6 ! X ? W ------------------------------------Client: Wurmple Objective: Escort to Onix. Place: Silver Trench B59F Difficulty: * Reward: Roar + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 1 M 5 5 F ? ? 4 Q S M 3 ? K R M 7 0 ? ! ? J ------------------------------------Client: Girafarig Objective: Help me. Place: Silver Trench B60F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? ? C M ! + ? ? J (M) 3 X N ? 2 8 7 ? 6 Y T ? W ------------------------------------Client: Volbeat Objective: Find Mr. Mime. Place: Silver Trench B62F Difficulty: S Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: F ? M C 0 3 X ? ? ? W W H J ? (M) M 7 ? R ! T ? W ------------------------------------Client: Skiploom Objective: Help me. Place: Silver Trench B79F Difficulty: S

Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 6 4 5 (M) 5 T ? ? 5 9 X 9 7 ? Y 7 M 7 6 H 0 ? 2 ------------------------------------Client: Beldum Objective: Help me. Place: Silver Trench B88F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 6 C 0 5 F ? ? N S S M - ? P J 7 ? 6 5 Q ? 5 ------------------------------------Client: Voltorb Objective: Escort to Minun. Place: Fiery Field 20F Difficulty: S Reward: Mime Jr. Fig + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C (...) M Q 0 ? ? ! + (...) C 0 ? H P P N 0 J 5 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Nidoqueen Objective: Escort to Nidoking. Place: Fiery Field 21F Difficulty: S Reward: Joy Seed Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 (...) Y H T ? 2 F + 2 8 4 ? F J H 6 0 R ! ? ? ------------------------------------Client: Nidoking Objective: Escort to Nidoqueen. Place: Fiery Field 21F Difficulty: S Reward: 1200 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? J K 5 Q S ? 0 4 + 9 Q 1 ? 9 5 H N 0 J 6 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Porygon2 Objective: Escort to Aimpom. Place: Fiery Field 21F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 6 (...) 6 Q 0 ? ? Q + 3 (F) H ? Y F H 7 0 + ! ? W ------------------------------------Client: Lunatone Objective: Escort to Grumpig. Place: Fiery Field 21F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke + ? Wonder Mail:

F ? 5 (...) J Q F ? ? 7 + 9 J Q ? K M H N 0 J 4 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Azumarill Objective: Escort to Whismur. Place: Fiery Field 21F Difficulty: S Reward: Def. Scarf Wonder Mail: ? ? 7 + 3 9 F ? ? M + Y 1 M ? Y 0 H ? 0 Y 4 ? 3 ------------------------------------Client: Shuckle Objective: Escort to Slakoth. Place: Fiery Field 22F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 6 (...) K K Y ? ? - (...) 8 T N ? X 0 P 7 0 C 6 ? T ------------------------------------Client: Masquerain Objective: Escort to Torkoal. Place: Fiery Field 23F Difficulty: S Reward: 1200 poke + ? Wonder Mail: 6 ? 8 F ! ? + ? 4 - (...) N N S ? K T H 2 0 2 X ? ? ------------------------------------Client: Nidoking Objective: Escort to Nidoqueen. Place: Fiery Field 25F Difficulty: S Reward: Heal Seed + ? Wonder Mail: F ? 1 (...) 5 1 F ? 0 4 S (F) 5 1 ? 9 F H ? 0 ! K ? W ------------------------------------Client: Illumise Objective: Escort to volbeat. Place: Fiery Field 26F Difficulty: S Reward: Heal Ribbon + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N 0 0 9 + ? 2 8 T + T J ? H 2 P ? 0 R 2 ? C ------------------------------------Client: Jigglypuff Objective: Escortt to Espeon. Place: Fiery Field 27F Difficulty: S Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: 4 ? K (...) C (M) T ? 4 Q T W T ? ? 5 - H 6 0 8 X ? W

------------------------------------Client: Grumpig Objective: Escort to Gloom. Place: Fiery Field 29F Difficulty: S Reward: MAx Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C F Y 7 Y ? 4 ? X (F) N R ? (...) 2 H 6 0 8 (F) ? 2 ------------------------------------Client: Volbeat Objective: Escort to Illumise. Place: Fiery Field 29F Difficulty: S Reward: Power Band + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 1 (...) 0 Q T ? 0 7 X 0 P Q ? H 7 H ? 0 0 P ? W ------------------------------------Client: Nuzleaf Objective: Escort to Nidoking. Place: Fiery Field 29F Difficulty: S Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 + J ? 0 ? 4 H X 8 X H ? F 4 H ? 0 Q N ? 2 ------------------------------------Client: Nidoking Objective: Find Cradily. Place: Lightning Field 20F Difficulty: A Reward: 500 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F ? 6 K 5 (M) (...) ? ? 8 + (M) J 1 ? 3 1 P ? R 0 (...) ? W ------------------------------------Client: Plusle Objective: Escort to Bellossom. Place: Lightning Field 21F Difficulty: S Reward: 1200 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? J H F H X ? ? Q + Y F J ? T 0 H ? 0 ! 9 ? 0 ------------------------------------Client: Illumise Objective: Escort to Volbeat. Place: Lightning Field 24F Difficulty: S Reward: Frustration + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C K 0 2 S ? 2 (M) S J 3 J ? H H P 7 0 F S ? W ------------------------------------Client: Azumarill

Objective: Escort to Hitmochan. Place: Lightning Field 26F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 ? 5 K 3 J S ? ? 3 T 3 (...) ! ? ! 6 P 6 0 8 3 ? 9 ------------------------------------Client: Altaria Objective: Escort to Hitmontop. Place: Lightning Field 29F Difficulty: S Reward: Power Band Wonder Mail: ? ? M K C (M) T ? 4 7 X 8 6 J ? 6 J H ? 0 0 X ? W ------------------------------------Client: Anorith Objective: Escort to Shuppet. Place: Northwind Field 24F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? ? Y ! (F) 0 ? ? 7 S H (F) T ? W 4 P 7 0 C (F) ? W ------------------------------------Client: Blastoise Objective: Escort to Slakoth. Place: Northwind Field 27F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? 4 X P 8 F ? 4 - T W 4 ? ? X K H 7 0 T 9 ? Q ------------------------------------Client: Shuppet Objective: Escort to Lunatone. Place: Northwind Field 27F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? ? Y (M) 9 + ? 4 - T C F J ? ! 8 H ? 0 Q (M) ? 9 ------------------------------------Client: Raticate Objective: Escort to Girafarig. Place: Northwind Field 28F Difficulty: S Reward: Joy Seed + ? Wonder Mail: F ? F Y + ? F ? ? 5 X C 9 ? ? 2 5 P 6 0 R 5 ? 9 ------------------------------------Client: Octillery Objective: Escort to Vileplume. Place: Mt. Faraway 21F

Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 6 C 3 - (...) ? 4 S + 2 ! (...) ? (...) F K N 0 H 2 ? 8 ------------------------------------Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Escort to Houndoom. Place: Mt. Faraway 25F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? ? C 4 (F) S ? ? 6 S 8 P 4 ? W 0 K 7 0 T 8 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Granbull Objective: Find Blinker Seed. Place: Near Mt. Faraway 37F Difficulty: S Reward: Thunderbolt + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N M J M X ? 4 T M 9 K (F) ? ! 9 K 7 T + K ? 8 ------------------------------------Client: Exploud Objective: Find Doduo. Place: Mt. Faraway 37F Difficulty: S Reward: Aerial Ace + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? N C ? (F) (...) ? ? S M (...) S R ? J F K 7 R M 9 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Spoink Objective: Find Tentacool. Place: Mt. Faraway 37F Difficulty: S Reward: 1200 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 ? R C Y 1 T ? ? 4 M (F) 2 R ? M F K ? R Q ! ? W ------------------------------------Client: Forretress Objective: Find Blinker Seed. Place: Near Mt. Faraway 39F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 ? ? C C 2 0 ? ? T C T S C ? 2 9 K ? T Q X ? W ------------------------------------Client: Volbeat Objective: Deliver Blink Seed. Place: Mt. Faraway 39F Difficulty: S Reward: 1200 Poke

Wonder Mail: ? ? R 5 0 R 0 ? ? X C 4 Y J ? H 9 K ? 5 5 S ? 3 ------------------------------------Client: Hitmonchan Objective: Find Lairon. Place: Western Cave B51F Difficulty: S Reward: Joy Seed Wonder Mail: F ? 7 W J 2 0 ? 4 - 2 4 (...) 5 ? M F M 6 R R ? ? W ------------------------------------Client: Illumise Objective: Find Protein. Place: Near Western Cave B54F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? ? Q 0 8 + ? 4 ! (F) T M Q ? H 0 7 ? T R (F) ? Y ------------------------------------Client: Poochyena Objective: Find Cheri Berry. Place: Near Western Cave B60F Difficulty: S Reward: Reflect Wonder Mail: 4 ? M Q Y H (...) ? ? X (M) (M) 3 H ? 9 F 7 7 T X Y ? M ------------------------------------Client: Aron Objective: Help me. Place: Western Cave B62F Difficulty: S Reward: Heal Ribbon + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N W P Q T ? 4 + W X 3 T ? M F 7 ? 6 R S ? W ------------------------------------Client: Altaria Objective: Escort to Duskull. Place: Northern Range 13F Difficulty: S Reward: Joy Seed + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N K C (M) 0 ? 4 (M) 8 N Y Q ? W N C 6 0 R ? ? W ------------------------------------Client: Seadra Objective: Escort to Duskull. Place: Northern Range 13F Difficulty: S Reward: Return Wonder Mail: F ? M H ! M T ? 4 (M) 8 4

Y 2 ? W 8 C 7 0 (...) 2 ? N ------------------------------------Client: Sealeo Objective: Escort to Shuppet. Place: Northern Range 13F Difficulty: S Reward: 1200 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F ? - K P 1 Y ? ? (M) 8 M 8 X ? W N C ? 0 ! 7 ? W ------------------------------------Client: Nidorino Objective: Escort to Nidorina. Place: Northern Range 13F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? 4 - 4 6 + ? 2 H 8 H S 4 ? 9 H C N 0 J 5 ? R ------------------------------------Client: Ledyba Objective: Escort to Poliwhirl. Place: Northern Range 13F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 6 H M 6 Y ? 4 H 8 1 1 + ? Y C C 6 0 R 8 ? K ------------------------------------Client: Vileplume Objective: Escort to Starmie. Place: Northern Range 15F Difficulty: S Reward: Link Box Wonder Mail: 4 ? 9 J - 5 F ? 4 P 9 8 Y F ? (M) J C N 0 H + ? S ------------------------------------Client: Flareon Objective: Escort to Ninjask. Place: Northern Range 15F Difficulty: S Reward: Dodge Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: F ? C J P 8 (...) ? ? 8 9 K + 7 ? Y N C ? 0 M F ? 7 ------------------------------------Client: Relicanth Objective: Escort to Baltoy. Place: Northern Range 16F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? 4 J 8 8 X ? 4 7 F (M) R 8 ? 3 M N ? 0 ! 3 ? Y -------------------------------------

Client: Shuppet Objective: Escort to Charmander. Place: Northern Range 16F Difficulty: S Reward: Roar Wonder Mail: 1 ? M H (M) J X ? 4 3 F P 5 R ? 6 - N 7 0 ? P ? C ------------------------------------Client: Clefairy Objective: Escort to Ledian. Place: Northern Range 17F Difficulty: S Reward: Joy Seed + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N K 5 ! F ? 4 0 F P K 4 ? 0 F C 6 0 R H ? W ------------------------------------Client: Paras Objective: Escort to Skiploom. Place: Northern Range 17F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? ? J K M (...) ? ? 0 F ! M ? ? Y 7 C ? 0 Y X ? R ------------------------------------Client: Absol Objective: Escort to Caterpie. Place: Northern Range 20F Difficulty: S Reward: 1200 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? J K 6 3 T ? 4 H + K 4 - ? 7 C N 6 0 8 Q ? W ------------------------------------Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Escort to Smeargle. Place: Northern Range 21F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 5 K 4 2 F ? ? 7 + S 7 ? ? 6 M C 6 0 8 Q ? W ------------------------------------Client: Nidoqueen Objective: Escort to Manectric. Place: Pitfall Valley B16F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? ? 4 Y 7 T ? 4 (M) F R F 1 ? C 8 N 6 0 R (M) ? R ------------------------------------Client: Murkrow Objective: Escort to Plusle.

Place: Pitfall Valley B16F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? 4 C N ! + ? ? 7 F 1 K N ? H 5 N ? 0 ! X ? W ------------------------------------Client: Venomoth Objective: Escort to Weezing. Place: Pitfall Valley B18F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: F ? 4 C 1 6 Y ? 4 P 0 (F) K 4 ? (F) C N 7 0 T 3 ? 1 ------------------------------------Client: Diglett Objective: Escort to Pidgey. Place: Pitfall Valley B20F Difficulty: S Reward: Joy Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N 4 2 4 (...) ? ? 1 + N W ? ? P 4 N 6 0 R (F) ? 5 ------------------------------------Client: Nidoran(F) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(M). Place: Pitfall Valley B20F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 6 C X 9 S ? 2 F + H (F) ? ? F H N ? 0 Y 3 ? 8 ------------------------------------Client: Diglett Objective: Escort to Pidgey. Place: Pitfall Valley B20F Difficulty: S Reward: Joy Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N 4 2 4 (...) ? ? 1 + N W ? ? P 4 N 6 0 R (F) ? 5 ------------------------------------Client: Lanturn Objective: Escort to Pinsir. Place: Pitfall Valley B22F Difficulty: S Reward: Joy Seed Wonder Mail: F ? 7 C J 6 X ? 4 4 (...) H M ! ? W - N 6 0 R 6 ? P ------------------------------------Client: Nidorino Objective: Escort to Nidorina. Place: Pitfall Valley 22F Difficulty: S

Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? C C 4 6 X ? 2 ? (...) 7 ? 4 ? 9 7 N 6 0 9 K ? W ------------------------------------Client: Venonat Objective: Escort to Houndoom. Place: Pitfall Valley B23F Difficulty: S Reward: Secret Power Wonder Mail: 4 ? M C 1 (M) F ? ? 6 (...) F K 4 ? W Q C 7 0 C H ? W ------------------------------------Client: Nidorino Objective: Escort to Nidorina. Place: Pitfall Valley B25F Difficulty: S Reward: Reviver Seed + ? Wonder Mail: F ? N C 4 1 (...) ? 2 F S 3 P 4 ? 9 4 C ? 0 Q J ? W ------------------------------------Client: Lairon Objective: Find Eyedrop Seed. Place: Near Buried Relic B72F Difficulty: S Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 C Y R W X ? ? 8 P K S J ? M 9 N 6 T 8 M ? W ------------------------------------Client: Magby Objective: Deliver Totter Orb. Place: Buried Relic B72F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: ? 6 4 Y P W (...) ? 4 - P ! 7 S ? 7 1 N ? 5 ! N ? W ------------------------------------Client: Skarmory Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B72F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 6 ? X (M) R T ? ? Q P ! Q N ? W 6 N 7 6 J W ? K ------------------------------------Client: Sneasel Objective: Help me. Place: Wish Cave B51F Difficulty: S Reward: Dodge Scarf + ? Wonder Mail:

1 ? C + 1 7 T ? ? 0 2 C S N ? 3 9 C ? 6 M K ? (F) ------------------------------------Client: Beedrill Objective: Find Weedle. Place: Wish Cave B51F Difficulty: S Reward: Persim Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N 0 9 4 X ? K H 2 9 F F ? N (F) C ? R 0 6 ? N ------------------------------------Client: Weedle Objective: Help me. Place: Wis Cave B53F Difficulty: S Reward: 1200 Poke Wonder Mail: ? ? R (...) 8 1 X ? 4 H ! 6 F ? N R C 6 6 R M ? W ------------------------------------Client: Dragonair Objective: Help me. Place: Wish Cave B55F Difficulty: S Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: 4 ? K (...) + Q 0 ? ? 0 (F) (M) (...) 7 ? R K C 6 6 8 (F) ? W ------------------------------------Client: Tentacool Objective: Find Reflect. Place: Near Wish Cave B58F Difficulty: S Reward: Brick Break Wonder Mail: F ? M (...) P W (...) ? ? H Q 0 ! 6 ? M C N 7 T T S ? W ------------------------------------Client: Cacnea Objective: Help me. Place: Wish Cave B65F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: ? 6 4 (...) M 2 Y ? ? M ? M X R ? 2 2 C ? 6 + + ? W ------------------------------------Client: Houndour Objective: Help me. Place: Wish Cave B66F Difficulty: S Reward: Thief Wonder Mail: ? 6 7 0 (M) 5 X ? 4 R 6 + 1 (...) ? W 9 N 7 6 J F ? 0

------------------------------------Client: Venusaur Objective: Find Alakazam. Place: Wish Cave B67F Difficulty: S Reward: Heal Seed + ? Wonder Mail: F 6 C (...) 6 (F) + ? 4 F 6 K 4 F ? 4 C C ? R ! F ? W ------------------------------------Client: Taillow Objective: Help me. Place: Wish Cave B68F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 6 4 F - 6 X ? 4 M 7 ? 9 S ? (...) 2 N 6 6 8 S ? H ------------------------------------Client: Rattata Objective: Find Granbull. Place: Wish Cave B68F Difficulty: S Reward: Facade + ? Wonder Mail: 1 6 N + 0 4 Y ? 4 R 7 Y X 1 ? ! C N 7 R C P ? 4 ------------------------------------Client: Xatu Objective: Find Scope Lens. Place: Near Wish Cave B69F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 6 ? (...) 2 N T ? ? 5 7 7 (F) M ? S 6 C ? T Q F ? 6 ------------------------------------Client: Kabuto Objective: Find Dig. Place: Near Wish Cave B69F Difficulty: S Reward: Taunt Wonder Mail: 1 6 9 + 8 M F ? ? 6 7 ! S 7 ? N C C 7 T P 7 ? R ------------------------------------Client: Pupitar Objective: Help me. Place: Wish Cave B70F Difficulty: S Reward: 1200 Poke Wonder Mail: ? 6 J (...) F 3 F ? ? 7 N ? (M) P ? P 0 N 7 6 M C ? W ------------------------------------Client: Tauros

Objective: Find Exeggcute. Place: Wish Cave B70F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 6 ? F ? C Y ? ? F N 1 F M ? 2 (F) N 7 R J ? ? C ------------------------------------Client: Muk Objective: Find Hunger Seed. Place: Near Wish Cave B72F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 6 ? (...) S 1 S ? 4 ? P Y 8 0 ? F N 7 T + (F) ? W ========================================================================= ========================================================================= * RANK WONDER MAIL ========================================================================= The hardest of mission here for you to complete, or at least try to. These give from 700 to 2000 rescue points! Client: Togetic Objective: Escort to Parasect. Place: Silver Trench B70F Difficulty: * Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: 1 6 C 5 1 9 F ? ? H N N (...) ! ? (...) Y 7 6 0 8 C ? N ----------------------------------Client: Ledian Objective: Escort to Walrein. Place: Silver Trench B85F Difficulty: * Reward: 1400 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 6 - 5 C 5 0 ? ? C + 9 - + ? 7 - M 6 0 8 F ? 7 ----------------------------------Client: Electrike Objective: Escort to Kingdra. Place: Silver Trench B92F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 6 ? C 9 W 0 ? ? 0 X J 9 Q ? W F 7 ? 0 5 (F) ? W ----------------------------------Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(F).

Place: Mt. Faraway 36F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? 4 4 4 N Y ? 0 4 M K T F ? 9 F 9 ? 0 - S ? + ----------------------------------Client: Murkrow Objective: Escort to Piloswine. Place: Mt. Faraway 36F Difficulty: * Reward: 1400 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? J M N K + ? ? 6 M S 4 C ? Q F 9 ? 0 0 M ? F ----------------------------------Client: Elekid Objective: Escort to Poochyena. Place: Mt. Faraway 36F Difficulty: * Reward: Heal Seed + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C M P K 0 ? ? - M (F) ! H ? 9 9 9 ? 0 ! 8 ? 4 ----------------------------------Client: Slakoth Objective: Escort to Shiftry. Place: Mt. Faraway 38F Difficulty: * Reward: Weather Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? C 4 3 C Y ? ? X C 6 X P ? (...) 9 9 ? 0 - + ? 4 ----------------------------------Client: Shuppet Objective: Find Ponyta. Place: Mt. Faraway 38F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? ? 5 (M) P 0 ? 4 4 C 0 6 T ? C F 9 7 0 ? P ? 5 ----------------------------------Client: Pichu Objective: Escort to Baltoy. Place: Western Cave B52F Difficulty: * Reward: Bullet Seed Wonder Mail: ? ? K W - 3 Y ? ? ! ! 1 R 7 ? 3 0 7 7 0 7 J ? W ----------------------------------Client: Houndoor Objective: Escort to Chinchou. Place: Western Cave B58F Difficulty: *

Reward: Roar Wonder Mail: F ? M (M) (M) 7 X ? 4 5 Q N P C ? + F 7 7 0 ? C ? N ----------------------------------Client: Gorebyss Objective: Escort to Girafarig. Place: Western Cave B64F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 6 5 W 8 8 S ? ? J ? C 9 8 ? 2 0 7 7 0 T W ? 5 ----------------------------------Client: Venonat Objective: Deliver Zinc. Place: Western Cave B75F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F 6 6 W 1 ! + ? ? P R 7 R ? ? S + M 7 5 ? X ? W ----------------------------------Client: Gulpin Objective: Help me. Place: Western Cave B76F Difficulty: * Reward: Def. Scarf Wonder Mail: 4 6 7 3 + 6 F ? 4 + 8 (...) 6 T ? J F 7 ? 6 Y 1 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Swablu Objective: Help me. Place: Western Cave B78F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: F 6 ? 3 C C (...) ? ? 8 9 + 0 J ? 2 + 7 ? 6 0 1 ? H ----------------------------------Client: Shelgon Objective: Find Sandshrew. Place: Western Cave B80F Difficulty: * Reward: Torment + ? Wonder Mail: F 6 1 W F W 0 ? ? H F Y W (M) ? 8 0 7 7 R M (F) ? W ----------------------------------Client: Sealeo Objective: Find Seel. Place: Western Cave B81F Difficulty: * Reward: Persim Band + ? Wonder Mail:

F 6 N W P 2 + ? F S F 7 0 - ? J F M ? R 0 7 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Tentacruel Objective: Deliver Key. Place: Western Cave B82F Difficulty: * Reward: Special Band Wonder Mail: 1 6 M W P ! Y ? 4 S 0 ! M 0 ? M Y 7 ? 5 4 ? ? W ----------------------------------Client: Parasect Objective: Deliver Pecha Berry. Place: Western Cave B85F Difficulty: * Reward: Torment Wonder Mail: F 6 C W K 3 Y ? 4 F + 4 C 1 ? (...) F M 7 5 M M ? W ----------------------------------Client: Poliwrath Objective: Find Poliwag. Place: Western Cave B85F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: ? 6 4 (M) W ? X ? 9 3 + 7 ? ? Y 8 M ? R 4 (M) ? P ----------------------------------Client: Elekid Objective: Escort to Graveler. Place: Western Cave B92F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 6 6 W P (F) F ? ? F X Y ! 3 ? M F 7 7 0 J (...) ? W ----------------------------------Client: Phanpy Objective: Find Electabuzz. Place: Western Cave B98F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: ? 6 4 W ? 2 0 ? ? 4 5 + (F) S ? W F 7 ? R - F ? W ----------------------------------Client: Camerupt Objective: Escort to Shiftry. Place: Buried Relic B50F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 ? 4 Y X (M) Y ? ? 7 2 Y 9 R ? (...) M N 7 0 P - ? W

----------------------------------Client: Plusle Objective: Escort to Hoppip. Place: Buried Relic B50F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 6 X F M 0 ? ? 0 2 Y 8 Q ? X 7 N ? 0 + N ? K ----------------------------------Client: Sunflora Objective: Escort to Dragonair. Place: Buried Relic B51F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 6 Y ? 5 F ? ? Q 2 ? T N ? R 1 C 6 0 R J ? 1 ----------------------------------Client: Tropius Objective: Escort to Porygon. Place: Buried Relic B56F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 5 Y ? 3 5 ? 4 0 3 ! (M) X ? 7 H N 7 0 Y 1 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Gulpin Objective: Escort to Koffing. Place: Buried Relic B57F Difficulty: * Reward: Taunt Wonder Mail: 1 ? 7 Y + - F ? 4 H 3 J C T ? (F) C C 7 0 P ! ? H ----------------------------------Client: Cacturne Objective: Deliver Scanner Orb. Place: Buried Relic B59F Difficulty: S Reward: 600 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? 6 S M J Y ? 4 8 Q 3 H T ? 2 2 C ? 5 + 8 ? J ----------------------------------Client: Cacturne Objective: Escort to Zubat. Place: Buried Relic B66F Difficulty: * Reward: Persim Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 6 N Y M Q Y ? 4 4 6 F K T ? + 2 N ? 0 0 ? ? W ----------------------------------Client: Ivysaur

Objective: Escort to Typhlosion. Place: Buried Relic B69F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 6 4 Y 6 3 S ? ? R 7 C 5 F ? 9 2 C 7 0 C F ? W ----------------------------------Client: Murkrow Objective: Escort to Cacturne. Place: Buriedl Relic B72F Difficulty: * Reward: Special Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 6 C Y N 2 S ? ? + P M J (...) ? 2 M N ? 0 4 8 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Meditite Objective: Find Petrify Orb. Place: Near Buried Relic B75F Difficulty: * Reward: Mime Jr. Statue Wonder Mail: ? 6 M Y 8 (M) + ? ? - R N 4 R ? C K C N T J S ? W ----------------------------------Client: Ditto Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B75F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 6 5 Y 7 (F) Y ? ? 0 R S R 7 ? 6 6 C ? 6 ! N ? W ----------------------------------Client: Rhyhorn Objective: Escort to Makuhita. Place: Buried Relic B77F Difficulty: * Reward: Brick Break + ? Wonder Mail: F 6 C Y K 3 X ? 4 8 8 ? P 0 ? 4 9 C 7 0 T T ? W ----------------------------------Client: Shuppet Objective: Find Beedrill. Place: Buried Relic B77F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: ? 6 ? X (M) H + ? 4 ? 8 (...) 3 Q ? N J C ? R Y R ? (M) ----------------------------------Client: Nidoran(F) Objective: Find Special Band. Place: Near Buried Relic B78F

Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 6 Y X W (...) ? 4 P 9 3 0 F ? 9 P N ? T R X ? W ----------------------------------Client: Magby Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B78F Difficulty: * Reward: Light Screen Wonder mail: 1 6 7 Y P M Y ? 4 + 9 F 6 S ? 7 M N 7 6 8 J ? (F) ----------------------------------Client: Trapinch Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B78F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: ? 6 ? S 4 P X ? 4 M 9 C (F) T ? 1 M N ? 6 Q H ? 7 ----------------------------------Client: Poochyena Objective: Find Growlithe. Place: Buried Relic B78F Difficulty: * Reward: Return Wonder Mail: ? 6 M Y Y K (...) ? F 3 9 M X H ? X - N 7 R (...) 1 ? ? ----------------------------------Client: Sudowoodo Objective: Deliver Thunderbolt. Place: Buried Relic B79F Difficulty: * Reward: Frustration Wonder Mail: F 6 K Y 3 1 Y ? 4 5 9 ? - + ? X M C 7 5 F - ? W ----------------------------------Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(F). Place: Buried Relic B79F Difficulty: * Reward: Zinc + ? Wonder Mail: 1 6 C Y 4 W Y ? 0 4 9 ? (M) F ? 9 M C 6 0 F K ? W ----------------------------------Client: Rattata Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B79F Difficulty: * Reward: Rest + ?

Wonder Mail: ? 6 F T 0 J 0 ? 4 3 9 (M) 5 1 ? P F C 7 6 H 6 ? Y ----------------------------------Client: Cradily Objective: Find Sentret. Place: Buried Relic B79F Difficulty: * Reward: Brick Break Wonder Mail: 1 6 M X 2 6 S ? 4 2 9 (...) (M) T ? F P C 7 R T - ? 5 ----------------------------------Client: Hitmonchan Objective: Find Mobile Orb. Place: Near Buried Relic B81F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: F 6 ? Y J 6 0 ? 4 S F ! R 2 ? ! (F) C ? T Q 2 ? 8 ----------------------------------Client: Octillery Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B81F Difficulty: * Reward: Power Band Wonder Mail: 4 6 M Y 3 1 0 ? 4 Q F K (F) (...) ? (M) 6 C ? 6 0 2 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Slugma Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B81F Difficulty: * Reward: Torment + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 C Y 2 3 (...) ? 4 J F X 5 (F) ? 3 R C 7 6 M 0 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Dustox Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B81F Difficulty: * Reward: Joy seed Wonder Mail: ? 6 9 Y C W 0 ? ? 7 F H N H ? 0 0 C 6 6 R 1 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Dratini Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B81F Difficulty: * Reward: Special Band Wonder Mail: ? 6 M Y 0 1 X ? 4 0 F -

C ! ? P J C ? 6 4 + ? W ----------------------------------Client: Gloom Objective: Find Carvanha. Place: Buried Relic B81F Difficulty: * Reward: Imsomniscope + ? Wonder Mail: 4 6 C Y - 4 T ? ? 8 F ! X 1 ? J 4 C ? R + J ? (M) ----------------------------------Client: Paras Objective: Find Heracross. Place: Bruied Relic B81F Difficulty: * Reward: Link Box Wonder Mail: ? 6 7 T K ? Y ? ? 2 F ? (F) 1 ? (F) 4 C N R H S ? H ----------------------------------Client: Delibird Objective: Deliver Warp Orb. Place: Buried Relic B82F Difficulty: * Reward: Reflect Wonder Mail: F 6 M T Q P F ? ? 6 0 0 S C ? (M) K N 7 5 X (...) ? T ----------------------------------Client: Tyrogue Objective: Escort to Pidgey. Place: Buried Relic B82F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F 6 6 Y 7 W X ? 4 H 0 9 6 H ? P 6 N ? 0 Y 8 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Spoink Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic 83F Difficulty: * Reward: Taunt Wonder Mail: F 6 7 Y Y 2 F ? ? - 0 + W J ? K (F) C 7 6 P 8 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Banette Objective: Deliver Attract. Place: Buried Relic B83F Difficulty: * Reward: Heal Seed Wonder Mail: F 6 M T W 8 0 ? ? 8 0 2 Q J ? W J C ? 5 ! ! ? C -----------------------------------

Client: Combusken Objective: Find Solrock. Place: Buried Relic B84F Difficulty: * Reward: Taunt + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 N Y S 1 (...) ? 4 - + Q S 3 ? ! C N 7 R P 8 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Stantler Objective: Find Apple. Place: Near Buried Relic B85F Difficulty: * Reward: Heal Ribbon + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 N Y 6 2 0 ? 4 + + J - 3 ? ? + C ? T R 8 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Heracross Objective: Find Seel. Place: Buried Relic 85F Difficulty: * Reward: Facade Wonder Mail: F 6 7 Y K 1 X ? 4 ? + P H C ? J Q C 7 R C C ? W ----------------------------------Client: Croconaw Objective: Deliver Detect Band. Place: Buried Relic B86F Difficulty: * Reward: 1400 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 6 R X Y 9 F ? 4 T (...) 9 2 ! ? 9 P N N 5 H (M) ? 0 ----------------------------------Client: Treecko Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B86F Difficulty: * Reward: Secret Power + ? Wonder Mail: 1 6 C Y + ! Y ? 4 X (...) J F S ? R (F) N 7 6 C P ? W ----------------------------------Client: Nidoqueen Objective: Escort to Nidoking. Place: Buried Relic B87F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 6 Y Y W (...) ? 2 3 (...) H X 4 ? F 6 C 7 0 C (...) ? W ----------------------------------Client: Pinsir Objective: Help me.

Place: Buried Relic B88F Difficulty: * Reward: Secret Power Wonder Mail: 4 6 K S W 7 + ? 4 ? S S W 2 ? W M N 7 6 C 7 ? N ----------------------------------Client: Bagon Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B88F Difficulty: * Reward: Facade + ? Wonder Mail: 4 6 N T 9 6 Y ? 4 9 S T Q (M) ? N J N 7 6 C N ? S ----------------------------------Client: Dunsparce Objective: Find Crawdaunt. Place: Buried Relic B88F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 6 4 T C 5 + ? 4 7 S 9 W (F) ? (F) J N ? R 4 Y ? ! ----------------------------------Client: Sandshrew Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B90F Difficulty: * Reward: Zinc Band + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 N Y T 9 Y ? 4 H T W F 1 ? 8 N N ? 6 5 T ? X ----------------------------------Client: Mightyena Objective: Escort to Porygon2. Place: Buried Relic B90F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: ? 6 4 Y Y Q F ? 4 8 T S + H ? ? K N ? 0 - K ? W ----------------------------------Client: Delibird Objective: Find Trapinch. Place: Buried Relic B91F Difficulty: * Reward: Weather Band Wonder Mail: 1 6 M Y Q 1 F ? ? - T ? 4 (...) ? 1 H C ? R - M ? W ----------------------------------Client: Lunatone Objective: Find Steelix. Place: Buried Relic B91F Difficulty: *

Reward: 700 poke Wonder Mail: 1 6 4 X J J T ? ? 6 T Y 6 T ? ! ! C 7 R H T ? H ----------------------------------Client: Pidgeot Objective: Find Pidgey. Place: Buried Relic B92F Difficulty: * Reward: Dodge Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 C Y 0 (M) + ? 9 3 X 4 F ? ? P 5 N ? R M 7 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Slakoth Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B92F Difficulty: * Reward: Zinc Band + ? Wonder Mail: 1 6 F Y 3 Q 0 ? ? 7 X X ! P ? X 4 N ? 6 5 8 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Plusle Objective: Escort to Minun. Place: Buried Relic B93F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: F 6 ? S F K 0 ? 0 + X J J T ? H 7 C 6 0 R (M) ? 6 ----------------------------------Client: Horsea Objective: Deliver Mug Orb. Place: Buried Relic B93F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: F 6 ? X ! 9 T ? ? S X W T 6 ? Q - C N 5 H T ? 5 ----------------------------------Client: Nidoran(F) Objective: Escort to Torkoal. Place: Buried Relic B95F Difficulty: * Reward: 1400 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 6 - X X J T ? 4 X Y T R F ? K ! C ? 0 + Q ? 3 ----------------------------------Client: Medicham Objective: Deliver Special Band. Place: Buried Relic B95F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail:

F 6 ? Y 8 W X ? 4 8 Y T T T ? C P C N 5 H (F) ? W ----------------------------------Client: Electabuzz Objective: Deliver Def.Scarf. Place: Buried Relic B96F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: ? 6 4 Y (M) 1 + ? 4 1 4 (F) W 0 ? W N N ? 5 M 3 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Nidoran(M) Objective: Escort to Nidoran(F). Place: Buried Relic B96F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 6 6 Y 4 K X ? 0 1 4 (...) F ? 9 7 N 7 0 N Y ? K ----------------------------------Client: Trapinch Objective: Deliver Pecha Berry. Place: Buried Relic B98F Difficulty: * Reward: Thief Wonder Mail: 4 6 7 T 4 9 X ? 4 + 5 R 4 T ? 1 F N 7 5 J K ? W ----------------------------------Client: Dragonair Objective: Help me. Place: Buried Relic B98F Difficulty: * Reward: Mime Jr. Fig + ? Wonder Mail: F 6 C Y + ! S ? ? T 5 M X 7 ? R F N N 6 J X ? W ----------------------------------Client: Pidgeot Objective: Find Pidgey. Place: Buried Relic B99F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 6 ? Y 0 Q (...) ? 9 3 5 9 2 ? ? P (F) C ? R Y 5 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Gastly Objective: Escort to Crobat. Place: Wish Cave B51F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? 5 (...) X C Y ? ? 2 2 F (M) 0 ? + 4 C ? 0 + 7 ? N

----------------------------------Client: Sudowoodo Objective: Escort to Xatu. Place: Wish Cave B53F Difficulty: * Reward: Mime Jr. Fig Wonder Mail: 1 ? M (...) 3 (M) Y ? 4 R ! C 5 M ? S P C N O J 5 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Illumise Objective: Escort to Volbeat. Place: Wish Cave B58F Difficulty: * Reward: Zinc Band + ? Wonder Mail: 4 ? N F 0 9 S ? 2 8 Q P Q J ? H C N ? 0 5 P ? ? ----------------------------------Client: Metang Objective: Escort to Pinsir. Place: Wish Cave B59F Difficulty: * Reward: 1400 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? ? - 0 0 7 F ? 4 4 Q 4 6 (F) ? W 1 C ? 0 - R ? T ----------------------------------Client: Seel Objective: Escort to Dugtrio. Location: Wish Cave B63F Difficulty: * Reward: Torment Wonder Mail: ? ? M (...) (...) Q 0 ? ? ? W K W 2 ? S C C 7 0 M C ? W ----------------------------------Client: Nidoqueen Objective: Escort to Raticate. Place: Wish Cave B64F Difficulty: * Reward: Reviver Seed Wonder Mail: ? 6 7 0 Y 5 Y ? 4 3 ? 8 N ? ? R C N ? 0 Q + ? (F) ----------------------------------Client: Muk Objective: Escort to Glalie. Place: Wish Cave B67F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 6 ? (...) S W (...) ? 4 (...) 6 4 ! 5 ? 6 6 C ? 0 Q x ? W ----------------------------------Client: Combusken

Objective: Escort to Shuppet. Place: Wish Cave B72F Difficulty: * Reward: Dodge Scarf + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 C (...) S (M) F ? 4 X P F + S ? W 2 N ? 0 M 0 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Volbeat Objective: Escort to Illumise. Place: Wish Cave B73F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F 6 6 0 0 4 Y ? 0 7 P ! Q ? H Q C 6 0 R H ? S ----------------------------------Client: Sandslash Objective: Find Cleffa. Place: Wish Cave B78F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 4 6 5 (...) X 3 F ? ? J 9 W 5 F ? (...) (F) N 7 R F + ? W ----------------------------------Client: Slaking Objective: Find Ekans. Place: Wish Cave B78F Difficulty: * Reward: Power Band Wonder Mail: 1 6 M (...) Q 2 (...) ? ? H 9 P ? 3 ? R 0 N ? R 0 4 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Magmar Objective: Escort to Slowpoke. Place: Wish Cave B79F Difficulty: * Reward: Bullet Seed + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 1 (...) W (M) Y ? ? P 9 N W 2 ? C 2 C 7 0 7 (F) ? W ----------------------------------Client: Sealeo Objective: Escort to Dunsparce. Place: Buried Relic B79F Difficulty: * Reward: Calm Mind + ? Wonder Mail: 1 6 N Y P Q + ? ? 2 9 T ? (M) ? 2 - C 7 0 ? C ? W ----------------------------------Client: Electabuzz Objective: Deliver Giga Drain. Place: Wish Cave B80F

Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder mail: 1 6 ? (...) (M) 2 S ? 4 3 F F 9 0 ? W 5 N 7 5 S R ? W ----------------------------------Client: Dragonair Objective: Help me. Place: Wish Cave B81F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 6 ? (...) + W 0 ? ? J F H P 7 ? R 8 C 7 6 N 3 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Rhyhorn Objective: Find Koffing. Place: Wish Cave B82F Difficulty: * Reward: Max Elixir + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 C + K R 0 ? 4 ? 0 5 Y 0 ? (F) 9 N 6 R 8 N ? S ----------------------------------Client: Flareon Objective: Deliver Rawst Berry. Place: Wish Cave B83F Difficulty: * Reward: Special Band Wonder Mail: ? 6 M (...) P 1 + ? ? Q 0 J 1 7 ? 7 9 C ? 5 4 F ? W ----------------------------------Client: Seviper Objective: Deliver Hurl Orb. Place: Wish Cave B84F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 6 (...) H 1 Y ? 4 + + R N T ? ! (F) N 7 5 P 9 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Diglett Objective: Find Ursaring. Place: Wish Cave B86F Difficulty: * Reward: 1400 Poke Wonder Mail: ? 6 R F 2 8 0 ? ? 0 (...) 9 + 4 ? 3 - N 7 R S + ? (M) ----------------------------------Client: Parasect Objective: Escort to Spoink. Place: Wish Cave B87F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke

Wonder Mail: F 6 5 F K J + ? 4 X (...) Q 4 4 ? K 0 C ? 0 0 3 ? 3 ----------------------------------Client: Snorlax Objective: Escort to Voltorb. Place: Wish Cave B89F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: 1 6 6 (...) 9 Q 0 ? 4 S S (F) (F) 7 ? 2 2 C 7 0 P 1 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Grimer Objective: Help me. Place: Wish Cave B89F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 5 (...) S R 0 ? ? 3 S C H 6 ? F C 6 6 8 X ? M ----------------------------------Client: Vileplume Objective: Find Oddish. Place: Wish Cave B89F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 6 ? (...) - (M) + ? K ? S 2 F 1 ? + J C ? R 5 Q ? W ----------------------------------Client: Slugma Objective: Help me. Place: Wish Cave B91F Difficulty: * Reward: Link Box Wonder Mail: 1 6 7 (...) 2 Q T ? 4 0 T 4 X (F) ? 3 P C N 6 H W ? W ----------------------------------Client: Pupitar Objective: Find Light Screen. Place: Near Wish Cave B92F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 1 6 ? ... F 3 + ? ? M X T 0 P ? P 5 N ? T + 0 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Hoppip Objective: Find Espeon. Place: Wish Cave B92F Difficulty: * Reward: Link Box + ? Wonder Mail: ? 6 N (...) Q Q + ? 4 J X 5

5 7 ? 5 8 N N R H 7 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Relicanth Objective: Find Snubbull. Place: Wish Cave B92F Difficulty: * Reward: Max Elixir Wonder Mail: 4 6 M 0 8 K T ? 4 T X C - - ? ! R N 6 R 8 7 ? M ----------------------------------Client: Nidoqueen Objective: Escort to Nidoking. Place: Wish Cave B94F Difficulty: * Reward: Joy Seed + ? Wondermail: ? 6 F F Y K + ? 2 4 Y X M 4 ? F R N 6 0 R M ? 0 ----------------------------------Client: Golduck Objective: Find Def. Scarf. Place: Near Wish Cave B94F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke + ? Wonder Mail: F 6 5 + (F) 8 X ? 4 1 Y 2 + 1 ? T N N 7 T F F ? 4 ----------------------------------Client: Drowzee Objective: Find Tentacruel. Place: Wish Cave B95F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 POK?? Wonder Mail: F 6 4 (...) 4 ! S ? ? F Y 2 (M) 0 ? M 4 C ? R 0 T ? W ----------------------------------Client: Poliwrath Objective: Find Poliwag. Place: Wish Cave B96F Difficulty: * Reward: 1400 Poke Wonder Mail: F 6 J (...) W 1 S ? 9 F 4 3 3 ? ? Y K N 7 R ? 6 ? W ----------------------------------Client: Lotad Objective: Help me. Place: Wish Cave B98F Difficulty: * Reward: 700 Poke Wonder Mail: 4 6 ? (...) C W X ? 4 X 5 (...) 0 3 ? 0 (F) N ? 6 Y 6 ? W -----------------------------------

Client: Nidoran(F) Objective: Find Quilava. Place: Wish Cave B98F Difficulty: * Reward: Special Band Wonder Mail: F 6 M F X ? 0 ? 4 T 5 Y 9 ? ? 9 H N ? R 4 S ? 7 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= CREDITS ========================================================================= Many thanks to the following: Many, many posters on the Message Board for many Wonder Mails here. The Official Pokemon Strategy Guide by Prima for some Wonder Mails. My sister for letting me use her DS to check some of these mails. The creators of this game for, well, making this game. Gamefaqs for letting me put up my first FAQ. Lots of thanks to Drayano for sending me the Statue Wonder Mail and for helping me reach Lucario Rank for doing it, thus getting another statue. Many, many thanks to Pikachu025 for finding the Additional Dungeons Wonder Mail. Thanks to MightyDarkZero1 for creating the Official Wonder Mail Code Topic which helped me quite a lot. Mario311 for many Friend Bow and Tight Belt Wonder Mails. Thanks to other contributors who've e-mailed me Wonder Mail Codes.

========================================================================= ========================================================================= COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ========================================================================= This guide is Copyright 2006 Michael Atiles. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Sites that are authorized to use my FAQ: All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Pokemon Copyright 1995-2006 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. Mystery Dungeon Copyright 1993-2006 CHUNSOFT. ========================================================================= ========================================================================= CONTACT ME ========================================================================= If you wish to add Wonder Mails to this list, send them to the following e-mail address: Write "New Wonder Mail" as the subject. Make sure to include all the mission info, not just the Wonder Mail password. I will add them as soon as I can. Do not send missions that unlock version exclusive Pokemon or Friend Areas unless the mission is easier than the one listed. Also, if you find that any of these codes listed is invalid or has an error, let me know by sending an e-mail to the previous address with the title "Invalid Wonder Mail". Thank you. NOTE: Make sure any Wonder Mail you submit works and has been tested before submitting. ========================================================================= ** Thanks for viewing my FAQ! ** =========================================================================

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