William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare

Family: William married Anne Hathaway (aged 26) when he was only 18. They had three children: Susana, baptised on May 26, 1583 Twins Hamnet and Juliet, baptised on February 2, 1585 Hamnet died of unkown causes when he was 11 and was buried on August 11, 1596 His father and mother were John and Mary Shakespeare Early life: Shakespeare was baptised on April 26, 1564 He most likely went to school at Kings New School in Stratford. Playwriting and Poems Shakespeare wrote at least 36 plays and 154 sonnets. His first recorded plays were Richard III and three parts of Henry VI but his first published work was Venus and Adonis. His first play with his name on the cover

was Loves Labours Lost Williams main genres were comedy, tragedy, romance and history. He was part of a group called the Lord Chamberlains Men, but the name was changed to the Kings Men when James I was crowned king.

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