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Experiment 20 (Practical No. 33)

Title: Ecological study of a terrestrial or an aquatic area. (group work) Purpose:
1. Learning the basic principles of ecology through students own effort 1.1 Elements of ecosystem: biosis and abiosis 1.2 Dynamic relationship of elements and flow of energy through ecosystem 2. Using the simple apparatus and instruments in ecological studies 3. Learning the methods of collecting and analysing ecological data 4. Writing an ecological study report 5. Inculcating nature loving attitude 6. Inculcating good moral valuescooperation, independence, and self-confidence

Students are divided into groups of 4 or 5. Each group is lead by a leader who plans study proposals they have chosen. Determine the area to be studied. Determine the objectives; rough working plan, and the techniques to be carried out. Each group will have a discussion with their teacher after completing the project. Keep the record of each project, the product of the project, and the students attendance. Send in a report containing the objectives of product and the conclusions.

(1) Assessment of the folio for the field work emphasises the way of writing of project proposal and project report. (2) Project leader will be given 2 additional marks higher than the rest of the group members. (Total mark is 20). (3) Project leaders must hand in a confidential report on the participation of project members. (4) Members of the same group may not necessarily obtain the same mark. (5) Project report must be printed.



SOIL ANALYSIS 1. Soil sampling technique Apparatus: Metal cylinder and piston (to dig out soil) Procedure: (a) Press the metal cylinder into the soil. (b) Using the piston, remove the soil sample from the cylinder.

2. Determination of the texture of soil Apparatus: 500 cm3 measuring cylinder 100 cm3 soil sample 300 cm3 water ) Procedure: (a) Add the soil sample to the measuring cylinder and cover with water. (b) Shake the contents vigorously. (c) Allow the mixture to settle out, according to density and surface area of particles, for 48 hours. (d) Measure the volume of the various fractions of soil sample. Results: Calculate the percentage of stone, sand, and clay components of the soil sample.


% sand component =

Weight of sand Weight of soil sample

x 100%

3. Determination of water content of soil Apparatus: Aluminium foil pie dish , Balance , Oven , Desiccator , Tongs , Thermometer Material: 80 gm soil Procedure: (a) Weigh an aluminum foil pie dish while still empty. Record the mass (a). (b) Add the broken-up soil sample to the pie dish and weigh. Record the mass (b). (c) Place the pie dish containing the soil sample in the oven at 110 C for 24 hours. (d) Remove the sample from the oven and cool in a desiccator. (e) Weigh the sample when cool, and record the mass. (f) Return the sample to the oven at 110 C for a further 24 hours. (g) Repeat stages (d) and (e) until consistent weighings are recorded (constant mass). Record the mass (c). (h) Calculate the percentage water content as follows:

x 100

(i) Retain the soil sample in the desiccator for experiment 4. Results: Calculate the percentage water content of the soil sample. Formula:

% water content of soil = Weight of water x 100% Weight of soil



4. Determination of organic matter content. Apparatus: Desiccators and lid Tripod Bunsen burner Asbestos mat Fireclay triangle tongs Material: Dried Soil Sample Procedure: (a) Heat the crucible and lid strongly in the Bunsen Flame to remove all traces of moisture. Place in the desiccator to cool. Weigh and record the mass (a). (b) Add the dried soil sample (kept from the previous experiment) from the desiccator and weigh. Record the mass (b). (c) Heat the soil sample in the crucible, covered with the lid, to red-heat for 1 hour to burn off all the organic matter. Allow to cool for 10 min and remove to the desiccator. (d) Weigh the crucible and sample when cool. (e) Repeat (c) and (d) until constant mass is recorded. (f) Calculate the percentage of organic content as follow:
x 100

(g) Repeat the experiment on soil samples taken from different areas to demonstrate variation of organic content. Result: Calculate the percentage of organic matter of the soil sample. Formula:
% of organic component = Weight of organic matter x 100% Weight of soil sample

5. Determination of air content of soil. Apparatus: Tin can of volume about 200 cm3 500 cm3 beaker Metal seeker Material: Water Procedure: (a) Place the empty can open end uppermost into the 500 cm3 beaker and fill the beaker with water above the level of the can. Mark the water level in the beaker. (b) Carefully remove the can containing the water and measure this volume of water in a measuring cylinder. Record the volume (a). The water level in the beaker will fall by an amount corresponding to the volume of water in the can. (c) Perforate the base of the can using a drill, making about eight small holes. (d) Push the open end of the can into soil from which surface vegetation has been removed until soil begins to come through the perforations. Gently dig out the can, turn it over and remove soil from the surface until it is level with the top of can.



(e) Place the can of soil, with open end uppermost, gently back into the beaker of water and loosen soil in the can with seeker to allow air to escape. (f) The water level in the beaker will be lower than the original level because water will be used to replace the air which was present in the soil. (g) Add water to the beaker from a full 100 cm3 measuring cylinder until the original level is restored. Record volume of water added (b). (h) The percentage air content of the soil sample can be determined as follows: b x 100% a (i) Repeat the experiment on soil samples from different areas. Results: Calculate the percentage volume of air in the soil sample. Formula:

6. Determination of soil pH Apparatus: Long test-tube Test-tube rack Spatula 10 cm3 pipette Material: Universal indicator Procedure: (a) Add about 1 cm3 of soil to the test-tube and 1 cm3 of barium sulphate, which ensures flocculation of colloidal clay. (b) Add 10 cm3 of distilled water and 5 cm3 of BDH universal indicator solution. Seal the test-tube with the bung. Shake vigorously and allow contents to settle for 5 min. (c) Compare the colour of liquid in the test-tube with the colours on the BDH reference colour chart and read off the corresponding pH. (d) Repeat the experiment on soil samples from different areas. Results: State the pH value of the soil.



DETERMINATION OF THE TYPES OF SOIL ORGANISMS Apparatus: Tullgren funnel Retort stand Beakers Magnifying glass Microscope, glass slide Bearmann funnel Material: 4% formalin solution Results: 1. List down the types of animal such as Nematoda, Annelida, Myriapoda, Insecta, Mollusca, and Amoeba 2. State the name of the above animals and draw the appearance of the animals.

DETERMINATION OF THE DENSITY OF PLANT SPECIES IN A HABITAT The density of plant species in a habitat can be determined using quadrats and transects. 1. Quadrat sampling technique Apparatus: Quadrats measuring 1 m2 Procedure: (i) Systematic sampling procedurequadrats are placed at the same intervals along transects which runs across the investigated area at the same intervals. (ii) Random sampling procedure using random number table



Results: Students must write their reports as follows: Students name ..................................... Date ........................... Habitat .................................................. Location/Place ...................................... Type of plant ...................................... Quadrat size ...........................................

Table of data for the measurement of each species cover in quadrat sampling

Students are required to determine the percentage of relative species cover, relative density, and relative frequency of each plant species.



2. Sampling technique using line transect Apparatus: Rope (15.30 meters) Procedure: (i) Determine a base line along the border of the area under investigation. (ii) Choose a series of points along this base line either randomly or systematically. These points are used as the starting points for the transects to run across the area being investigated. (iii) Record only the plants which touch the line as seen vertically above or below the transect line. (iv) 10 20 lines are placed randomly in the area to provide enough samples to investigate the community. Results: Students must write their reports as follows: Students name ........................................... Date ..................... Habitat ............................................................ Location/Place ................................................ Type of plant ................................................ Distance of each interval ................................. Total number of intervals ................................ Total length of line transect .............................



(a) Calculate the frequency of a species using the following formula : Frequency = Total number of intervals where the species are found x 100% Total number of intervals of transect (b) Calculate % surface cover of each species. % species cover = Total cross sectional length of a species x 100% Total length of transect ( c) Calculate the relative species cover Relative species cover = Total cross sectional length of a species x 100% Total cross sectional length of all species

Summary of the measurements obtained by the line transect technique

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