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Pathloss 5.0 Light User Guide

Quick overview
Opening screen: The opening screen is used to display a network of sites. (like the duke energy MW network aka the poster on the wall). Unlike Pathloss 4.0 where you start into a screen where sites can be instantly entered, Pathloss 5 requires you to create a new network (basically two sites). You will be interacting with TWO different programs wrapped up so it looks like one program, Pathloss 5 and Pathloss 5 Link. Pathloss 5 is the main program intended to be a high level view of a network, allowing an easy interface for all the sites and the paths between them. When a new site or path is added to this network/file it updates the network by saving it as a .gr5. Each path is saved separately from this file. Pathloss 5 provides an interface between a lot of paths and an easy visual for the user. Pathloss 5 Link is used the edit a path between any two sites. A path is considered its own file and will save separately with the extension .pl5.

Creating a new site: 1. There are two ways to get to the Site List screen 1) by using the Site List button underneath the menu 2) Click View on the menu then click Site List 2. Add site information in an empty row. 3. Close the window Many sites can be added to one .gr5 file to create a network of sites. Keep in mind each path will have its own file saved as a .pl5 Creating a path between two sites: 1. On the main screen (Site Network screen) on the toolbar click the PTP link mode (Point to Point mode) 2. Click and drag from one site to the desired site to create a path Deleting a site: 1. Go to the Site List 2. Find the site you want to delete 3. Right-click on the number of that row and click Delete Item

J. Kipp Generating a Profile: If a path is being edited indicators will show a green line over the line on the main screen (network screen). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. With the PTP mode tool selected click on the path you wish to create a profile for. Click Terrain Data A new window opens, in the menu click Operations Then select Generate Profile Check options Click the green checkmark at the bottom


Print Path Report: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Select path using the PTP mode tool Click on Terrain Data On the menu click Design Click Reports Click the arrow directly left of the Path Profile box Select printer PRINT!

Radio & Tower Information: In Pathloss 4 most of these options are under Module on the main menu. In Pathloss 5 most of these Radio Design tools are found once a path has been selected and the path edit/viewer window has been opened. 1. Using the PTP mode tool click on a path 2. Click on Terrain Data (which opens the path edit/viewer) 3. On the menu click the Design tab

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