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New at the US school

I interviewed Uzhair he is a 8th grader He feel nerves when he come to the US after summer vacation he feel good in new school he is like very good at his studies he gets 100 always he studies very well because he came from India and he can communicate clearly to the teacher and friends he like this country. He came here to do M.S here thats why he came here to do M.S in the US if he has a chance to go back he dont want to go back he like this country very much that if he had chance he dont want to go back to India and also he think that this country is more developed then India in some cases like neatness and clean in an anything here is no corruption but still he think India is the best country. He like India and he love America.

I interviewed Alim he is 7th grader He feels good when he came here and he like this country so that way he fight with their parents that he dont want to go back to Pakistan and their parents have no problem to stay in U.S and hes studies are good he get 100 he is in ESL he came from Pakistan just now came here because of his father. His father get transfer and he would like not to go back to Pakistan if he had a chance he still dont want to go back because there is so much violence in their country he like the neat and clean from America he dont like Pakistan because there is no clean and nothing is there. He live 5 years in the other country not in the U.S and his dad is want to go back but the Alim dont want to go back and he hate violence so he want to stay here forever and they just get credit card, SSN number. Hear so now theyre not going anywhere now because of Alim. Their parents also like this place so now there are not going anywhere.

By Bharani

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