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Job interview- Does and donts

Interview 1: Ingrid: Good afternoon! Hajnal: Good afternoon! I.: H.: I.: H.: I.: H.: Im Ingrid, nice to meet you! Im Hajni, nice to meet you also! Take a seat, please!... Thank you! So, what do we have here? ... I also brought a refference letter with me, things that I have done since I graduated school... I.: H.: I.: H.: Ok... Now, I have a couple of questions to ask you... Okay!... Tell me a few things about yourself!... Im a very energetic and organized person, Im a good listener, I have over four years experience in this social level, Im fluid in french, study and lived in Paris... I.: Sounds perfect!... Now, tell me why do you want to work for this company? H.: I think this is a good company in this industry, Im very interested in this job and also, I think that we will have a good collaboration together... I.: Ok... What do you lack skills in?


I am too focused on my job and I need much more time to relax... And Im also too thorough...

I.: H.: I.: H.: I.: H.: I.: H.: I.: H.: I.: H.: I.:

Ok... In case, if you have to stay after the work, will you be available? Yes, of course, because Im a perfectionist and I like... I like to focus on my job... Very well... Do you have a business card? Yes, here it is... Thank you very much!... So... Okay..., thats all!... I will take a look of this information... Yes... ...and I will call you next week!... Okay!... Thank you very much! Have a nice day! Thank you very much for your time and I wish the same! Good bye! Good bye!

Interview 2: Gabriella: Oh... Hy!... Sorry for being late, it was such a big traffic!... Ingrid: G.: I.: G.: Hy Gabriella! Im Ingrid, nice to meet you!... Hy! Nice to meet you to! Ok!... Ok!...

I.: G.: I.: G.:

I have a couple of questions to ask you! Ok..., sure... Tell me a few things about yourself!... Well... Im pretty organized, in most of the situations I handle stress very well... Aaaaa, we live in New York with my father who is doctor, with my two brothers, Billy and Jack, I have also a sister, Katie, she has a boyfriend aaaaaa... Peter... Aaaaa... Sorry... Hold on one second, please! Halo! Yes, yes... I will be there... ok... Yes, yes... Sorry!... Bye, bye! Ahhh...Were we?

I.: G.:

We were talking about your skills... And, please, turn off your phone... Ok... Yeah... Im pretty organized in the most of the situations I handle stress very well... Ok, I cant believe it..

I.: G.:

So, tell me, why do you want to work for this company? Well... I heard the salar is very good, you have a lot of benefits, aaa... after programme you can take staff home... Aaaa... Thats it...

I.: G.:

What do you skills lack in? I have a habit to oversleep... In the past, I overslept and missed important meetings...

I.: G.:

Okay, okay... In case, if you have to stay after the work, will you be available? Well... Im not sure... I like to spend my free time with my friends to relax a little bit after working 8 hours... You know... Its hard...

I.: G.: I.:

Yes, its okay! Do you have a refference letter? Ohhh, I cant believe it, I forgot home... Ok, ok! So, this is what I not looking for, and I guess I will never call you back!

So, thank you very much for your time... G.: Keep it for yourself! I dont need it any way!

Who got the job? I.: H.: I.: H.: I.: H.: I.: H.: I.: H.: I.: H.: I.: H.: I.: I.: Hy Hajni!... Good afternoon! Take a seat, please! Thank you! How are you? Im very good... Ok... So, I called you because I think you deserve this job... Yes? Im very glad!... And I want to know if you can start from the next week, if you have time... Yes, its no problem, I can start... Greate!... So, we will keep in touch and talk on the phone... Yes, of course... Ok... Have a nice day, Hajni!... Wish you the same!... Good bye! Thank you!... Good bye!

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