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Case 09-cr-00757-CAS Doc. #: 115 Filed: 06/22/11 Page: 1 of 17 PagelD #: 303 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MISSOURI EASTERN DIVISION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) a) Plaintiff, ) ) NO, $2-4:09 CR 757 CAS v. ) ) JEFFREY GREENWELL, ) ) Defendant. ) GUILTY PLEA AGREEMENT ‘Come now the parties and hereby agree, as follows: 1, PARTIES: ‘The parties are the defendant Jeffrey Greenwell, represented by defense counsel Ms. JoAnn Trog, and the United States of America (hereinafter "United States" or "Government"), represented by the Office of the United States Attomey for the Eastern District of Missouri. This agreement does not, and is not intended to, bind any governmental office or agency other than the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, The Court is neither a party to nor bound by this agreement, 2. GUILTY PLEA: Pursuant to Rule 11(c)(1)(A), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, in exchange for the defendant's voluntary plea of guilty to Counts One, Two, Three, Four and Five of the charge, the Government agrees that no further federal prosecution will be brought in this District relative to the defendant's produ of child pornography involving BE, SJ, KA, BK and KS that occurred between January 1, 2003 and October 23, 2009, of which the Government is aware at this time. The parties further agree that either party may request a sentence above or below the U.S, Case: 4:09-cr-00757-CAS Doc. #: 115 Filed: 06/22/11 Page: 2 of 17 PagelD #: 304 Sentencing Guidelines Range (combination of Total Offense Level and Criminal History Category) ultimately determined by the Court pursuant to any chapter of the Guidelines, and defendant may request a sentence below said range pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 3553(a), The parties further agree that notice of any such request will be given no later than ten days prior to sentencing and that said notice shall specify the legal and factual bases for the request, 3. ELEMENTS: As to Counts One, Two, Three, Four and Five, the defendant admits to knowingly violating Title 18, United States Code, Section 2251(a), and admits there is a factual basis for the plea and further fully understands that the elements of the crime Production of Child Pornography are: (1) defendant knowingly used a minor to engage in sexually explicit conduct, (2) for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct, and (3) said visual depiction was produced using materials that have been transported in interstate commerce. 4. FACTS: The patties agree that the facts in this case are as follows and that the government would prove these facts beyond a reasonable doubt if the case were to go to trial. These facts may be considered as relevant conduct pursuant to Section 1B1.3: In August 2009, the U.S. Department of Justice received information that an individual with the nickname "Muddyfeet" was molesting children and had produced child pornography. Images of a minor male in the lascivious display of his genitals were sent by "Muddyfeet" to a cooperating individual. Internet service provider records found that the LLP. address for "Muddyfeet" resolved to the account of defendant in Sullivan, Missouri, Investigators Case: 4:09-cr-00757-CAS Doc. #: 115 Filed: 06/22/11 Page: 3 of 17 PagelD #: 305 subsequently identified the minor male in the photographs as BE, a boy under the age of twelve. BE was interviewed and stated that defendant had taken photographs of BE’s nude penis. On October 23, 2009, a valid Franklin County Circuit Court search warrant was executed at defendants residence in Sullivan, in the Eastern District of Missouri. Two computers, hard dives, a Nikon digital camera, a Sony Handycam camera and a Casio digital camera and numerous CDs/DVDs were seized, among other items. The next day, defendant's landlord found another Casio camera wrapped in clothing in defendant's dresser. He gave the camera to the Franklin County Sheriff's Department. Two subsequent vali Franklin County Circuit Court search warrants were issued to examine the seized material. Defendant was arrested, advised of his Miranda rights and waived his rights. He told the investigators that he had taken photographs of BE’s nude penis and had touched BE's nude penis with his hand. Defendant babysat for BE. He stated that he had encrypted his hard drives. He stated that he had made “Scooby Doo” introductions to several child pormography videos that he had received from other individuals. ‘Those individuals had produced the child pornography videos. He stated that he preferred boys between the ages of eight and twelve. He stated that he ‘was the monitor of the IRC trading channel for the Undernet channel known as “aLL bois.” He stated that he used the screen name of “Muddyfeet” and traded child pornography with others, Defendant told inves tors that he had taken photographs of the nude penis of another minor male, KA, with his Casio camera. ‘The embedded data on the child pornography images of BE showed that they were taken with a Casio brand digital camera, Between January 1, 2007 and October 23, 2009, at defendant's residence in the Eastern District of Missouri, defendant used BE to engage in

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