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E-whoring for Beginners & Blackmailing Guide How to become a moderate blackmailer.

This guide was made by LightBlue, and is only shared on HackForums. Users that sell this guide, or use it for any other thing that is personal use are scammers unless they have my approval. This guide is free, which means that people who are selling this aren t only scamming the rights of this e-book, but are also committing fraud. This book also can not be given out by any other person then LightBlue herself. If anyone else gives this to you, please notify LightBlue by a PM on HackForums. You can easily find me by using the search button. Okay, now that we ve got that usual crap behind us, here s a small intro. I ve been e-whoring and blackmailing for a long, long time. It all started when I was about 13. I played lots of virtual games like Habbo and Runescape, and figured I no longer wanted to pay for them. So I made the pedo s pay. Oh, you should know that I refer to victims as pedo s. Anyway, I made this guide to share my knowledge with the community. I thought now that I m ub3r I should actually give something back to the community instead of just being a lounge-whore. So here is my contribution. I really don t know if I m going to write another guide again, as it takes me a lot of time. Well, I have a lot of spare time since I don t go to school or work anymore, I just like to spend my time on bullshit like playing MapleStory. But that s really off-topic. I m not writing this to tell you my life story, but I could though. Still not doing it. Okay so I made the pedos pay for my online games, which is fairly easy. I ll explain the basics of ewhoring in this guide. It s really easy, every no-brainer can start to e-whore. In my experience it s also the easiest way to gain money on the internet, besides hacking bank accounts. Which I do not do by the way. Alright, let me tell you something first. If you are like 13 years old you really shouldn t read this. It s cool that you won t go to jail for blackmailing someone, but instead get a warning which will vanish on your 18th or 21 th birthday, but seriously, I think you are too young to do this. This involves a lot of nudity and with the size of a 13 year olds penis, you might just get some sore spots around that area. If you feel like you re not yet in puberty right now, while being 13, you can easily do this without getting those sore spots. But be careful, you never know when it hits you. No, I m serious, if you are 13 years old, get the fuck out of my e-book. Sorry for being such a meanie. Last but not least good luck with reading and putting this guide to successful use! I wish you all the best, and if any questions occur please PM me! I am willing to help you out, but don t rely on me all the time. I might be busy sometimes

1. The first steps into e-whoring. y 1.1 Setting up all accounts. y 1.2 Getting resources. y 1.3 How to talk like a horny little girl. y 1.4 Choosing the correct and easy to remember names for Hotmail accounts. 2. Beginning to know the pedo s. y 2.1 The first meeting. y 2.2 Keeping him interested. y 2.3 Letting the pedo make a payment for pleasure. 3. A leap into another world. y 3.1 Pedo s and their way of thinking. y 3.2 How to fully understand the mind of a pedo. y 3.3 Understanding the world of crawling pedo s. 4. First blackmailing attempts. y 4.1 The set-up. y 4.2 The action. y 4.3 The after-care. y 4.4 The failure. 5. How to stay anonymous so you won t get caught. y 5.1 VPN/Proxy. y 5.2 Never give out any personal information. y 5.3 Be careful when answering questions. y 5.4 Be sure to remain safe. 6. Thank you & last word.

1.1 Setting up all accounts. 1.2 Getting resources. 1.3 How to talk like a horny little girl. 1.4 Choosing the correct and easy to remember names for Hotmail accounts. The first steps into a new world might be a bit scary at times. Don t think about e-whoring as gaining easy money, don t get me wrong because it is, because if you are new to e-whoring it might be terrifying. When I first entered a chat site full of pedo s, I was so scared I immediately clicked it away. It took me about 3 times to actually stay there without being scared of all the horny men. These guys are willing to rape a girl to get their sexual needs, I m pretty sure some of them would rape boys too. So don t ever give out any personal information, explained in chapter five. 1.1 Setting up all accounts. You might want to start with making an Hotmail account. You need this to set up all other accounts like Amazon, PayPal and Babblesex. Be sure you remember your password, because this will also be the account you will add your pedo s on so you can chat with them directly. Everyone knows how to set up a Hotmail account, so I won t need to explain very much there. Once you got one go to and make a PayPal account. Just click on Sign up or Start account , anything like that, and create one. All you need is your e-mail address. As for the country I would choose either The Netherlands or Canadian as they won t get limited as fast as all other countries. Make sure to put the language to English as this would be the easiest to understand for you. Unless you actually are from the country you choose. When you ve chosen that you need to fill in your address and phone number and all that bullshit. Just Google Fake Name Generator , push Advanced Search and set the gender to Female and the age to 18-21, also make sure the country matches your PayPal country. Just full out the form then and go on until it brings you to your account. Now, the e-mail isn t verified just yet, so you won t be able to get payments until you verify it. At the right you see a little bar with blue texts links where also Verify your e-mail address is located. Just go there, open the e-mail, and fill in the verification code that s in the e-mail on PayPal. Now you can get your payments Next, go to and make an account. It would also be easy to just write down your whore s info in a notepad file, so you can just copy and paste the info when you need to set up an account somewhere. Fill in all forms, verify your e-mail, and post some pictures from your e-whore pack (if you do not have on yet check chapter 1.2). The pedo s will now keep messaging you and adding you as a friend, which is good. Tell them your addy (msn address) to chat with them directly. Make sure you pick the right ones! (Chapter 3). Now go to Amazon and make an account, simply copy/paste your info there and it s all set up. You can now also receive Amazon Giftcards! 1.2 Getting Resources.

For e-whoring you will need Video s you can play and loop, Photo packs you can show to the pedos and put on social media websites, working accounts and common sense. You can get videos and picture packs at HackForums, just check out the e-whoring section (subsection of the beginner hacking forum, also where you found this guide), and download some. Probably all threads in there will be Post here and then PM me for (FileIce) link! , so if you do not want to be bothered by that go to Google and search Chatroulette Hall of Fame . You will then get on a site the pedo s made for themselves to put videos and shit on. Just create an account and go to the Resources section, where you should find a sticky called something like Spliced videos for the community! , in there you can download all videos you can put to use as a beginner. (Notice: Videos with things like Wave , Blow kiss , Stand up , would do best, because pedo s like girls to prove they are legit ). You can find good picture packs at Make sure the girl in the video looks like the girl on the pictures. 1.3 How to talk like a horny little girl. You should probably have noticed the 4chan talk like hw r u? , they make everything short by using other letters that sound similar to the full word when spoken. Par example: You becomes u , Why becomes y , etcetera. You can probably learn to speak this way by being on 4chan/b/ for a whole five minutes. Yes, horny little girls talk like that. Also let the pedo know you want them. Ask them for pictures and tell them that they re cute and stuff like that. Also getting a lot of pictures of dicks is part of ewhoring, don t complain about seeing a lot of dick-pics or guys jerking off on cam, it s all part of getting the jackpot. 1.4 Choosing the correct and easy to remember names for Hotmail accounts. Choosing an easy to remember name isn t that hard, you may think. Oh, I can easily remember the Hotmail address , No, you can t. And even if you could, the pedo s would not remember it. Imagine yourself spreading your address: Heyy, I m looking for a horny male to chat with, add me please: They won t even read it. So choose an e-mail address that s easy to remember, not only for yourself but for others too. Something like would be good, would be better. Something easily to remember is profit! If you need help in finding a name, use the fake name generator

2.1 The first meeting. 2.2 Keeping him interested. 2.3 Letting the pedo make a payment for pleasure. This chapter tells you all about getting to know your victim. It s important to know his weak spots, like fetishes or desires. You can put this to good use. 2.1 The first meeting. To find your slaves, you must go to chat sites. I recommend new e-whores to use, and then the Adult- or Teen-chat section. If you are banned in one of them, just change to the other one and keep spamming You have to watch out with spamming though, don t take all MSN invitations at a time, it will wreck your computer or your head. Just take 2 pedo s at a time and discover if they are blackmailingmaterial. You can select these pedo s by reading chapter 3. The first time you talk to your pedo might be a bit akward or weird, for you. He won t even feel the slightest bit of awkwardness, he would only be enthusiastic and exited, maybe even turned-on. (Notice: Pedo s will be jacking off like 95% of the time you talk to them, they will probably tell you things like I m fapping on your picture, or when you have your cam open I m fapping on you, do you mind? , just ignore the upcoming dinner you just had and tell them that you think that s cute. Or something). The best times to spot a pedo is around 6.30PM to 11.30PM. Most pedo s have a job in real life (surprisingly) so they work from morning until about 5PM. It will take them half an hour to get home in general and then another half hour to chat with their wife (yes most of them have a wife and probably children), and they also should have dinner so 6.30 is a good time to start your search. On Saturday and Sunday you can start whenever you want to, I don t give a single fuck when you do. Make sure that when you talk him the first time you ask a lot of personal information, because you will need this in the future. Get to know if he has PayPal! You do not want timewasters! It would be best to get his Facebook and all kinds of other things, but you can read this in chapter 4. 2.2 Keeping him interested. A pedo might be bored pretty quick because you probably use the same video. Well if you want to keep him interested at all times I suggest you to use the Lilly Luck videos. They are all over the internet and there are about 50 of them, so he will never get bored, AND he will think that you are legit. Just Google Lilly Luck Videos and you should find them somewhere. But if you don t want to download about 50 videos just send him pics and refuse to go on cam once in a while. Also do roleplays , if he likes that. I know it s disgusting to do but he enjoys it and it keeps him interested in you.

2.3 Letting the pedo make a payment for pleasure. Now that your pedo has all interest in you, you can convince him to make a payment. You can ask him to send money to your PayPal or to buy you and Amazon gift card. Just let him offer an amount for a show, anything above $10 would be good, because you will blackmail him later for the jackpot. When he made the payment on PayPal click on Details and just screenshot it and save it in paint or something. That would be good enough. Also make some screenshots of the chat log from when your show was playing. You can use this to threaten him to send it to his wife or kids.

3.1 Pedo s and their way of thinking. 3.2 How to fully understand the mind of a pedo. 3.3 Understanding the world of crawling pedo s. It s time for you to begin to understand the pedo-world. It s not that hard to understand it at all, you just need to know the good information. And I can provide you that information. If you fully understand this world you will also gain experience in e-whoring and blackmailing. 3.1 Pedo s and their way of thinking. Pedo s are always horny when they re on the computer and chatting with girls. They can be on the computer in two ways: 1. Doing bank business or writing e-mails (Serious), 2. Chatting with girls (or guy in real life) and being horny (Playful). They will never go on the computer if there is an option that they will get caught by their wife or children, because they want to protect their in real lives from the lives they life on the internet. Probably no one knows they are a pedo. No one actually know why they are pedo s actually, but I think I have an idea of what it might be. They might not have any sexual pleasure in their marriage. They might be very bored after working all day. They might get very horny every day and the wife isn t into doing it every day. The wife might not be attractive anymore to them so they seek younger women.

Or anything else you can think of. Trying to find out while he seeks younger girls on the internet is pretty easy to find out. Just asks if he has a wife first (something like I m really attracted to guys who are married, are you? and if he says yes just say something like Why are you seeking other women then? Is she boring you? ). If you know why the pedo actually is a pedo you might understand him a bit better. Pedo s would probably do anything for feeding their fetishes. And every pedo has one. This is why ewhoring is so successful. If they would do anything, why not paying? And thus the e-whoring mania began.

3.2 How to fully understand the mind of a pedo. You probably will never understand one s mind, doesn t matter who s. So this chapter is basically full of shit. You can try to understand the pedo a bit better and understand why he is in the position pedo as stated in 3.1, but you d probably never see him any different than a horny man hitting on younger girls. But knowing his weak spots in his real life would be a great thing because then you actually know on what points you should threaten him when you are going to blackmail him. We all know that wife s and children are two of those spots. But what about his work? His boss? His

colleagues? Or his friends with who he drinks beers and watches football games? Those are weak spots too. So try to figure out who those people are, and check chapter 4.1 to see how you can do that. 3.3 Understanding the world of crawling pedo s. If you understand the reasons why a pedo might become a pedo this world isn t that hard to understand. It s just a bunch of sexual frustrated men who are looking for some virtual pleasure. Please do not ever get sucked into this world, not now, not in 30 years, not in 50 years, never, please. It s so sad to see these men online desperate to jerk their penises off to young girls pleasuring themselves. It s just so sad.

4.1 The set-up. 4.2 The action. 4.3 The after-care. 4.4 The failure. 4.1 The set-up. Before you start to do things out of the blue, you need to get your facts straight. Take your proof from the payments and the chatlogs and put them in a new folder. Name the map to your pedo so you will find it easily. Now go look for anything else that might help you, like Facebook, Twitter, or any social media. Find out who his friends are, who his wife and kids are, his boss maybe, colleagues, anything that could help you. Write the names down in a .txt file and also put things in there you know about your pedo. To understand this better I have made an example file. Here are some screenshots:

You would have to fill it in for yourself though. Make sure to compress this map into a .zip or .rar.

4.2 The action. When your pedo comes online, confront him a bit with what you are about to do. I always do it like this: Me: Do you ever wonder what your wife/kids/friends would think when they know you do this? Pedo: Yes/No Me: What would you do if they find out? Pedo: I think I would move to another country Me: I think you should start packing then. Pedo: What? Why? Me: Sends compressed map with evidence. Pedo: O my god, what are you going to do with this? And you can fill in the rest for yourself, he would become very submissive and you pull all the strings. So you are just going to gently ask him to send you some money to your PayPal or give you some Amazon gift cards, if he refuses threaten him a bit and make a screenshot of you sending a message on Facebook to one of the persons on the list with the mouse on the Send button, that should get him going. If he still refuses press send and go on to the next one until he gives in. So start with the most irrelevant person on the list, like a friend from a friend. Then tell him you will go on until you reached his wife, maybe even his mother if it s a somewhat younger guy, until he pays you. 4.3 The after-care. After you got your money, it s not over yet. You actually need to laundry the money a bit or quickly spend it on things online, like domains or programs. I would not recommend you to order things to your home address because that might be a bit tricky. If you need any help on how to laundry money you can ask me for that help just don t do it on HackForums but PM me your e-mail and I will add you to MSN. Also after blackmailing the guy never bother the poor soul again. He has been through enough right now. If you feel like you can make more money off the pedo, just do it, more money more happiness

4.4 The failure. Failing to blackmailing the guy is also common. Don t be sad if you failed, it s all part of blackmailing. There is a large chance that the person will just block you right after you send the compressed map, if you really want to send it to everyone, don t be shy and just do it. If you don t want to bother the guy anymore, delete the map and go on to the next one. You really need to understand that it is not your fault that you have failed, it really is not. Unless you asked for $1,000,000 because that s just not real. But if you followed everything in this guide as its stated and asked for a fair amount, it just was the wrong guy.

5.1 VPN/Proxy. 5.2 Never give out any personal information. 5.3 Be careful when answering questions. 5.4 Be sure to remain safe. 5.1 VPN/Proxy. Always use a VPN or Proxy while you are e-whoring! Also use it when you are on your Amazon and Paypal, because they might track your IP and then you are officially screwed. I recommend you to use ProXPN for this. Just Google and download it, make a free account, and remain completely safe! It s a very nifty tool and you can use it for hacking and all other things you don t want to be recognized in 5.2 Never give out any personal information. Do not ever, I repeat ever, tell any pedo your real name, the place where you live, your school, your address, anything like that. Keep the e-whore as far away from you as possible. You live in Australia? Fine, then your e-whore is Dutch. Is your name David Brown? Then your e-whores name is Rebecca Johanson. Anything that cannot be led to you is fine. Keep this in mind while e-whoring! 5.3 Be careful when answering questions. If the pedo asks you anything like: Where do you life? and you life in Texas, never reply back with Texas , it might seem easy to remember, but it s also easy for the police to find you. So keep it as far away as possible, like I ve said before. 5.4 Be sure to remain safe. Use a proxy, lie about everything, blackmail the piece of shit and run out of it. Your chances of getting caught? How about 1%. So keep these tips in mind while e-whoring and you are safe from the police and from raging pedo s at your doorstep

First I want to thank all of the HackForums members for helping me get better at e-whoring and blackmailing. I also want to thank all the pedo s that where stupid enough to fall for it. And my special thanks go to my remaining anonymous friend Mark for providing info every now and then for this guide. I really enjoyed writing this and I think I will make another guide in the future. Thank you so much for reading and if you liked this guide please let me know by a PM or just post in the thread If you found any typing or grammar errors, let me know too. If you feel like something needs to be changed or added, PM me! I m willing to put in your pieces of knowledge if you just PM me the plain text and where I should put it

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