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Installation Instruction MSM 6.3 Service Pack 1

Decompressing the MSM63_SP1.exe file If you have downloaded the MSM63_SP1.exe file from the Ericsson intranet or received it by mail, you will have to decompress the file before you can install the service pack: 1. Make sure your MSM63_SP1.exe file is placed in a temporary directory. 2. Double-click the MSM63_SP1.exe file to start execution 3. Type or browse a folder name where to put the decompressed installation kit (example c:\MSM63_SP1). 4. Click Unzip. 5. One folder, Disk 1, will now be created. Installing the Service Pack On Windows NT/2000/XP you must have system administrator privileges to install the Service Pack. 6. Select Run from the Start menu 7. Type or browse your disk drive and filename in the dialogue box for installation (example c:\MSM63_SP1\disk1\setup.exe). 8. Click OK. 9. Follow the instructions given during installation Installing from CD Follow instructions from item 6 and forward.

Distributing the Service Pack with mail Include the MSM63_SP1.exe file as an attachment in your mail.

Distributing the Service Pack with CD Copy the contents of the folder Disk 1 to a CD.


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