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Guidelines for Writing a Letter of Recommendation

Please understand that your letter of recommendation will be used for our program and, if the applicant is admitted to the program, this letter may also be used to help the student secure an internship in Washington, D.C so please address the letter Dear Internship Coordinator. All letters of recommendation should be uploaded to the online application system. You should have received an e-mail entitled 'Reference - UC Davis Washington Program' from the administrative staff of the University of California, Davis Washington Program inviting you to participate as a reference for a program applicant. In the body of this e-mail you will find a seven digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) to use to logon to the system. The PIN is used to ensure the confidentiality of your comments and the student's application. If you did not receive a PIN or have lost this e-mail you can send the recommendation letter directly to or send it via US mail to the address below in a sealed envelope with a signature across the seal. Open letters submitted by the applicant will NOT be accepted. All letters of recommendation must be received by the deadline to give the applicant full consideration. PLEASE NOTE: All letters of recommendation. PROGRAM ADDRESS: UC Davis Washington Program One Shields Avenue 2nd Floor South Hall Davis, CA 95616

Suggested Guidelines
1. How long and in what capacity have you known this student? 2. Please provide your opinion on this students overall academic preparation and aptitude for study and work in Washington, D.C. 3. Please provide your opinion on this students personal maturity, work ethic, and their workplace or classroom interactions based on your direct observation. 4. Please comment on the applicants specific academic and/or professional knowledge/skills/abilities (i.e. background in their specific discipline, motivation to learn, intellectual capacity, communication skills etc.) that may help or hinder his/her success in this program. 5. Please comment on the applicants personal attributes (i.e. maturity, adaptability, problem solving skills, etc.) that may help or hinder his/her success in this program.

NOTE: These are suggested guidelines only. Please feel free to offer a constructive evaluation/recommendation in any appropriate manner you wish.

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