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Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power StationPlant Parameters As of 06:00 on January 4

Status of water injection to the reactor Water level in the reactor Pressure in the reactor Water temperature of the reactor

[Note] Some indicators might not be functioning properly beyond the normal condition for usage affected by the earthquake and subsequent events. We comprehensively evaluate situation in plants using all the available information from indicators and also focusing on trends, taking uncertainty of indicators into consideration.

Unit 1
Fresh water feeding Feed water system 4.8/h, CS line 1.9/h (as of 5:00 , 1/4 ) Fuel range A: Downscale Fuel range B:-1710 mm (as of 5:00 , 1/4) System A:-0.004 MPa g System B:-MPa g (as of 5:00 , 1/4)

Unit 2
Fresh water feeding Feed water system 1.9/h, CS line 7.0/h (as of 5:00 , 1/4 )

Unit 3
Fresh water feeding Feed water system 2.9/h, CS line 6.1/h (as of 5:00 , 1/4 ) 3 3 Fuel range A:-2074 mm Fuel range B:-2173 mm (as of 5:00 , 1/4) System A: Downscale System B: Downscale (as of 5:00 , 1/4) 3 3 (A)3 (C)3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

2Heat removal of the reactor is functioning. Water injection is unnecessary Stoppage range 2042mm (as of 6:00 , 1/4) 0.010 MPa g (as of 6:00 , 1/4) 30.2 (as of 6:00 , 1/4) Stoppage range 2118mm (as of 6:00 , 1/4) 0.016 MPa g (as of 6:00 , 1/4) 28.0 (as of 6:00 , 1/4)

Fuel range A: Downscale Fuel range B:-2122 mm (as of 5:00 , 1/4) System A:0.004 MPa g System B:-MPa g (as of 5:00 , 1/4)

Since there is no water inflow in the system it is impossible to collect the data Temperature in feed-water nozzle:53.1 Temperature at reactor vessel bottom:54.9 (as of 5:00 , 1/4) D/W:0.109 MPa abs S/C: Downscale (as of 5:00 , 1/4) RPV bellow seal:63.6 HVH return:55.4 (as of 5:00 , 1/4) 1 1 D/W(A):6.81E+00Sv/h (B):2.55E+00Sv/h S/C(A):5.00E-02Sv/h (B):1.63E+00Sv/h (as of 5:00 , 1/4) System A:41.8 System B:41.6 (as of 5:00 , 1/4) 0.40vol% (as of 5:00 , 1/4 ) Temperature in feed-water nozzle:48.0 Temperature at reactor vessel bottom:55.3 (as of 5:00 , 1/4) D/W:0.1016 MPa abs S/C:0.1856 MPa abs (as of 5:00 , 1/4) RPV bellow seal:69.2 HVH return:47.6 (as of 5:00 , 1/4) D/W(A):3.04E+00Sv/h (B):2.03E+00Sv/h S/C(A):2.45E-01Sv/h (B):2.33E-01Sv/h (as of 5:00 , 1/4) System A:33.8 System B:33.8 (as of 5:00 , 1/4) 3

Temperature in feed-water nozzle:26.6 Temperature around Temperature at reactor vessel bottom:27.2 the reactor vessel (as of 5:00 , 1/4) Pressure in D/W S/C D/W Atmosphere temperature D/W:0.1054 MPa abs S/C:0.134 MPa abs (as of 5:00 , 1/4) RPV bellow seal:28.7 HVH return:29.4 (as of 5:00 , 1/4) D/W(A):1.00E-02Sv/h (B):6.86E+00Sv/h S/C(A):6.50E-01Sv/h (B):6.80E-01Sv/h (as of 5:00 , 1/4)

1 3 3

2 Monitoring is unnecessary since all fuel are takeoff

2monitoring through water temperature of the reactor

3 Monitoring is unnecessary since heat removal of reactor is functioning.

CAMS radiation monitor

1 1

System A:40.2 Temperature in S/C System B:40.2 (as of 5:00 , 1/4) Hydrogen 0.08vol% (as of 5:00 , 1/4 ) concentration in PCV Designed usable D/W 0.384MPa (0.485MPa abs) pressure Designed usable D/W 0.427MPa (0.528MPa abs) maximum pressure Temperature in the spent fuel pool FPC skimmer surge tank level Power source 13.5 (as of 5:00 , 1/4 ) 3550mm (as of 5:00 , 1/4 )

0.384MPa (0.485MPa abs) 0.427MPa (0.528MPa abs) 13.7 (as of 5:00 , 1/4 ) 4310mm (as of 5:00 , 1/4 )

0.384MPa (0.485MPa abs) 0.427MPa (0.528MPa abs) 24.1 (as of 10:00 , 1/3 ) 7350mm (as of 5:00 , 1/4 ) Receiving offsite powerP/C4D
Temperature in the Common Spent Fuel Storage: 15 (as of 9:50 , 1/3)

21 (as of 5:00 , 1/4 ) 3840mm (as of 5:00 , 1/4 )

14.5 (as of 6:00 , 1/4)

14.0 (as of 6:00 , 1/4)

2 Receiving offsite power

Receiving offsite powerP/C2C


HVH return temperature of Unit 2 D/W is "under continuously monitoring" as the cause is under investigation after the confirmation of possibility of defect. Alternative cooling equipment of the Fuel Pool of Unit 3 is stopped. Therefore, Temperature in the spent fuel pool of Unit 3 show close data.

5u : SHC mode (from 12:54 ,12/21)

6u : SHC mode (from 12:01 ,12/29)

Pressure conversionGauge pressure(MPa g) Absolute pressure(MPa abs) atmospheric pressure (normal atmospheric pressure0.1013 MPa) Absolute pressure(MPa abs)Gauge pressure(MPa g) atmospheric pressure (normal atmospheric pressure0.1013 MPa)

1Instrument failure 2Not covered for colleting data 3continuously monitoring the status

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power StationSupplemental explanation for the plant parameters
Supplemental explanation for each parameter
Status of water injection to the reactor Water level in the reactors

Recording manner
Water inflowCS lineCore Spray system Data measured by the water gauge, which monitor the fuel range

Measurement manner
Temporary Temporary

Ch number or number of systems

System System ACh System BCh system (Unit 1/2) System ACh, System BCh (Unit 3 Point of Feed-water nozzle Ch reactor vessel bottomChUnit ChUnit/ D/W wide range 1Ch (Unit 1) 4Ch (Unit 2/3 S/C 1system (Unit 1/2) 2Ch (Unit 3) RPV Bellows Air Ch D/W HVH returnCh D/W System ACh System BCh S/C System ACh System BCh System AChUnit ChUnit / System BChUnit ChUnit / System ChUnit systemUnit 1/3/4

Pressure in the reactor Temperature in the reactor

One representing value is noted among multiple data on each System A, B. Readings of temporary instruments are represented in A system for Unit 1and 2. Since there is no water inflow at the points, where thermometers are set, no data is collected.



Temperature around Data measured at feed-water nozzle and at reactor vessel bottom 1U3URPV Bottom Head2URPV Wall the reactor vessel Above Bottom Head are noted among multiple data to view the whole picture.

Pressure in D/WS/C

Data from temporary instrument. D/WDry WellS/CSuppression Chamber


D/W Atmosphere temperature

Data at upper point (RPV Bellows Air) and middle point (HVH return) are noted among multiple data to view the whole picture.RPVReactor Pressure VesselHVHHeating Ventilating Handling Unit Data from temporary instrument. CAMSContainment Atmospheric Monitoring System


CAMS radiation monitor


Temperature in S/C Data from temporary instrument. One representing value is noted among multiple data on each System A, B.

Temporary Temporary

Data measured by the PCV gas management system. Hydrogen concentration in PCV PCVPrimary Containment Vessel
Temperature in the spent fuel pool

Data from temporary instrument. Non-thermal modeUrgent Heat load ModeSHC modeShut down Cooling Mode Unit2, 4 are the FPC skimmer surge tank level measured temporary instrument. Unit1, 3 are the FPC skimmer surge tank level estimated from temporary pressure gages.(reference value) (FPC Fuel Pool Cooling system)


FPC skimmer surge tank level



Supplemental explanation for notes Item

Instrument failure


Status As of 06:00 on January 4

Unit CAMS D/W radiation monitor Unit Pressure in S/C, CAMS D/W(B) radiation monitor, CAMS S/C(B) radiation monitor Unit

Instrument failuredown of instrument readingoverscalefailure of instrument

Not covered for collecting data

Unit4: Monitoring is not implemented since all fuel are takeoff. Unit5/6: Monitoring is not implemented since heat removal of reactor is functioning

Unit 1Reactor water Unit 2Reactor water Unit 3Reactor water CAMS D/W(A) level(B), Pressure in S/C level, RPV bellow air temperature,HVH return temperature level, reactor pressure, RPV bellow air temperature, radiation monitor

Continuously Inaccurate Data defined from relation with other Parameters such as negative figure. monitoring the status

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